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After Audrey’s death, Rob had her buried in the local cemetery. She was laid to rest under a huge

oak tree. Her headstone was really nice. It was engraved with her name, birth date and death date; it had

a floral border and a quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, “What’s in a name? That which we call

a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Rob told me this was one of her favorite quotes and it

said a lot about who she was as a person, and the way she looked at the world. I didn’t know Audrey as

well as I would have liked to, but it did seem to suit her.

Rob asked me to come with him when they buried her. It was just me, Rob, and the

Priest at her burial. Rob didn’t remember their biological parents. He doubted they were even

alive. I was all he had left and I wasn’t planning on changing that. He was more than okay with

that. We were happy. I was starting to believe that maybe this was how things were supposed to


My parents loved Rob, my parents also loved Kyle, but I was pretty sure they preferred

Rob. Kyle and I had a rough relationship, not that my relationship with Rob wasn’t as
complicated, if not more complicated, my parents saw how much easier this relationship was for

me. I wasn’t so stressed, and if I was they didn’t notice. I made sure of that. They knew we

were happy, and they knew I was happy. My happiness was at the top of my their list. Besides,

my mom thought Rob and I were “So cute together!” she reminded us frequently. It was nice to

hear all the same.

After saying our final goodbyes to Audrey, Rob and I drove back to my house.

He held my hand as he drove, while I sobbed quietly the whole way home. He didn’t

even try to console me. Rob let me grieve. He knew I needed to. I still blamed myself,

and that upset him. He tried to convince me numerous times that Audrey’s death was not

my fault. I didn’t blame myself for attention or anything. I truly believed that if I hadn’t

been kidnapped, Rob and Audrey could have escaped together. I should have died, not

Audrey. I wasn’t just saying it. I believed it which also upset him.

We pulled into the driveway, and Rob let go of my hand to turn off the car. I used

both of my hands to wipe away the last of my tears.

“Are you okay?” Rob asked, turning towards me.

I nodded.

He reached out with his left hand and wiped a tear from my right cheek. Then he

held my face in his hands for a moment and smiled encouragingly at me. It was hard not

to feel better when he smiled like that. He knew it hit a soft spot and he used it against

me relentlessly.

Rob got out of the car. I took a deep breath and then followed his lead. We

walked silently, hand-in-hand to the front door. Rob opened it when we approached the

house, and led me inside. Claire was reading in the living room when we walked in. She

looked up from her book and greeted us with a smile. “How was it?” she asked politely.

Her tone was curious. I could tell she didn’t want to press the subject in case neither of
us wanted to talk about it. She didn’t look at me while asking the question though. She

was speaking to Rob. Claire knew how devastated I was about Audrey’s passing, so she

didn’t like to bring it up around me, but this conversation was unavoidable today.

“It was nice.” Rob said as he pulled me along beside him into the living room. “Very peaceful.”

He added.

“Good, I’m glad.” Claire said. Then she slid over and patted the couch cushion next to her. I sat

down, and Rob settled into the love seat against adjacent wall. My mom knew I was upset, not that it

wasn’t already obvious just by looking at me; my eyes were all red and puffy, not to mention my detached

behavior. Claire rubbed my back soothingly. “I bet there were a lot of people there.” Claire remarked


Rob hesitated. “There were a few.”

Claire shook her head lightly, “Well, it’s such a shame, Rob. I’m sure you’re sister was a great

girl. It’s, too bad I never got to meet her, but accidents happen and I’m sure she’s in a better place now.”

Leave it to Claire to find the good in everything. I don’t know how she did it.

“Yeah…” Rob trailed off.

Everyone believed that Audrey had died in a car accident. I don’t know how, but somehow Rob

created the accident scene and it looked very realistic. I didn’t see it until after the fact, probably because

I would have told him not to do it. The irony was, that Audrey never could have really died in a car

accident. She would have survived this, and it would have been considered a miracle. Of course, that

was between me and Rob. The story was a fabrication for the rest of the world and we just played along.

“You okay, Cass?” Claire asked, squeezing me tightly against her side.
“I’m fine.” I lied quietly, looking down at my interlaced fingers, that were resting in my lap as I

twisted and untwisted them mindlessly.

Claire looked away from me and addressed Rob again, “So when do you start college?” she was

so thrilled that I was going to start college soon that she brought it up every chance she got. I referred to

it as school. Claire, on the other hand, only referred to it as college. It wasn’t like we were going away to

school. Rob and I were both attending Lincoln Land Community college, nothing fancy or ivy league,

but college all the same.

“Next week.” Rob replied with enthusiasm.

Claire nodded. “Well,” she said as she got up from the couch, “I’m going to over to the

supermarket to pick up some Italian beef for dinner.” Rob raised his eyebrows in interest. “You can stay

for dinner if you’d like, Rob.” Then she hesitated, “Unless you already have dinner plans with the rest of

your family. I completely understand…” she broke off.

“I would love to stay for dinner, Mrs. Wood.” He said accepting her invitation with a polite

smile. Claire looked somewhat taken a back, but smiled back at him. Then she walked into the entrance,

grabbed her purse from the front closet, and then left.

As soon as she was gone, Rob got up from the love seat and crossed the living room. He squatted

down in front of me. “What?” I asked, holding his gaze.

He reached up and placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me lightly while saying, “Be


I pressed my lips together tightly. “Smile, Cass.” He pleaded. Rob grinned wildly at me and I

let out a brief laugh. “Ha!” he taunted. He knew I was hiding a smile. If there was one thing I was sure

of, it was that Rob knew me better than anyone else from the very beginning. He even knew me better

than I knew myself. I wished I knew him that well, but I wasn’t sure that would ever happen. He was
still as mysterious to me as ever. I think he acted that way on purpose. I quickly reverted back to my

pouty face. Rob stood up, and then plopped himself beside me on the couch. “I’m not going to sit here

and try to force you to be happy, you know?”

I could see him staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I was staring intently at the black T.V.

screen trying to avoid his gaze. “Good, because I don’t want you to,” I said stubbornly, folding my arms

in full pout mode.

“Look at me.” He requested firmly. I didn’t move. Rob reached out and tried to turn my face to

meet his, but I pushed his hand away. “Cassie,” he said with irritation in his tone. “its done. Let’s move

on. You need to let this go.”

I glared at him, “Easy for you to say!”

He raised his eyebrows pointedly. “No, not easy for me to say,” Rob retorted.

“Not easy for me to do.” I said shortly.

“God, you are so…”

I cut him off in furry, “What?” I demanded.

“Stubborn!” he said icily.

“And you’re so predicable!” I accused.

“Good one, mediator.” He retorted.

I glowered at him. “What do you want from me?” I said furiously and then rose to my feet.

Rob stood, too. His eyes probed mine. “I want you to stop blaming yourself.” He said calmly,

but there was an edge in his tone. “We both know that’s why you’re so upset.”
“How can you even look at me?” I choked. “You should hate me!” My hands turned into fists at

my sides.

Rob took each of my wrists in his hands, and held them up between us. My fists remained intact.

“I don’t hate you, Cassie.” He said passionately. I opened my mouth to speak, but Rob widened his eyes

to let me know he wasn’t done yet. “Audrey died for me and for you. I’m here because she’s not. It

could have been vice versa.” My stomach knotted at the idea of Rob not existing anymore. “She

sacrificed herself to protect us. Don’t you see that?” His hazel eyes were staring deeply into my mine. I

could see my reflection in his pupils. I relaxed my hands and interlaced our fingers. The more I thought

about it, the clearer everything became. Rob was right. Audrey didn’t have to do anything, but she did

and I…no, we were here because of her selflessness.

I let myself fall against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. “I’m sorry.” I said softly.

Rob didn’t say anything at first. He just stroked my head soothingly. “Don’t be,” he whispered

into my hair.

When Claire returned from the supermarket, Rob and I offered to help her make dinner. “No,

you’ve had a long day. Go relax; I’ll let you know when it’s time to eat. And then she shooed us out of

the kitchen. Rob and I didn’t feel like going out in the meantime, so we curled up on the couch and

watched T.V. I gave Rob the remote because I was practically falling asleep just sitting there. We didn’t

talk as he channel surfed. Eventually I dozed off.

As soon as my body relaxed into sleep mode, I felt an awfully familiar shock go through me. I

shot up, and gasped in pain. I hadn’t experienced that pain in awhile. It caught me off guard. Rob stared

at me with concerned, but didn’t say anything because Claire came bolting into the room. “Are you

alright?” She asked. I could hear the worry in her tone. She wasn’t sure what the problem was since it

wasn’t physically visible, so she glanced back and forth between Rob and me waiting for a response.
“I’m okay, Mom.” I lied. “I stubbed my toe.”

She relaxed. “Oh,” she said. And then walked back into the kitchen, and continued cooking.

I could feel Rob’s eyes on my face, but I pretended not to notice. I think he realized what I was

doing. He grabbed me by the hand, and led me outside.

“What was that?” he asked angrily as he shut the front door behind us.

I folded my arms across my chest defensively. “Nothing,” I said flatly.

“What did you see, Cass?” he pressed.

“Nothing,” I shrugged, and then swiftly looked down at my feet.

“Then what did you hear?” Rob asked, still angry.

I looked up at him. “I didn’t see or hear anything,” I hissed.

He looked confused. “Then why…” he began to ask.

“I just felt a shock.” I muttered.

Rob looked away from me and considered that for a moment. “Why?” he whispered to himself,

still keeping his eyes off me. When his eyes returned to my face, he said, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I forced a slight smile. “Yes, I just haven’t experienced that in awhile. I forgot how much it

hurts sometimes.”

He nodded understandingly.

Then something horrific occurred to me, and I blurted out, “They’re not back are they?”
Rob’s eyes locked on mine, and he placed his hands on my arms. “No.” He said firmly. “I would

know that before you would.” That was true; he would have known the second something changed.
2. Gift

Rob leaned in and kissed me gently. Then he took me by the hand and led me back into the

kitchen, to see how dinner was progressing. Claire was standing behind the counter arranging

French bread on a plate. The smell of the Italian beef cooking on the stove filled the air. “Were

did you go?” Claire asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

“I needed some fresh air.” I told her.

She raised her eyebrows. “Sure you did, honey…” She trailed off. I knew Claire thought we

had escaped to the front yard for a P.D.A. make-out session, which was so not the case.

“Smells good, Mrs. Wood.” Rob interjected, obviously trying to save us from further

unnecessary embarrassment.

Claire laughed lightly, and I was sure she was thinking along the same lines as me. She

thought this was his way of changing the subject. I think it kind of was. “Thank you, Rob, but

please, call me Claire.” She insisted.

Rob nodded.

My mom caught my eye. “You seem to be in a better mood.” She noted.

“I am.” I confessed.

Rob didn’t leave until around eleven, which was typical. Claire went to bed around nine.

I think she just wanted to give us some privacy though. I stood outside on the front porch with

him for a few minutes. The moon was huge as it lit the night sky. Rob kissed me goodnight, and

when he finally pulled away his eyes probed mine. “Want to come over tomorrow?” he asked.

My eyes narrowed as I looked at him suspiciously. He never invited me over. Not because

he didn’t want me there, he didn’t like being there. “Sure…” I agreed unsure of myself.

“Great!” he grinned and then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Should I be nervous?” I teased.

Rob leaned over me and pressed his forehead against mine. “Nah,” he chuckled quietly.

I stood on my tip toes, and pressed my lips against his. He pretended to get really passionate

and I had to shove him off of me. Both of us started laughing. “Good night.” I said. As I turned

to open the door, Rob slapped my butt. I turned to face him with my mouth hanging open in

false shock. “I feel so violated.” I said sarcastically.

“I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.” He smirked, and then headed to his car.

I went inside and shut the door behind me. Once I saw his headlights flash on, I flipped the

switch to the house lights off, and watched out the front window as he drove away.

I decided I would take a shower in the morning, so I brushed my teeth and then walked up to

my room to get ready for bed. I fell asleep almost instantly. I had a dream that Alexander found
Rob and they were talking. I wasn’t sure what they were discussing, but it sounded like they

were making some kind of deal. I woke up, and looked over at the clock on my bedside table. It

was three in the morning. “No way,” I whispered, and then fumbled around in the dark for my

cell phone. Once I found it, I speed dialed Rob. He picked up on the third ring.

“Cassie?” I could hear the concern in his tone. Why was he worried about me?

“Are you okay?” I asked quickly.

“Yeah, I’m fine…” he trailed off in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

“I saw you with-,” I paused.

“With who, Cass?” he pressed.

“Alexander.” I muttered.

“He’s in jail, Cassie.” He reminded me.

“I know. I just wanted to make sure you were alone.”

“Oh, I’m alone.” His voice sounded sarcastically seductive. “You can come and see for


I laughed. “Oh yeah, because my mom would so approve of that.” I said sarcastically.

“Your mom adores me.”

“That’s what you think.” I teased.


“Somebody call the fire department.” I added.

He snorted. “Where the hell did you learn that? Hailey?”

“No, I just made it up.” I lied.

“No you didn’t. You’re not that corny.”

He knew me, too well. “Thanks.” I scoffed. “I’ll let Hail know you think she’s corny.” I


“Good night, Cassandra.” Before I could comment, I heard a click and then the dial tone.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and glared at it. “Jerk!” I flipped it shut, and then

tossed it back onto my bedside table. I managed to sleep dreamlessly for the rest of the morning.

I woke up again around nine. I took a shower, dried my hair, did my hair and make-up, and

then went downstairs for breakfast. My mom was already gone. School had already started

where she worked. I decided I wasn’t hungry enough to eat a real breakfast, so I grabbed a

banana from the fruit bowl on the counter and then sat down at the table to eat it. I was glad

Claire wasn’t there watching me. She always teased me about how I ate them. I opened the

banana from the bottom, completely removed it from its skin, and broke off both ends. Claire

always commented that it was the most bizarre way to eat fruit.

After I finished my fruit, I went into the living room and sat down at the computer. I was

growing anxious waiting for Rob. I didn’t have a reason to feel that way, but the way he asked

made it seem like he was up to something. I waited for the computer to boot up, and then logged

on to myspace for something to do. I had a message in my inbox from Kyle. I was surprised

because I hadn’t talked to him since he dropped me off at the airport over the summer. Our

breakup put a huge damper on our friendship. I hesitated before opening the message. I wasn’t

sure I wanted to read anything he had to say because it was probably something rude. I took a

deep breath and clicked on the message.

Hey, Cassie! Long time no talk. How was your summer? How was

New York? Where are you going to school in the fall? And why

aren’t you living with your Dad anymore? What happened in New

York? I know things were kind of weird between us, but I just

wanted to make sure you were okay, I heard about the accident.

I’m here if you need me. So, where are you going to school in

the fall? Please write back.


He sounded sincere, so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to reply.

Hey, Kyle,

I typed, but before I could type anything else two hands gripped my shoulders, and I

jumped. I tilted my head back and stared up at Rob.

“Hey!” he grinned.

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I asked sarcastically.

Rob ran his fingers through my hair. “Of course not,” he replied nonchalantly. Then he

leaned over my shoulder to read what I had written. “Kyle?” He questioned. I could hear the

irritation in his voice.

“It’s nothing.” I assured him. He gave me an untrustworthy look. “He messaged me

first.” I said in my own defense. Then I continued typing.

How are you? I know it’s been awhile. My summer was really

busy. New York was crazy. You heard about that? My dad told

you didn’t he? Well, I’m fine, thanks for asking. I’m going to
Land of Lincoln community college. Nothing fancy, what about


I hit send and then logged off the computer. “See, harmless,” I said as I spun around in

the chair to face him.

Rob took both of my hands and pulled me to my feet. “Ready?” he asked with a grin.

I bit my lip. “I don’t know, you tell me. Should I be nervous?”

“It’s not bad, I promise.”

I sighed. He dropped one of my hands and then towed me along behind him to his car.

“So what is it?” I asked as we backed out of the driveway.

Rob smirked. “I’m not telling you anything.”

“Please,” I begged, giving him the best sad face I could muster up.

He chuckled lightly. “I’m not going to tell you.” He repeated.

I sat up and squared my shoulders. “I’ll get it out of you.” I said with upmost confidence.

“You can try.” His voice lingered on every word.

My eyes narrowed.

“I want it to be a surprise.” He said glancing over at me.

I thrust my head back against the seat. “I hate surprises.” I muttered. The rest of the

drive was silent.

Rob opened the door to his small apartment and let me enter ahead of him. I flipped on

the light as I walked into the living room. I hadn’t been there since before Audrey’s passing.

Nothing in the apartment had changed. The red couch still sat against the far wall with a glass

coffee table in front of it, the T.V. was against the opposite wall that broke off to the bedrooms.

Rob dropped his keys on the kitchen counter, and then turned to me and said, “Don’t move.”

Then he walked past me, down the hallway to his room.

I sat down on the couch, and looked down at the remote on the coffee table. I thought

briefly about turning on the T.V., but Rob returned before I had made up my mind. He stood

between me and the coffee table.

“I’m not sure if you should sit or stand for this.” He contemplated. I started to get up, but

Rob stopped me. “No, sit.” He said.

“You’re making me nervous.” I admitted.

“I am nervous.” He confessed.

“Well, that makes two of us.”

Rob took a deep breath and then reached into the right pocket of his jeans and pulled out

a jewelry box that looked slightly bigger than a ring box.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and then my mouth fell open. “Rob you

wouldn’t!” I gasped.

He looked confused for a moment and then stared at the box in his hand. His face lit up.

“Oh, no,” he sounded relieved. “This isn’t what you’re thinking.”

I relaxed a little, but then thought about whether or not I should be offended. I let it slide.

Rob held out the box to me and I hesitated. “Take it.” He insisted.
I reached out and carefully took the box from his hand. I ran my fingers across the black

velvet lid just to stall opening it. Rob didn’t seem to mind. I looked up at him and he

smiled. Then he gestured that I should open it. I slowly flipped the lid open.

In the box was a silver necklace. It had two charms on it, a key and a heart. I

slowly pulled the necklace from the box and stared at it in the palm of my hand. On the

bottom of the silver key was a small diamond, and in the cent of the heart were three

more. I ran my fingers over them. “Are these real?” I whispered.

“Fourteen Karat gold.” He said casually.

My eyes widened as I looked up at him. “You’re serious…” I trailed off.

He nodded.

I stood abruptly. I held out the necklace to him and told him I couldn’t accept it.

“Why not?” he asked defensively.

“Rob,” I began sympathetically. “It’s beautiful, but if my parents saw this-,”

“They wouldn’t approve.” He finished my sentence, sadly.

“How did you afford it anyway?”

He looked offended, and then snatched the necklace from my hand. He held up

the key. “This was Audrey’s. She wanted you to have it. It’s a real key, Cassie.”

I glared at him. “She had a key with a diamond embedded in it?” I asked

“She had it put there. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know. I also don’t know what it

unlocks.” When I didn’t say anything, he continued. “And the heart,” he said showing it

to me. “I bought it and had the diamonds added to match the key.”

I was speechless. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. “Thank you, and

I’m sorry.” I whispered.

Rob wrapped his arms around my neck, and pulled me closer to him. When he let

go, I felt the cool charms rest against my skin. I shoved him in the chest. “Sneak!” I


He took my hand in his and interlaced our fingers. “I know you love it. Don’t

pretend like you don’t.” He taunted.

“You never answered my question.” I reminded him. “How did you afford this?”

“I have money, Cassie.” He said curtly.

“My eyes narrowed. “This kind of money? I asked, holding up the necklace.

“I told you, I only bought the heart charm. I opened my mouth to speak, but Rob

continued. “I’ve always had money, Cass. I don’t remember how I acquired it, thanks to

my ‘father.’” He put quotes around the word.

I knew it hurt him to talk about things he couldn’t remember, so I changed the

subject. “I’ll tell my parents the necklace was Audrey’s, it’s not exactly a lie.”

Rob seemed distracted. “Whatever works.” He muttered.

After He gave me Audrey’s necklace, we drove back to my house. I was a little

disappointed to see Claire’s car in the driveway. I wasn’t ready to explain the necklace,

at least not in front of Rob. I was afraid it would turn into an argument.

As we walked to the front door, I covered the charms with the palm of my hand.

Rob’s eyes narrowed. “What are you doing?” he asked curtly.

I would have hidden the necklace in my shirt, but that was impossible because I

was wearing a v-neck. “I don’t think I’m ready for my mom to see it.” I admitted


He reached over and pried my hand away from the necklace. “She probably

won’t even notice.” He said as we entered the house.

I snorted in objection. “She notices everything.” I whispered.

“Cass?” Claire’s voice called from the kitchen.

“Yeah, Mom it’s us.” I called back.

She came into view from the kitchen. She was drying her hands on a towel. Rob

smiled warmly at her and she smiled back. Charming her wasn’t going to work. “Where

have you been?” she asked curiously, walking towards us.”

I went to put my hand back over the necklace so she couldn’t see it, but Rob

caught my wrist. I glared at him. “Are you baking?” I asked quickly, looking at the

towel in her hands.

She looked confused for a moment, and then looked down at the towel in her

hands. “Oh, no I was washing dishes.” Claire changed the subject back to Rob and me.

“I thought you were going to your house?” she asked Rob.

“We did.” He said.

She looked surprised. I glanced at her. I knew what she was thinking. She

frowned and then turned on her heel. I was relieved that she hadn’t noticed the necklace,

but relief came all, too soon. She whirled around and lifted the charms away from my

chest and held them in her palm. “Where did you get this?” Claire asked, trying to keep

her voice balanced.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Rob was faster. “I gave it to her, Claire.” He

confessed. Claire’s eyes narrowed, but Rob continued. “It was my sister’s. She wanted

Cassie to have it.”

Her expression softened a little as she examined the key. “Diamonds?” she

questioned. Her eyebrows rose pointedly.

Rob shrugged. “Audrey was materialistic, I guess.”

“Well, she had good taste.” She complimented. Then she let the necklace fall

back against my chest. “You better take good care of it, Cassie, don’t lose it.”

“I won’t. I’ll probably never take it off.” I admitted. I could see Rob grinning

out of the corner of my eye.

3. Unwelcome visitor

That night, I couldn’t fall asleep. It was practically impossible. I could hear them

in my head. It was unnerving, but I knew they weren’t hunting; at least not anywhere

around here. Rob would have known if they were, and he would have told me. At some

point I fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up again when I heard a loud thud on my

bedroom floor. I shot up and saw a familiar face staring back at me from the foot of my

bed. This is not happening. I tried to convince myself. I stayed very still. My heart was

pounding in my chest and my breathing became heavy.

He laughed lightly. “Hello, Cassie.”

I opened my mouth to scream, but Alexander rushed to my side and forcefully

covered my mouth with his hand. My heart continued to pound in my chest. I had
several quick flashbacks from that night in the warehouse. I didn’t like him being so

close, touching me.

“If you scream your mother won’t hear you.” He sounded amused. I tried to

wrench his hand away, but he just applied more pressure. “Don’t worry; I just made her

think she was extremely tired. Deep sleep does a person good.”

I had to get him away from me, so I did the only thing I could think of. I dug my

nails as hard as I could into his arm. He cussed as he fumbled backwards. His eyebrows

pulled together, and he came at me quickly. Before I could react he smacked me hard

across my left cheek. He hit me so hard that my cheek stung and burned where his hand

had been. I put my cool finger tips to my face to cool the pain.

“Didn’t your mother teach you to respect your elders?” He asked through gritted


My eyes welled with tears as I sat there holding my face in my hand. Alexander

walked to the foot of my bed. While his back was turned I grabbed my cell phone off my

bedside table and text messaged Rob behind my back.

“You’re lucky to be alive you know.” He said pacing my room now.

I got out of bed and walked towards him. It was hard to read his expression in the

dark, but he looked taken aback. “I’m not scared of you,” I hissed.

Alexander chuckled. “You shouldn’t have said that.” He paused. “It just makes

this me enjoy this so much more.”

I ground my teeth together. “What?” I asked curtly.

“Revenge,” he grinned. His eyes were so wide that I thought they might pop out

of his head. He reached out to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. I winced, but

before he touched me, he was flung backwards, hit the wall next to my door and crashed

to the floor.
I rushed over to my bedside table a flipped the lamp on. When I turned around

Rob was standing in front of me. I hadn’t even heard him come in. Relief washed over

me. He grabbed me around the waist. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” he asked probing my


I nodded nervously, and then quickly wiped the tears from my eyes. He reached

out to touch my reddened cheek, but I jerked my head away. I could see that he was

straining to figure out what happened.

“He hit you!” Rob snarled. He spun around, and Alexander was now standing

only a few inches away from us. Rob pushed me behind him. “You bastard!” he

growled and then punched Alexander in the face with so much force that Alexander

stumbled backwards. It reminded me of the time he punched Kyle at the party I went to

in the spring. “Don’t touch her!” he yelled.

Alexander caressed his jaw as he spoke. “Well you’re a little late to be

demanding that.” He shrugged.

“Get out of here now!” Rob bellowed. “You’ve done enough damage.”

“Do you think so?” Alexander mused. “I was just getting started actually.” Then

he pointed at me.

Rob stepped forward defensively.

“She’s got quite a mouth.” Alexander commented. Then he changed the subject

completely. “Well, I hope you two will be very happy together.” He said with malicious

intent. “Maybe I’ll visit again soon.”

“Like hell you will,” Rob growled. His hands were fists at his sides.

“So you think you’re a tough guy, huh?” Alexander said, shoving Rob in the


“Get out of here,” he hissed.

Alexander took a step back. “You know, I’ve always wondered…” He trailed


The room was dead silent.

Suddenly, Alexander grabbed Rob by the arm and twisted it behind his back.

Then he pulled out a pocket knife and held it to Rob’s neck.

I shrieked in terror.

“I wonder,” Alexander mused. “If I cut off your head, will you grow a new one?”

I covered my mouth in shock, and my vision was suddenly clouded with tears.

Alexander’s focus was on Rob, and Rob’s eyes were on me. He looked defeated. “You

want revenge?” I asked. Alexander’s eyes flickered to my face. “I’m right here.”

“Shut up, Cassie!” Rob yelled.

“Nice offer,” he snarled. “But I’m in the middle of something.” Then he rested

the blade of the knife against the hallow of Rob’s neck.

I had an adrenalin rush. I grabbed on to Alexander’s weapon hand and tried to

pry it away from Rob’s skin.

“Oh, you want to help?” Alexander taunted. Without thinking, he released Rob

and pushed him out of the way. Then he came at me, he managed to knock me clear

across the room. My distraction gave Rob the chance to fight back. I fell to the floor and

my forehead collided hard with the corner of my bedside table. I must have hit it in just

the right spot because I began to feel disoriented. I could feel blood oozing from my

head. The last thing I saw was Alexander coming at me again, this time with the knife.

Rob grabbed on to Alexander from behind, and then slowly everything faded to black.

I don’t know how long I was out before I started to see someone. I didn’t

recognize her. She was in her bedroom, sitting in the middle of her bed with a map laid
out in front of her. There was crumbled up paper all over the floor. She seemed to be

making plans of some sort, but unsuccessfully doing so.

She had long, wavy, red hair, the color wasn’t natural. She had green eyes, and

fair skin. Her eyes were a little heavy on the make-up.

I woke up, and my head was throbbing. My vision was blurred for a minute as

my eyes adjusted to the dark. I sat up slowly. I still felt somewhat disoriented. It took

me a few minutes to realize where I was. I wasn’t in my room anymore. I was on the

couch in the living room. I tried to remember how I got there, but couldn’t. I pressed

two fingers against my throbbing forehead. I felt two, thin bandages there. I looked

around the room for someone, but I was alone. When I finally snapped back into reality,

I panicked. “Mom!” I scrambled to my feet and ran for the stairs. I tripped up them in

my haste, but managed to catch myself. When I got to the top, I bolted down the hallway

to Claire’s room. She was still asleep. I took a deep breath to help calm my nerves. That

didn’t last long because I realized that Rob wasn’t around. I hurried cautiously back

down the hallway to my room.

I flung the door open. My room was completely disheveled. My bedside table

was knocked over; the lamp that was on top of it was now shattered on the floor. My

small bookshelf had been dumped over. CD’s from my CD rack spewed all over. My

bed was a disaster. My room looked like it had been hit by a tornado or two. “Rob?” I

called out, unsure of myself. I waited, but there was no reply. I needed to find my cell

phone. I tip-toed across the room to my bed, I searched it vigorously.

“Looking for this?” A deep voice whispered in my ear.

I didn’t have to look to know who it was. Chills ran down my spine, and I felt

myself break into a cold sweat.

Alexander grabbed me by my arm, dragged me across the room, and then

slammed up against the wall.

“Where’s, Rob?” I demanded.

Alexander chuckled darkly. “Is it always about him?”

“Answer the question!” I spat.

“You’re not the one in control here. I don’t have to tell you anything.” He hissed. He

hovered over me; his lips were almost touching my nose as he spoke. I turned my face. “It’s

really very simple.” He breathed. “Rob thinks I’m dead.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“You and I know otherwise.”

“Your point?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“My point,” he growled. “Is that you better keep your mouth shut; although, you’d have

a hell of a time trying to convince him to believe you.”

“Why would you do that?” I snarled.

“It’s all a part of my plan.” He mused.

I slowly turned my head back towards him. “Are you threatening me?” I fumed.

He ran a finger down my cheek. “Something like that…” He trailed off. Then he

dropped my cell phone and it crashed to the floor. He let me go, and then he was gone.

I felt myself shaking as I retrieved my cell phone. I sat on my bed, and then wrapped my

arms around my legs and buried my face in my knees. I waited about five minutes before doing

anything. I wanted to make sure he was really gone.

Once I felt composed, I dialed Rob’s number.

He picked up after the second ring. “How are you feeling?” He asked without a hello.

He didn’t even sound the least bit concerned.

I didn’t like his tone. I was quite for a minute.


“Where are you?” I asked trying to keep my voice even.

“Why? What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Alexander…” I trailed off.

“He’s dead, C.”

My stomach turned. “No, Rob, he’s not!”

“It’s all taken care of.”

“He was in my room five minutes ago!” I practically shouted. “Listen to me! He’s not

dead. I went up to my room and he was still here. He told me he made you think he was dead.

He didn’t want me to tell you. He said it was all a part of his plan. Whatever that means...”

“Go back to sleep. You hit your head. I think you’re losing it.”

“I didn’t hit my head that hard.” I groaned.

“Sleep,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I groaned again and then hung up on him. I stuffed my phone under my pillow. I got off

my bed and remade it. Then I got back under the covers. About two minutes after I closed my

eyes I heard my cell phone’s muffled ring in my ear. My eyes flashed open. I knew it was Rob,

but I pulled it out and checked the caller I.D. just to be sure. And to no surprise I was right, it
was him. I didn’t answer it; I didn’t even check my voice mail. I just shoved the phone back

under my pillow and tried to fall asleep again. He called at least five more times. Eventually I

fell asleep.

I dreamed about the red headed girl again. She was on a plane now. I couldn’t figure out

why. I wondered where she was going. What baffled me even more was why I was seeing her.

I didn’t understand it.

4. Breaking Point

I was relieved when I woke up the next morning and realized it was Saturday. It had been an

intense night and there was no way I would have been able to function for school if it had been a

week day. I rolled over to look at my clock, but realized that it was still on the floor. I still

needed to clean up the mess in my room. I hoped that Claire hadn’t checked in on me because

she’d grill me later about it. I reached under my pillow for my cell phone and then flipped it

open to check the time. It was after one o’clock in the afternoon. That made me really wonder

why Claire hadn’t tried to wake me. She never let me sleep in. I got out of bed and then


“Did you forget how to answer your cell phone?” Rob asked from across the room.
I jumped about a foot when he spoke. I wasn’t expecting him to be here, least of all in my

bedroom. I looked over at him. He was leaning against the wall in the far corner of my room.

“Oh my God, Rob!” I gasped. “What are you doing here?”

He smirked. “Your mom let me in.”

My eyes narrowed. “Okay, but I highly doubt she just let you come up here.”

“No, she didn’t. I came up here about twenty minutes ago. After she left.”


He shrugged. “Shopping or something…” he trailed off.

“Go home, Rob.” I spat.

“Cassie,” he began. But I shoved past him to get to my dresser.

I grabbed some clothes and then told him to get out again. He actually listened that time.

After I was dressed, I opened my door to go downstairs and there he was. “I’m not talking to

you,” I scowled at him.

“How many times have we been through this? You’re not very good at not talking to me.” He

said as he followed me down the stairs.

When I got to the bottom, I spun around to face him. “Shut up.” I grumbled.

His eyebrows rose. “See!”

I glared at him, and then headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet next to

the sink for something to do. I wasn’t really going to eat breakfast, I never did. I turned around

to go to the pantry, but Rob had corned me against the counter. He had his hands resting on the

counter on either side of me.

“I know why you’re mad.” He began.

I looked away from him. I didn’t want to hear it. “You don’t believe me.” I shrugged with


“He’s dead, C. I promise.”

I pushed him away from me so I could get away from him. He moved. I only took a few

steps away from him. I took the rubber band off of my wrist and furiously threw my hair up into

a messy bun.

“Why would I make this up?” he continued. “You know I wouldn’t.”

“Does that mean you think I would?” I retorted.

He frowned and then seemed to be contemplating that for a moment. “It’s just not possible.”

He decided.

“Did you actually see him dead, Rob?”

His face strained for the answer. “I don’t remem-,” his eyebrows pulled together and then he

slammed his fist down on the counter. “Damn it!” he fumed.

“Are we on the same page now?” I asked.

“But how? I don’t even remember…” he trailed off to himself.

I embraced him. I didn’t know how else to comfort him. This wasn’t something that

complicated other people’s relationships. It wasn’t fair, Alexander continued to take Rob’s

memories and plant new and false ideas in his head. “You’re obviously a threat to him. If you

weren’t what other reason would he have?”

“Because he can, reason has nothing to do with it.”

“I have a question.” I said looking up at him. He didn’t say anything, but acknowledged that

he was listening. “I’ve been seeing someone-,”

“Hilarious.” He said icily.

I stepped away from him. “Let me finish.” I complained.

He nodded.

“I’ve been seeing someone, like seeing as in my dreams, or whatever. Like how I see you.”

“Okay…” He sounded annoyed.

My eyes narrowed. “I don’t know who she is. She has to be like you though right?

Otherwise I wouldn’t be seeing her.”

“Maybe it was just a dream.”

I shook my head. “It wasn’t. I saw h

er planning something, and then she was on a plane.”

“Audrey and I are the only ones...” he broke off. “Why would someone be coming to you?”

He asked himself.

“Maybe she wants to kill me.” I offered.

Rob glared at me. “Don’t say that,” he hissed.

“It could be true. You wanted to kill me.”

“I never wanted to kill you.” He said looking away from me. “That was different.”

He stared at me like I should know the answer to my own question. “We were both living


I stared at him blankly.

“I only would have killed you if you were working for them.” He admitted. “I’m not sure I

would have been able to do it though.”

“Okay! Let’s not talk about killing me anymore.” I chimed in. “But,” I added. “What if she

wants to kill me because I helped you?”

“No,” he said shortly.

“It’s possible.”

“I thought we weren’t talking about this anymore?”

“Why are you getting so mad?”

“Because you don’t understand, Cassie, we don’t go looking for mediators. That’s not how it

works. You are where we are. It just happens to work out that way. So there’s no reason for

someone like me to come looking for you.”

“Then why?” I pressed.

“I don’t know.” I could hear the underlying anger in his ton

He embraced me again and then kissed my forehead. “Only the crazy ones,” he laughed.

“You’re no fun.”

“And you over analyze.”

That night, I saw the girl again. She was getting closer. She was walking around the haven

house. That surprised me. No one had been there in months. I woke up startled. I fumbled

around for my cell phone.

“Go back to bed, Cass.”Rob answered.

“I saw her again!” I told him.

“That’s great…can we talk about this tomorrow?” he grumbled.

“Uh, no!” I scoffed. “She’s at the haven house, Rob. I saw her there.”

He sounded alert now. “What?”

“You hear me! She’s there! I’ll meet you there.” I said.

“No! You’re not going anywhere. Stay home, I’ll go.”

“I’m not letting you go alone.” I retorted. “I’ll drive myself.” I threatened.

“Cassie, just let me handle this!”

“What if it’s a trap?”

“I’ll manage.” He hissed.

“If the situation was reversed I’d let you come.” I complained.

“That’s different.”

Just then it began to pouring rain outside my window. A flash of lightning struck the phone

lines that ran along the road behind my house. The phone went dead against my ear.
I didn’t know if Rob was coming to get me or not, so I wondered around my dark room for

clothes. I threw on a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. Then I tip-toed out of my room and

quietly down the stairs; I sat in the living room, and watched out the front window for Rob’s red

Nissan. I had a feeling he wasn’t coming. I would have driven myself, but I wasn’t sure I

remembered the way and the rain was no help. I started thinking about how long it would take

him to get here from his apartment. Usually it took about fifteen minutes or so, but I had to

factor in the down pour. I continued to sit there, watching the flashes of lighting and listening to

the rumble of the thunder. I let my mind wonder for a good forty-five minutes before I heard a

faint knock on the front door. I had been so lost in thought, that I stopped paying attention to the

driveway. I hurried to the door and opened it quietly.

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