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WildPer = Param("Wilder Time Periods", 14, 1, 100, 1 );

Value = Param("RSI value", 50, 1, 100, 0.1 );

Field = Param("Price Field (0-close, 1-high, 2-low)", 0, 0, 2, 1 );
Mode = Param("Mode (0-RSI, 1-ReverseRSI)", 1, 0, 1, 1 );
function RevRSI( value, array, periods )
AU = Wilders( Max( array - Ref( array, -1 ), 0 ), periods );
AD = Wilders( Max( Ref( array, -1 ) - array, 0 ), periods );
x = ( periods - 1 ) * ( AD * value / (100 - value) - AU);
return IIf( x >= 0, array+x, array + x * (100 - value)/value );
array = IIf( Field == 0, Close, IIf( Field == 1, High, Low ) );
aname = WriteIf( Field == 0, "Close", WriteIf( Field == 1, "High", "Low" ) );
if( Mode == 0 ) /* RSI */
Plot( RSIa( array, WildPer ), "RSI( " + aname + ", " + WildPer + ")",
colorRed );
Plot( array, aname, colorBlack );
Plot( RevRSI( value, array, WildPer ), "ReverseRSI( " + aname + ", " + WildPer +
")", colorBlue, styleThick );

Buy=Cross(C,RevRSI( value, array, WildPer ));

Sell=Cross(RevRSI( value, array, WildPer ), C);

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy,shapeUpArrow,shapeNone) ,colorBlue);
Filter= (Buy OR Sell)AND C>=10 AND V >5000 AND Ref(V,-1)>40000;
NumColumns = 0;


result = WriteIf(Buy,"Buy","Sell");
AddTextColumn(result,"Reverse RSI Exploration", formatChar,
IIf(Buy,colorDarkGreen,colorRed ),IIf(Sell,colorPink,colorLime));

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