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(pdo-mysql): select count(*) from (SELECT DateStart, TB_Order.

TB_CustomerAddress.Address, (SELECT COUNT(TB_OrderProduct.ID)
FROM TB_OrderProduct WHERE
TB_OrderProduct.OrderID=TB_Order.ID) as Items FROM TB_Order
INNER JOIN TB_CustomerAddress ON TB_Order.AddressID =
TB_CustomerAddress.ID WHERE StatusID = 2 AND TB_Order.ShopID
= '1') nm_sel_esp

(pdo-mysql): SELECT DateStart, ID, Address, Items from (SELECT

DateStart, TB_Order.ID, TB_CustomerAddress.Address, (SELECT
COUNT(TB_OrderProduct.ID) FROM TB_OrderProduct WHERE
TB_OrderProduct.OrderID=TB_Order.ID) as Items FROM TB_Order
INNER JOIN TB_CustomerAddress ON TB_Order.AddressID =
TB_CustomerAddress.ID WHERE StatusID = 2 AND TB_Order.ShopID
= '1') nm_sel_esp LIMIT 0,12


Tuxera NTFS could not mount /dev/disk2s1

at /Volumes/Taupter 1.5TB 1 because the following problem occurred:

Aligned I/O enabled.

CBCIO enabled.
.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) authentication failure (file
ownership/permissions); check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).
the MacFUSE file system is not available (71)
__ntfs_volume_release(): Inode 9 still have 1 references.

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