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Black Cowboys of Texas 

Research and Multimedia Project 

The ​QUESTION​ before you is: 
How can we keep the history of the Black Cowboys of Texas alive? 
TASK​:  You will conduct research about a Black cowboy. You will present the 
information you’ve uncovered in one of three ways: music, art, or speech. You will 
give the name, date of birth and death, and the story of their life, at least ​five 
significant events must be represented by your choice of medium. You will present 
you information and medium for at least two minutes but no more than ten minutes. 
For each option, you have the presentation choice of: (infographic, book, cartoon strip, 
video, poster, etc.) 
OPTION 1/ ​Students will use the score of a piece of music and will write lyrics 
MUSIC:  that tell about the cowboy’s life, including ​five​ significant events.  
  The composition does not have to be original; however, it can be. The 
lyrics must be original and reflect your cowboy. This project ​must be ALL original 
work ​of the student presenting. 
OPTION 2/ ​Students will create a form of art that either represents the physical 
ART:  likeness of the cowboy or an aspect of his life. Because art does not 
generally give information, the original piece of artwork must be presented to the 
class with a speech which includes all of the above information. Artwork ​MAY ​be 
computer-generated. This project ​must be ALL original work​ of the student 
​OPTION 3/ ​Students will write and perform a speech or original play 
SPEECH:  which depicts the cowboy’s life. This speech must be performed 
  by the creator. If the creator chooses to write a play, he must be the 
main character. Costumes are ​required​ for this option. This speech may not be less 
than two minutes, but no more than ten minutes. This project may be a movie. This 
project ​must be ALL original work​ of the student presenting. 
**** Questions must be addressed at least ​4​ school days ​before​ the due date. 
  This grade will be reflected in the History grades under “Assessment”. 
Resources to be used: 
“Red River Valley”  “My Rifle, My Pony, and Me” 
“Gunfight at OK Corral”  “Ghostriders in the Sky” 
“The Streets of Laredo”  “The Texas Ranger” 
“The Yellow Rose of Texas”  “Big Iron” 
“Blue Prairie”  “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” 
“Vaya Con Dios”  “Back in the Saddle Again” 
Music composing software Powtoons 
Google Canva 
IMovie Storybird 
WeMovie Make Beliefs Comix 
Piktochart Vimeo 
Other Resources 
Ms. Marlow for art ideas 
Mrs. Randolph for music assistance 
Ms. Stitcher for technology assistance 

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