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A PATRISTIC GREEK LEXICON EDITED BY G. W. H. LAMPE, D.D. ELY PROFESSOR OF UIVINITY OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1961 Oxford University Press, Amen House, London EC. © Oxford University Press 1968 PREFACE I Tur project for a Lexivon of Patristic Greck was originally suggested by the Central Society for Sacred Study in the year 1906, when its Warden was Dr. H. B. Swete, then Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge. Within three years some eighty clergymen and others interested in patristic study, led by Canon Herbert Moore, then Rector of Acton, Cheshire, had been invited to read the appropriate volumes of Migne’s Patrologia Graeca and certain other texts and to assemble material for the work. Canon Moore himself continued, until his death in 1942, to devote his leisure to the collection and transcription of great quantities of slips, and there can be little doubt that but for his energy and perseverance the idea conceived by Dr. Swete would never have been carried out. At about the same time a ‘Committee of Direction’ was formed, consisting of Dr. Swete himself with Dr. A. J. Mason and Dr. J. H. Srawley at Cambridge, and Dr. T. B. Strong, Dr. William Sanday, and Dr. C. H. Turner at Oxford. It was not, howeve until 1915 that the Committee found it possible to appoint an editor, Dr. Darwell Stone, Princ pal of Pusey House, Oxford, who continued to direct the work until his death in 1941. In the meantime plans for a new edition of Liddell and Scott had begun to take shape, and its editor, Sir Henry Stuart Jones, had decided to exclude all post-biblical Christian writers from the scope of the work. It thus became clear that, although the aim and methods of the Patristi Lexicon had not yet been precisely determined, it would certainly have to form a supplement, or companion, to the ninth edition of Liddell and Scott, and on that basis the interest of the Delegates of the Oxford University Press was attracted to the project. Thus in the year 1925 Sir Henry Stuart Jones in his Preface explained the relation between the two works Liddell and Scott .... admitted a number of words from Ecclesiastical and Byzantine writers, for many. of which no reference was given except the symbols ‘Eccl,’ and ‘Byz.’. After due consideration it has been decided to exclude both Patristic and Byzantine literature from the purview of the present edition. It would have manifestly been impossible to include more than a small and haphazard selec= tion of words and quotations from these literatures, which would therefore have had to be treated quite differently from the remains of Classical Greek. . .. There is, moreover, in preparation a Lexicon of Patristie Greek (including Christian poetry and inscriptions) under the editorship of Dr. Darwell Stone, which will, it is hoped, be printed when the publication of the present work is concluded. ‘The fulfilment of this hope has been long delayed, For many years Dr. Darwell Stone worked almost single-handed (though assisted for a time by the Rev. G. L. Marriott and the Rev. F, P. Long as successive sub-editors) at the task of reading texts, receiving and sorting slips sent by Canon Moore and other readers, and writing preliminary drafts of articles on the basis of such material as had by that time been collected. Progress could not, therefore, but be stow. More- over, since the scope of the work had not been finally determined, it was not clear whether the main concern of the Lexicon was to be linguistic on the one hand, or theological and ecclesiastical on the other, with the natural consequence that whereas most of the readers had been careful to take note of rare words and usages, some of them had omitted to excerpt common theological terms in passages of great importance for the history of patristic thought, This difficulty had not been fully resolved when, after Dr. Stone's death, the Committee, then under the chairmanship of Dr. N. P. Williams, appointed as Editor Dr. F. I., Cross, then Librarian of Pusey House and subsequently the successor of Dr. Williams in the Lady Margaret Chair of Divinity at Oxford. It had become clear that the primary value of the material so far assembled lay in its interest to students of the development of Christian theological vocabulary and of the ideas which it expressed. A number of published studies, based upon the Lexicon slips, afforded positive evidence that this was the case. The Committee accordingly decided 2 These include studies by Dr. G, L. Prestige, who spent xxiv (2923), pp._#86-96; “Hades im the Greek Fathers’ several years in making a special study of certain doctrinal ibid.spp.47¢-8s;‘nepiyapéasand eepugsipposin the Kathe Words for the Lexicon: “éyés(rer and yex()qrdr and JTS’ xxix (1938), pp. 242-52; ‘Clement of Alexan Kindred words, fa Esebine and’the eatly Arians’, J7S Stomara 2.18, and the meaning of “Hypostasis', JTS xxx vi PREFACE that the work should be more than a mere supplement to Liddell and Scott. It was, however, plainly impossible to consider the production of an encyclopedic theological dictionary, on the lines of Kittel’s Theologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament, to cover the vast range of patristic literature, ‘The object of the work was therefore defined as the provision of as full treatment as possible of all words of special theological or ecclesiastical significance, and, at the same time, the listing of all words occurring in the Fathers which were either not contained in Liddell Scott-Jones or but poorly attested there (such as those cited only from glossaries) With this object in view, new readers were recruited for the study of those texts, particularly. the more recently published critical editions, which had not yet been excerpted, a provisional word-list was prepared by Miss H. C. Graef, and a preliminary draft of the list of authors was compiled by the Rev. B. J. Wigan, who had been appointed to assist Dr. Cross. In 1946 the writing of articles was begun by Miss Graef, Miss M. Grosvenor, and the present Editor who succeeded Dr. Cross in 1948, Dr. R, H. Lightfoot had become Chairman of an enlarged Committee on the death of Dr. Williams in 1943, and he now devoted much labour to the raising of funds, including many increased contributions from those academic and ecclesiastical bodies and private friends who had supported the work since its early days, in order to make possible the engagement of a larger staff of whole-time assistants. The authorities of the Bodleian Library gave much to the project in several ways, including the provision of accommodation for the work itself and for the working library which had been built up with the aid of many friends of the Lexicon who lent texts for this purpose. Much reading remained to be done, and the existing material had to be extensively supplemented even. when the work of putting it into shape was well advanced. The Editor and his staff have thus found themselves compelled, paradoxically, to work against time in the actual writing of a book whose publication must seem to the general public to have been long delayed. They would have preferred to spend much more time in remedying the deficiencies and imperfections of the Lexicon as it now stands. On the other hand, it seemed their duty rather to bring it forward for publication with the least possibl delay, remembering that it is a pioneer work in its particular field (its nearest predecessor J.C. Suicer’s Thesaurus Eeclesiasticus, second edition, 1728), and that there is good hope that, like the rude beginnings of other large dictionaries, this Lexicon may be supplemented and cor- rected by the expert hands of future revisers and editors. Many helpers have contributed to the writing of articles, Among those who have spent a con- siderable amount of time on the work have been Mrs. S. Argyle, Dom G. Bainbridge, 0.S.B. Dr. J. E. Bickersteth, Mr, J. Bowman, Miss B. Burns, Miss N. Butler-Wright, Miss M. J. Cunningham, Mr. D. Grensted, Miss T. A. Hart, Miss J. M. Hawkins, the Rev. (now Bishop) Basil Krivocheine, Mr. W. Mitchell, Mr. (now Professor) A. Paap, the Rev. (now Professor) K. J. Woollcombe, together with the Editor's original colleagues Miss Graef and Miss Grosvenor. It is impossible, for reasons of space, for the Editor to express his thanks to all those individuals who have contributed to the work. There have been very many valuable helpers at every stage those who read texts and sent in slips, particularly the late Mr. E. A. Parker, who devoted most of his time to this work during the last years of his life, those who lent books to the working library, in particular the authorities of Cuddesdon Theological College and Puscy House, the sorters of slips, especially parties of theological students from Wycliffe Hall led by Mr. (now Professor) N. Q. King, and the Editor's helpers in the fimal stages of the revision of the manuscript and the reading of proofs, particularly Miss Janet Roseveare. Special gratitude is (1029), pp. 270-25 ddae)aroc and cognate wordsin Athana- and cognate words’, JTS xxii i932) pp. nas-sts "Biga sits, JIS xxiv aay) pp. 238-53 andthe. detailed and cognate words’, JTS xxx (1932), pp 2-504 nok ‘account of the theological language of the Fathers em dete, uid allied words’, J7S xxxv (150 PDs 368-765 bodied in his book, God and Pairsie Thought (Heinemann, — ‘Gmeovavs’ ibid, pp. 376-891 "alin and oldmos', /TS xxxvit 3), Other ales of the same Kind were published by (3) pp xg Bs ad apo sou The resent itor sb Dr. Stones ‘Abdu’, JTS xxiv (0929) PP. 473-53 sequently publisied "Baodela 706 Beot, Baawela Xpioro in ‘Thmer: ‘yaporoa, xepodeala, énidens yeipar, the Greck Fathers’, J7S xix (2ag8), pp. s8-73, and es 96-043 the Rev. B,C. E, Owen 'St. Gregory of bodied much of the material for Bériopa, edpayis, and () Wocabulary: @) Style, J7S xxvi (1929, 11 lated words in The Seal of the Spirit (Longuans, 2). “Enonprarib, ea", JTS xx (0929), PP. 239 PREFACE, vii due to Miss Grosvenor for her devoted. work, first as a writer and reviser of articles and sub- sequently as a Press reader. Although no 'Sub-Editor’ has been officially appointed since the early years of the Lexicon, she has in fact done as much as, or more than, an editor could reasonably expect of a colleague with that title. The Editor records his grateful appreciation of the kindness and encouragement which he has received, sometimes in circumstances of much difficulty, from the successive Chairmen of the Committee with whom he has had the good fortune to work, Dr. R. H. Lightfoot, Dr. Leonard ‘Hodgson, and Dr. E.R. Dodds, and the members of the Committee themselves. Itis, of course, due to the interest shown in this project, and the wise guidance given to it, by the Secretary to the Delegates and other authorities of the Clarendon Press that it has been brought successfully to the point of publication. The manuscript of the Lexicon has presented the compositors and readers with quite exceptional difficulties: a very large work consisting in the main of Greek citations and written in longhand by different hands of various nationalities, repeatedly revised and corrected by yet other hands, confronted the printer with what might seem to be an almost impossible task. The skill and care with which these difficulties have been overcome has been matched by the extraordinary vigilance and accuracy of the Press reader of the page proofs, who has eliminated @ great number of minor errors and inconsistencies. It is not possible to enumerate the many benefactors who have financed this project, or to thank them individually. From the outset regular subscriptions and single donations have been generously given by Oxford and Cambridge Colleges, Cathedral Chapters, and private in- dividuals. During the years 1948 to 1955, when a relatively large paid staff had to be maintained, annual grants to the Lexicon were made by Oxford University. Sinee that time the completion of the work has been made possible by generous help from the British Academy. Much assis- tance has been given at various stages by the trustees of the Denyer and Johuson Fund, the Revision Surplus Fund, the Pringle Stewart Fund, and the Hort Memorial Fund, the Jowett Copyright Trustees, the Eric Vincent Educational Trust, and the Committee of Hymns Ancient and Modern, to all of whom, as to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press for undertaking the expenses of publication, the Committee of the Lexicon and the Editor are deeply grateful. Ir ‘The object of this work is primarily to interpret the theological and ecclesiastical vocabulary of the Greck Christian authors from Clement of Rome to Theodore of Studium. ‘These limits are necessarily somewhat arbitrary. They have been drawn with the object of confining the Lexicon, as far as possible, to the formative period of the history of Christian thought and institutions, beginning in the sub-apostolic age (but excluding any works of that period which are contained in the canon of the New Testament) and embracing the whole era of the Creeds, the Councils down to the Second Council of Nicaea, and the great doctrinal disputes down to the [conoclastic Controversy. The limits are not absolutely rigid. Some works of uncertain date which may be substantially pre-Christian are included, such as the Confession of Asenath and the Testaments of the XIE Patriarchs, and also the Psalms of Solomon which admittedly belong to the Judaisn of the first century s.c., but which, having been read, it seemed undesirable to exclude, especially since no existing Greek lexicon treats them fully. At the other end of the period some spurious works attributed to such anthors as John of Damascus and Theodore of Studiun have been included although they are strictly too Jate in date, as has also the medieval Christus patiens traditionally included among the poems of Gregory of Nazianzus. All.words illustrating the development of Christian thought and institutions have been treated as fully as possible, with extensive citations of the more important relevant passages. Thus the articles on such words as vows or mpdawonoy are intended to explain the history of the terminology of Trinitarian doctrine and Christology; the organization of the Church and its Ministry is illustrated by the articles on such words as dadotodos, éxioxonos, and mpeopérepos ; patristic ‘spirituality’ by those on Gecpia or ed); worship by the entries dealing with liturgical terms; aa viii PREFACE and so on, Many common words, of no theological importance in themselves, have been in- cluded because they occur in typological or allegorical interpretations of biblical texts and so may serve to illustrate patristic methods of biblical exegesis; among many others are such commonplace words as frmes, orajés, and mods. A few proper names have been included because of their importance in theology (e.g. MBdu) or exegesis (e.g. Bapudsn). This method of treatment has the obvions disadvantage that the history of the use of words (lexicography in the proper scnsc) has to be combined with the history of theological idea: liturgy, institutions, canon law, and other matters. Tt should, however, be borne in mind that this method has been deliberately adopted in order to make the project feasible. ‘The ideal policy would probably involve the production of two entirely distinct works, a lexicon of the language used by the Greck Christian writers on the one hand, and a very large encyclopedic dictionary of patristic theology on the other. Not only would the latter probably require many volumes, but it is the history of Christian doctrine, worship, and institutions which alon justifies the grouping of the authors with whom the Lexicon is concerned into a single clas labelled ‘patristic’. The authors did not use one peculiar form of the Greek language, and it might well be argued that their exclusion from Liddell Scott—Jones was somewhat illogical, since the ground for it was their religion rather than their vocabulary. Thus Synesius failed to find a place in Liddell Scott~Jones alongside the other Neoplatonist writers of the period because he ended his career as a Christian bishop. The Christian authors, judged by the kind of Grock that they wrote, do not form a single homogeneous group. The ‘classical’ language of the Cappa- docian Fathers is very different from the vocabulary and style of Malalas or the popular Greck of much of the monastic literature. There is too great a difierence between the Didache or Clement of Rome, with their strongly ‘biblical’ language, and such an author as Cyril of Alexandria, to warrant their classification under a single literary label. It is their place in Christian history which holds them together, and consequently this Lexicon, which studies their vocabulary in order to interpret their theology and its broad social and ethical implica tions, is primarily a theological dictionary of the Greek Fathers. It is in that sense that the original title given to this work by Dr. Swete, “A Lexicon of Patristic Greek’ should, in the first instance, be understood. It is, perhaps, a first step towards the ultimate goal of a full-scale theological dictionary of the Fathers in the manner of Kittel's Theologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament. ‘This is to look far ahead. So far as the present work is concerned it must be made clear to the reader that he must not expect to find a thesarus of patristic language or a concordance to the Greek Fathers. The size of this Lexicon was determined by agreement between the Com- mittee and the Clarendon Press at an early stage in its history. The Press has subsequently allowed those limits to be considerably exceeded ; but considerations of space have always had to determine editorial policy, and there could be no question of trying to produce a work in which a reader could expect to find every instance of the use by a particular author of an important theological term, or information about the use in patristic exegesis of every important scriptural text, All that can here be offered is samples of patristic thought and specimens of the way in which biblical words and phrases were interpreted in the homilies and commentaries of the period, A secondary object of the Lexicon is to give information about all words, whether of any theological importance or not, which are used by these writers but not inchided in Liddell Scott Jones. A very large number of such words are listed here, distinguished in each ease by an asterisk, Words that are only poorly attested in Liddell Scott—Jones or which are used by the Fathers with different meanings, or with differences of grammatical usage, also appear, whether or not they are relevant to patristic theology. ‘The dual object of the Lexicon necessitated the adoption of a format similar to that of Liddell and Scott, to which it is in part 2 companion. This is not ideally suited to a dictionary whose primary interest is theological, for it usually involves separate treatment for cognate words which, in a purely theological dictionary, would normally be discussed under one heading. ‘The reader must therefore be warned that if, for example, he wishes to study the thought of the PREFACE ix Fathers about the subject of apostleship he will have to turn to the separate articles on anoorMw, drocroht, drorrolixds, and dzéorolos. The disadvantages of this method have been mitigated as far as possible by the provision of cross-references between the various articles concerned with a single main subject, and occasionally, where no difference in the actual meaning of two associated words oocurs, they are treated together in one article (e.g. ety} and ‘rpoerye). ‘Those articles which trace the history of an idea or an institution are arranged according to the logic of their subject-matter rather than strictly lexicographicaily. ‘Thus the divisions of such an article correspond to the use of the word in Trinitarian doctrine, Christology, ecclesio- logy, anthropology, and so on, rather than to the use of the word (if a verb) in the active, middle, and passive voices, transitively or intransitively, &c. Grammatical usage, especially if it is markedly different from that of classical Greek, is illustrated in such articles by the citations rather than by section headings. In the case of ‘non-theological’ entries the arrangement is, more often determined by linguistic considerations, The relation of this work to Liddell Scott—Jones demands special attention. No word which is well attested in the latter and has no particular interest for the reader of the Fathers is included in this book. The absence of a word must on no account be understood as an indication that itis not used by the patristic authors. In order, too, to make more space available for articles of major interest, the common meanings of any word, already noted by Liddell Scott~Jones, are not repeated here unless they are of significance for patristic study. Thus a common word to which Liddell Scott-Jones devote a long article may appear in this Lexicon with only one, and that an unusual, meaning. Tt must again on no account be supposed that the ordinary senses of such a word are absent from these authors and have been replaced by another. In all such articles the corresponding entry in Liddell and Scott is, as it were, taken as read and this Lexicon merely adds certain new information to it. The user of this work is, in fact, assumed to have Liddell and Scott by its side. Limitations of time and space have prevented this Lexicon from taking account of biblical words or usage, except in so far as the writers of the patristic period may illuminate them by their own comments, A word treated here may have already had an interesting history in the Septuagint and the New Testament, but this cannot be described here and the reader must refer to a biblical dictionary for the scriptural antecedents of our subject-matter. Nor can this Lexicon find room for the contribution which contemporary pagan authors, especially in the field of philosophy, would sometimes make to the study of Christian thought, or for reference to the writings of Philo, of which the Fathers, particularly at Alexandria, made so much use. Tt has had to leave many such studies, and the light which they can throw upon the thought of the Fathers, to other existing and projected dictionaries and encyclopedias, and to confine itself strictly to the field of the Greck Fathers themselves, together with such material from Christian papyri and inscriptions as can help to illustrate their language and ideas, ‘Those writings of the Greck Christian authors which survive only in non-Groek languages have been, for the most part, excluded, although when an article on the use of an important theological term would be seriously incomplete without reference to some work or works of a Greek author which exist only in translation, citations are given from these, preceded by ‘cf’. Such writings include those works of Origen that have come down to us only in the Latin of Rufinus or Jerome, the Latin or other versions of the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus (cited either in Latin or in English translation from the oriental versions), and Nestorius’ Book of Heraclides (cited from F, Nau’s French translation of the Syriac text). The List of Authors and Works is not intended as a patrology, but as an indication of those works to which reference is actually made in the Lexicon, and the editions which have been used. Migne's Patyologia Graeca has been used in all cases where there is no critical text available, except in the case of certain authors, such as Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, and Theodoret, where older editions, used by Migne, furnish a more accurate text and their book, chapter, and section numbers (where they exist), together with their page numbers, are re- produced by Migne, so that the reader who uses Migne has no difficulty in finding the references, x PREFACE Many critical editions are scarce even among good libraries ; for the convenience of the ordinary reader of the Fathers, therefore, Migne references have been given in addition to those to modern, editions. In some cases, where the Migne enumeration of chapters or sections differs from that of the critical text, the Migne number has been given within the bracket that contains the page and line of the edition and the Migne volume and column: e.g. Or. Jo. 1. 38 (42; p. 49.8; M. 14. 00a), where 42 is the chapter number in Migne, p. 49. 8 indicates the page and line of the czitical edition (in which the same chapter is numbered 8) and the volume and column of Migne follow. Works are usually cited by books, chapters or sections, where these exist, according to the critical text, if any, rather than Migne, unless the contrary is expressly stated. Critical texts are usually cited by page and line of the edition, except in the case of verse or where the sections of the work are very short. In a few cases, where the sections are short and very easily found either in a modern edition or in Migne, no reference at all is given in addition to the book (if any), chapter and section (e.g. rClem. 42. 4). Sometimes, as in the case of Irenacus or Cosmas Indicopleustes, the Migne reference suffices for finding a passage in the critical edition. In all such cases the Migne reference alone appears, though the critical text is, of course, always followed, Where numbers are attached to works, such as homilies with identical titles by the same author, which are not numbered in the editions, these numbers have no bearing on chrono- logical order but are introduced merely for convenience of reference. If chapters and sections are numbered concurrently in the editions, the sections alone are cited. ‘The exegetical works ‘of each author are listed in biblical order under the heading 'Exegetica’, They are normally cited by the enumeration of the edition, but if this is lacking they are cited by biblical chapter and verse. All biblical references are given with a colon between chapter and verse. Alternative forms of a key-word are combined in one entry if they are not materially different and would be adjacent in alphabetical order. In any quotation or reference the form of the key-word first printed is to be assumed unless otherwise specified ; but common variants such as -ea -ta, -tov «, and -sow -r7w are not separately noted ‘Lower-case is the rule for nouns generally but a capital has been substituted in particular instances: resurrection (general) but Resurrection (of Christ) ; the gospel but, in the liturgy, the Gospel ; and in liew of the addition of ‘the’ in such cases as apostle (generally) but Apostle S. Paul) ; creation (created world or any act of creation) but Creation (of the world); Cross for the cross of Christ and as denoting the Christian religion ; church (building) but Church (universal) ; and so for Fall, Law, Temple, Incarnation, ete, It is the misfortune of the Editor of such a work as this at the present time that critical editions of the Fathers are appearing in large numbers and with great frequency. Since the manuscript was completed several important works which had to be cited from old editions reproduced by Migne have been edited, too late for the purposes of this book. It has been no part of the duty of the writers of this Lexicon to edit the texts which they used, although some particularly dubious readings have been prefaced by ‘s.v.L.' (si vera lectio) or in 2 few cases an obvious correction has been indicated. There can be no doubt, however, that the progress of the work of critically editing the Fathers will necessitate many corrections to this Lexicon and the deletion of certain entries. The opinions of patristic scholars about the authorship and dating of texts are also liable to rapid change. In the List of Authors and Works the findings of B. Altaner in his Patrolegy (Freiburg i. Br., 1950) and of O. Bardenhewer in his Geschichte der althirchlichen Literatur (Freiburg i. Br., 1902-32) have guided the attribution of works to authors and the marking of works as dubious or spurious. I, AUTHORS AND WORKS — we ape wm Aboeti, W. Ladtke and aie ee ‘Tugle PO 10 (1922) p. 442 occurs orati tm occursuve mints 1. B48 § i sem tne, PICO 7p. 146 0 oe toon REPRE cece ‘olitaniom, ACO 4.1.7 p. x61 Acnctus Cazsamensis ob. 366 ‘cae, Cres) Pe Maree ragueniaconra Marat, 9p. Epiph iar 72.610. Sr. Rom. fragmenta in Rom, Staab P53, Acacits Constarermorouiranus ob. 489 ‘eae. CP) we ‘blstula ad Petru Fullowerm, ACO 3.38, Hast Acactus er Pavius sce, iv (dese. et Paul) 2”. ebistule ad Epiphanium, K. ol Epi ‘Phatius 2, GCS 1915 Be 353, Manto Acacts Metrnewus mee. v (Acas. Mel) How homitia Eplesina, ACO 1.1.2 p. 90, M77. 1408 Act ApostoLonoM ApocRyeia MR. James Apocrypha Anecdota, TS 24 (a8) and 5° (897) TB KOA Lipstos and M, Bonnet Acta potion Apocrypha, 2 Leipeg iSor-t003, fide a8 deadndete, UB 38a 9 wh hn. Iragnienta ex Acts andreas, Uh 2% p. 38 Basan, Pao Area 189 B75 to Fe ‘Sons, the an also am Nia aaey A. Andy. ct Mt, Acta dindvene ef Rtattaci, LB 2! p. 65 A harm. Auta Barnabas, LB2" p. 293 Rant eta Harthotoass, U3! p. 128 aye Ada Joanais, LB 2 p. 158 aM ca Matthaci, LB 2" p. at7 A Paw. ‘Ada Pauli, W. Schubart and C. Schmidt “Hamburg 1936, cited by page and line of the Hamburg Papyrus, partly in Ls tp.z04 A. Paul. ot Thect, Acta Pauli et Theclae, LB 1p. 295 4 ‘eta Petr exon Simona, LET p78 a ‘eta Peis et Andreae, LB 2° pty Pa. ‘eta Petri of Pauls, BY p18 4. (Pats) Paired Passio Puri et Pati, LBP p18 ‘Pon. AL Phi, Acta Philippi, LB 2% p. x 4 PUT epi, etortom Paitipps epitome, LE 2 p. ox 4 Thaad? eta Thaddael, LB p.273, 4 Gi Thom. A “Geta Thomae, L182 p. 90 4A. Thom. B Acta Thomac, TS 5p. 28 F Thom Aetorion"Phomae® consiommatio, LE 22 ‘omen. p.289, 4A. Tim fr Adtran Tiothetfragmentum, AS 2 p.217 Ate Aaa Titi, MR. James JTS 6 (504-3) 549. Tr. Phil Tranilatio Philipps, TS 2p. 60 Acta Joannts Barrigraz sace.v ‘A. Je. Bagh. Martyrium Joaunis Baptista, A. Naw PO 4 (0908) p. 520 Acta Pratt sace. iv APILA,B —C. Tischendort Evangctia Apocrypha ‘Leipag 1870 p. 210 Acta XaNrmppan Bt Pouyxenax ace, it ‘As Xanthipp., MR. James TS 2? (1893) p. 58 Apawanns sace. iv (Adam) that. ialogus de recta in dewe fide, W. H. van Sande Baldiuysen GCS ago, Miaaa7e3 Aumuas Gazazus ob, 518 en) het Theophrastus sve dialogs, M.%s.72 ee cputaias BG p24 Asties Axtiocumves ob, 366 ‘ag = ye {fragmenta ap. Dol, Path 41 pp. 311-12; SpA! i moneph, MER a = Spa som syntagination ap. Epiph. aor. 76. r1-12 Arueanus, Sextus Jouve ‘, post 240 iaiee) chon hronicon, W.20.64 on Pistta ad Aritten, W. Relchardt TU BH (2900 p33, 310.52 eh.07 epitule 2 OPgitim de Boris Susannac, Te sap ae Mie Pov arate raous Pardes, Mao.y7; we os Acarnrus ConstaNniNoPoLizanus, Diacoss sac. vi ‘heap. oe capita admonitria, 80.1104 Acavarvs, Para ob. 36 “ap. Pap) Bal ‘Pista synodice, ACO 3 p. 152, MPL oy Aagrnanertus tase. v ‘gat oer, ita Gregorit_Iuminatoris, B.A. de Lagarde AGH 35 i805 ps AcatHo Dixcowus Be, vv “inte. Die} opt. clogs, H.3.838 Acario, Para ob. 681 “inte Papa) ary epitateadimpertores, MPL Sp.1162 hom spicata Spode, ih Tan pete feroph A. Resch, TU 30%, 1906 Atzcaspan Ausxanpucnes ob. 528 Tei at) Sepos Ae Ari depotone, Opi 9p. 6. M-xd.g8e ote. ‘Gragmontlepisiia ad Acclobom, M18384 alee Uplate ad. dlesontrion Comtaninopaae ‘mum, Opite 9 by to, Mite 58 ep. ony spleutabacyetca, Opt 3p OMAR S72 ALExANomE HusxosoLvutrass ob. 250 eee Re fragwenta epitlarum, 49. Bus, hes 6, Wiens Anpeanen Lycoruitanes sac. iv ‘aien Eye Man) e pctis Manichecoram, A. Brinkmann Teub, 1895, Ma8.gt2 Aupeanpge SaLasinus sce. v (lex. Sa Bara Taudatio in apostotum Barnabam, ASS Jun. 22 p. 430 rue de tncontione Gructe, M87.40%6 tere! epit ‘pilome encom crucis, MS49773 08 “Alex. Sal. crue. 40$76- 40040418 4ob9 = 4076 Auexanppr TunseaLosicrssts saee. iv (les. Thess.) ope di, bistula ad Athanasium, ap. Ath, apot "20. 6b ep. Dion, epistila ad Dionysium comitim, 1, 80 xii [Auynvs Constannisonourranes sc. i ee pista ad Cyrtom Aiexendivu, it opp. Cyr ep. 20, ACO tens Be 7 MLTT i Anusosres MaDIoLANENSIS ob. 367 yen fragmenta cava, a. Todt. eran, 2, (84 : eof aga) ap, Bac Par ah Leoats He one N86 1828: 38 pu g00: ap € Epi sna ACO LE hath Sayos: apie Coat! at BeOAY ppd, Macsoren ap. © Eater ack Bai 7gt8 65, Har a, 865 S74 ap. COP (sna 3, seqe3! th to, ea.tze4 Anos save. fv sr pista, P Naw £0 11 (1016) PA? Fras Fraementa. bess Nouscs sa “peda 483 ‘tonsa Anovrats sce. iv ‘Ammon. R05) § pistuta ad Thophibun, de Pachomio ct ‘Tero takin SH 9 (0959) 0-97 Ancsostus ALExANDRINGS mec ‘hinge Sxegctica = frazmenta in Pos, W.95.502 Dew PpeGmcnte i Dan MSs E904, 1824 un Fragment ts rahe Jo Gragmonta tn fou MB3-1303 ae Grasmenia in Ae, 985.1524 1 Petr. gu1g-20 “omit t ltd, is qu ta carcere erant, M.S5.1608 Amemanocitus Tcosensis| ob. post 50 (mph) yare homitia. in circwmcisionsm, F, Combet “Aniphiloch, Methodii,, ef Andsene Grates opera Paris 1544 P- 10 ebm epistula symodica, Majo fexegetioumn Thoms in Mt 265: esnidia iw illu’, Pater, si possibile, K, Holl 9 “Amphsloekius von Thonn Tobingen Sooq p. 9, party in M.or.751 exer. adieroed ketdatioven Jetsam, G. ¥icket "mpiulockiana # Leibrig 1908 p23 i ropa aa 6." op "REG op ce pas. Sias.7sap- Dick fom. 1-5 amie, M3936 aspen trai mnesopentecostn, ¥.39.120 thon dsp. Romi de om desporande, bi, Possinus “Teeurecticus Part 1684 pr 233: oon obate de erdtenta, € Conithivop. ct spoon mia de pcktenta, Fe Comisssopel ‘or (eee note above), : Seles ahi ad Selsroon, int opp. Gr. Naz. arn 23 poets) 8. M-a7577 pe tas. vila Basie Cusartns, Fe Combes op. Gep. 338 Anurinocis Stoxnsis sae ‘mph. St} & epistles fragmention, M.77-2586 Anabwons PuLaTt sce EvanobLin Avocexmaa ‘Auastastana incertae om ginis sate, vie, (aanst) ie cong pein fs nostra nai, on. 2 Batt ars. ae twig in quadragesimo di pro de ‘functi, Mon. 2 po 097 mort cahtcam in morteorem exseqis, AS. ‘p242 (partly in fon. 9p 380) ar. lets So Nama ae Greg, fom p27 it canon pro Poewtentibus, Mon. 2 9.28 tomb. ‘teins a tampons, Men. 3 p78 Anastastes AmmocuEavs ‘599 (masts ant) ope sere. pete ad Sergi frogmente, 2.89.1405 ipicate brevis fet onto, M8940 be Gthementa Caras M.By 1081, 1283, 125 ip Dou a reds sents dered Mo 2B 251 ‘ato, Froamention de sabato, X89 1405 AUTHORS AND WORKS see de saserdta, Bon 29.376 Soins Seoonen, MiS0 308 om§ Sermo de nbn geadrageionis, 9.1389 ti exe, Setmodte sgt ences, SC (85) Peart Anastasius ArocRIstanivs ob. 666 “nase Ap) SRE IPD asta Maio Confesuris, Mgo.r09, 136 ft Fragment, ape Diet Pat Atsrrasnts Sosa 0b, post 700 ‘anast) oh de tasphomia, AUS p. 400 Sepa. Sermo bn defunct, MSD8 egeicum say ‘ation Ps. 6, oo vexonsions,M.89.1077, tr snenta, M89 1283, 1285, 1237 Mier Nctrestbus, Mon 2p. 57 heel “inagagcarans contomBlaowum hese ‘Seon ier dhodttnns, Mi. t092 fen. fr frogs im hesarrtn, MSGI 2s ins 3, 906, 968 nd. holegis ete oie ter, M936 tri. Intsnegatio cur foie #0 e028 obserectur, oka pars Ld cadooyoe dao datgus aus, 89.1273 Bed dtp. 1-3 tdnrensJrdaro oputatonen M99204 Hu par tora fadacts fetus pends BLS T3yas (Wort We aoe three works, rab sie, comin nh iil 0 pial, Cris ude 30) smonoph. conta inonophy ate testo, 989.1280 Juri untstioes ane, SVC.# US39) 373 Be ieesp coisa fumesines ct seaposnone, Mite aa ES Ettoes a prone Stal, Fs Nts ela see a aia ap Sitios p rset, 730, $y leo tn Matty . ‘erm. mag. sermo in hominem in imagine de acon, Misorttgs, Grae: Msgaigy bo tor yee tna Mge3ann-s 3926, 13930 Ban qe Magri ae = AS Boxe) - sexo ia 3 sero ReneS de fac. esis ‘ sna patio de Stora spams, M30.825 am. eta arming WE 1 NE) B30 Anarorsoa_ Conataxrtxorenfa¥t te. v ‘anaes CP) i : i Bn “Pitute ad Leonem Bapam, int opp, Loo, : Page ffe Sar ACO ey be ates LPT. buss one epi ad Leonen Papa, ia opt Lo. Ning: cpaudco urs p ge ALPE: s4o70 Anprotits Lagpteenes sate. inae:aca) ou fragmenta ex tis avithneticoran, Be Be am. fasch, ——_fragenton ox caone asta, M.2020125 piu ke pases dread ph Bender, J. Heiburg Annates inter- ‘rationales dhisuure (Comers de Parts {Taco} sth section Pans toot Axpras Causanunsis Carnavoctae “at Cine} : commentaine in Apoe., M..230 heaps. oe hepa: lca fagienta, 0° Peto, Axpmuas Cxerexsts (sive IUskosotyatraxus) ob. 740 siamibi in Agathonem, A. eisenbure DZ Jo (ta0i)ép. 50s (tn lines are contusc im M.97.1437 am, dati Hn Abad cocsptoncn, NEOT-1308 Sem BaF hone BN nate Woy aa in ba Shon in Lacantn, Moy. : can ag. toh mags Mtge party AGE en an. mesopent. con by dium ponent, M97.ta2 team Per “tno atte dea Hee. 3h eel Geel adr et hina N33 Se. Sate tn Gaon 88 Ap 33 De Saint Someta varia, Mi7-t435, pactly ia AGC Peo AUTHORS AND WORKS xi imag. de sanctarum tmaginum oemeratione, Mortsor Jacob, omitia th facchum fratrens demini, AHS Tp. or. 3-17, 19-21 orationes, N97 Bos, ws atte in Nicrlawa Myroncem, O. Ansich Tatts Nitto Eapaig ioe peat ried. rindi mujoris bebdomades, M.o7-2400 Axoamas Sanonaenes 300. ¥ (ands Sam) Jr Jragonenta sari, ap, Cyt. apol orient: ap. “Anast. S. hod. 22 (59.2926) ANTBON ARsiNOHNSIS sae ¥ (Canteon) te. ebistula ad Potrum Fullonem, ACO 3 p. 6, 12.845 Arrinaus ConsraxrixororsTanus sace. vi “Anth. CP] yn Srasmenta contra Justinianum ap. CCP (eBs) act 10, H3.t2400.8 Antunes Nicouzprmsis ob, 302 tants) teed. fr. de sancta ecclesia fragmenta, G. Mereati SH (toon p95, ated to ar fall, by Richard Mdtanges de Scionce Retigicuse 1949 pp. $1. Axtrocius Braxcirs sage. v ‘eat Ep) g sisal ad Netrion, ACO 129 p78 aatiocius tomacuvs ob. post 9 ‘Ant Sou) - con confess, M.80.2849 at Pilate ad Basan, 9.89 920 bins iso Pane snipers setae, Sk a8 avriocues Proumiatnvs ae ‘ane Fol) pn emia a Adam, Savile p68, patlls in esesose ee fn frapaenia stle, ap. Cy. Acai, ACO ELS py 32, As aon! ab. Pho fe dua, Saoy ose ap. Lest. Bs ica eae athsy si. domi de natin, C2 Sista Mos. 54 sownmamesat 3 Avstesres Bosra, ob, pont 4st “Antip. Bost ae Se Amita in anasnitonea deiparae, M8. ie be Jragrona sari, M.85.7901 AS 5 0. 63: Spr Leone ct Yor t BelgS! 25, JorD paral Nun gh 8,308 Jo. Rept. somtian Jens Bepran, M764 Asinaren Cappanox aoe iv {antip. Cap) ° cpistula ad Basitiwm, int. opp. Tas, ¢p. 187, H.32.665 ANToxtus, ADnAS ob. 356 anton) te. epistula, G. Garitte Mus. 55 (2942) p. 99 Anroxtus Hacroararnrces sec. v ‘auton, Hag} vo Sym Sih ella Symonis Sigs, H. Lietemann TU '32* (1608) p. 20 ADocaLvesus Aroceypiiag TC. Tischendost, Apacalypses Apoory. abe eine BC James, Apocrypha Anecdote, TS 2 Msg) and 389), Apc tom apocdpite clam Pagmnte TS2 00199 hoe tr so ach Fea se. Bar el, ‘Reise dporapie Paral, Tt Row . ‘acre The esto the Words Baruch Landon 2880.47 Apee. BMV Apaaiypuie Mebiad' TS 2p. 119 {ater Ce atic 93} apelin Danl Rases p23, Bilston p98, CE: Klostomant Hotel Sy Sefbngea, Heap wad dosing pa pti. a Aecaypats hak ng an rea Breet Je Abee. Dan. A, B, c Aor. Eno 1-32, io Anos. nog Apocalypsis Enoch, C. Bonner StD 6 oso?“ oarh pe 33 Apoc' ist’ apotayptis Betas, p24 Free fo. “Apocabrsis Jom Pp. to 3 bee. Jo. ‘bec: Yooms, Rate a4 1919) Be aber, Jo. ——-Afvealypsis Joanni, Vasey 317 Lipide apeeaibst Hons tpoe Bai, Apoaypes Pant hoc. Baa, Apocaiypsse Pare EP Pewchem Antiten Apoe, Sadr, ——-aforaiypols Setrch FS a" poe Beeman Acoma ase Te HL. Chats” London Ascens. fo B 2.0. von Gebharde 2107 2 (0878) p. 348 Angeanis Taonncunes ob. 390 oe anacephalacoris, Lictemann p. 242, M28. 30 Corp etic, A ane corporis ot dictate im Chi, armanp 185, i opp. Ju Papacy Meese Yep. Basco episidat ad Bacitin, int. opp. Bas. Pb. 30, 364, Megan tras ep. Diviaes, esi at Divcacserisee, Lictrann ‘S35, p- sont. pul, NBo.4909 2p. Dien phic Tamra, ‘Etesiann p 250, in gn tl apa, MLS et op. J. epistta ai Jovan, Uastorann P2350, ee 28.25 » exegotica Gon Jragmenta in Gon, Y. Devreesse RE 45 Gos0) p04 tet, Ps mctapirales bn Ps, 8. Ladwich Tevb, o pate aN iy rapmoita tk Pr, NDP p70 i Gragnionta i To NUP FEB. Ea8 Ever rzmonta tm Esch, NAPs p82 ame ragmenta in Ronny Staab pay fine. 3-7 “delha'l snearnatione Jraghinunn, Lictae van. tig. int opp. Tule Papae, Mn tiye fide. ‘eds sociedam porte, Ligremaa p. 167, “nt opp. Gr. Thar, Meao.2304 pin ment, Liciamann P18 Gee ee iamatione det Te Litemann ae Bytes hao ee . ane ea, peas, toon lo snadalic, Lietzmann p. 202, ap. ‘Leont. B, Apvll, MSU. 1052 Avovusanios Laovicewes Sykes saee. iv “pais ‘Spson he 237.23 Avotsonivs 0 i (pation) fragmenta atvorus Catepinygas, ap. B ar Avoonrimousra “igi Bia Apupihegnate Macrts Aye M4 Appiah. Pat, Apapitiegnata Pairam, M0981, sho os “biog passages are in W--Nau PO 1 (900) p. 403: 9405.84; 120-45 31705 sue, 338 Ajopltiegmeta Patram alia, V. Possinus “Thesaurus cscetictes Paris 1089 yp. 838 54 (0p 243-7 im 3423230) Apophih. Pat. ft AgcaptUS CoNsTARTIRNS'S sce. vil tare) Sym fragmenta excita Simeanis Stlitisjunionis, ‘A. Papadopoulos Nerameus Bearréw Rpowuad 1 (1894) Pp. 145-8, 005-4, 606. we SH 34 {i923 pe238) Ap. Jou BD. tingg, 3. Mngtgo3e abe © Nie. (987) acta. Hg.2vy Anntias Cansantmxsts Carpanoctar saace. Box ‘roth, Ape commentarius in Apos. (iacoporating, tarlir materia}, M1049 Anisiogs se. fi (art) apo ‘potngia, Goodspood p. 3, ap. to. D. xiv 26-27 (passages not in Goodspeed cata Irom JA Robineen 73" G3) Bide) Sela Pegnde 280.13 ine JTS (8924) 9.73, ‘Azrsro PaLiays sa0e. ii ‘ansto) fragmenta, ap. Bus. hee 4.6.3 Ans, ob. 336 a. ep ales epistide ad Alexandrum Alexandrina, ‘Opits 3p. 2, ap. Ath. ym 26 ob Const epichila ad Constantin, Opite 3 p. 6 ‘ap. Son hen 2-27.6 eb. Bus. pista nd Eecebiams Nicomedionsem, ‘Opite 39.3, ap. Epiph. huer. 69. 6 Thal. fr.t17 de Thalin fragmenta ex Athaxasio, Ge. arly 5. Ession & Aiohe Pais 1036 ages, cited. according to Bard's Baumeration from the text ia which the feagmonts coeur Anssstus Banwores ob. 445 oo m Aoctrina ot evhortatio, M6.3647 iat Sn nomic totter, 03821 annus orton ee oem. HY Bee FP) setia ad Athanasiun, ap. Ath, aft px ‘Aecunei0 ToATAE Soe APOCALYTSES AFOCRYHHAT Ascunsranies TeaLlsnsts ee. “ancien ws pista ad Pram Putowem, ACO 3 0 Tor Base sear, ConrEsso “fre Confesio Asenath, M. RR James in P. ‘ace Sita baritea Pacis 1800 pap Astmavs Aoasexes ob. 410 eine, M.40-404 Iomaiiae, 40.389 = Ast. Soph, fom. 1-5 Sn Pos; Ps.6; Ps.7) homitia de pharisaco ei piblcano, A. Bete TU 40% fists) pe 336 omit 2 ftwom Prodigun, ib. p. 107 fb. post 34 omitia in Pe. 4, ¥058:539 homie te Ps'5, it opp. Ast. Am, MC4o. 359 homitia im Ps. 6, iB. Mgo.444 emia in Ps. 7, a, Me40.400 Bi EERE ES sae pe TEE (Ath) ee ao Gen darsans, ee ee seit, SRR a tute a8 a, ee Sin, fee team toe ee Ce Ee ay oe if Cosm. Tn top. 10 init., M.26.1367, snstn Rb ieee a Grundriss der Geschichte des Neutesta- Imontichen “Kanons and el. Leipz Joos p. 87, M.a8.1436 and 1276 AUTHORS AND WORKS ep. Jott Ant op. Jor. ep. Morell Be Man Bnav ae Ore, 2 op Pa ob Ran cae Job pts fre Ps. comm, Cast Konno 27 phe oe es. th. : fi ihe bh An ep. inc. es Ar sear vm enon te taunt tApoll. 1-2 tars (Gascens asym. eae: comm, essen (eonpu hae ifiecr. ney ib al. Trin 1-5 aie Bod ant facet, mon, Yop. Cast a ep. cath ihe. ED Bon. exegetica tf Ps hoon. in Me ‘épistuia ad Joannem et Antioch, M.26. 6: pists ad Jovianum, M.26.813;ap-That 48 epistuia ad Marcllimume, Mag.xa epistuda ad Macs, 31.26.0085 pistula od omachas, M.20,1185 Cpistuia ad Sorapionem de murle Ari, ‘Opite 2 p. 178, 928.085, epistalse af Orsisivon, M2077 Cpistuia at Patten, M26.1108 Epistada ad Ruimiannrs, Mao.1189 ‘GPistalae ad Serapionem, 26.529 fragmenta in Job, Ma7iyass AS 5 9.22 Latta in Poor aay se ‘Groamenta tommonar 8 Pes, M7 5483 fragmends Ph Cont, Wa7.348 pagal te Cont, W734 Joona tn ed, Oran fil tradita sunt, 25.08 fragmdate a BM M27.3504 fragmenta tn EE. Maptioe: NEP 2 US), sr, expesty Rab .25.200 Feementd vas Mesoay, 1233, 1252, og, 320 pelo de fuga sua, Opite 2 p. 68, as, os cont gntes, 25-4 iene tamara ad monaches, Opitz 2 Tis, Mazsan0 af Lisbrtart Tvtaroram od wonechos cpitue, Opi 2p Tht, Mash ade ncarnatione, Wks Cress Lenton 1959, Maso schnaratog teoradrin Sa sesnatiat domenteo epicopum de age ua, 336.980 eplitia de Syne Arimint ot Seeusae, Opite Sp z37, Mats tombs ad Andarkenis, Wa0.700 a baton 300837 veirtntate, i vad der Golte TU 298 (G05) pe 35. Sta8 252 homitia in anmuntinsionen deiparae, M28. 37 Apoltinarem, 2 lacarnatione M3609 vata quarlsconva Aviano, 8 Stogmann ‘Pankaen apr, N20 ok bonita asconpli "ons: are fa S| — de diymis, Meso.r33h, partly = tJo. Prcetrver'y omits in castam a natette, M.28.1001; see im. Ant] ae Comin estntia Patri Palit ot Spins sant, Ma8.29. coat ni rooitonin aa7sce Euther] ae bint animes Vh.28.1432 ther de depnitontous, 38933 fonts dserpionsdeiparae, M844: vee Tim ant} somite tn dba, RP. Casey JTS 36, Toss. Bt ae "Tibabte dialogs, M8116 patti eumtbis we syiado, M:28-440 ‘een ad Tatschum fee, M28 336 lewis ad inmechocr BL raat Sitaaad Castoren, M2849 composed ot extncts from Cansianus ae halts ‘oenoblorane epi cathlica, M8 Bt pista ed faberian, M2843 Spite ad episcopiom Poriiun, M28 1305 monte in Pes, V. Jagic Denscriften Ji ecks’ Ahiltmne tor Wise ‘hafta: phuiosophtckhstarsche Rlacte ‘52- Viena 1906 aan in Meay.ou somilig iw ita, Protect i pagom, 28.169 contra AUTHORS AND WORKS thom. in Mi, hominid, Yo in caste, 7p Msaoes thom Le, homiia Ge! tha, Bante. autem il, 598 Sussixoas syelin co, jrgntn nit, vd nme, ort thin» Cor. fragmento in ltd, Nowt bojus mod ae J eerines, Martaba tyr Con fran" iidl Datas eo a, 2 os ferhort. : sermo exhortatorius, M.28,1208 fiser Sm conta ome hareen 28.308 Hes Sexgncnb somone de sct tna tb, : 31.28,700 ings Bot, se nan Royton, to 1 {finat mon. lan momaiicaetnilute, MaB.845 Site Inernads somo, ACO ex 6, Stas Hon ad vinpnatrem Jovianum, N.a8 332 det Soomt coma Eaiace at thbay [Mice iat 1-2 Eva Macedontancs distor Mx8.x280 dine. ‘tra te Metohndech SM s35 ino Chr, ola gu antrtat Cin, Mt 960 Mele fo: Raps, homie alias roscoe, M28 Gopi ee Tim An) Nowa. ona Nation fragmenta, M26.1300 rae Attia ecunsi’ Dom St 974 ‘Note: by George Nacoredenas at sm according to fhe oeat SS) spain Aomilvaon palarton, Me30-1309 pare ‘Smo tn passontrs dome! on Paracro, ae Masadsss are Ben Se pasch 1-2 sormamta i pacha M.r0733 nga or poss Ionia de fssone ere domi 8 85 toot sein de pbetn, Maz29) prone cam, tans poo, S34 B 457 Spon Snttgndt ef guemdere policdoy, Mas ee Covad. Jud, home in proditionom Juda, Ma. 1048 eas, Slt vs aman preset prophelas, Ma8 205k BORE x20 ations ae, WS 973 Hh ak toasy uration ad Antchor M28.567 Hh ctiicxee seats connate W288 Spe Seriph 130 quaeetioes im ceripiuras, N28. ay. Sefutati hypocrisie. Meleit ek Eucebis, : 128.85 ie gud seculo romuniorint Stastrgoa dest, eis crcumacione, Ma8.235 ie Si tat Me os an ‘Sima se cements Matte Hom. age Mad tlt dc 8.99 Eom fi ‘Sime majo de fle: Sehate Sm Aw ae ty citi ee " fctum, Versions, varioe, M6 1583 Ee bactan Duce Gen des Tym ud ledge mas femmes sph inca serptrae, 28.8 Ende ‘Saigma dacrnasedontchee, .HatiGol Sere ertea 2 Pare bps wets MIB gotta 139 oe Diep tomo. comma te opt dha 8 TEN blue tte Steers Hoge La ori ter reetton vo Pret sre Spo 092 pur tihepasch, cots heopaschitns, WG. Opite Unter amc ir Chesed Se Bede hanna Wea 35 p pre ac aie MSR ato E'Sna. See Spine Mas 98 Armananise Autxanpansts PRESDYIER — os) ae Iie conve Discram,ap-C Cale. Sicostap so He te Armaxagqus Senocasriees ste. i (Ath, Scholast.) oe celttio nla consttionsm, C.F. ‘Heimbach Anecdota ? Leipaig 1838 p.7 xv Axuewaconas Ataexrnsts ob. e177 (Athenag.) leg. legatio sive eupplicatio ive deprecatio pro ‘Chrisanis, Goospeed pi 3 316.869 v8. derrecurrectione mortuarum, B. Sohwarte TU 4 (1888) p48, M-6.073, Areaxoponvs 0b. 264 (Aéhenod ] fragmenta, K. Holl TU 20* (3800) p. 164 ‘Sp. Jo. D. paral, 38.95.2083, [Arricus Coxstaxrinorotrraxos ob. 425 ‘tie oO ap plata ad epiacopos Africanos, ap. Cod. Mfr 84s op. Call. cas ai Etapinon, ap. Soet. he Tas 5 on, plot ad Cyrittum, ¥. Sohwasta ABAW ae oa bein. opp Coe eb 78, 77.348 eb. Eubs. fr agri epitulae ad Bupsychium, Peo ey be tise aps Tae orem San ephilin a Petra oh Aldsiuo, ‘Sirarts ABAW. 905 (seth Bot a Nicgpiorom Callstom Net. 2, 3 eb Petr et Aides Lacatigic Trin. fr fraguiontvn it Trintiatow, 2p. Doct, Paty : 42-37 Angusreses Hippoxrxts ob. 430 (ue) a fraguenia varia, ACO an.2 y. 2%, ap. apmuuia varia. 4CO aut 2p, ap. facts 2, T3248; 1B. 5, 13 860, 805-9; fap. Leont, He nionepi., Sb80-2837 arama Reiser arn Bihlmeyer p. 10 Ransaxurinecs er Jonannes, MONACHE ‘Gare tab responsivnes, 08. Nicodemos Venice 181; ‘rogments in 86.852, 88.1512 Bucmuotowanes Forseasts ee, vi Gath. Hess) eo it Seer onftutio Aparent, M.104.3384 Riven Sonat Mahaminedis, M204.3448 Bagnescus tnexaron ob. 476 ‘Basiine) intent anteneycica, R Schwarts ABAW yet ios) p30, ap: vag hes 7, 80 el ca, Schwarte op. cit 1 encgeea, %. Schwarts op, it. p49, aP- Boag 34, Ms6 3600 Basiuivs Axcyeanus ob, post 343, tis. Ant) the ber de vera virgnitte, int. opp. Bas, M300 Baguuics Ancrnanus ALIOS see. vil ‘Gas. ane a) eet iets, ap. Ni (87) ack, 4.49 Baatnres Cansamieusis CarrAdoctar ob. 379 Bas) Gm J, Garnier and P, Maran, tat ope ‘ommia’ 13, Paris, aad ely eine ta tac. consolatoria 0 aegroton, Goa. 2070, M. 3er73 tarot en Tata anti, 6.2613 = Mas "hee. horns 25 accel. toa series acetic G2 328, M31 860 ‘ct ite Sime de cveaice’ deiplian, C.201, Styne tape, de baptios, G.a.6a4, M.stnsns Jeti, Trin, dsersus calmniatones Tatas, G2.600, Matus Cir. generat, in Chris fonerationrm, G.2.598, M34 137 teomet cottons anata, C298, Mt fooninb. serma de contubernalibus, M.30.802 Boo Sprains, Cyn, Me32230 Thess see Evage. Poot 1: to Ge Nan ep a0) xvi AUTHORS AND WORKS ‘asrtaus Causantensis Carpanoctas (comt) ep. 16 (ep. 38 repeat ep. 42 ste {Be tsp? war (ep. gor ep. 335-59 ‘save for leer, ig Fy fen. 9 Jones, 25-24 thom ae Hom Spin Haform. tie, uu. tear. eg Bb. got tiniser, suo, 1-24 mara ter ‘oon. mon Yoon: cam. ven ep. fuss teslol. Gr. Nas. Spin. ‘= Gr, Nyse. Eun, 10 (2 p.226.14, Mus. 8) 9) = Gr Nyse. iff oss. av] FPislaia ad. Jubanunt, 1. Bidex and F. ‘Coment Titian! Imperatore epistidae e Rages Paris and London 1022 . 284 epistuta. ad Chiloncm algo attributed to Ph, Carp. a 'Ge, Nees ep. 42) see Firainus) Gr. Nar. ep. 05, 05) S Ge Nye Tose ge) cam. 30-74 = FCCP (383) cam. 1-17, 19 Be Nae. oh 97 93 T Ginanits fils ope. as, 8) = Ge. ys. p28 94] LENSE] Fiustata bd fin Pitti? Spline Phe A lation Piste lata so, Mgt ages Bers enti’ hin ies CL Sao.17 ate ts Paomivn tint doo, Gt2T9, ‘Ganga! toe Dy) homitiae in Pss,, Gr.90 and 352-7, Mao. ‘toe jomilae x Pos, 6.2358, 0.72 omitin in sind, Ne dedens some, Guy Alseiga7 coments 184-26, Ga-38, Mae my onan sve eosin MI677 5 xpostio fds Nicaonae, Has p. hie Cay Shas a Fapmenta, ap, Bort Pata p22, 8.55 ieee teiagogicn, EE. Beige “F780 toes) po. 237. 387 onliae tn hendenovo, B41 M204 few arta, Mgt fee lo. ib gon] oil Ge Sfras canto, 2.583, Mae T4209 donk de incarnations, D. Amand Reeue hndicine 38 Slaredaoas elgram top 233 serms Es iavoations asctica, 62.023, Miss.rs00, prasita tuto acetice, dejan oat tet, C2628. M. uo oratio tia, 2.621, M.311507 Geta dey, Gans, M 30033 onl dite Sw Lads, Cea 387, M31 209, Msi nat ad aclescntes de kgendis Hibs gettin, E Fentenger Paris) 1935.0 G:473, 31.504 de mtsoncerdia et judicio, G.2 p. 1067, Migit705 sormiones de oribus ee diversis operibus Basis collect, G.3.469, M-32.2126 moratia, Cona30, M3¢692 thomitia'de paraiso, G.1.347- M.30.64 te” perfacione. ilar monachorin, ‘pit065 — ep. 221 Poke adhe dings, 2.52, 34.1305 de pomitoniia, 62.603, Mar.t476 ‘Gonones poomsiontaies, 98 4p. 460 Drecationes, M31-1081 Fepulas breve ‘ractalae, G-2.4t4, MBK. Tose regis fusius tactaas, G-2.321, M.31-889 [ia de renwntiations saceidh, Gy3-203, M3825 seria ob sacerdotum instructionem, M31 1085 scholia in Grogorti Nasianzeni oratiomes, 1M.36.904, biter se Spiritu cancto,C. F. H. Johnston “Otond 1892, Gear, M3268 Ga struct hom, 1-2 homaliae de hominis strucura, G.t-az4, Migovo (oe fGr. Nyss. or. s-2 in Gone 35) Rasieavs SPLEVCENSIS (ob. post 458) (iss. Se} scans. omilia in assumptionens domtini, M28. Toor encom in Andrram, M.aB.a10% sc. Aa sian And ergo Grattnen, MESS 2 wore" Orin Jada lation, 400 thor 3 ratio in deiparas annntintionem, M83. . fey Peek CP amma qe] jorge Lull in Stephamson, Maggot ‘Parte. ono n passions mins im parascee, ‘as to pach 2 sermones 8 pascha, M8107 Pont Sma petecoten, Mga 800, M04 a od, Jud. obtain foam quintan et proditionem oe "Fadae Madstoge Theo aed ninacitls Thelae, M8377 Bassianvs Ernsisus save. v ‘Basin apps supplicalio, ap. Chale. act #1, AC02.03, Peas Mages Carunsroms Para on ase cual} eh pists od Constantino potas, ACO 4.1 p33, Mibbegongo pcs phi aa Conittinypottanos, ACO 13.7 page pom ephtite 04 Cyt, ACO LL Pe 5. int. opp, Cse pet, M778 op. epic. putt eprst pos, iGO 1 p. 3 fi, Spica ad evans, ACO 9 pe Bo Joctin, Pista ‘ad fourm “intoeuins ACO act peat, LD 39.406 op. Nest phitila'd Sestoruine NCO Ata pT. MPL. 50.470 pgm. ephiale nt pueda Ephesinasn, ACO 1:13 9.35, NPE. 50.5 op. Ths. aplitda ad Paes, NCO 607 p.129 Ccarsaaius Naveanawn's ise.) Cara. Naz) hil ates, M8852 post se, Cavs Rowsses oh a7 isos fe) fragment, 1p. Vins 205 200 3.28, 31 Caunisicus Monacmis ‘08 ¥ ‘cally Sip vita Tiypatit, Semsiuarit Vhitleyorum ‘enahts Solon Tb, (893 Caxoxes AvosroxonuM soe. iv Can. 9p She Const pps a7 agate eaunnaciniests ob 497 “a pipe piste ad syncdun Ephesinam, ACO Tag se MP133844 carseneais “Tacek Shad, catecesis erica munasteris Studi, in. ‘opp. Tha. Stk, Mn 093 CCarunas iw Sacnas SexPT O98 ‘Rte elas ane cit trum catonae onl hoy have nt been raced tt roth ia which they were orginally watesn eee in cat, Gon-TReg, —Nieephort Catena in Octaenchain ot tras Neo, Leipeig 1872-4 cat Job Catan Job coestre Niceta, B. Junius ‘muon tay a. Pe Eapesitio: Patan Gracconase in Patios, ‘i Cocacrine Antwerp 40a cat Jer Catena tm foronitan, M. Cluster Lyons tc at, Dam. Catena in Basic, SUE 48 (6825) p x6 Se Nie Catena soangitia Mahar of Mare, JUAs Cramer Ord 1840 Ps Spribalarwn i Alalthaewm tt Catena “Graccorwm Patrum, P. Possinas ‘Tou Nase 1645 cat, (oy) Mt AUTHORS AND WORKS cat, Jo. Clg in omg Zia [a : aan oes +1841; sce also Tit, sat te, calbes ksApotson, J. Cee xin atom Cte peta af Romans, Jo Be net Sa ae Ca eet contain, J. A. ‘Cramer Oxford 1844 ‘at, Gal-Thess, Catenae in epistulas ad Calatas, Ephesiog, ‘Phuibppenses, Colossnses, Thessaloni- enses. JA. Ceamer Oxford 1842 eal, Tim.-Heb, — Catenae in epiatatas ad Timathoum, Titum, Philemona, Hebraeos, J. Ae Crammer ‘Oxtond r843) eat. Jacpoc. Catena sm episolas cathoticus,accesserumt ‘commenters i Apocalypiine, J. Cramer Oxterd 1849 cntsus saee. i (Geis) its ap. Or. Cats, cuamsiys Prapmrmseus see Char) z et Wibellus, ap. C Eph. (43) act. 6, ACO 107 p96, Hasts13, Cuuisivs Saceapos (Civ. Sac. A,B quamodo Christus sacerdos.factus sit, Vassliew p38 Cagomoox Pascuant, saee. vii Chrow, Pach. S.92.69; ©. Dindort Git 3832 Cugystrns Trenosovearranes ob. 479 cnc in BAP encomium in Marian deiparam, M. Josie ae ee ath enimiag, Testi tnd, Forschner Bysantinisch-Newgriechivcke Philologie 0 Athens ro37 p29 enc. im Mich, encomeiaon, te Mtchnclom archangeluon, A. ‘Spates rerppie ne frupelne Bokaorin onouiae 3 Athens 1926 p. 88 nc. in Thar. encom in Thendortn, Ax_Sigalas Npnantinithes avehie 7 Lespeig 1038 pse Cnaysosrosvs, Joaxnes om. 407 (Chrys) G. 143 = 2B, de Montisucon, Joannis ‘Cheysostoms opera oma, TT, 21d ed (Game), Pane 1834-9 (cited by page fmumber ia central column whic? # re produced in M. and Field) WE Me = E. Field, Joannis Chyvso- ‘tom romiliae it Matthacon, Cass bridge 1839, Field 1-7 F. Fold, Joamnis Chryso- ‘lor snforpretatin onion cPistadarim Pantinarum 1-7, Ostord 1845-02 exile Aomiliae ante ous evil, Gags, MS. ET Anna 1-5 sermincs do Anna, Gu4.609, M54.631 hone, 782 eon Amomorne, Gat fot, M48 153 ‘aeons. te avcenstone downs, .2-447 330.441 bape, de baptisma Christ, G.a.367, 49-303, cant, 1 perfectacartate, 0.287, MSB379 ater, x fatechess, Gunns, Mogoin8 falech 24 ‘atechoses, A. Papadoponlos-Keramens ZP ‘95 (£009) p. #54 catech. 5 centechecis, Goa.a34, Mgo.23t comet {de coomielerio ek crue, 2.397, M49-303, comp. Corepavatio regis af monachi, Gtt%6, 47.387 compunct de contpunctione ad Demetrius, G.t.u22, Mia7-395 compuch 2 de compunctione ad Stelechinm, Gut.140, Marat conti. fragment de continentia, 68.209, M56. 0 ern, 1-0 Ae eruce ot latrone, G.2.403, 49.390 Dasid 1-3 Me David ef Sat Gog 748, BESH-675 teh {a futwrae citar deticis, G3.337. Mot 347 ab. 1-3 de diabototeniatore sive dachiones om _subernave mundi, G-2.240, Mega.241 ise. Chan: i 'dinatvionem Chananacee, G3.432, Mse4a9 Died. hrs due. Hi, Ee vid. eens, ope ta36, 242 oh. care ep. Bub, eb. Toe. eb. Ince. 2 Europ. 2-2 ‘tom. 167 in ‘Gen: sem. t-9 in Srcfes. hie tap in Ds, hom, 2-2 in Bs Tis 3 onan Bs, nase ites, Bs nde. om 28 im er som tT 1, Kise Ber. ray Dan. fam. 1-90 in i fom in Mt pag foley Mt ier tom ts Mt, 76:30 rom 288 in Jo. omit Jo 519 doin. 7-55 in “ae. om. 2-4 in Ae "prince som 883 Cor Ta soni F30 in 7 cor xvii {aus Diodori, 63.747, M3276 tciogae es asserts howilde, G.x2.432, M3 567 ds educands beri, F-Combeta Paris 1656 {x Elsa f sud, G9 938, MS 337 Ge eteomosyna, Gos 248, Mest-abt Spistalae Ges'sa7. Me s3.sa9 “Pris cin prytrs i car tor Goss, Resse epitisian td'Badeviam imperatricon, Mo403 spiel SP tance pata, 3.9 ‘ise s29, ap. Pall Cinge 3 Pitta ed’ Trnocentvom apart, G3 521, M.s2.535 in Exdroplum conuchuon, G.3.388, Mss 30 omilige fn Gon, G4, M3323 sermones in Gon., G.4.045, M5458 “ragtentum in Reg. M.04,50 print pis tt fb 304 bxponitones th Pasints guosdam, G5, Bss.35 domiliae tn iltad, Ne timers, C5504. hss499 homie ittnd, Credidi propter aw, ‘Si aidacher £47 31 (2907) Pe 33 somilia ltd, Lauda. anita the, G.5.525, 9.55.529 “agora tn BM 64.560 Iaterpretatia im Ts. 1, Gott, M56.06 Tomine i ited, Vidi dominusa, 6.6.95, M3097 omit} hud, Bo do G.b.445, Mas604 fragmonta in Jer, M.04.739 Komidia in” ittad, Domine, now est in Tomine, G.6.157, M36.453 interpretaito in Dats, Ga 200, M.56.t08 Momatiae in Mey" Field Me,” G7, M5758 omits fn ittud, Angusta est porta, ef de ‘vations domains, G-3.2%, M3EAE hops "in parabola sbilovis, G3, Mst-t7 hontai aud, Pater, si possibile, Gas, Mseat omiliae in Jo, G.8ut, Komilig im iad, Tikoa ox 58 ipso il fact, (0.255, M.80.247 omillae in Aes, Gales, 60.13, 1 fei lumen, amitiae in primipium scorn post ‘ovum Gok, tbstvs . somite tina ie ‘Solus ater ade apenas, C308 Migniny fomilse be Rom. Pied 1 Goat, Boo: omic "de gloria im tribulations, Cite Sts omic ts ites Seiman quoniam ati gensbus, G5.450, M.tbs sokatin ow sls coucon in Geter at gti domitiaa in Mind, Sabutate Visca, Ostet domiliad sez Cor i AM 2, G.r62, Mon homitia in ilius, Vropter forwicationes Gis.t0%, omilia’ tn ilfad, "Malice aligata. est G5.203, Mist-at7 Jomilia’ ti lad, | Nelo ves. ignorare, G3.ce8, Mist ag Jomihia am sltud, Oportet hacreses esse, Gaa.240. M.gnagt omibia tn ailad, Cor autem subject 5. Haklacher 217" 3¢ (1907) pe 250 pomitiaa in 2 Cor, Bild 3, Gt0407, Bhorgst xviii AUTHORS AND WORKS Cunysostomus, Joaxses (cont) om. 2-3 49 2 Cor. gud hom, in 2 Cor comm. in Gal. om. in Gal. om. 1-24 in fe tin pr em rat. dom thom fom Eph er in Je. ve ie prec. t.a suppt. = Thom. suppl 4 incomprehens. Jui. aha Aa teed. tad. dad. Tas, seat, 3 18 et gent Max. Paul. 7 thats. ‘ow esp oppuge. 13 ovdin sell yh fan. paw. than am. pan. pa po Aa. Bab. Bab. 2 Bart Bon, Dros. Bust. Ant, omiiae in iad, Mabentes cundem Spiti- ‘im, G3. 260, Best-a7t Domilia in slud, Utinam sustineretis, G.3.291, Bhstgor commentarium in Gal, Biold 4 p. G.10.057, M6161 homilia niiud, Ta faciom ei rests 63.362, Msta7t homiliae in Eph, Field 4 p. 104, Gat, M629 honitiae in Phi, Field 5 p. 2,, Mac homitia tn fad, Sive per occasionem, G.as00, Magn are homiliae im Col, Field § p. x72, Garx.322, “Sh6z209 homie tnx Thess. G.tr425, homilise im 2 These, Field 5p. 443. G.11.510, M.62.407 hhomiliae n't Tomy Wield 6 p. 1, G.11.547, 62-501 oma tn bad, Vida eligatur, G-3.323, M515 homiae’ in 2 Tim., Field 6 p. G:t1.058, 63,599" omilia in ‘tad. Hoc autem scitote, Go278, Msba7e homilias tn Tit, lel 6, p. 264, C.11.729, ‘Mes oy hontitiae "in Phim. G.ar772, M.62:701 omilias in Hed, Field 7, G.12.1, M639 Field 5p. 313, 162, Field 6, p. 325, agent in Jae. 040 Sratmenta in Jo" Moy 1080 id voputaes famine ess eobaitare nom Meebeant, Got aa8, Nea7 335, som tet ond "grant comcionanduo, Cass, ahsodsy omiliae diversae, Go12.323, M.63.40% Iomalias de presto, 3-778, go Ramte. ta” poontntiats” Ninteioraas Misaass omit Se cem milla tatenta, Mg, ‘rom 44e to end ~ hom, 1} tn Gow ac tnaotfthonsbt det alurh seu nh nome, Got444, MAB.70r aadversus Jutaeos, Gsins8), Mes8 343, oni Juddacas et gentile gud Christus sit deus! Gat gg6, Sge.Se in ‘halentas Ot.699, 48.958 hod nom laciatur ist & 8p, G34, M.S2-459, de lie Wasim et quales ducondae sores, Gistns, Mest de Tenis Pes, C478, M50.473 fn Lacarvon, G.707, 48.063 ‘diem natal Chat, C2334, M.49.39t Sn natiltatom Christi, G.6 302, 956-385 eaomaatsdesporaniuim, G3 s54.Me 53 363 ‘adversus oppuenaiores elias Monasica, Cory, Mey homitia curt presbyter ordinatus fait, Gr.436, B.48.603 omit pest elite ab exitio, 6.3434 emia ‘post reditom ab esto, Goa27, M5443 Ieiudatio martyrum Acgyptiorum, 6.3.69, Miso.o3 panegyritn ie Babylam martyrom, Ga. “33i M.30.527 tevin Haylammantremet contra “Jalianum of gente, Cogs6, Mesovgs9, leitdaio Barlaam martyis, G2. 685, go, ors mgyricum in Berwicon of Prosiocen Pmaries tt de quatiduane Lazar, G2 S34, se.60 audebio Drostdls martyrs, G.2.638, M.go 083 Panegyricum in Eustahiuom Antiochiae ‘ptscopum, Gra.6a3, M30 597 an. Ign pan. Ju. Ju Lae pan. pan Lun Mac. 2 Macc. fr mart 2-3 Mele. 1 Pho. Poly ‘pan, Rom, to2 Paraiy pasch pect Pht. nit 1-9 prod. Jade 1-2 prod. Jud. 5 Prop obscurt es. Eby res, mort sac. 1-6 Saturn sand, Stag. 1-3 lat wnat bine teomepe. temp: Thins twa theair, tid. toa re dadoont, Tannen. janmunt Ar epost. Hkcens. 1-5 Pelog. Ant, pansgyricum in Ignatium martyrem, G2 ‘yon, 350.587 pancesricum in Judianum mariyrem, Gea O71» M50.605 pansgyricum ix Juventinum et Maxie ‘manu mariyres, G2 378, 350-57 panegyricum in guatriduasum Lacarn, G.2.646, M.go.o4t Panegyricum in Lucianum marlyrem, G2 ‘324 B50.519) panegyrica in Maccabacos, G.a.622, M56. or? Sragmentums pancasnic’ in Maccabacos, G2. 033, M50.037. panegyrica im. martes, G.2.650, M50 6457 .2.667, Mga 604; G2gr, M'g0, 705 paegyricien in Sa negyricin in Pelagiam Antiochenaon ‘mariyrem, Ge2.385, M.50.679, fanegyrcion ia Phocam marivrem, G2. "704, 50.599 setae amet i Paar, genta 45 (1920) p30, banigyrica tn Romani warigrenn, G2 (rt, M50.605 omtlia ie paratyticure demsissum per tectum, Go3i34, Msou4 homilia in pascha, G.3.750, M.g2.765 de” nen” eantgandis” fratron peccatis, C3344 M8353 omiliae le pentcoste, Go2.457, M.50.453 ebeato Philogonto, seu conina Anomoeds , Giron, Ma 747 homiliae de potnitentia, G.2.279, tte proditione Judac, C2376. M4973, ie proditione Jrudae, G.2-7ar, M3073 (te prophstarum obseurtate, Gb. 08, Ms6.163 de yesurrectione Christi ef contra ebriosos, Gi2i437. Mis0.433 ae scourrectione mortworur, Misgogty de sacordoto, J. Naiew Carabeidge 1906, Git-goa, Mg8.623 homilia’ Bracdicata’ cio Saturninus ct "Auretignus in exsilinm aah esent, G3, pena ae ads Cos gut candalizati sunt, C3405, M52.479 adhortationes ad Stagyrivm a dacmone vexatum, Gt-154, M4743 ad poputue dnitoctensm de satis, G2. ages contra” tos gui swdineroductas Gat-228, St47.495, Meletium, 6.2518 Gagan, saben, synopets cacvat soripturas, G.6.304, M56. 33 de iemperantia, 8. Haidacher ZKT 30 (1908) p. 375, fe terrae motu, G.2.927, M50.713 lathoriatenes ad Pheodorwn lapsim, Get-t, M7277 contra ludos ot theatra, ©.6.272, M,56:263 (ad vduans juorem, G.1.938, 343-309, de virgintaate, Got-268, M4853 in Abraham, G.2-741, M.50.737 ‘tinonitiones sprviuales, Ca¥ 85, MG ‘at se Adcrtione crucio, G10, M52835: Ga Ban" 6a 47. (Mate ado’ 3 on {alma pases Motil wit hom 5.35 m Mi) sn Wethdn domin advent, G42, Mgoseo da tlate anima, G0 819, 60.735 ‘x enmniatenen, 69.848, a )35 in “mttatonen, Gf. M30. 79% Zor" thawm, samen 3 in chtiatiahonens Ct conra. Arion, ‘oars, Mos 703 in diodes apotoles G84.10,M.59.495 in ateensonahn, Gost77, M3258 tasers Ac tase faet, tascam, Cr, Bae, iar Jeaee, Zacch yearit. 2 Jeateck. catch, pasch, Chan, oie [eoncep Jo. Bape. Et. snerond Hoa tie eng. ye Eilon. 1-4 ep. Cats. ath egatca Hom 3 i Tn th fae home tog it cb im Gen $Pi are. Bom. in Ps. 6 thom. hom: in Bo 13 in Pe, hom. fag "Po. 50 thom ih Ps. 5r thom, in Pa. 742 thom, in Pe 39 aircin ate. ay thom. in Mt. ¥6 Yom. im Mt ‘oir Yom. in Me an AUTHORS AND WORKS Mt a01 de ascensione at im principim Actoun, G3 958. M5273 asc tarts GI mom detere, G.2.808, Ses x0: in astumplionem donini, G.10.763, M61 fat Crrseo, Mta727 in Bascum marirem, G2. 724,¥50-719 Contra hacrescs on wergontin deiparar, ‘G.88.238,B99.709 ae ance nai, GE Gt, M.39-543 Gs cass ob Zacchatw, C8120, M59. 399, ae earitate, G.10.73, MG682; G. M2.709) sn catechumenoe, G-9.823, M.60.739 Sermo catechetious im paszhe, GS.230, 3159. 4 centurionem, G.10.824, ¥.61.769 ie Chananacam els Pharacnem, G-S.27), 87, M59 367 in heron Jonnie in tonmrailen crue, 2.820, Meso835 1 cenerandam Srucom: G B20, 99.673 ‘th dcolatonem Jourtis Bapisiae, G34, 50.485 Ci eat tenn ee deere Giusis, Maz. 1060, sn Etiam prophcam, 0.6.600, M.36-$83 fh icemoemna, Gor bn7. Mqi.2059; C9. ho Mea 7o73 Gadse, Mba 747; Ga 3, Mon 709 frogintapistitae ad Casarvon, 003.742, is2.755, M04. 436 cpisica ad momation, G9 837, M.6025¢ Th evaiatonem erucs, 8.204, 353079 21.845, Raptistae, omitiae in Gen., 66.532, M.56.519 domitia in illud, Pone manum tuum, 6.6,560, M.36.583 = Sever, dir, av.) homitie tn Job, 68.579, Me30-363 argumentuon Pealmorum, 6.5542, M.S6. a omaha it Ps. 6, 65.551, M5543: 09 ‘Knatt 8 Ps. 6, Mdp toéaa-ttot omiia is Ps. 19, 6.587, 35.919 omits tw iad’ Veroiitomes rostea conturbatur, 65.500, b95.559 omilae i Ps 50, 6'5:335.M33:597 owitia tn Past Caso, Ms s80: Tonger recension of Bua. .51- B23 440 domilia in illud, Precamini, G.5.602, fi homibis In itu, Memo fui de, 6.20.73, Mion 6a omits de turture se de eetesia, C.5.606, 333.599 homilaa te illud, Plevaverunt Sumina, G.5.620, Msgr jomilia in dd, 5.604, 355.015, homilia itd, Cantate domino, 6.5628, M.55.019 owing im bud, Gig 610, M35. 563, jomifige tn Bees 79-107, 65.723, M55, 711; G.5.637, M55 655 steiones in Per 418, @.5.085,06.55.675, Yenite exeltemus, Dominus regnavit, omitin in iad, Esipe me, G.5.719, i. ss-707 sraghtihen de generations Chris, yo, ME38.703, bomb tv lll, Si Sian dc es, 6-10.233, Ti61.663, (ote: much of thas ewe Gal with Sent hom tent. 4.) somila in dd, Attondite ne jostitiaes, Gabon, M.56.572 homilie” im tad, Exeuntes Pharisac, Gize 758, M86 705 Gar. thom. Le, 203 thom. in Le 8:3 them, in Le Tei then Be Le Tee thon in Jo.23 thom. in Jo. a hom. in Jo. pf uid. hg. spec. heer. Phat ‘Hero. thom. 1-8, 10, 14, 13 hom. 9 ‘hom. Joh. 7 suppl 3 thom. ‘hom. suppl. 5 suppl. 6 fom: pet 8 Fini 1, 2 ‘hom. Enero. 12 tik ee sine syd. ser. tat. thas, 5 (thas 2 hase die inns. EMtara, merci. xix ratio catecheticn im ilud, Site est ror fqnum. cocloram homini patrlamllis, Eos M7 somiiain slid, fn Qua potestate, 6.64417. ‘Miséait see Sevee| homilta bn sd, Pater, al possibile, G10. eo, crys: partly Sena with ‘Rin how aw abe 96239 v7 homie in lad, Bxit edleeam, C2800, 30.79 omikir’n ita, Exit qul sominat, G10. Bis, Mozy somalia in iad, Ygoom veri, G.a.812, Mos omit Ista, Home quidamn, G.10.838, Bonet omit bud, In principio erat verbum, Gisgts. M8 amitia i tad, Ancenait ‘Gizo-79n, Mon-r39. (oe end = Bust. Mach aw) somalia tnd, Quomodo sit litera, Cis eey, Meso.645 homiliade non udicanle Proxima, 6.9849, Bis0.763 omili nstud, Coligorunt Judae, 6. eee emia i iad, Non quod volo, 6.84188, dominus, G.r0.7940" B59 603 omilia i itud, Sueit Ubi, 6.24 Ms 30 Ge Fe 2 ge naturae ot Sancto Spirit, Gites, Med 108 sn fit laid, G-0.848, M.08.780 Be fugenda sia apes, G8 1073 contd hacrtics,G.9.820, M.go.745 ‘mia tn rcdiomhebdomadaon jejunio= room, G20, Ne sa.70" a” poimiienia tik Tevodens, G8.287, 90.957 pombe "uacdam Seg hominid, ic et Bliss, Mt. 27:5, Giag.ate Mb g3eeGr, Ant bap 24 mise in pracationom. jp 33. Moot ohtia de deemosyna, 64.439: com ‘lation from seen. 4 and Boe AL omit ed cos qui magni aestinant opes, Mo4-433. oma te procatione, M64 464 ‘oman de sire nits 04 4973 SrIncarsationem: Greats, Me} Ih principtem iditiont’ GB, B39. Gigi eter08 Mesos in Horotem ot injanies,Cot0.750,¥.61.699 i ingresu ejioran, 799, Mie Ten Gav bty Moa fas ac Gina donintca. fainta jejuniorin Prantcata, Cartes, Moa73t ordanen fcium, Grtog7e M.S3-725 Gs Joueph et de caste, 6.9 604, M30.587 bn Jaden thealogann, G-S430, M93 gh Geary 772s MCL719 contra Jaton, fentas & haereticos, Si sio BS2073 cont ago 18 serpent seca Gost, Mot-7a3 in Jatronen tt rodivoem, ©.84.247, spuriae, G.33.201, in Fasarinn, Gr1846, M277; Gat 852, M.62.797 in Lavarany Gar8so, M.62775; see titipp de Lasivo et divite, 6.84213, M59.59% legislate, G.0-403, M5697 de mansuetndine, G.12.422, 03.549 {memoriam mapisrum,G-3.821, 52.827 in 'Martham, Mariam ef Lazaruny, C10. 753, Mon jor in micretvicem et pharisaeum, 6.82.49, 330i G.10.762, Mot 709; Cxor7bo, Mt beya7 xx AUTHORS AND WORKS Cunysostomvs, Joannes (cont) {Yonesopent. Prat. Chet, 2 tnat, Jo. Bapt tree. Eon dom. tate. 2 pan. Macc. 3 Spach 5, Saco" fpaten 2 Yat Gi conssmn Spent. 1,2 Font 4 Pein ze. Par. et Paul. Epa Epoenit, 1-4 ‘poonit cam. rpraccurs. 5,2 dere prod. Jud. iprod. ser. prods. 1, 2 sae. 7 peau teal, Hovodiad. $Samarit1, 2 2Samaris para teen, je 1-4 Sw. sue pritomat. Wheat. 1Thect theoph. 2 in mediam pentecoston,G.10.705,M.OT-741 in atale Chaisti, G.x04p90, M6273: Gio. 819, 61-763, in natale Joannis Baptisiz, G.10.812, Mon757 de negations Patriot do Joseph, C.84.236, Misp.o15 Ae occurs Christi, G..812, M30.807 {de onatione, G11 810, M93.737 Snterbretatiocrationss domisicae, G32.149, 1M59.627 ‘sn ramos Palmarum, G8*231, 59.7035 Gur0.767,M.on745 (Spain. x = Meth: Paley _panegyricum in Maceabaeos, 2.631.350. 35 sn pacha, G.84.251, M39-723, tm aseha, B. Nautin SC 27 (2950), G8. 264, 50.735 ate patienita, 69.806, M.60.733 (te pationtia ef te constonmatione eaect, 12.817, M.03.937 in pentecosion, Go3.787, B.s2.803 in bentecosten, G2 822, 353.933 Sn Potrum oF Bliam, G:2'730, M.50.725 in Petru ot Paso, G87, M39.49 de pharisaco Simone, G.82.110, 339.589 1 poontentia, 9.761, 3.60.58; 69.780, ‘b0:6997 69.786, 60.703; C.9.852, M0.705, canons pocnitentates, SS 4p. 491; TAU pormi. can. ins" pracchrsorem Christ, ‘sor; Gabe 5, M5080 precationss dariae, G.12-799, 03.923; ‘Ap. Luchol. p. set, Moy Fob im broaldament Fad, Guo 38, M687 penn sets N58. in! Phrablam de fio protiqn, G35, absnsiay Geaso,aso.eay acid pevsentia Go Fs20M 30.709 ‘te pectopropietie 87a. Hs598 te Sibcolt parca, G86, B39 Sop) Gann go) Soe 783 ae rb pale Go.912 836.503 Se Rachel fants, C049, M62. ef Gros, oy de ronissione peceatorum, 9.845, MSO. in Teourretionom Christi, G.11.827, M62 733 ae Saserdotio liber septimus, G2 805, M48. foo7 = Ephe. 3.1 da sucrifcio Cais et de fato, G.r1.792, Menjr9) in saltdionem Herodiadis, G.8#.30, sat in Sararitanam, G.S#.53, M,59-535 797, OUT in perabolans Samaritasi, G.r0.810, MK. 7352 Gta, Mba.755 serptones im asconsionenn, Traditio 9 New ‘York 1953 pp, 116-23 serniones da fajunio, Gr0.846, M63.787 Gitttog, Mba. 734:G.1894, M62. 757: Gir1.953, Mon 759 sormis in pascha, Praditio 9. Nese York 1953 p. 108 de secitae, G.10.775, MOL T23 {de Sancio Spirit, C'3.797, 3-32-8353 {i Stephaniem protomariyrem, G.12.800, Mi03.000 in Siephanumm protomarisrem, G87, Miso.gors C8207, M.g9.009, ae Sista, 66.607, 58.56:389 fi symavin archaneeloruin, G-8.255, M59, 755, quad mon sit accodendum ad theatrum et de “Abraham, G.6.557, M5054 Inidatio Theciae martyris, 62-749, ML. 745, in /suncta theophania, G.2.800, M.50.805; Giosr7, Mer yer hom. 1,2 im Thomam apostotun, 6-88.14, M.59.497 6.88207, 350.081 sThom. 3 in nova omiatcam ein Thomam aposto- hon, G.ta-toy, 33.987 donate. in irwispgenatomer, G.20774, ML6X.72% Sranche ‘in traniagurationen, Sale Pp. 399 jonas ih ndeanam recurectionem Chris, Ga. Mgoser Trip. de Tnstate, Gar 830, M.48-1087 See in parabola vier imgattette, (10.843, itien7a tive, connupl. contra ingimum comruptores, G9 826, M.60. 7 tsirg. parab. in Bapabotom vinginum ot de eleemasyna, iss. Bo. feet. cote ae ira crit G9.862, M6073 Woe fa 2 Stale fads, Go3.85q, 80-767 foo tpt Ge rte spot, 2838, Mbo.t71 Lees, 2 $n Zacchachon publacaniom, G80 £30, MS, Spi Gross, Mere ac ae pucnio’ Zatharite reddit, ©.2.790, ago 85 Cuavoros Arouuwants see it (Gawd) jripach fragmenta de paschate, M.5.3297 Cures ALENANDRINUS ‘ob. ante 235 ‘Gem ; ae GES's (aga) 0. 137, 9.607 | exe. This esterpta Thtada, GES 39.105, 9.053 jee fragiiowta, GCS" § pigs, partly aa Mo.740 5a edagogus, GES 1 (1905) p 89, MS.247 Deed: tyme. ——-Aymmse ap. Clem. peed ai, GOST Prag, Mas pret pritepicus sive cohrtatio. ad gents, ee rp 1 849 ads ats divestatenei GCS 5 p. 159, 9.605 be Sromales 1-6, OCS. 2 (tgo0)'p. yA 1685, 9.9; 2-7-8, GES 3 p.3, Ma.gor Crnens Rowanus sae i 7 Clem. pistula Clementi ad Corinthios, “iiht- ‘meyer p. 35, M.201 2 Clem. olla sive epistula secunda Clementis ‘ad Corinthive, Biblmeyer pe 78, MA 520 (spurious Cunmexrixa Basically early thicd-century material, in its present form probably early fourth century Chen. contest. contesiatio pro iis qui Novum accipivnt, ‘M28 Chon. op. episinin Clemontis ad Jacob, M2.32 Glen. ep. Petr. ¢pistula Patri ad Jaccbusn, SLa.35, Clem. spi, A ebilonre de getts Petr, M2.469. Chem: epi B Epitome de geste Peo, A. RM, Dressel | ‘Clementinorsm epitomae duae Leipaig Cen, recog. om ad vecognitiones Clemen: suppl. 15 (ley 9c 22, Mang sub 5 | Hane Cin, 2-20 homitine Clementinae, M.2.57 | Copa Caxonue Becristar AvmicaNar see, vv? | Cea. ap. Honor CopEx Tazovesianus Cod. ThE See Thds. Tmp. cod couums, saee. vi (Call) fr fragrienta varia, ap. Dock. Paty 4t p-3034 ‘ap € Later. at. 5, 1.3.890-7 | couumpus Armcaxus sate. vit | cotume) . epistuia ad Theodovm Papam, iat. opp. “Tha. Papacy M.PE87 82 Coneuta ‘The numbering of the actiones in H, is {ollowed. Only the page and column on which the actiones begin are given be- Tow, not the pages and columns on ‘which they continue after interruption pistles, Abell, supplication eter, ade “Geeseod to a counell and signed by 8

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