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The campaign is set in the collection of city-states, kingdoms and fiefdoms collectively referred to as
the Highland Kingdoms. These kingdoms and the Swordlords that rule over them, are in a constant
state of war, with heavily disputed borders and ever-changing diplomatic intrigue (think renaissance
city-state Italy). Another product of this tumultuous time is the lure of wealth and military might
pulling countless mercenary companies to the sides of the more powerful and influential states.
Bordering these dangerous lands are the “Unclaimed Lands” a large expanse to the south that three
of the larger nations, Camboda, Prizzt and Temeri; have become increasingly invested in expanding
into. As a result many mercenary companies like yours the Wings of Abadan are being hired to enter
and assist in securing the new frontier.


The most populous and the most powerful race in the Highland Kingdoms are humans however all
the common races (bar half-orc there is a reason :P) can be found there though rarely. In the advent
of the rise of humanity in the HKs most of the more fantastical races, particularly elves and dwarves,
live in secluded villages, or in slums and ghettos in the bigger cities. Halflings are found more
commonly in domesticated roles hired primary as domestic indentured servants of the aristocracy of
the HKs whilst Gnomes are at forefront in the economic, scientific and guild politics that stretch the
borders of the kingdoms of the HK. Hence racism and the treatment of non-humans as a second-
class citizen are common and run rampant throughout the lands.


Whilst the non-humans keep their own gods, all lands in the HK believe in The Two a religious
practice introduced centuries ago by their continental neighbour Arlan. The Two believes in The Man
and The Woman, who in turn have four aspects each that create their main focuses of the religion.
The Man is worshiped as the Father, The Warrior, The Builder and The Son. Whilst the Woman is
praised in the guises of The Mother, The Crone, The Daughter and The Lady. Each of these facets
where once lesser gods that have eventually been absorbed into the larger faith of The Two.


Arcane arts are uncommon and superstition follows those that use, however most courts boast a
mage in their employ, the Crone is seen as the originator and teacher of the arcane arts in the faith
of the Two. The Divine arts are rarer than those of the arcane and are more widely accepted as they
come (hopefully) from the benevolent aspects of the Two. Druidic magic and that of the land, whilst
found more commonly among the more nomadic and naturalist elves of the Highlands is sometimes
practiced by human eccentrics as well. The druids often pray to the either directly to spirits of
nature, old god, the elven gods or to The Warrior through the lens as a hunter of the woods.

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