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Computers have become a tool in the hands of every common man, Civil engineer with no

exception. With civil engineers primarily responsible for the construction activities contributing
greatly to the national GDP, digitisation of civil engineering is expected to bring in efficiency hike in
the areas from visualizing to analysing to designing to detailing of facilities

Civil engineering department of Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management has come up with
the novel idea of startup Sahyaware exclusively for the development of a workforce with skills
required to digitize civil engineering activities.

Sahyaware concentrates mainly on imparting training to the students and the needy others in
computer programming, logical thinking, algorithm development, coding to solve complex

Development of such skilled manpower will be able to digitize much of the office work of civil
engineers thus invoking automation of many cumbersome activities.

Such a skill imparted to the students will not only make them highly desirable in the industry but
also give them an edge over the others in employability.

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