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meet up with the demand.

Also, this will help to empower fellow Africans on

ministry/organizational governance related matters. Therefore training of the trainer
(TOT) is required, for it shall empower Africans and provide close accessibility to
organizations that desire the service in their countries.


 In each country (the 15 indicated) identify and select 1 person for TOT and
empower them to be respectful LDI Ministry Governance Ambassador’s for their
 We are looking at the first week in September 2018 for the training of the

4. Pastoral Training

Apart from the two Bible Colleges in South Africa that we are partners with in training
pastors and church leaders in South Africa, we are currently working along-side a
Church in Malawi to help start their Bible School.

We have seen that training pastors and church leaders through collaboration with other
training institution is more productive and effective. We hope to build more of such
partnerships as we come across such opportunities.

Participant’s evaluations/feedback from our previous engagements

“The facilitator’s simplicity and explanation makes the sessions interesting. The unique
skills of the facilitator kept us awake through out the program. The interactive approach
and engaging with participants made the training more relevant to real issues
organization Directors and Board members face.”

“Better understanding of what accountability is and is not is an eye opener and the whole
presentation was an eye opener. I am equipped to be a better Board member.”

“The explanation on the role and responsibilities of Board has helped me to know what it
means to be a Board member of an organization.”

“I gained a better understanding of board and organization structures (governance and

management). Also, I grabbed a good understanding of the importance of board
members relationship and my role as an individual board member.”

“The use of real life examples and the inclusion of Christian principles and perspective
really makes the training so unique to me.”

“More interaction with LDI is highly needed; LDI provides solution to one of the major
challenges we face in Africa.”

“This is great as it helps boards focus on policy and not operational things. The
facilitators approach is not a “do as I say” but “as I do”. His humility and yet excellent
facilitation skill were amazing.”

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