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Reflection Survey Results

Student survey conducted on Google Forms on May 28,

1. 100% of the
students answered
that they are proud
of their Hawaiian
culture, traditions,
and history after
May Day.
2. In all 5 of the actions
that they took over the
course of this unit, over
80% of the students
answered that these
actions contributed to
feel proud about their
cultural identity.
3. 77% of the students
answered that they
are confident that
they can continue to
learn and educate
others about our
culture, history, and
traditions to honor
and celebrate our
identity as a member
of this community.
22% answered
“maybe”. This shows
that there is more
work to be done.
4. Many of the students
answered that the next steps
are to continue practicing
chant and hula, deepen their
understanding in Hawaiian
history, and become more
knowledgeable in the history
of Hawaii. I too believe that
these are necessary steps for
my students to take as they
continue to increase pride in
their cultural identity as well
as in those around them.

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