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Clasificarea genurilor si speciilor literare - in functie de bibliografia orientativa

GENUL LIRIC (poezie)

a.lirica populara (ritm, rima, masura):balada
* populara (folk ballad) : e.g.''La belle Dame Sans Merci'' John Keats
* culta (lyrical ballad): e.g. ''The Rime of Ancient Mariner'' Samuel Taylor Coleridge
**lirica americana romantica: Whalt Whitman, Emily Dickinson
b.lirica fixa :sonetul
* Petrach
e.g.Thomas Wyatt, William Shakespeare (154 sonnets)
c.lirica moderna: ''Waste Land'' Thomas Stearns Eliot
a. romanul epistolar: ''Moll Flanders'' Daniel Defoe, ''Pamela'' Samuel Richardson
b. romanul picaresc : ''Gulliver's Travels'' Johnathan Swift
c.romanul de aventuri/ experientei:''Tristram Shandy'' Lawrence Sterne
d.*romanul gotic englez: ''Mysteries of Udolpho'' Anne Radcliffe, ''Frankenstein'' Mary Shelley ,
''The Vampyre'' John William Polidori
e.romanul victorian
e1.romanul de maniere(novel of manners):''Pride and Prejudice'' Jane Austen, ''Middle March''
George Elitot, ''Vanity Fair'' William Makepeace Thackeray
e2. romanul naturalist( cu influente psihologice): ''Tess of the Dubberville'' Thomas Hardy
e3. romanul fresca (a societatii victoriene):''Great Expectations'' Charles Dickens
e4.romanul absurdului: ''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'' Lewis Carroll, ''Pickwick Papers''
Charles Dickens
e4. romanul psihologic: ''The Portrait of a Lady'' Henry James, ''The Heart of Darkness'' Joseph
** romanul clasic american: ''The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'', ''TheAdventures of Huckleberry
Finn'' Mark Twain
** romance: ''The Scarlet Letter'' Nathaniel Hawthorne
i. romanul modern englez
i.1.''Uysses'' James Joyce
i.2. ''Mrs.Dalloway'' Virgina Woolf
i.3. *''A Passage to India'' Edward Morgan Forester
i.4.*''Brave New World'' Aldous Huxley
i.5.*''Sons and Lovers'' David Herbert Lawrence
**romanul modern american
''The Man and the Sea'' Ernest Hemingway (*novella)
''The Great Gatsby'' F.Scott-Fitzgerald (*Jazz-Age)
j.romanul postmodern
j1. ''The Magus'', ''French Lieutenant Woman'', ''The Collector'' John Fowles
j2. ''1984'' George Orwell
GENUL DRAMATIC (teatru/play)
* ''Hamlet'' William Shakespeare
*''Macbeth'' William Shakespeare
*''Romeo and Juliet'' William Shakespeare
*'' A Midsummer Night's Dream'' William Shakespeare
*Romantic comedy: ''Pygmalion'' George Bernard Shaw

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