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1. Generic structure
The purpose of a biographical recount is to inform by retelling past events and
achievements in a person’s life.

The texts consist of three parts:

a) Part 1: orientation
It given the reader the background information as two why this person is Noteworthy
and should have a biography written about the. The opening paragraph should answer
the questions: who, what, where, when, and how.

b) Part 2: series It presents a series of events, usually told in chronological order. Here the
writer might refer to a certain time on line.
c) Part 3: reorientation
It consists of a type of conclusion with a comment on the contributions this person has
made or a summary and evaluation of the person’s achievement.

2. Language Features
a) A biographical recount uses specific names of the people involved in the biography.
b) It is mainly written in simple past tense (the final paragraph could also include the
present tense)
c) A biographical recount also uses linking word to do with time.
d) A biographical recount describes events, so it uses many verb or action verb.
example :


Francis Greenway was a famous convict who was born in England in 1777. His family were
builders, stone masons and architects. In 1809 Greenway became bankrupt and so he decided
to forge a contract. As a result of this crime he was sentenced to transportation to New South
Wales for 14 years. This was in 1812. Two years later, in1814, he arrived in Sydney with a
letter of recommendation from ex-governor Hunter. In response to this recommendation, a
ticket-of-leave was granted to him and this enabled him to establish his own business as an
architect. In March 1816 Greenway was appointed to the position of civil Architect and
Assistant Engineer by Governor Macquarie. For his work he received a salary of 3 shillings (30c)
per day. For six years Greenway designed and supervised the construction of many buildings
which have since become part of Australia‘s colonial heritage. These include St. Matthew’s
Church, Windsor; St Luke’s Church, Liverpool; St. James’ Church, Sydney; parts of Old
Government House, Parramatta; Government House Stables (now the Conservatorium of
Music), Sydney; the Old Hospital, Liverpool; and Hyde Park Barracks (in Macquarie Street,
Sydney). The friendship between Macquarie and Greenway, however, did not last – one of the
reasons was connected to Greenway’s salary. After Macquarie had been sent back to England,
Greenway received only limited work from the new Governor, Brisbane. His temper did not
help him to win friends or work .Before long, Greenway’s health began to fail and he fell into
poverty. After his wife’s death he was tricked out of his property and, in 1837, at the age of
sixty he died so poor that his grave did not have a headstone. Greenway has been described as
stubborn, arrogant, temperamental and egotistical. Some even argue that his designs are
mere copies and too extravagant. However, Greenway was also a man of great ability,
imagination and energy, and he is remembered by many people as Australia’s first architect.
Most of his buildings are now part of Australia’s valued colonial heritage

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