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I would like to gather the attention of all those present at this wholesome dinner and divert it to

the most important person in the world, my girlfriend of 4 years. I've always loved to paint with
the color red, even though my favorite color is blue. I was used to worlds of red, so vibrant,
angry, and reckless. But no matter how much I painted with red, I could not make it become
blue. Then you came into my life; you are the blue that quelled my unkempt worldly desires. You
showed me worlds outside of what I wanted to see. You showed me the stars born from your
eyes, and all the constellations and galaxies in between them, and in return I gave you my
humble red little world, and you deemed it worthy for you. The level of humility towards
yourself in accepting what little I could give you by being with me this glorious, bountiful years
is truly awe inspiring. I was red, you were blue, we came together just like glue, and now my
favorite color to paint with is infinite worlds of purple, and it's all thanks to you.

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