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Rene Lou L.

11-Canisius Schedule: Tuesday and Friday

Reflection 1

Evil works and Forgiveness

In today’s Gospel Mark 3:20-25, this is all about evil works and forgiveness. Everyday,
I commit sins and doing it over again. But what I don’t know is that God is forgiving
me for all the things I’ve done. He’s being considerate and understandable because
he knows what I feel. He wants me to realize that all the things that I’ve done wrong
is not right, and he wants me to trust him and follow him his kingdom. God wants
me to do is to love more, accept more and to forgive more. But in order to do it I
need to open my heart first and and accept him just like how he accept me for all the
imperfections I have. There is no perfect person living in this earth, everyone commit
mistakes. And every mistakes I need to accept and move on from it to start another
and try my best to correct it.

Lord, you may forgive all of us for what we have done to you. You may accept and
help us that we may learn to love each other even if someone or something is
different. Amen.

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