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Mr.Moon : Torruella
Meena: Sofia
Rosita: Renata
Gunter: Numa
Johnny: Leonel
Mike: Ochoa
Mrs. Crawly: Valentina Saavedra
Meena´s grandpa: Nelson
Rositas´s husband: Rodolfo

Narrator: That was it. The moment it all began. The moment an ordinary little guy fell in
love in theater .Everything about it. The lights, the way the scenery moves, even the smell,
he was only six years old, and he wanted to be the first koala having a theater for all
people. Some called him visionary, some others called him crazy.
Koala is in the office reading some pages
The door is knocking
Miss Crawly(Valentina Saavedra ): you have all the animals waiting for you. You should
come and tell them what you are going to do for helping them.
Mr. Moon: ok,I don´t know what to say. Mmm! I need an idea to get the money back.
What can I do?(he sees a poster and gets the idea).Oh,yes,yes, I know now what to do. I
am going to call animals who have an ability to sing,or dance for a contest. Yes, that´s
what I will do. If they wing they can get money and I can get my money back. Miss Crawly
can you print some pamphlets saying $100,000 to win the singing contest.
Narrator: on the other part of the city, there was a talented girl who didn´t know she was
special. She was called Meena.
Meena´s scene
Meena sings happy birthday to her grandpa (everybody is in in the kitchen)
Meena: come on, and make your wish
Grandpa: thanks my dear lay. I wish you can join the choir, a local brand, or something
Meena: I tried, but I can´t.
Mam: Dad we´ve been over this. She is a little shy.
Grandad: that´s not possible. If I had that voice I´d be a super star by singing.
Meena: Grandpa, you know that I am shy, be reasonable.
Grandpa: no,no, I recognize when someone has talent, and my dear lady, you have it! You
know my wish will be that you sing in front of an audience before I die, I want you to see
you singing. Would you accomplish that for me?
Meena: but, how grandpa, I can´t.
Grandpa: Here I have a gift for you(he shows her the pamphlet) you see, you can win if
you participate.
Meena: but!
Grandpa: do it for me, I know you can. There is nothing, you can´t reach.
Meena: I’ll think about that grandpa
Rosita´s scene
Narrator: Rosita´s dream was always to be a singer but due to her big family she couldn´t
fulfill her dream. Rosita is in the kitchen preparing the breakfast for her family when
suddenly she sees a pamphlet in the window. She eagerly shows that to her family but her
family does not take care
Rosita: see this Roger(pig)I can win $100.000
Roger: yes,yes, whatever
Narrator: Rosita gets disappointed. Nobody cares about her dream but she wants to show
her family that she can reach her dreams, so she decides to participate in the contest.

In the contest
Narrator: the day of the first audition is now, all different kinds of animals are waiting to
Mr. Moon: ok everybody make a line and we are going to call you.
(In this part, all the animals sing)
Mr. Moon: ok, everybody will pass in order according to the name I say
Mr. Gunter is your turn

(the koala says the names and each one gets in order )

Gunter-bad romance
Mr. Moon: next

Butterfly (buffalo)

Mr. Moon: thanks, next

Ash with her boyfriend

Mr. Moon: ook, next one ,please

Lollipop song(Fernando,Gabriel,)

Mr. Moon: ok, thanks, next


Mr. Moon: ok,next one please


Mr. Moon: ok, the next one, Mr. Jhonny

Stay with me(Johnny)

Koala: ok, lady come, only sing

Chandelier(Meena is afraid and she doesn´t want to pass cause she is afraid)

Mike (interrupts her)ok,it´s my turn ,go away,

Every time it rains (frank Sinatra)

Mr. Moon: ok,thank you,next is Rosita, come please

Fireworks (Rosita)

Then the koala calls every contestant to let them know who classify

Mr. Moon: ok, let´s see , the persons who will pass to the next show are: Rosita ,Mike and


The animals are happy because they classified to the next show. Rosita and Gunter decide that for
the next show, they are going to present something fantastic. On the other har, Meena was not
mentioned. Her name was not in the list, so she decides to walk and think about that.

Meena´s Scene

Narrator: Meena is so disappointed. She wanted to be part of the show but her fear of singing was
bigger. Her parents support her, and she only disappointed them. She finds alone in a place. She
stars singing a beautiful song, and the Mr.Moon listens carefully her beautiful voice.

Mr. Moon: Meena you can sing. Your voice is fantastic, would you like to be part of the show?

Meena: no. I mean yes, I am afraid of singing in front of the audience.

Mr. Moon: Meena, you don´t have to worry about anything. Your voice will blow them away.
Meena: but….

Mr. Moon: no excuses, only sing and that´s all.

Narrator: Meena accepts to sing even though she is afraid of it. The day of the show is coming, and
everybody is preparing what they are going to do for the show.

Rosita´s scene

Son: mommy, what are you going to do for the show?

Rosita:well, Gaunter is helping me with that, would you like to help me?

Sons: mom, I would. I would too Mom. Me too mom.

Rosita: ok, sons. We are going to practice from now on.

Rosita´s husband: ok, And I ? Can I help you dear Rosita?

Narrator: After some days, everybody is ready to present its show. Meena, Rosita, Gunter,Ash,
Mike and Johnny. They are nervous, but they know they will do it because they want to reach their

Mr. Moon: ok everybody now is the time to shine. All people are going to watch you. Your family
is here. Don´t disappoint them.

There are some cameramen recording the show.

Koala walks to the stage

Mr. Moon: welcome to the movie theater,I am your host Buster. Today, we are going to blow your
mind. The participants you are going to see are fantastic with their voice. So, please welcome to
Rosita, Mike, Meena and Johnny. (Audience applause). Give them a huge applause.

Mr. Moon: the first contestant will have a wonderful presentation, she and Gunter will take you to
another place, please welcome Rosita and Gunter.

Mr. Moon: Now, let´s meet a boy that has a wonderful voice, please welcome to Johnny.

Mr. Moon: now everybody, let´s meet a lady who her boyfriend left her, please welcome Ash

Mr. Moon: and now, a small animal that will blow your minds, with you the wonderful Mike

Mr. Moon: and the last one but not least, welcome to Meena.

Mr. Moon: thanks everybody, you have done a great job. And now, let´s say the winner, and the
winner is…..everybody has won. And, now, let´s sing together

Narrator: from the story, we could see that in every moment Meena´s family supported her and
that´s what families do, support each other. And with this, the students from the 5ths grades
conclude the show. And now, it´s time to present to you a beautiful song that talks about this
special day.

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