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Clinical Report

assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatu , me Riza Katipana College student

CoNers an even force of 2017 that carries out practice clinic in RSUD Trjitrowardoyo , we
are received composed from 2 to group great , groups A and B together too doing practice
clinic on stase early namely KDP ( Nursing Basic Profession ) for 2 weeks, us sign in
April 16, 2017 and received in room Training By Sir Subagyo, then we divided again be
groups more small as many as 3 people for each in 5 rooms care among others care main ,
Aster, Bogenvil , Cempaka dahlias, I own with 2 friends I got it room Dahlia treatment ,
experience practice clinic first I moment sign in in RSUD Trjitrowardoyo that is in room
treatment of dahlias.

Room Dahlia treatments are room care patient surgical , start from care surgery
Child , Obgyn , ENT, Orthopedics , surgery General , and care post other surgery , Dahlia
treatments are care with service patient class 1 and 2 . Dahlia Treatment at harvest by Head
Room that is Maya Sari Dewi's mother S.Kep , Ns with 2 Primary Nurses ie Sir Kurniawan
AMK and mother of Sri Redjeki S.Kep, Ns and 12 Persons Nurse implementing each on duty
with Shift division .

Experience personal I moment sign in in room ie dahlia treatments start from doing
Apple morning at 07.00 for morning shift then next with deliver please patient from nurse
implementers night to nurse implementers morning . after doing deliver ter imah keep nurse
implementers night usually set up preparation patients pre op then in continue by nurse
implementers morning and wait call before delivered IBS room ( Installation Surgery Central
) . for I own always follow all action treatment carried out and adjust it .

For experience practice RS for I own Open new thing because previous I already
work , all action treatments performed same on generally few are memorable create I that is
transportation is on Use for to room other treatments usually use bike and this is new thing
for I and very outside ordinary .

Action care that b i a sa do nurse implementers on the morning shift that is care
wounds or medication on post op patients 08.00 hours and next with schedule injection at
12.00 and measurement Signs Vital.Untuk Dahlia treatment is divided into 2 teams that is
Red and Blue , for the Red Team start from rooms 1-10 and team Blue from rooms 11-22.
Implementation exam KDP stages in do it date 26 april day Thursday , since head
room or CI receptor land no can accompany then we only in do it responsiveness by mentor
academic experience personal I in room treatment of dahlias for 2 weeks start from April 16 -
April 28, Soon and please love .

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