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Diagnosa Keperawatan no 3

Gangguan Eliminasi Urine berhubungan dengan penyebab multipel (hiperparatiroid)

Tujuan : Setelah dilakukan intervensi keperawatan selama 3x24 jam, eliminasi klien dapat kembali

Kriteria hasil : sesuai indicator NOC

NOC : Urinary Elimination

No Indikator 1 2 3 4 5

1 Elimination pattern

2 Urine amount

3 Urine clarity

4 Empeties bladder completly

5 Urinary frequency

6 Pain with urination

NIC : Urinary Elimination Management

1. Monitor urinary elimination including frequency, consistency, volume

2. Monitor for sign and symptom of urinary retention
3. Identify factor that contribute to incontinence episodes
4. Teach patient sign and symptom of urinary tract infection
5. Note time for urinary elimination
6. Tecach patient to drink 8 oz of liquid with meal
7. Record time of first voiding following procedures
8. Restrict fluids

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