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Name: Paola Tigrero Rodríguez.

English 5

Write some notes about a book you've read, or choose one of the books here.

Type of book: FICTION - Personal overcoming novel.


Author: Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez.

What is it about?

This work of the author Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sánchez, makes you see how important it is to
instill moral values at the time of growth, this depends much of our future.

Growing up as a true, faithful and honest person, this work teaches us the many paths we can
find, a lot of decisions that we have to make between the road of good or evil, the important
thing is that if we have good foundations we can take the Proper decision.

This story makes us see the beautiful and dark part of love, shows us how the greatest love can
become the greatest hatred and repudiation.

The strength of love and the family help our protagonist Carlos to overcome his first
disappointment, his first unlove.

In the work there are very interesting parts, when the author debates about the righteousness
of life, the provisions, habits, tastes, self-esteem, ethics, values and feelings. It makes us see
and feel things that these days one tends to forget.

If we all bring so clear values and what we are as the character of the work, the world would be
a place out of series.

Your recommendation:

I would recommend that you read this novel, has many good things to highlight. Even this
literary work would help personal development.

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