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1. Draw a line of origin at one end of the chromatography paper with a pencil.

2. On the line, add the endoprotease enzyme extract with a fine needle to
give a small spot. Let it dry before adding another drop. Repeat this until a
concentrated spot is obtained.

3. Place the chromatography paper into solvent, making sure the line of
origin is above the solvent surface.

4. Let the chromatography run until the solvent reaches the solvent front.
Cover the container while running the chromatography to prevent
evaporation of the solvent.

5. Let the chromatogram dry before spraying with same specific dye to locate
the products of hydrolysis.

6 Run another 2 replicates for the endoprotease. Make sure the number of
drops of the enzyme extract place on the line of origin is same as step 2.

7. Repeat step 1 to 5 for the other enzyme, exoprotease. Make sure the
numbers of drops of the enzyme extract place on the line of the origin is the
same as the chromatography for the endoprotease.

8. For all the chromatograms, measure the distance travelled by each product
in order to calculate the Rf values.

9. The mean Rf values for the chromatograms of both type of the enzyme is

10. Risk : Solvent easily flammable

Precaution : Make sure there is no naked flame present

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