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Bullying among Spanish secondary education students: the role of gender traits, sexism, and homophobia.

Transforming Schools Through Minority Males' Participation: Overcoming Cultural Stereotypes and Preventing Violence

‘Girls don’t play soccer’: children policing gender on the playground in a township primary school in South Africa

Performing intelligible genders through violence: bullying as gender practice and heteronormative control

Wearing Pink as a Stand Against Bullying: Why We Need To Say More

Presumed innocence - (Hetero)sexual, heterosexist and homophobic harassment among primary school girls and boys

Playtime in the borderlands': Children's representations of school, gender and bullying through photographs and

Snakes and leaders: Hegemonic masculinity in ruling-class boys' boarding schools

Patriarchy matters - Toward a gendered theory of teen violence and victimization

Constructing the victim in the bullying narrative: How bullying discourses affirm rather than challenge discriminatory
notions of gender and sexuality

Experiences in bullying and/or peer victimization of vulnerable, marginalized, and oppressed children and adolescents:
An introduction to the special issue.

Punishing the Bullies, Defending Heteronormativity. An Analysis of the Parliamentary Debate in Italy on Homophobic

School bullying and fitting into the peer landscape: a grounded theory field study

Providing a Safe Learning Environment for Queer Students in Canadian Schools: A Legal Analysis of Homophobic Bullying

Queer otago secondary students' views of their schooling environment

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