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Mechanism of Action: Ampicillin exerts bactericidal action on both gm+ve and gm-ve organisms. Its spectrum
includes gm+ve organisms eg, S pneumoniae and other Streptococci, L monocytogenes and gm-ve bacteria
eg, M catarrhalis, N gonorrhoea, N meningitidis, E coli, P mirabilis, Salmonella, Shigella, and H influenzae.
Ampicillin exerts its action by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell wall.

Absorption: Relatively well absorbed from the GI tract with peak plasma concentrations after 1-2 hr (oral); may
be altered in the presence of food.

Distribution: Widely distributed into the ascitic, pleural and joint fluids (therapeutic concentrations), CSF (small
amounts except when the meninges are inflamed), bile (high concentrations); crosses the placenta and enters
the breast milk (small amounts). Protein-binding: 20%.

Metabolism: Converted to some extent to penicilloic acid; undergoes enterohepatic recycling.

Excretion: Via the urine by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion; via the faeces. May be removed by

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