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The Origins of Mushrooms – A Bohemian Folktale

Intro: Many cultures have their own myths surrounding the origins of various plants,
vegetables and fruits. The Slavs possess an unique story for the wild mushroom.

Summary: First of Allan Stevo’s series on Slavic mushroom-centered folktales, “The

Origins of Mushrooms – A Bohemian Folktale” presents an intriguing selection of R.
Gordon Wasson and Valentina Pavlovna Wasson’s celebrated Mushrooms, Russia and

FB posts:

1) Jesus and Peter walk into a humble czech wedding party. Discover what
happens next in this surprising entry concerning the origins of the mushroom as
known to Bohemians. (insert link here)

2) "And because poor people need help, mushrooms multiply and abound." Read
the beautiful tale behind the origins of the wild mushroom at (insert link here).

3) It goes unnoticed the quantity of stories concerning mushrooms. Allan Stevo

explores a beautiful Slavic folktale behind the genesis of the common wild
mushroom at (insert link here).


1. Curious as to the origins of the wild mushroom? Read from the Slavic
perspective (insert link here)
2. Ever wonder how food is explained by culture? Allan Stevo uncovers a surpising
Slavic tale about the progins of the mushroom.
3. Jesus and Peter walk into a humble wedding in Czechoslovakia. Curious about
what happens next? Check pit (insert link here)
4. Some cultures abhore the wild mushroom. Some love it. Discover's the Slavic
tale behind its origins.
5. Allan Stevo retells the origins of the wild mushroom from the book
"Mushrooms, Russia and History".
6. Mushrooms are tasty and contain several nutritional properties. Its origins,
though, are surprising - according to the Bavarians. (Insert link here)
7. A fan of Slavic culture? An avid mushroom lover? You're in luck. This week's
entry covers the Bohemian origins of the wild mushroom (insert link here).
8. Each culture has its portion of folktales. Discover the Bohemian's explanation of
the wild mushroom. (Enter link here)
9. Find out Jesus' and Peter's role in the origins of the wild mushroom according
to this Bohemian folktale: (enter link here).
How Maria Theresa’s Dad Died From Eating Poisonous Mushrooms

Intro: Mycophagy - the act of consuming mushrooms - has a long history, dating back to
ancient times. However, we don’t tend to give mushrooms much thought. It is often
dismissed the impact mushrooms have made in human history, particularly European. As
Voltaire once said - “a pot of mushrooms changed the history of Europe.”

Summary: Second of the “Mushroom” series, Allan Stevo selects from Wassons’
Mushroom, Russia and History a historically accounted case, in which Maria Theresa of
Austria was declared empress after her father, Charles VI, suffered from a lethal
mushroom poisoning.
FB post:
1) Discover the mushroom’s jaw-dropping role in history in this week’s eye-
opening entry. (insert link here)
2) An entire Empire’s future had collapsed due to a dish of mushrooms. Not
convinced? Check out this week’s entry to learn more. (insert link here)
1. Moral of the story – do not underrastimate the power of mushrooms. (insert
link here) #52insk
2. Discover how a dish of mushrooms stewed in oil can establish the course of an
Empire. (insert link here) #52insk
3. Could a plate of mushrooms have overthrowed an Empire into unstableness,
invasions and war? Astonishingly, yes. (insert link here)
4. Mushrooms are great for cooking. Terrible for the future course of na Empire.
(insert link here) #52insk
5. Poisonous mushrooms are often confused with edible ones. What an atrocious
mistake for the future of an Empire. (insert link here) #52insk
6. Some mistakes are deadly. Like confusing poisonous mushrooms with edible
ones. Find out more at (insert link here).
7. History teaches us the damage a single plate of mushrooms can do. Read more
at (insert link here)
An Attack on Free Speech is an Attack on Individuality



FB posts


1) Allan Stevo exposes the problem with political correctness in and outside na academic
debate. (insert link here)
2) When does political correctness become synonymous a violation of freedom of
speech? Allan Stevo explains it all at (insert link here).

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