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1. How do you pass a law in the Philippines?

For a law to be passed in the Philippines, it must go through the following process:
 Proposal
 3 Readings
 Amendments
 Approval
 Presidential Signature

*translate to english
 Philippine Congress
 Intensive discussion by lower and upper house
 Members of the house
 Senate (24 Senators)
 House of Representatives (297)
o district - represents geographical district
o sectoral/party list representative - represents minority
section of population (ex. labor union, rights group)

2. How do you pass a General Appropriations Act?

"With the Constitutional provision that no money shall be paid out of the pocket of the
State except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law, comes the appropriation power of the
legislative body. This appropriations power likewise gives the legislative body the title that it
holds the power of the purse."

An appropriations act is a statute in which the primary function is to authorize the release
and use of public funds from the treasury. Examples of such are public work acts and general
appropriations acts. There are two classifications: general and specific. General Appropriations
Act is annually passed to provide financial operations of the operating government during one
fiscal period.

In order to manage the National Budget, it is ordered into 4 steps: Budget Preparation,
Budget Legislation, Budget Execution, Budget Accountability.

Preparation - The Executive prepares the proposed National Budget.

Legislation - The Congress authorizes the GAA.
Execution - Agencies will utilize their approved budgets.
Accountability - The executive monitors and evaluates the use of the appropriated budgets.

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