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First name: Leandro Family name: Gomes

Gender: [ ] female [x] male Nationality: Brazilian

Email: Class: 8B

Why is English important for you?

English is important to me because I study English and Business at university in
Los Angeles, and I nedd a good level of English for my class.
I also want to make meet more friends and read books in English and to
understand them.
What’s difficult for you?
Listening and understanding people is very difficult for me, beacuse they speak fast
and I don't understand at all. Also the time to speak improvise words.

What do you want to improve in your English?

I think my English is very basic, and I want to improve it in order to listen and
understand people. I also need it because in my tests my spelling is very bad, and
in these periods I have to write essays with good spelling to pass my exams.

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