Translator XP Enterprise

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Translator XP Enterprise

Translator XP Enterprise is a free two-way sentence translation from Indonesian into English and
vice versa.

Translator XP is programmed to perform the analysis of sentence translation word for word by
trying to approach the rules of the language rules are. Translator XP will check the relationship
of words between the words that close together. Hence on every database, every word always
ends with a sign (b), (k), (v), (t), (g) or (s) that describe the relevant type of word (noun, adverb,
the word work, said bookmark, pronouns or adjectives).

Translator XP Enterprise able to distinguish 5 main tenses are often used as Present, Present
Perfect, Past, Future and Present continuous, for both active and passive sentences for the

positive pattern, negative and interrogative.

Translator XP also supports alternative meanings, idioms and specification checking language
(eg English for computer, English for engineering, etc.)

Translator XP also provides several educational facilities, which we designated for those who
want to learn English in more depth. The facility such as Dictionaries can be added the example
sentence, Games, and Text to Voice Converter.

Important features:

1. High degree of accuracy when translating sentences

2. Translation speeds reaching 800 characters / second
3. Built-in grammar (tenses, active voice / passive, gerund, question sentences, etc.)
4. Support idioms (up to 4 levels)
5. There is a database of phrases for phrase translation
6. Two-way translation (English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English)
7. There is a dictionary word for a quick word search. Also accompanied by example
8. There is menu text to voice converter
9. Support English language translation with a special specification for example English for
computer, English for engineering, etc.
10. There are educational games

Download : Translator XP Enterprise | Password : nyamukmalam

Installation Translator XP Enterprise :

 Run SetupTXPENT
 Then follow the instruction until process installation finished
 Furthermore run DriverSoftTXP
 Follow the instruction till finish
 Software success install

To crack the Program :

 After you install TranslatorXP

 Copy a file TranslatorXP.exe into C: \ Program Files \ Translator XP Enterprise, if there
is confirmation Replace the file, press yes.
 Or to not bother, please double click the file: TranslatorXP-Patch.exe
 After that, run TranslatorXP, click Help – Registration
 Fill in the data freely
 Bravo, Now it easier for us who can not speak English in.

Original articles in (Indonesian Version)

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