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Improvement Made and Experience

Gained: Chris Hall’s Study Abroad

Experience in Cusco, Peru.
July 22, 2018 - Cedar City, Utah

This summer Chris Hall, a second year SUU student, participated in the study abroad
program at SUU. He, along with 19 other SUU students, traveled to the other side of the equator
to land in Cusco, Peru where he would embark his study abroad experience. He was assigned
roommates and a homestay family with whom he would live for the following four weeks of his
stay. Throughout those four weeks he volunteered in a medical clinic in Cusco where he served
the doctors and nurses as an intern. He also participated in very high level Spanish courses for
three hours a day improving his proficiency in the Spanish language.
Most of Chris’s time was spent either in the medical clinic or in the classroom learning
Spanish. He dedicated around 80 hours total to his internship in the clinic. His main duties were
to help the doctors and nurses to fill out paperwork and to perform basic patient care like, taking
the patient’s blood pressure, measuring them, weighing them, etc. This helped him develop a lot
of skills that he will need in the future, especially since he is pre-med student. He was also able
to improve his Spanish skills from his internship and especially from his Spanish class. Most of
his time spent in the classroom was spent doing written exercises that helped him improve his
grammar. Occasionally his teacher took him and his class to museums and to other places to
teach them more about the local culture and to broaden their vocabulary. Each week Chris and
the other SUU students were required to write weekly reflections about the culture and about
their internships that they were in.
At SUU there is a program called the EDGE Program which helps students to engage in
lifelong learning and to apply what they learn at SUU but in real life situations. Each student is
required to come up with and plan their own personal EDGE Project, which is basically a
planned way to help them get a head start in experience for their future professional lives. Chris
made this study abroad experience his EDGE Project. Chris will be sharing this experience with
others through the guidelines given to him by the EDGE Program. ###

Contact Information:
-Chris Hall
-(435) 632-9714
-219 South 900 West, Cedar City, UT 84720

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