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Kami meyakini, semakin dini kita bersiap diri akan semakin besar peluang kita
memenangkan sebuah pertarungan. USM STIS adalah salah satu pertarungan Anda
melawan puluhan ribu petarung dari seluruh pelosok negeri. Mempertarungkan
nasib dan masa depan untuk menjadi seorang statistisi.

Ebook ini hanya sekumpulan soal USM STIS selama sepuluh tahun terakhir
bagi sebagian orang. Bagi sebagian yang lain, ada yang mencetaknya untuk
kemudian menjadikannya bahan try out mandiri. Hanya sekumpulan soal tanpa kunci
jawaban. Kunci jawaban bisa didapatkan di buku-buku pembahasan soal USM STIS.

Jadi, kalau bukan sekarang, kapan kamu mengasah pedangmu?

November 2016

Fisher Education

Mata Uji Matematika

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2007

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Yang kita tahu hanyalah setetes air,

Yang tidak kita ketahui sejumlah lautan

1. Jika dan adalah akar-akar
dari persamaan 5. Batas nilai k agar garis
, maka nilai adalah 3x+2y+1=0 tidak memotong

A. k < 0 atau k >

B. 0 < k <
C. 0 ≤ k
D. k ≤ 0 atau k ≥

2. Jika dan adalah akar-akar 6. himpunan penyelesaian

ketidaksamaan 2x-1 < x+1 <3-x
dari persamaan
adalah :
maka nilai + adalah...
A. {x|x<1}
A. -7 B. {x|x<2}
B. -1 C. {x|1<x<2}
C. 1 D. {x|x<1} atau {x|x<2}
D. 7
7. Penyelesaian dari
3. Persamaan ketidaksamaan
tidak memiliki akar riil jika: adalah...

A. A. 2 < x ≤ atau x > 3

B. x ≤ 1 atau 2 < x ≤ atau x
D. >3
C. 1 ≤ x < 2 atau ≤x≤3
4. Diketahui fungsi kuadrat D. x ≥
dengan a < 0;
b > 0; c < 0; dan ,
8. jika maka nilai x yang
grafik fungsi akan berbentuk :
tidak memenuhi ketidaksamaan
tersebut adalah...

A. -3 < x < 3
B. x < -3
C. 0≤x<3
D. -1 < x < 1

9. Jika dan
untuk x ≠ 0, maka

A. C.
C. D.
14. Jika dan
10. Grafik ; dengan 0 < a maka
< 1 adalah ...
adalah …


15. Jika dan ,


11. B.

A. C.
B. 1 D.
D. 16. P sebuah titik pada parabola
dengan absis 4.
Garis singgung parabola pada P
memotong sumbu y di M. Jika
O pusat koordinat, maka
A. panjang M
C. A. 18
D. B. 22
C. 24
13. Fungsi ditentukan oleh D. 28
invers dari , maka


17. Gradien garis singgung kurva di perbandingan (rasio) antara
sebarang titik (x,y) ditentukan panjang AB terhadap panjang
oleh persamaan . BC adalah
Jika kurva melalui titik (2,4)
maka persamaan kurva tersebut A. ½
adalah … B.
D. 22.

18. jumlah tak hingga dari deret A. 0

geometri adalah 81 dan suku B. 2 ½
pertamanya adalah 27. Jumlah C. ½
semua suku bernomer genap D.
deret tersebut adalah …
B. A. 8
B. 9/4
C. 4
D. D. 1

19. 24.

A. A. 0
B. B. ½
C. C. 1
D. D. 2

20. Jika maka

25. Jika , maka
a+b adalah
B. A. -1
C. B. ¼
D. C. 0
D. 1
21. Pada suatu segitiga ABC,
diketahui sudut C dua kali lebih 26. Jika ,
besar dari A dan sudut B tiga
kali lebih besar dari A, maka

A. 1 dan g(x) yang merupakan fungsi
B. 2 kuadrat dan daerah II adalah
C. 2x daerah yang dibatasi oleh kurva
D. 4x f(x) dan sumbu x, maka
perbandingan luas daerah I dan
27. Untuk memproduksi x unit II adalah:
barang per hari, suatu
perusahaan harus 31. Jika diketahui ,
mengeluarkan biaya sebesar dan ,
rupiah. Jika barang harus
diproduksi, maka biaya
produksi per unit barang yang A. -2
paling rendah tercapai untuk B. 2
produksi per hari sebanyak: C. -1
D. 1
A. 1000 unit barang
B. 1500 unit barang 32. Jika S adalah himpunan
C. 2000 unit barang semesta, A dan B adalah
D. 3000 unit barang himpunan dalam S, n(.)
menyatakan banyaknya unsur
28. dalam satu himpunan. Diketahui
merupakan fungsi turun untuk n(S) = 34, n(A) = 17, n(B) = 18
nilai-nilai x: dan maka

A. 2
B. 3
C. x > 1 atau x < -4
C. 4
D. x< -1 atau x > 4
D. 5
29. Jika daerah yang berwarna
gelap pada gambar berikut 33. Banyaknya himpunan bagian
dari himpunan
diputar mengelilingi sumbu x,
adalah ...
maka volume benda putar yang
terjadi adalah :
A. 0
A. 5 satuan luas B. 1
C. 2
B. 9 satuan luas
D. 4
C. 25 satuan luas
D. 45 satuan luas
34. Suatu keluarga mempunyai 5
30. Jika daerah I adalah daerah orang anak. Anak termuda
berumur x tahun dan yang
yang dibatasi oleh kurva f(x)
tertua 2x tahun. Tiga anak yang

lain berturut-turut berumur x+2, tempat yang berbeda. Sarana
x+4 dan 2x-3. Bila rata-rata transportasi yang tersedia adalah
hitung umur mereka adalah 16 2 mobil, 3 motor, dan 5 sepeda.
tahun, maka umur anak ketiga... Diantara kurir tersebut, 2 orang
berjenis kelamin perempuan.
A. 9 tahun Seluruh kurir yang naik sepeda
B. 11 tahun adalah laki-laki dan ada seorang
C. 13 tahun kurir laki-laki yang naik motor.
D. 15 tahun
37. Jika suatu hari terdapat satu
35. Dari data berikut ini: 6, 8, 5, 10, kiriman, pluang untuk yang
6, 9, 3, 11. Maka besarnya nilai mengantarkan adalah kurir laki-
laki atau mengendarai motor
A. Modus = 6; median = 8 adalah...
B. Rata-rata = 7 ¼ ; jangkauan
=5 A. 2/8
C. Median = 7; rata-rata = 7 ¼ B. 2/3
D. Modus = 7; jangkauan = 8 C. 2/10
D. 9/10
36. Berikut adalah tabl distribusi
frkuensi nilai ujian dari 60 orang 38. Jika diktahui kurir yang
siswa: mengantar mengendarai motor,
peluang bahwa dia berjenis
Nilai 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kelamin permpuan adalah...
ujian A. 1/3
Frekue 3 5 1 1 1 6 3 B. 2/3
nsi 2 7 4 C. ½
D. 9/10
Seorang siswa dinyatakan lulus
jika nilai ujiannya lebih tingggi 39. Matriks X yang memenuhi
dari nilai rata-rata dikurangi 1. persamaan
Jumlah siswa yang lulus

A. 52 orang A.
B. 40 orang
C. 38 orang
D. 23 orang C.

Soal No. 37 dan 38 D.

Disuatu perusahaan terdapat 10
orang kurir yang setiap hari
bertugas mengantar kiriman ke

40. Jika dan
44. Solusi dari sistem persamaan
, maka D = ... linier


B. adalah:

C. A.
D. B.
41. Jika diketahui dan 45. Luas daerah parkir
dengan daya tamping
, besar sudut antara maksimum 20 kendaraan. Biaya
parkir untuk sebuah mobil
vektor dan vektor adalah sedan Rp 1000/jam dan unruk
, maka nilai adalah sebuah bus Rp 2000/jam. Jika
untuk parkir sebuah mobil
A. sedan dibutuhkan luas dan
B. untuk sebuah bus , dan
C. 1 dalam satu jam tidak ada
D. 2 kendaraan yang pergi dan
datang, maka hasil maksimum
42. Jika untuk matriks yang diperoleh dari tempat
dan berlaku parkir itu adalah
AB = BA, maka
A. Rp 16.000
B. Rp 20.000
C. Rp 25.000
C. D. Rp 40.000
46. Jika titik P(2,4) dicerminkan
terhadap garis dan
43. Diketahui matriks
kemudian dicerminkan lagi
dan , nilai yang terhadap garis , maka
memenuhi persamaan bayangannya adalah
determinan adalah
A. P’(2,2)
A. atau B. P’(4,0)
B. atau C. P’(0,4)
C. atau 5 D. P’(4,4)
D. atau 5

47. Diketahui limas T.ABCD dengan A.
alas ABCD berbentuk persegi B.
panjang dengan panjang AB=8, C.
BC=6, TA=TB=TC=TD=10.

Soal no. 50 dan 51

50. Jika habis

dibagi oleh , maka
Hasil baginya adalah
Jika O merupakan titik
pertemua diagonal ABCD, maka A.
tinggi TO adalah: B.
A. D.
C. 51. Besarnya nilai adalah
48. Sebuah kantong berisi 2 bola B.
putih dan 3 bola hitam. C.
Berdasarkan urutan nama D. 18
depan menurut abjad dari Deri,
Agus, Beni, dan Chandra akan 52. Persamaan garis singgung pada
mengambil sebuah bola yang parabola
tidak dikembalikan lagi ke yang sejajar dengan garis
dalam kantong. Yang pertama adalah:
kali mendapat bola putih
mendapat hadiah 100 ribu A.
rupiah. Peluang Deri mendapat B.
hadiah adalah: C.
53. Suatu fungsi kuadrat dalam
C. habis dibagi . Jika dibagi
D. maka sisanya adalah 6,
dan jika dibagi dengan
49. Pernyataan yang tidak maka sisanya adalah 12. Fungsi
memenuhi wilayah yang kuadrat yang dimaksud adalah:
berwarna gelap adalah

D. dibentuk yag diawali dan
54. Jumlah dari deret geometri diakhiri oleh huruf vokal adalah:
A. 120
adalah: B. 240
C. 720
A. D. 1440
C. 58. Sebuah bola dilempar ke atas
D. membenuk suatu lintasan
dengan fungsi ketinggian
55. Pada barisan bilangan kaki
diketahui tiga suku pertama setelah t detik. Ketinggian
membentuk barisan geometri maksimum dari bola tersebut:
dan tiga suku terakhir
membentuk barisan aritmatika. A. 2 kaki
Nilai B. 4 kaki
C. 256 kaki
A. 0 dan 3 D. 300 kaki
B. 3 dan 8
C. 0 dan -3 59. Untuk menjadi mahasiswa STIS
D. 3 dan -8 seseorang tidak boleh buta
warna. Jika pernyataan “saya
56. Untuk membuat suatu mahasiswa STIS” dilambangkan
rangkaian bunga tersedia 5 H dan “saya tidak buta warna”
varietas bunga. Jika minimal dilambangkan dengan K. maka
terdapat satu varietas bunga pernyataan yang benar adalah:
setiap rangkaian, maka
banyaknya rangkaian bunga A.
berbeda yang dapat dibuat B.
adalah: C. K adalah syarat cukup bagi H
D. H adalah syarat perlu bagi K
A. 24
B. 25 60. Pernyataan “Jika Bambang lulus
C. 31 ujian, aka Bambang akan
D. 32 menikah”. Kalimat ingkaranya
57. Dari 5 huruf konsonan yang
berbeda dan 4 huruf vokal yang A. Jika Bambang menikah,
berbeda akan disusun kata maka Bambang pasti lulus
masing-masing terdiri atas 3 ujian
huruf konsonan dan 2 huruf B. Jika Bambang tidak lulus
vokal yang berbeda. Banyakya ujian , maka Bambang akan
kata tanpa arti yang dapat menikah

C. Jika Bambang tidak lulus D. Jika Bambang tidak menikah,
ujian, maka Bambang tidak maka Bambang tidak lulus
akan menikah ujian

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2008

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Kebingungan adalah pintu ilmu pengetahuan,

Maka bertanya adalah kuncinya

1. Masing-masing bilangan D.
1,2,3,4,5 diisikan kedalam
dibawah ini satu kali. 5. Bilangan 1 2 A 3 4 terdiri
Hasil terbesar yang mungkin atas 5 angka (5 digit).
didapat dari operasi + Peluang bilangan tersebut
- x : adalah habis dibagi 6 adalah

A. 3 A.
B. 8
C. 12
D. 25
2. Diketahui deret cos x + sin x
cos x + + ... jika 0 6. Tes untuk kenaikan grade
< x < , maka jumlah deret pada suatu kursus bahasa
tersebut adalah inggris diikuti beberapa
peserta. Pengumuman hasil
A. tes menunjukkan bahwa
40% peserta memperoleh
nilai 6, sedangkan 20%
C. . peserta memperoleh nilai 7
D. dan 30% peserta
memperoleh nilai 8.
3. Rataan dari a – 2; b + 3; dan Sementara sisanya
c + 5 adalah 6. Rataan dari a memperoleh nilai 9.
+ 4; b + 6; dan c – 1 adalah Berdasarkan hasil tes
tersebut susunan nilai mean,
A. 5 median, dan modus adalah
B. 6
C. 7 A. Median < mean < modus
D. 8 B. Modus < median < mean
C. Mean < median < modus
4. Satu huruf diambil secara D. Modus < mean < median
acak masing-masing dari
kata KOMPUTASI dan 7. Perhatikan data pada tabel
STATISTIK. Peluang terambil berikut :
dua huruf yang berbeda
adalah nilai ujian 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
frekuensi 3 5 12 17 14 6 3

A. Seorang siswa dinyatakan

lulus jika nilai ujiannya lebih
B. tinggi dari nilai rata-rata

dikurangi 1, maka jumlah
siswa yang lulus adalah A.
A. 23
B. 38
C. 40 D.
D. 52
12. Seperti terlihat pada gambar
8. Dalam suatu kotak terdapat berikut, terdapat 1 lingkaran
9 tiket yang bernomor 1 besar dan 2 lingkaran kecil
sampai 9. Jika 2 buah tiket yang berjari-jari sama. Kedua
diambil secara acak. Maka lingkaran kecil
peluang bahwa terambil satu bersinggungan tepat di titik
nomor ganjil dan satu pusat lingkaran besar.
nomor genap yang
berurutan adalah


Apabila luas daerah yang

9. Nilai dari untuk x
diarsir yang berada di dalam
= 4 dan y = 27 adalah lingkaran besar sama
dengan luas daerah yang di
A. (1+2 )9 lingkaran besar. Maka
B. (1+2 )9 perbandingan jari-jari
C. (1+2 )18 lingkaran besar dan kecil
D. (1+2 )27 adalah

10. Nilai dari A. 3 : 2

= B. 2 : 1
C. :1
A. 0
B. 2 D. :1
D. -2 13. Grafik fungsi

11. Jika f(x) = , maka untuk memotong sumbu X di titik

setiap x berlaku – yang absisnya

A. B. 5
B. C.

16. Sistem persamaan dari

D. D.
bilangan riil x, y, dan z
14. Seseorang akan melakukan
(x+y)(x+y+z) = 120
perjalanan dengan
(y+z)(x+y+z) = 96
menggunakan sepeda motor
(z+x)(x+y+z) = 72
dari kota A ke kota B dan
Nilai 3x + 2y + z =
tiba di kota B pada suatu
waktu yang telah ditentukan.
A. 20
Jika dia mengendarai sepeda
motor dengan kecepatan 35
B. 22
km/jam maka akan sampai
C. 26
di kota B lebih lambat 2 jam
dari waktu yang telah
D. 30
ditentukan. Sedangkan jika
kecepatan ditingkatkan
17. Di sebuah supermarket,
menjadi 50 km/jam maka
Cahyo membeli 6 barang X
akan tiba 1 jam lebih awal
dan 2 barang Y dengan
dari waktu yang telah
harga Rp 50.000,-. Nur
ditentukan tersebut. Selisih
membeli 10 barang X dan 4
waktu kedatangan dengan
barang Y dengan harga Rp
waktu yang telah ditentukan
95.000,-. Jika Sugi ingin
apabila kecepatannya 60
membeli 2 buah barang X
km/jam adalah
dan sebuah barang Y, maka
ia harus membayar dengan
A. 1 jam 30 menit
harga :
B. 2 jam 10 menit
A. Rp 17.500,-
C. 2 jam

B. Rp 20.500,-
D. 2 jam 40 menit
C. Rp 22.500,-
15. Diketahui sistem persamaan
D. Rp 37.500,-

18. Jika garis 4x + 2y = 5 tegak

Nilai adalah lurus terhadap garis cx +
(2c-1)y = 9, maka nilai c
A. 8 yang memenuhi adalah

A. -4
22. titik-titikyang berjarak 5
B. satuan dari titik (3,2) dan
C. berjarak 1 satuan dari garis y
= 7 adalah
D. 4
A. (7,8) dan (4,6)
19. a, b, c, dan d adalah
bilangan riil yang memenuhi
B. (0,6) dan (6,6)
persamaan :
C. (8,6) dan (0,8)
D. (6,8) dan (6,6)

Nilai 23. Pusat dari jari-jari lingkaran

A. -4 atau 2

A. (4,8) dan 6
B. -1 atau 3

B. (2,4) dan 4
C. 2 atau 3
C. (8,4) dan 6
D. 2 atau 4

D. (4,2) dan 4
20. Fungsi
akan naik pada interval :
24. Diketahui premis-premis
berikut :
A. 0 < x < 2
P1 : jika
B. 1 ≤ x ≤ 2
P2 :
C. x < 1 atau x > 2
Kesimpulan dari 2 premis
tersebut adalah :
D. 1 < x < 2

21. Jika garis ay – y = 3 dan x +
2y = b berpotongan di titik
(2,1), maka :
A. a = 2 dan b = 4
25. Agung mempunyai tiket
B. a = dan b = -4 konser band “U2” untuk
C. a = -2 dan b = 4 dijual. Pada hari pertama
terjual 5 lembar tiket. Pada
D. a = dan b = 4 hari kedua terjual setengah
dari tiket yang tersisa, dan
pada hari ketiga terjual 10 28. Di suatu pulau terpencil
tiket. Jika tersisa 2 lembar terdapat dua kelompok
tiket, banyaknya tiket Agung manusia, yaitu manusia jujur
mula-mula : yang selalu berkata benar
dan manusia pembohong
A. 26 yang selalu berkata dusta.
Jika anda datang ke pulau
B. 27 tersebut dan bertemu
C. 28 dengan dua orang manusia
X dan Y yang berkata :
D. 29 X : “ Y pembohong “
Y : “ X pembohong “
26. Invers dari implikasi : Maka jenis kesimpulan yang
“ jika ruangan ber-AC maka paling benar adalah
Edy memakai jaket”.
A. X dan Y pembohong
A. Edy memakai jaket dan ia B. X dan Y berasal dari jenis
tidak di ruangan ber-AC yang berbeda
B. Jika Edy tidak memakai C. X jujur, Y pembohong
jaket maka ruangan tidak D. A, B, dan C salah
C. jika ruangan tidak ber-AC 29. Empat buah lingkaran yang
maka Edy tidak memakai berjari-jari sama dimasukan
jaket ke dalam segitiga siku-siku
D. Jika Edy memakai jaket, seperti terlihat dalam
maka ruangan ber-AC gambar :

27. Diketahui A adalah sudut

lancip dan
30 cm

40 cm
Jari-jari lingkaran tersebut
adalah .....

A. 2 cm
C. B. 3 cm
C. 4 cm
D. 5 cm
30. Kubus ABCD.EFGH memiliki
volume 64 satuan volume.

Kubus tersebut kita letakkan B. N  Z  Q  C  R
ke dalam koordinat ruang C. N  Z  Q  R  C
sedemikian rupa sehingga D. N  Z  R  C  Q
titik A ada di koordinat
(4,0,0) dan titik E di 32. Himpunan daerah asal dari
koordinat (4,4,0). invers fungsi : untuk
x  R, x  3 adalah .....

A. { y|y  3 ; y R }
B. { y|y  2 ; y R }
C. { y|y > 2 ; y R }
D. { y|y R }

Untuk soal nomor 33 dan

Sebuah riset dilakukan di
suatu wilayah untuk
mengetahui pendapat
Koordinat titik Q apabila titik masyarakat tentang
P berada tepat di tengah kenaikan Bahan Bakar
garis BC dan titik Q tepat Minyak (BBM) dan
berada di tengah garis FP pemberian Bantuan
adalah ..... Langsung Tunai (BLT).
Responden yang digunakan
A. (2, 3, 4) dalam riset tersebut terdiri
B. (3, 2, 4) atas 1000 orang. Diantara
C. (3, , 4) 1000 orang tersebut
D. ( , 3, 4) ternyata 200 orang
diantaranya setuju dengan
31. N : Himpunan semua kenaikan BBM dan
bilangan asli pemberian BLT. Dari uraian
R : Himpunan semua tersebut,
bilangan real
Q : Himpunan semua 33. Jumlah orang yang setuju
bilangan rasional dengan kenaikan BBM tetapi
Z : Himpunan semua tidak setuju dengan
bilangan bulat program pemberian BLT
C : Himpunan semua adalah .....
bilangan kompleks,
maka pernyataan yang benar A. 50
adalah ..... B. 100
C. 200
A. N  Z  R  Q  C D. 250

dan (f o g o h)(x2) = 8x2 + 2,
34. Proporsi orang yang tidak maka nilai ( o )(x) =
setuuju dengan kenaikan .....
BBM dan tidak setuju
program pemberian BLT A.
adalah .....

A. 0,80 C.
B. 0,75 D. 1
C. 0,70
D. 0,85 39. Misal f didefinisikan oleh
dimana (x|-2 ≤
35. = ..... x ≤ 0), maka kebalikan
(invers) dari fungsi f adalah
A.  .....
B. 0
C. A. x = , dengan
D. domain {y|0 ≤ y ≤ 1} dan
range {x|-2 ≤ x ≤ 0}
36. Jika dan B. = ,
dengan domain {y|0 ≤ y
, maka
≤ 1} dan range {x|-2 ≤ x
..... ≤ 0}
C. x = , dengan
A. 2 domain {x|-2 ≤ x ≤ 0} dan
B. 1 range {y|0 ≤ y ≤ 1}
C. 1
D. =
D. -2
dengan domain {x|-2 ≤ x
≤ 0} dan range {y|0 ≤ y
37. Jika f(x) dibagi (x – 2)
≤ 1}
sisanya 24, sedangkan jika
f(x) dibagi dengan (2x – 3)
sisanya 20. Jika f(x) dibagi (x 40. = .....
– 2)(2x - 3) sisanya adalah .....
A. 3n - 1
A. 8x + 8 B. 1 – 3n
B. 8x - 8 C. 3n
C. -8x + 8 D. 3n + 1
D. -8x -8
41. = .....
38. Invers fungsi f(x) dan g(x)
adalah dan A. 0
Jika h(x) = 2x + 1 B. 1

C. e
D. e5
46. Luas maksimum empat
42. = ..... persegi panjang yang
berada di dalam daerah
A. 0 yang dibatasi oleh kurva y =
B. 3 – x2 dan y = 0 adalah .....

A. 2
D.  B. 4
C. 2
43. Jika D. 4
maka nilai = .....
47. Jumlah 2 buah bilangan riil
A. 2 tak negatif x dan y tidak
B. lebih besar dari 10. Jika y + 8
C. tidak lebih kecil dari 2x,
maka nilai maksimum dari 3x
D. + y adalah .....

44. Diketahui f(x) = 3x – 5x + 2; A. 12
g(x) = x + 1; dan h(x) = f(x) B. 15
– 2g(x). Jika turunan dari h(x) C. 18
= 0, maka nilai x yang D. 22
memenuhi adalah .....
48. Ada seorang pengusaha kue
A. setiap hari memproduksi 2
jenis kue yang hanya tahan 1
hari. Kue-kue dibuat untuk
C. dijual di toko milik
D. pengusaha tersebut atau
berdasarkan pesanan dari
45. Jika diketahui turunan kedua pelanggan. Setiap kue jenis
fungsi f”(x) = 6x – 2, fungsi y 1 dijual dengan harga Rp
= f(x) melalui titik A(1,6) dan 500 dan kue jenis 2 Rp 750
gradien garis singgung pada dengan keuntungan masing-
titik A adalah 4, maka fungsi masing 25% dan 50% dari
tersebut adalah ..... modal. Setiap hari dia
membuat kue dengan modal
A. Rp 120.000 dan maksimum
B. memproduksi 250 kue. Esok
C. harinya pengusaha tersebut
D. mendapat pesanan 100 kue

jenis 1, dan jika tidak dapat lingkaran x2 + y2 = 4 adalah
memenuhi pesanan, maka .....
dia akan terkena denda
sebesar 20% dari nilai total A.
pesanan tersebut. B.
Keuntungan maksimum C.
yang dapat diperoleh
pengusaha kue tersebut
adalah .....
52. Apabila f(x) dapat
diintegralkan pada selang a
A. Rp 40.000,-
< x < b, maka berlaku .....
B. Rp 50.000,-
C. Rp 60.000,-
D. Rp 70.000,-
49. Luas daerah pada kuadran I
yang dibatasi oleh kurva y = C.
4 – x2, garis y = 3x dan y > 0
adalah .....

B. 53.
C. .....
50. Daerah S terletak di kuadran
I yang dibatasi parabola y = D.
, parabola serta
garis y = 5. Volume benda 54. Jika dan
putar yang terjadi bila S
diputar terhadap sumbu Y maka
adalah ..... = .....

A. A.
C. B.

51. Dua kali luas daerah pada

kuadran I yang dibatasi oleh
garis y = 0, y = x, dan

55. Misal A = dan bulan kedua Rp 55.000,-,
bulan ketiga Rp 60.000,- dan
B = . Jika BT seterusnya. Jumlah uang
simpanan anak tersebut
menyatakan matriks selama dua tahun adalah .....
transpose dari B, maka
persamaan BT = A akan A. Rp 1.315.000,00
terpenuhi bila nilai x dan y B. Rp 1.320.000,00
adalah ..... C. Rp 2.040.000,00
D. Rp 2.580.000,00
A. y = -1 dan x = 2
B. y = -1 dan x = 4 59. Titik belok dari fungsi
C. y = 2 dan x = -1
D. x=y adalah .....

56. Matriks C = A. (-2, 33)

B. (2, 17)
tidak memiliki invers untuk
nilai x = ..... C. (- , -1)
D. (3, 58)
A. -2
B. -1 60. Himpunan penyelesaian dari
C. 0 daerah yang diarsir adalah
D. 2 .....

57. Jika titik (a, b) dicerminkan

terhadap sumbu Y,
kemudian dilanjutkan
dengan transformasi matriks
akan menghasilkan
titik (1, -8) maka nilai a + b =

A. -2
B. -1
C. 1 A. {(x,y)|y ≤ 2x + 1; y ≤ 4 -
D. 2 x ; y ≤ 3 - x ; x > 0}
B. {(x,y)|y ≥ 2x + 1; y ≤ 4 - x;
58. Seorang anak menyimpan y ≤ 3 - x ; x > 0}
uang deangan selisih
C. {(x,y)|y ≥ x + 1; y ≤ 4 -
kenaikan simpanan antar
bulan tetap. Pada bulan 2x; y ≤ 3 - x ; x > 0}
pertama sebesar Rp 50.000,-,

D. {(x,y)|y ≤ x + 1; y ≤ 4 - 2x; y ≤ 3 - x ; x > 0}

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2009

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Di balik kesulitan, pasti terdapat kemudahan

Di balik kesusahan, pasti terdapat kebahagiaan

1. Oma dewi mempunyai 3 orang E.
anak yang sudah memberikan
cucu. Jumlah cucu Oma Dewi 4. Nilai x yang memenuhi
dari anak pertama dan ketiga pertidaksamaan
adalah 3 orang. Sementara itu adalah …..
selisih jumlah cucu dari anak
pertama dan kedua adalah 1 A.
orang, sedangkan dua kali B.
jumlah cucu dari anak kedua C.
dikurangi jumlah cucu dari anak D.
ketiga adalah 1 orang. E.
Dari keterangan tersebut jumlah
cucu yang dimiliki Oma Dewi 5. Terdapat 2 buah garis
adalah ….. dan
. Pernyataan berikut yang
A. 3 tidak tepat adalah ……
B. 4
C. 6 A. g dan h akan berpotongan
D. 8 jika
E. 11 B. g sejajar dengan h jika

2. Jika salah satu akar persamaan C. g sejajar dengan h jika

kuadrat dua D. g dan h tidak akan berimpit
kali akar persamaan jika
, maka nilai a – b adalah E. g dan h tidak akan
…… berpotongan jika

A. -11 6. Jika daerah yang dibatasi oleh

B. -1 kurva , garis x = 1,
C. 0 sumbu x, dan sumbu y diputar
D. 1 3600 mengelilingi sumbu x,
E. 11 maka volume benda putar yang
terjadi adalah ….. satuan
3. Jika A merupakan titik balik volume.
maka persamaan garis yang
melalui A dengan gradient -2
adalah …… C.
A. E.
C. 7. Daerah yang memenuhi system
D. pertidaksamaan

pendapatan C lebih 150 ribu
dari pendapatan A; dan
pendapatan D kurang 180 ribu
dari pendapatan E.
Bila rata – rata pendapatan
kelima karyawan adalah 525
ribu, maka pendapatan D
adalah ……...

A. 770 ribu
B. 730 ribu
C. 550 ribu
A. OACD D. 535 ribu
B. OBCD E. 365 ribu
D. CDE 10. Nilai x yang memenuhi
E. OAE persamaan
adalah ……
8. Sebuah dadu seimbang
dilemparkan dua kali. Jika kita
tertarik pada jumlah dari dua
mata dadu yang muncul dalam
dua perlemparan tersebut, C.
peluang munculnya jumlah D.
mata dadu yang merupakan E.
bilangan genap adalah ……..
11. Jika suatu
fungsi parabola
A. memiliki grafik
seperti di bawah ini, maka
pernyataan berikut yang benar
C. adalah …….

9. Lima orang karyawan A, B,C,D,

dan E memiliki pendapatan
yang berbeda – beda dengan
informasi sebagai berikut :
pendapatan A adalah ½ dari
pendapatan E; A.
pendapatan B lebih 100 ribu B.
dari pendapatan A; C.

A. – 2 atau 2
12. …… B.
C. 1
A. – 9 D.
16. Gradien garis singgung suatu
D. 3 kurva pada titik (x ,y) dinyatakan
E. 0 oleh
. Jika kurva
13. Agar persamaan
melalui (1,4) maka persamaan
kurva adalah ……
akar – akar persamaan nyata
dan berbeda, nilai m yang
memenuhi adalah …..
17. Varians dari data berikut: 6, 8, 6,
7, 8, 7, 9, 7, 7, 6, 7, 8, 6, 5, 8, 7
adalah …….
14. Sebuah bilangan berupa
pecahan. Jika pembilang
A. 1
ditambah 2, maka nilai pecahan
B. 2
tersebut menjadi dan jika
C. 4
penyebut dikurangi 5, maka
D. 6
nilai pecahan tersebut menjadi
E. 7
. Jumlah pembilang dan
penyebut pecahan tersebut 18. Diketahui titik A(4, 9,-6) dan B (-
adalah ……. 4. -3, 2). Jika P membagi ruas
garis AB di dalam dengan
A. 16 perbandingan 1 : 3, maka
B. 18 panjang ruas garis PB adalah
C. 20 ….....
D. 23
E. 26 A.
15. Agar matriks
merupakan matriks singular, E.
maka nilai a adalah …….

20. Perhatikan data pada tabel E.
berikut :
Berat Badan Frekuensi
(Kg) 23. Jika garis memotong
47 - 49,99 13 parabola dititik A dan B,
50 - 52,99 16 maka panjang ruas garis AB
53 – 55,99 8 adalah...
56 – 58,99 7
59 – 61,99 6 A.
Median dari berat badan akan B.
berada pada interval nilai …… C.
A. 47 – 49,99 E.
B. 50 – 52,99
C. 53 – 55,99 24. Jika panjang rusuk sebuah
D. 56 – 58,99 kubus 9 cm, maka luas
E. 59 – 61,99 permukaan bola di dalam kubus
yang menyinggung sisi-sisi
21. Lingkaran kubus adalah...
memiliki sifat berikut,
kecuali... A. 27π cm2
B. 81π cm2
A. Memotong sumbu x pada C. 324π cm2
bidang koordinat D. 54π cm2
B. Memotong sumbu y pada E. 162π cm2
bidang koordinat
C. Memiliki diameter 6 25. Ada 10 kunci berbeda dan
D. Titik pusatnya memenuhi hanya satu diantaranya dapat
digunakan untuk membuka
E. Titik pusat lingkaran berada pintu utama disuatu rumah.
dibawah sumbu x Kunci diambil oleh pemilik
rumah satu persatu tanpa
22. Bentuk akan pengembalian. Peluang kunci
ekuivalen dengan... yang terambil dapat digunakan
untuk membuka pintu pada
A. pengambilan keenam adalah...

B. A.
D. D.

30. Daerah A dibatasi oleh parabola
26. Jika dan , garis , dan garis
, maka , dan daerah B dibatasi
oleh parabola , garis
, dan sumbu . Jika luas A
sama dengan luas B, maka luas
segi empat yang dibatasi oleh
C. sumbu , sumbu , garis ,
D. dan garis adalah...
B. 4
27. Jika dengan
, maka adalah...
D. 6
E. 16
B. 31. Jika diketahui
C. dan , maka
D. bernilai...

E. A. 0
B. 1
28. Jika dan C. 4
D. 16
, maka determinan dari
E. 32
matriks adalah...
32. Persamaan garis lurus yang
A. 0 melalui pusat lingkaran
B. 1 dan
C. 2 tegak lurus garis
D. 4 adalah...
E. 6
29. B.
A. E.
C. 33. Koordinat titik pada garis
yang terdekat
dengan titik asal (origin)
E. adalah...


34. Akar-akar persamaan kuadrat

adalah dan .
Jika dan
, maka

A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
E. 7

35. Diketahui suatu fungsi

. Jika

A. 117
B. 72
C. 52
D. 90
E. 56

36. Grafik berikut yang dapat

merupakan grafik fungsi
adalah... A. I dan IV
B. I dan III
C. II dan III
D. II dan IV
E. III dan IV

37. Seorang pedagang kelinci di

depan Kebun Raya Bogor
mempunyai 6 ekor kelinci putih
dan 4 ekor kelinci belang. Jika
terjual secara acak 5 ekor
kelinci, peluang 3 diantaranya
kelinci belang adalah...

Jangkauan dan simpangan
A. kuartil dari jumlah gol yang
B. dihasilkan adalah...

C. A. 3 dan 1,5
D. B. 4 dan 0,75
E. C. 4 dan 3
D. 3 dan 3
38. Nilai yang memenuhi E. 4 dan 1,5

adalah... 41. Matriks A yang memnuhi

A. adalah
B. atau
C. A.
E. atau B.

39. Jika dan ,
dan C adalah matriks
sedemikian sehingga AC = B, E.
maka matriks C yang
memenuhih adalah...
42. Jika , nilai a

A. yang memenuhi adalah….

A. -1
B. 0
D. C. 1
D. 2
E. 3

40. Tabel berikut menunjukkan 43. A dna G berturut-turut

distribusi jumlah gol yang merupakan rata-rata hitung dan
dihasilkan kesebelasan BOLA rata-rata ukur dari dua bilangan
dalam 10 kali pertandingan : x dan y. Nilai


44. Suatu gedung mempunyai 5 SMK dan jumlah siswa SD dua
pintu masuk, 3 orang hendak kali jumlah siswa SMA.
memasuki gedung tersebut.
Banyaknya cara agar mereka 47. Jika diagram lingkaran
dapat memasuki gedung digunakan untuk
tersebut dengan pintu yang menggambarkan persentase
berbeda adalah… jumlah anak sekolah
berdasarkan kategori
A. 10 pendidikannya, untuk kategori
B. 15 siswa SMP juring dalam
C. 30 lingkaran adalah…
D. 45
E. 60 A. 30 derajat
B. 108 derajat
45. Nilai x yang memnuhi C. 120 derajat
pertidaksamaan D. 40 derajat
adalah… E. 144 derajat

A. 48. Modus kategori pendidikan di

B. kota itu adalah…

E. SMP dan SMA
46. Nilai adalah…
49. Nilai maksimum dari fungsi
A. 2 kuadrat
B. 3 adalah 5.
C. 4 Jika k adalah bilangan bulat
D. positif, maka nilai k yang
E. 2 memenuhi adalah….

Untuk nomor 47 dan 48 A. 5

B. 6
Di lah anak usia sekolah yang C. 7
sedang bersekolah di SMK D. 8
adalah 2500 orang, sementara E. 9
itu jumlah siswa SMP adalah
tiga kali jumlah siswa SMK. 50. Jika gaji Bambang, Nurseto, dan
Diketahui pula bahwa jumlah Jeffry digabung, maka hasilnya
siswa SMA dua kali jumlah siswa sama dengan 8 juta rupiah.

Apabila gaji Nurseto diambil E. 260 km
100ribu rupiah dan diberikan
kepada Bambang, maka gaji 53. Sebelum kenaikan BBM,
Bambang akan sama dengan pengeluaran bensin adalah 10%
gaji Nurseto. Jika gaji Jeffry dari pendapatan. Apabila harga
ditambah satu juta rupiah, maka BBM naik 30% sedangkan
gajinya akan sama dengan pendapatan tetap, maka
jumlah gaji Bambang dan pengeluaran bensin akan
Nurseto. Jadi, besarnya gaji bertambah sebesar… dari
Jeffry adalah…. pendapatan.

A. 1.75 juta rupiah A. 40%

B. 2.5 juta rupiah B. 30%
C. 3 juta rupiah C. 13%
D. 3.25 juta rupiah D. 19%
E. 3.5 juta rupiah E. 3%

51. 54. Bentuk sederhana dari

A. 8 /15
B. 15/8 A.
C. 15/2
D. 2/15 B.
E. 5/3 C. 2y
D. – 2y
52. Novi mengendarai mobil dari E.
kota A ke kota B dengan
kecepatan 60km/jam. Neli 55. Kubus ABCD. EFGH memiliki
menyusul 45 menit kemudian panjang rusuk 4 cm. separuh
dengan mobil lainnya dengan
dari luas bidang diagonal ABGh
kecepatan 75 km/jam dnegan
tujuan yang sama. Jika dalam
perjalanan waktu istirahat yang
dibutuhkan sama, yaitu 30
menit, dan keduanya tiba di
kota B dalam waktu yang
bersamaan, maka jarak antara
kota A ke kota B adalah…

A. 200 km
B. 215 km A. 32 cm2
C. 225 km B. 8 cm2
D. 245 km C. 2 cm2

D. 6 cm2 C. {3, 9}
E. 4 cm2 D. {1, 9}
E. {9}
56. Diketahui x < y< z dan
merupakan bilangan-bilangan 59. Jika sekeliling daerah yang
negative, pernyataan yang diarsir adalah 50 satuan luas,
salah… maka luas maksimum dari
daerah tersebut akan dicapai
A. pada saat nilai x adalah…
B. yz<xz
C. x-z<y-z
D. x+z<y+z

57. Yuni mendeposisikan sejumlah

uang di sebuah Bank. Setiap
tahun nilai uang yang
didepositokan akan bertambah
20% dari nilai uang pada tahun
sebelumnya. Jika pada tahun
ke-3 diketahui nilai depositonya A.
adlaah Rp172.280.000,00, maka
20% dari nilai uang yang
didepositokan pada awal tahun C.
A. Rp10.000.000,00
B. Rp7.500.000,00 E.
C. Rp5.000.000,00
D. Rp2.500.000,00
60. Jika
E. Rp2.000.000,00
3 =4 dan a>0, b>0, maka nilai
58. Jika diketahui A = {1, 2, 3, …. 10}
, B ={1, 3, 5,7, 9}, dan C ={x |x
adalah bilangan prima yang A. 25
lebih kecil dari 10}, maka A B B. 24
C adalah… C. 20
D. 30
A. {1, 3, 5, 7} E. 35
B. {3, 5,7}

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2010

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Carilah ilmu dan berusahalah mengamalkannya

Dengan kesungguhan

1. Nilai n yang memenuhi dan nilai rata – rata siswa
persamaan kelas B dan C masing –
masing 7,0 maka nilai rata –
adalah …….
rata siswa kelas A adalah ……
A. 6
A. 7,6
B. 7
B. 7,5
C. 8
C. 7,4
D. 9
D. 7,3
E. 10
E. 7,2
2. Garis ax – y = 3 dan x + 2y =
5. Jika ,
b berpotongan di (2,1) jika
dan ,
…… o o
, maka (h g f)(3)
= …..
A. a = 2 dan b = 4
B. a = -2 dan b = 4
A. -80
C. a = 2 dan b = -4
B. -6
D. a= dan b = -4
C. 6
E. a = dan b = -4 D. 80
E. 81
3. Suatu tim bulu tangkis
terdiri dari 10 orang putra 6. Besar sudut antara
dan 5 orang putri. Dari tim
ini akan dibuat pasangan dan adalah …..
ganda, baik ganda putra,
ganda putri maupun ganda A. 450
campuran. Banyak pasangan B. 600
ganda yang dapat dbuat C. 1200
campuran adalah ….. D. 1350
E. 1500
A. 45
B. 50 7. Dalam sebuah kandang
C. 55 terdapat 50 ekor ayam
D. 95 terdiri dari 27 ekor ayam
E. 105 jantan dan 18 diantaranya
adalah berwarna hitam.
4. Peserta ujian matematika Jumlah seluruh ayam yang
terdiri atas 40 orang siswa berwarna hitam adalah 35
kelas A , 30 orang siswa ekor. Banyaknya ayam
kelas B dan 30 orang siswa betina yang tidak berwarna
kelas C. Jika nilai rata – rata hitam adalah…..
keseluruhan siswa adalah 7,2

A. 6 ekor
B. 8 ekor A.
C. 9 ekor B.
D. 17 ekor
E. 23 ekor
8. Dua buah dan

dan, ,maka 12. Diketahui

adalah …… ∠ABC = 4x, ∠EBD = 3x,
∠CBD = 5x , maka nilai cos
A. ∠ABC adalah …..

9. Diketahui fungsi kuadrat

mempunyai sumbu simetri
maka nilai p yang B.
memenuhi adalah …… C.
D. 1
A. -9 E.
B. -3
C. 13. Jika
D. maka
E. 9 …..

10. DIketahui
dengan , , ,
dan , C.
Fungsi tersebut adalah …… D.
B. 14. Jika akar – akar persamaan
C. kuadrat
D. adalah -2 dan 3, maka q – p
E. = ……

11. Diketahui x yang memenuhi A. -7

persamaan B. -6
C. -5
adalah ….
D. 5 kembali lagi ke Jakarta
E. 6 adalah …….
15. Gradien garis singgung
kurva A. 15
di x = adalah …… B. 23
C. 30
A. D. 120
B. E. 225
D. 18. Dari 42 mahasiswa yang
menyukai seni, diketahui 18
siswa gemar seni tari, 15
siswa gemar seni music, 18
16. Rata – rata nilai matematika
siswa gemar seni lukis, 7
suatu kelas yang terdiri atas
siswa gemar tari dan seni
40 orang adalah 61. Bila nilai
music, 4 siswa gemar seni
Maira (salah satu anggota
music dan seni lukis, 8 siswa
kelas tersebut) dikeluarkan
gemar seni tari dan seni
dari perhitungan, maka nilai
lukis, dan 3 siswa gemar
rata – rata kelas menjadi 60.
ketinganya. Banyaknya siswa
Nilai matematika Maira
yang hanya gemar seni
adalah ……
music dan seni tari saja
adalah ……
A. 100
B. 90
A. 1 orang
C. 80
B. 4 orang
D. 60
C. 5 orang
E. 40
D. 6 orang
E. 7 orang
17. Pada liburan yang akan
dating Lia ingin pulang
19. Daerah yang diarsir dari
kampong dari Jakarta ke
diagram Venn berikut dapat
Kuningan melalui Cirebon.
dinyatakan sebagai …..
Untuk rute Jakarta – Cirebon
terdapat 5 perusahaan
otobus (PO) yang dapat
dipilih dari 3 PO yang
melalui rute Cirebon –
Kuningan. Jika Lia tidak ingin E.
menggunakan PO yang
sama pada setiap rute, maka
banyaknya pilihan untuk
pulang ke Kuningan lalu

20. Banyaknya bilangan antara , , ,
2000 dan 6000 yang dapat membentuk barisan
disusun dari angka 0, 1, 2, 3, aritmatika. Maka
4, 5, 6, 7 dan tidak ada …….
angka yang sama adalah ….
A. 6
A. 2016 B. 9
B. 1344 C. 12
C. 1260 D. 21
D. 840 E. 27
E. 630
25. Nilai ……..
21. Diketahui matriks A =
A. +∞
dan I = . Bilangan x
B. 1
yang memenuhi persaman C. 0
adalah ….. D. -1
E. -∞
A. -1 atau 0
B. 5 atau 0 26. Pada gambar berikut, ABCD
C. 1 atau 5 merupakan bujursangkar
D. -1 atau 5 dan AED merupakan segitiga
E. 1 atau -5 sama sisi. Jika AB=2, maka
luas daerah yang diarsir
22. Nilai ....... adalah ……

A. 0 A.
B. B. 2
C. 3
C. 1
D. 2
E. 4

27. Pada gambar berikut, jika

23. …..
jari – jari lingkaran yang
berpusat di O adalah 10,
A. 0
maka panjang diagonal AC
pada persegi panjang AOBC
C. 1 adalah …..
D. 2
E. ∞ A.
24. Diberikan suku banyak C.
. Jika D. 10

E. masing – masing kelompok
ditukar sehingga rata – rata
28. Tempat kedudukan titik (x,y) berat badan dalam setiap
yang berjarak 6 satuan dari kelompok menjadi sama.
titik (-4,3) adalah …… Selisih berat badan kedua
anak yang ditukar itu adalah
A. …..

B. A. 1,5 kg
B. 3 kg
C. C. 4 kg
D. 6 kg
E. 8 kg
31. Suatu keluarga mempunyai
5 orang anak. Anak termuda
29. Pada suatu hari di STIS, berumur setengah dari anak
tertua, sedang 3 anak
mahasiswa tidak masuk
lainnya berturut – turut
(absen), dan dari berumur lebih 2 tahun dari
mahasiswa yang masuk yang termuda, lebih 4 tahun
melakukan kuliah di dari yang termuda, dan
laboratorium computer. Jika kurang 3 tahun dari yang
jumlah mahasiswa STIS yang tertua. Bila rata – rata hitung
melakukan kuliah di kelas umur mereka adalah 16
regular ada sebanyak 1012, tahun, maka umur anak yang
maka jumlah mahasiswa STIS ketiga adalah …..
adalah ……
A. 11 tahun
A. 840 B. 13 tahun
B. 960 C. 15 tahun
C. 1380 D. 19 tahun
D. 1600 E. 22 tahun
E. 3520 32.
Nilai ujian Frekuensi
30. Delapan orang anak dibagi 3 3
ke dalam dua kelompok 4 5
sama banyak, selanjutnya 5 12
ditimbang berat badannya. 6 17
Rata – rata berat badan anak 7 14
dalam kelompok pertama
8 6
30kg dan kelompok kedua
9 3
33kg. Seorang anak dari

Seorang siswa dinyatakan B.
lulus jika nilai ujiannya lebih C.
tinggi dari rata – rata D.
dikurangi 1 dari tabel diatas
jumlah yang lulus adalah …...

36. Jika garis 4x+2y=5 tegak

A. 52
lurus pada garis mx+(2m-
B. 40
1)y=9, maka nilai m
C. 38
D. 30
A. -4
E. 20
33. Jumlah dua bilangan riil C.
adalah 4 dan selisih kuadrat D. 4
dari kedua bilangan tersebut E. 0
adalah 12. Persamaan
kuadrat yang akar – akarnya 37. Jika f(x) = dan (x) =2x-1,
kedua bilangan tersebut maka (f og)-1(x) =…….
adalah ……
A. B.
C. C.
D. D.
34. Jika fungsi kuadrat
mempunyai 38. Jika dan (f
nilai maksimum 11, maka g)(x) =
…… maka g(x-3) = …..

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. 12
E. 20
35. Himpunan jawab persamaan
adalah 39. Keliling sebuah persegi
……. panjang adalah 12 m dan
luasnya kurang dari 8 m2.
A. Jika panjang salah satu
sisinya a meter, maka ….

A. a < 2 atau a >4
B. 0< a <2 atau a > 4 B.
C. 0 < a < 2 atau 4 < a < 6 C.
D. 2<a<4 D.
E. 0<a<4 E. 1

40. Jika 44. Kawat sepanjang 240 m

maka ….. akan dibuat kerangka seperti
gambar. Agar luasnya
A. maksimum, panjang
B. kerangka (p) tersebut adalah
C. ……
A. 20
E. B. 25
C. 30
41. Apabila D. 35
, maka nilai x yang E. 40
memenuhi adalah …..
45. Diketahui kran A
A. mengucurkan air 4 lt/menit,
B. sedangkan kran B
C. mengucurkan air 8 lt/menit.
D. Bila drum berkapasitas 240
E. lt, akan diisi oleh kedua kran
secara bersama – sama,
42. Jika , maka waktu yang diperlukan
dan a adalah …… menit.
>0, b > 0 maka nilai
adalah ……. A. 20
B. 25
A. 1 C. 30
B. 2 D. 35
C. 9 E. 40
D. 3
E. 5 46. Dari bentuk – bentuk
dibawah ini, maka yang
43. Nilai integral berikut salah adalah ……

adalah ….. A. (sin A + cos A)2 – 2 sin A

cos A = 1

B. sin2(900 – B) + cos2(900 –
B) = 1 A.
C. sin B sec B cot B = 1 B.
D. tan2 A +sec2 A= 1 C.
E. (1 – sin2 A)(1+ tan2 A) = 1 D.
47. Suku berikutnya dari barisan
c, a, b, d, c, d, f, e, f,…. adalah 50. Enam tahun yang lalu jumlah
….. umur ayah dan ibu adalah
sebelas kali selisihnya.
A. i Sekarang umur ayah adalah
B. h tujuh perenam dari umur
C. g ibu. Lima tahun yang akan
D. f datang, umur ayah dan
E. e umur ibu masing – masing
48. Misal X dan Y adalah matriks
berordo 2 x 2 dan (XY)T = A. 48 tahun dan 42 tahun
, maka X-1 adalah …… B. 48 tahun dan 41 tahun
C. 47 tahun dan 42 tahun
D. 47 tahun dan 41 tahun
E. 42 tahun dan 36 tahun
A. Y

51. Suatu survey dilakukan

B. untuk menyelidiki sikap
terhadap rencana
pemerintah untuk
C. YT memberlakukan UU ITE.
Survey tersebut dilakukan di
daerah perkotaan dan
D. pedesaan, karena kedua
daerah tersebut memberikan
data yang berbeda.
E. YT Tanggapan dikelompokan
menjadi setuju, menentang,
atau tidak tahu. Dari total
49. Pada kubus ABCD.EFGH 250 responden, diperoleh
dengan panjang rusuk s hasil bahwa 100 responden
satuan, terdapat bola luar dari perkotaan menyatakan
dan bola dalam. setuju dan 15 responden
Perbandingan volume bola menyatakan tidak tahu. Dari
luar dan bola dalam adalah 105 reponden dari
…… pedesaan, 50 responden

diantaranya menyatakan B. 50
menentang dan 5 C. 40
diantaranya tidak tahu. Jika D. 33,33
seorang diambil secara acak E. 21,67
untuk dimintai keterangan
lebih lanjut, peluang bahwa
55. Nilai dari
ia tinggal di perkotaan dan
menetang pemberlakuan UU
untuk x = 4 dan y = 27
ITE adalah ……
adalah ….

A. 0,02
B. 0,06
C. 0,12
D. 0,2
E. 0,32 D.
52. Jika α dan β akar – akar
persamaan kuadrat 56. Luas daerah D yang dibatasi
dan α3 oleh parabola di
+β3 = 35, maka nilai k = ….. kuadran I, garis x+y=2, dan
garis y = 4 adalah …. satuan
A. -15 luas.
B. -13
C. -3 A.
D. 3 B.
E. 15 C. 5
53. Nilai dari tan (1650) adalah

57. Volume benda putar yang

terjadi bila daerah kuadran I
yang dibatasi oleh kurva
D. , sumbu x, sumbu y
E. diputar mengelilingi sumbu
x adalah ….. satuan volume.
54. Diketahui jumlah suku –
suku suatu deret memenuhi A.
, B.
maka nilai x yang memenuhi
adalah ….
A. 75,33 E.

58. Diketahui A.
. Jika f(0) = B.
maka …… C.

60. Nilai x yang memenuhi

B. persamaan
log2log23+2 +1adalah …..

59. Hasil dari adalah …..

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2011

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Kebingungan adalah pintu ilmu pengetahuan,

Maka bertanya adalah kuncinya

1. Penyederhanaan dari bentuk B. 1822
C. 1849
D. 1851
A. -10 E. 1853
B. -5
C. -2 5. Jika jumlah kuadrat akar-akar
D. 2 persamaan sama
E. 10 dengan jumlah pangkat tiga akar-
akar persamaan ,
maka nilai adalah...
2. Nilai dari adalah ...
A. 10
A. 3 B. 2
B. 6 C. -2
C. 9 D. -8
D. E. -10
6. Jika dan adalah akar-akar
3. Negasi dari “Untuk semua nilai x persamaan maka
riil dengan 0 < a < 1, maka ax > 0
adalah ...
A. Ada beberapa nilai x riil dengan B.
0 < a <1, berlaku ax > 0 C.
B. Tidak ada nilai x riil dengan 0 < D.
a <1, berlaku ax > 0 E.
C. Ada beberapa nilai x riil dengan
0 < a <1, berlaku ax < 0 7. Dari fungsi kuadrat
D. Tidak ada nilai x riil dengan 0 < diketahui fungsi
a <1, berlaku ax < 0 mencapai nilai maksimum untuk
E. Ada beberapa nilai x riil denan . Dapat ditarik kesimpulan
a < 0 atau a > 1, berlaku ax < 0 bahwa fungsi mencapai
titik maksimum untuk ...
4. Matematikawan August de
Morgan menghabiskan usianya A.
pada tahun 1800-an. Pada tahun B.
terakhir dalam masa hidupnya dia C.
menyatakan bahwa: “Dulu aku D.
berusia x tahun pada tahun x pada E.
tahun x2. Pada tahun berapakah ia
dilahirkan... 8. Titik potong parabola
, dengan garis
A. 1806 adalah

dan . Jika , maka B. 36,6
nilai adalah... C. 30,0
D. 20,0
A. -2 E. 43,2
B. -1
C. 0
D. 1 12. Pada kubus ABCD.EFGH, terdapat
E. 2 bola luar dinyatakan B1 dan bola
dalam dinyatakan B2 .
9. Himpunan penyelesaian dari Perbandingan volume bola B1 dan
adalah... B2 adalah...

A. A.
B. atau B.
C. atau atau C.
D. E.
E. atau
13. Jika , maka nilai
10. Jika dan adalah bilangan yang memenuhi adalah...
riil positif dengan dan ,
maka pernyataan ini benar, A. 1
kecuali... B. 2
C. 3
A. D. 4
B. E. 5
D. 14. Nilai dari

A. -8
11. Jendela berbentuk lingkaran
B. -4
seperti yang ditunjukkan pada
C. -1
gambar dibawah ini memiliki
D. 4
sembilan kaca jendela dengan luas
E. 8
yang sama. Kaca jendela
berbentuk lingkaran dibagian
15. Nilai dari
dalam memiliki jari-jari 20 cm.
Delapan garis yang memisahkan adalah...
kaca jendela luar memiliki panjang
yang sama, x cm. Nilai x adalah... A.
A. 40,0

C. 1 19. Jika fungsi
D. 0 dalam interval
E. 1 mempunyai nilai maksimum a dan
minimum b, maka a + b = ...
16. Luas sebuah lingkaran adalah
fungsi dari kelilingnya. Jika keliling A. 38
sebuah lingkaran adalah x, maka B. 35
laju pertumbuhan luas lingkaran C. 27
terhadap kelilingnya adalah... D. 22
E. 20
B. 20. Daerah yang dibatasi oleh kurva
C. , garis dan sumbu
D. diputar mengelilingi sumbu y.
Volume benda putar yang
terbentuk adalah ... satuan volume.

17. Jika , A.
maka ... B.
A. 0
B. 2 D.
C. E.
D. 6
E. 21. Nilai yang memenuhi
18. Proyek pembangunan gedung STIS
dapat diselesaikan dalam hari, A. -2
dengan menghabiskan biaya B. -1
proyek per hari sebesar C. 0
ratus ribu rupiah. Agar
E. 1
biaya proyek pembangunan
gedung STIS ini minimum, maka
proyek tersebut diselesaikan dalam
22. ...
waktu ...

A. 40 hari A. 0
B. 60 hari B. 18
C. 90 hari C.
D. 120 hari D.
E. 150 hari E. 9

23. Jika luas daerah yang dibatasi oleh 27. Jika dan ,
kurva dan garis maka nilai
adalah , maka nilai yang
memenuhi adalah...
B. A. 2
C. B. 4
D. 2 atau - 2 C. 8
E. atau D.
28. Bilangan bulat terbesar n yang
A. Deret aritmatika dengan beda
B. Deret geometri dengan rasio
A. 2
C. Deret aritmetika dengan beda 3
B. 3
D. Deret geometri dengan rasio 3
C. 6
E. Bukan deret aritmatika maupun
D. 8
deret geometri
E. 9
25. Semua bilangan ganjil positif
29. Jika menyatakan bilangan
dikelompokkan ssperti berikut ini :
(1), (3,5), (7,9,11), (13,15,17,19), ... untuk setiap bilangan real yang
bilangan yang terletak diawal tidak sama dengan nol. Dan jika
kelompok ke-25 adalah... dan tidak sama dengan
nol, maka bentuk sederhana dari
A. 553
B. 575
C. 599
D. 601
A. 1
E. 625
26. Nilai
A. 351
B. 371 30. Diketahui dan adalah akar-akar
C. 431 persamaan dari
D. 451 . Nilai dari
E. 472

A. dan
A. B. dan
B. 0 C. dan
C. 2 D. dan
D. 1 E. dan
34. Jika
31. Jika persamaan garis singgung dibagi
kurva pada titik sisanya 10, smentara jika dibagi
(1,1) tegak lurus garis dengan akan menghasilkan
. Maka sisa 2. Nilai dan berturut-turut
yang memenuhi adalah...
A. 8
B. 10 A. dan 1
C. 13 B. dan 1
D. 20 C. 1 dan
E. 52
D. 1 dan ¾
32. Dalam pertandingan lari estafet, E. dan 1
Upin berlari dalam putaran
pertama selama 72 detik. Ipin 35. Persamaan banyangan kurva
berlari dalam putaran berikutnya oleh rotasi
dengan kecepatan dari , kemudian dilanjutkan
kecepatan Upin. Jarjit berlari pada oleh pencerminan terhadap garis
putaran berikutnya dengan adalah...
kecepatan dari kecepatan Ipin.
Mail berlari pada putaran terakhir
dengan kecepatan dari
kecepatan Jarjit. Total waktu untuk D.
menyelesaikan pertamdingan lari E.
estafer tersebut adalah...
36. Jika 10 siswa kelas A mempunyai
A. 4 menit 48 detik nilai rata-rata 5,1 dan 15 siswa
B. 4 menit 22 detik kelas B mempunyai nilai rata-rata
C. 5 menit 27 detik 8,1 dan 25 siswa kelas C
D. 4 menit 37 detik mempunyai nilai rata-rata 6,6.
E. 3 menit 46 detik Ketiga kelas tersebut digabung,
maka nilai rata-rata gabungan
33. Hasil bagi dan sisa suku banyak adalah...
berturut-turut adalah... A. 6,50
B. 6,55

C. 6,60 dan ,
D. 6,75 maka perbandingan banyaknya
E. 6,80 siswa di kelas A dan B adalah...

37. Simpangan kuartil dari data : 6, 6, A. 8:9

8, 5, 9, 6,7, 5, 5, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8 sama B. 9:8
dengan... C. 4:5
D. 5:4
A. 3,5 E. 3:5
B. 3,0
C. 2,5 41. Daftar distribusi frekuensi pada
D. 2,0 tabel berikut merupakan hasil dari
E. 1,5 suatu tes.
Nilai Frekuensi
38. Nilai rata-ratapengamatan dari 11 - 20 3
sebuah data terurut membentuk 21 - 30 7
pola: a, a+b, 3a+b, dan seterusnya. 31 - 40 10
Nilai pengamatan paling kecil = 1 41 - 50 16
dan yang paling besar = 20. Jika 51 - 60 20
banyak pengamatan = 10, maka 61 - 70 14
rata-ratanya... 71 - 80 10
81 - 90 6
A. 10,5 91 - 100 4
B. 11,0 Jika 60% siswa dinyatakan lulus,
C. 11,5 nilai terendah yang dinyatakan
D. 12,0 lulus adalah...
E. 12,5
A. 45,0
39. Dari 5 buah bilangan, bilangan B. 48,5
yang terkecil 40 dan terbesar 75. C. 50,5
Jika mediannya 50, maka rata-rata D. 51,0
... E. 55,5

A. 42. Dari huruf S, I, G, M, dan A dapat

B. dibuat 120 “kata”. Jika “kata” ini
C. disusun secara alfabetikal, maka
D. kata “SIGMA” akan berada pada
E. urutan...

40. Nilai rata-rata ulangan kelas A A. 105

adalah dan kelas B adalah . B. 106
Setelah kedua kelas digabungkan, C. 110
nilai rata-ratanya adalah . Jika D. 111

E. 112 46. Nilai n yang memenuhi persamaan
3.n+1C3 = 7.nC2 adalah...
43. Banyaknya bilangan terdiri dari 3
angka berbeda dan habis dibagi 5 A. 2
yang dapat disusun dari angka- B. 4
angka 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 adalah... C. 6
D. 7
A. 132 E. 8
B. 136
C. 140 47. Diketahui dan
D. 142 . Jika adalah fungsi
E. 144 sehingga maka

44. Sebuah kotak berisi buah apel dan

pir. Banyaknya buah apel dan pir A.
yang sudah membusuk adalah
sama, yaitu 2/3 dari semua buah
apel dan 3/4 dari semua buah pir. C.
Perbandingan antara banyaknya D.
buah-buahan yang sudah E.
membusuk dalam kotak dengan
jumlah seluruh buah dalam kotak
48. Jika maka

A. 17 : 24
A. 1
B. 7 : 12
B. 2
C. 5:8
C. 3
D. 12 : 17
D. 4
E. 5:7
E. 5

45. Seorang siswa yang mengikuti

49. Selama hidupnya seperempat usia
ujian harus mengerjakan 7 dari 10
Sutisna dijalani sebagai anak,
soal yang ada. Banyak cara siswa
seperlinanya sebagai pemuda,
tersebut memilih soal yang akan
sepertingany sebagai orang
dewasa dan 15 tahun 2 bulan
sebagai kakek. Sutisna meninggal
A. 70
pada usia...
B. 120
C. 240
A. 55 tahun
D. 360
B. 60 tahun
E. 720
C. 70 tahun
D. 85 tahun
E. 90 tahun

C. Diterima asal nilai matematika
50. Jumlah dan dari yang lebih dari 9
memenuhi sistem persamaan D. Diterima asal nilai bahasa
inggris tidak kurang dari 5
E. Diterima hanya nilai bahasa
Adalah... inggris 6

A. -12 53. Pesawat penumpang mempunyai

B. -10 tempat duduk 48 kursi. Setiap
C. -6 penumpang kelas utama boleh
D. 6 membawa bagasi 60 kg sedang
E. 10 kelas ekonomi 20 kg. Pesawat
hanya dapat membawa bagasi
51. Sebelum ada kenaikan harga BBM, 1440 kg. Harga tiket kelas utama
pengeluaran bensin Pak Budi Rp 150.000 dan kelas ekonomi Rp
adalah 10%dari perdanpatan. 100.000. Supaya pendapatan dari
Apabila harga BBM naik 30%, penjualan tiket pada saat pesawat
sedangkan semua pengeluaran penuh mencapai maksimum,
lainnya dianggap tetap, maka jumlah tempat duduk kelas utama
pengeluaran bensin Pak Budi haruslah sebanyak...
A. 12
A. Naik 30% dari pendapatan B. 20
B. Naik 20% dari pendapatan C. 24
C. Naik 13% dari pendapatan D. 26
D. Naik 10% dari pendapatan E. 30
E. Naik 3% dari pendapatan
54. Matriks B adalah invers matriks A,
52. Syarat agar dapat dterima disuatu matriks D adalah invers matriks C
perguruan tinngi adalah nilai tes dan A.B.C = D, maka yang
matematika harus tidak kurang merupakan matriks identitas (I)
dari 7 dan tes bahasa inggris tidak adalah...
kurang dari 5, sedangkan jumlah
nilai matematika dan bahasa A. A2
inggris tidak boleh kurang dari 13. B. B2
Seorang siswa yang jumlah dua C. C2
kali nilai matematika dan tiga kali D. D2
nilai bahsa inggrisnya sama E. A.C2
dengan 30, maka siswa itu...
55. Jika
A. Pasti ditolak
B. Pasti diterima

A. 2 , maka diantara nilai berikut
B. 1 ini yang memenuhi adalah...
D. 1 A.
E. 2 B. 2
56. Jika M matriks berordo 2×2 D. 2
sehingga dan E. 1

, maka M2 = ...
59. Vektor dapat diputar
mengelilingi pusat koordinat O
A. sejauh dalam arah berlawanan
B. dengan peraturan jarum jam.
Hasilnya dicerminkan terhadap
C. sumbu , menghasilkan vektor
D. . Jika maka...


57. Diketahui matriks B.

dan . Jika BT C.
adalah transpose dari matriks B, D.
maka nilai c yang memenuhi
A=2BT adalah... E.

A. 2 60. Diketahui A dan B adalah sudut

B. 3 lancip yang memenuhi
C. 5 =12 dan tan =13. Nilai tan A
D. 8 adalah...
E. 10
58. Vektor merupakan vektor B.
proyeksi tegak lurus vektor C.
pada vektor D.
. Jika panjang adalah

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2012

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Mencapai target dengan kejujuran

Adalah perilaku yang utama menuju kesuksesan

1. Parabola digeser C. atau
ke kanan sejauh satuan searah D. atau
dengan sumbu dan digeser ke E.
bawah sejauh 6 satuan. Jika 4. Nilai yang memenuhi
parabola hasil pergeseran ini persamaan
memotong di sumbu di 1 dan
adalah …
2 maka adalah…

A. A. atau 1
B. B.
C. C. 1
D. D. atau 2
E. E.

2. Jika daerah yang digelapkan 5. Diketahui persamaan

pada diagram ini merupakan Jumlah dua akar
daerah penyelesaian untuk persamaan yang paling
program linier dengan fungsi minimum adalah …
sasaran , maka
nilai maksimum adalah … A. -3
B. -2
C. 1
D. 2
E. 3

6. dan menyatakan
invers dari fungsi dan .
Jika dan
maka nilai
dari adalah …

A. -1
A. 6 B. -1/2
B. 21 C. ½
C. 30 D. 1
D. 32 E. 4
E. 42
7. Fungsi kuadrat
3. Jika dan , mempunyai nilai minimum
maka penyelesaian untuk pada saat . Jika fungsi
adalah … kuadrat tersebut dibagi dengan
maka sisanya 21. Fungsi
A. kuadrat tersebut adalah …

A. A. 8.45
B. B. 9.00
C. C. 9.15
D. D. 9.30
E. E. 10.00

8. Himpunan penyelesaian dari 11. Akar-akar persamaan

pertidaksamaan adalah α, β,
adalah … dan γ. Nilai dan
A. ¾ dan
D. B. dan
E. C. dan
D. dan
9. Bagilah bilangan 100 menjadi E. dan ¾
dua bagian, sehingga
seperempat dari bilangan yang 12. Jika dan
pertama 11 lebih besarnya dari maka
sepertiga bilangan yang kedua.
Kedua bilangan tersebut adalah
… A.
A. 24 dan 76 C.
B. 22 dan 78 D.
C. 28 dan 72
D. 20 dan 80
E. 26 dan 74

10. Jika antara Jakarta-Bogor A.

berjarak 60 km. Agung B.
berangkat dari Jakarta C.
mengendarai mobil dengan
kecepatan 60 km/jam. Agung
berangkat pada pukul 8.30 pagi. E.
Prasetyo berangkat dari Bogor
ke Jakarta mengendarai motor 14. Jika
dengan kecepatan 30 km/jam. adalah …
Prasetyo berangkat lebih awal
30 menit dari Agung. Keduanya A. 64
akan bertemu pada jam … B. 16

D. B.
E. C.
15. Jika diameter lingkaran cm,
maka luas daerah yang E.
digelapkan dalam gambar
18. Diketahui persamaan kuadrat
adalah …
akar-akar x1 dan x2. Jika jumlah
kuadrat kedua akar-akarnya
sama dengan 5 dan α bilangan
prima, maka α adalah …

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
A. D. 7
B. E. 11
19. Penyelesaian dari
E. pertidaksamaan dan
adalah …
16. Diketahui matriks dan
. Jika adalah
matriks yang singular, maka C.
nilai yang minimum adalah … D.
A. -3
B. -2 20. x1 dan x2 adalah akar-akar dari
C. -1 persamaan
D. 1 Jika maka nilai
E. 3
adalah …

17. Diketahui adalah vector

pada bidang,
dan α sudut yang dibentuk
oleh dan . Jika luas segitiga
yang dibentuk oleh ujung-ujung
vector , adalah 6
21. Berikut ini adalah data
satuan luas, maka adalah …
penduduk suatu RT di kelurahan
Pondok Bambu tahun 1985.
Penduduk terbanyak terdapat

pada kelompok umur 20-24 E. 21
23. adalah nilai-nilai
pengukuran dari tinggi badan
mahasiswa STIS tingkat 1 Tahun
Akademik 2011/2012. Dari hasil
pengukuran diperoleh rata-rata
tinggi badan 168 cm, dengan
jangkauan (range) 30 cm. Jika
semua hasil pengukuran
dikalikan dan
Jika modus umur penduduk = ditambah β diperoleh nilai rata-
tahun, jumlah rata tinggi badan yang baru
yaitu sebesar 185 cm dengan
penduduk pada kelompok umur
jangkauan 40 cm, maka nilai
15-19 tahun lebih banyak 6
dan β berturut-turut adalah …
orang dari kelompok umur
sebelumnya dan jumlah
penduduk kelompok umur 25- A. dan 39
29 tahun lebih banyak 18 orang B. dan 39
dari kelompok ummur C. 39 dan
sesudahnya, maka jumlah D. -- 39 dan
penduduk pada kelompok umur E. dan --39
modus adalah …
24. A dan B adalah dua kejadia
A. 25
yang saling lepas (saling asing),
B. 26
dimana dan
C. 27
D. 28 Nilai P(B) adalah …
E. 29
22. Rata-rata usia dari tiga sekawan B.
yang telah lama bersahabat C.
adalah 25 tahun, sedangkan D.
median usianya adalah 18
tahun, dan jangkauan (range)
usianya 15 tahun. Usia dari tiga 25. Salah satu acara daam
sekawan yang paling tua adalah pagelaran pentas seni kampus
… STIS akan menampilkan drama
musical modern dengan 3
A. 40 orang pemain inti akan diseleksi
B. 36 oleh panitia. UKM Kesenian
C. 35 telah mempunyai 5 orang calon
D. 22 potensial untuk pemain inti

yang akan menjadi pemeran
utama dan 2 orang pemeran 27. Nilai minimum dari fungsi
pendukung. Banyaknya cara yang
yang bisa dipilih oleh panitia memenuhi syart-syarat
adalah … pertidaksamaan di
mana dan adalah …
A. 10
B. 20 A. 70
C. 30 B. 80
D. 50 C. 90
E. 60 D. 100
E. 120
26. Madin adalah seorang pedagan
gerobak dorong dengan modal 28. Nilai dari adalah
Rp 1.000.000,00 di Pasar Kebon …
Sayur. Sehari-hari Madin
menjual buah jeruk dan manga, A. 0
yang diperolehnya dari Pasar B. 1/5
Jatinegara. Adapun kapasitas C. 2/5
muatan gerobak dorong D. ½
tersebut 120 kg. Keuntungan E. ¼
yang diperolehnya setiap hari
sangat bervariasi, walaupun 29. Jika matriks Q adalah invers
setiap hari dagangannya habis matriks P, matriks S adalah
terjual. Madin sangan invers matriks R dan PQR=S,
menginginkan keuntungan yang maka yang merupakan matriks
sama tiap hari dengan nilai Identitas (I) adalah …
keuntungan yang paling besar.
Harga jeruk dan manga per kg A. P dan Q
di Pasar Jatinegara masing- B. P dan R
masing Rp 10.000,00 dan Rp C. P dan S
7.500,00. Kemudia Madin D. Q dan R
menjual kembali, masing- E. R dan S
masing dengan harga Rp
12.000,00 dan Rp 10.000,00. 30. Nilai dari
Keuntungan maksimum yang
diperoleh adalah … adalah …

A. Rp 275.000,00 A.
B. Rp 280.000,00 B.
C. Rp 285.000,00 C.
D. Rp 290.000,00
E. Rp 295.000,00

E. D. 919
E. 1019
31. Toha adalah seorang
pengusaha laying-layang yang 34. Dari ketiga persamaan di bawah
sehari-harin ya bekerja dibantu ini untuk
oleh istri dan anaknya. Biaya
total per bulan yang dikeluarkan
untuk memproduksi laying- Maka nilai
layang dinyatakan dengan
Jika A. 18
harga sebuah layang-layang Rp B. 22
4.500,00 maka keuntungan C. 48
maksimum yang diperoleh Toha D. 40
adalah E. 42

A. Rp 1.987.000,00 35. Bentuk sederhana dari

B. Rp 1.990.000,00
C. Rp 1.992.000,00 adalah …
D. Rp 1.995.000,00
E. Rp 2.000.000,00 A.
32. Diketahui vektor ,
vektor dan vektor E.

tegak lurus pada 36.

vektor . Nilai adalah …
A. 0
A. -2
B. 1/3
B. -1
C. 2/3
C. -1/2
D. 1
D. ½ E. 3/2
E. 1
37. Diketahui prisma segilima
33. Jika diketahui:
beraturan ABCDE.FGHIJ. Jika
panjang rusuk alas 6 cm dan
tinggi prisma 10 cm, maka
maka panjang diagonal AI adalah …

A. 619 A.
B. 719 B.
C. 819 C.


38. Daerah R terletak di kuadran I

yang dibatasi oleh parabola
, parabola dan
garis . Volumebenda putar
yang terbentuk apabila R
diputar terhadap sumbu y
adalah …


39. Jika grafik suatu fungsi

yang mendatar sesaat untuk
adalah sebagai berikut:

Maka grafik turunan dari di

sekitar mempunyai kurva
… 40. Data di bawah ini menunjukkan
sampel (contoh) wisatawan
mencanegara (wisman) yang
berkunjung ke Indonesia dalam
suatu survei di Bandara
Soekarno Hatta.
Pernyataan yang benar dari tiga
ukuran statistik yang digunakan,
yaitu rata-rata hitung, median
dan modus dari frekuensi
kungjungan wisman ke
Indonesia adalah…

A. Rata-rata hitung = Median =
Modus 43. adalah …
B. Rata-rata hitung = Median
C. Rata-rata hitung = Modus A. 0
D. Median = Modus B. 4
E. Ketiga ukuran statistik tidak C. 8
ada yang sama D. 10
E. 12
41. Sule berjalan kaki dengan
kecepatan 4km/jam, setelah 20 44. Bentuk sederhana dari
km Sule berlari sejauh 60 km
dalam waktu 3 jam. Kecepatan
rata-rata Sule adalah …
A. 12 km/jam
B. 11 km/jam adalah …
C. 10 km/jam
D. 9 km/jam A. 1/199
E. 8 km/jam B. 1/201
C. 199
42. Gambar di bawah ini D. 200
menunjukkan lalu lintas jalan E. 201
raya yang menghubungkan kota
A, B, C dan D. Nyatakanlah 45. Volume benda putar yang
dalam bentuk matriks terbentuk dari daerah R yang
banyaknya jalan yang dibatasi oleh kurva
menghubungkan masing- dan sumbu yang diputar
masing kota … mengelilingi sumbu adalah…


B. A.
C. B.
E. E.

46. Lya mencoba menentukan 49. Diketahui tiga pertanyaan

tinggi hiasan paatung Mickey berikut:
Mouse pada puncak menara X: Indonesia bukan anggota PBB
dengan cara mengukur sudut Y: Vitamin A tidak larut dalam
pandang daru suatu tempat lemak
sejauh dari kaki menara. Z: STIS adalah sekolah tinggi
Misalkan sudut pandang dan kedinasan
β seperti pada gambar, maka Pernyataan majemuk di bawah
tinggi patung itu adalah … ini yang bernilai benar adalah …

B. 50. Jumlah akar-akar dari
C. persamaan adalah …
A. 6
B. 9
47. Nilai yang memenuhi
C. 10
pertidaksamaan D. 12
adalah … E. 13
A. -10
51. Sebuah kolam ikan berbentuk
B. -8
persegi panjang. Jika lebar
C. 8
kolam ditambah 10 m dan
D. 9
panjangnya ditambah 5 m,
E. 10
maka luas kolam ikan tersebut
bertambah 350 m2. Tetapi jika
48. Persamaan garis yang melalui
lebarnya dikurangi 5 m dan
titik potong garis
panjangnya ditambah 10 m
dan serta
luasnya akan berkurang 25 m2.
tegak lurus dengan AB, di mana
Luas kolam ikan semula adalah
A titik (1,2) dan B titik (3,6)

adalah …

A. 150 m2 55. Jika , maka
B. 312 m2
C. 322 m2 turunan pertama terhadap
D. 325 m2 adalah …
E. 462 m2 A.

52. Seorang petani sedang B.

menyemprot tanaman padinya
dengan obat serangga. Reaksi C.
terhadap obat serangga D.
tersebut jam setelah E.
disemprotkan pada tanaman
padi, yang dinyatakan sebagai
56. Jika dan
bilangan tak negatif yang sama
maka pertidaksamaan yang
dengan Reaksi terkecil
memenuhi adalah …
akan dicapai pada saat …
A. 25 jam sebelum reaksi habis
B. 15 jam sebelum reaksi habis
C. 10 jam sebelum reaksi habis D.
D. 5 jam sebelum reaksi habis E.
E. 0 jam sebelum reaksi habis
57. Seratus siswa dari SMA I dan
53. Jika di antara bilangan 4 dan 37 SMA II Kota Batam mengikuti
disisipkan 10 bilangan lainnya seleksi tes masuk STIS dengan
sehingga membentuk deret skor rata-rata adalah 80.
aritmetika, maka jumlah 6 suku Banyaknya siswa SMA I yang
pertama adalah … mengikuti seleksi tersebut 50%
lebih banyak dari siswa SMA II
A. 19 dan skor rata-rata siswa SMA I
B. 69 lebih tinggi 50% dari skor rata-
C. 105 rata siswa SMA II. Skor rata-rata
D. 138 SMA II adalah …
E. 246
A. 900/15
54. Nilai B. 900/13
adalah … C. 800/15
A. -1/y D. 800/14
B. 1/y E. 800/13
C. 1
D. y 58. Banyak bilangan antara 0 dan
E. –y 500 yang disusun dari angka
lima adalah …

A. 75 D.
B. 78 E.
C. 88
D. 95 60. Yusron memiliki 10 ekor bebek
E. 98 betina dan 5 ekor bebek jantan.
Dia akan menjual 5 ekor bebek
yang dimiliki. Peluang bahwa
bebek yang dijual 3 ekor bebek
59. Jika betina adalah …

maka nilai yang memenuhi C.
adalah … D.

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2013

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Sifat gengsi merupakan awal pemicu

Kebohongan di dalam perkataan

1. (-15) + 5 x 10 – 14 : (-2) = … A. 1
B. 1
A. 57 C. 8
B. – 57 D. 8
C. 42 E. 14
D. – 42 6. Jika , maka nilai dari
E. – 20
adalah …
2. Jika dengan x dan y
bilangan asli, maka … A. 192
B. 194
A. x>y C. 196
B. x<y D. 198
C. x=y E. 200
D. x=y–3
E. x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan 7. Jika X bilangan yang menyatakan
hubungannya 12,34% dari 56,78, dan Y bilangan
yang menyatakan 5,678% dari
123,4 maka …
3. Jika
, maka nilai xyz adalah… A. X<Y
B. X>Y
A. 4 C. X≠Y
B. 6 D. X=Y+1
C. 10 E. X=Y
D. 12
E. 16 8. Seorang peserta ujian PMB STIS
dapat menyelesaikan x soal dalam
4. Diketahui kandungan air dalam waktu 1/t jam. Banyak soal yang
cengkih basah adalah 45% dari dapat diselesaikan peserta tersebut
beratnya, maka berapa berat dalam waktu t jam adalah …
cenkih yang sudah dikeringkan
dari 150 kwintal cengkih basah A.
adalah … B.
A. 67,5 kg
B. 82,5 kg
C. 6.750 kg
D. 8.250 kg
9. Jika dan ,
E. 8.750 kg
maka adalah …
5. Berapakah nilai a+b jika diketahui
D. 3
E. 4

10. Himpunan penyelesaian dari 13. Sebuah bola jatuh dari ketinggian
pertidaksamaan adalah 10 m dan memantul kembali
… dengan ketinggian ¾ kali tinggi
sebelumnya, begitu seterusnya
A. sampai bola berhenti. Jumlah
B. seluruh lintasan bola adalah …
D. A. 30 m
E. { } B. 40 m
C. 70 m
11. Daerah A, B, dan C beririsan. D. 75 m
Pernyataan di bawah ini yang E. 80 m
benar adalah …
14. Suatu seri angka terdiri dari: 2 3 4 4
8 6 10 7 14 9 16 10 20 12. Dua
angka berikutnya adalah …

A. 13, 22
B. 24, 12
C. 22, 8
D. 22, 13
E. 18, 14
A. Sebagian A adalah juga E
B. Semua F juga B
C. Sebagian C adalah D 15. Jika A = maka
D. Semua G juga C
E. Semua E adalah A determinan matriks A adalah

12. Dalam sebuah taman bermain, A.

murid-murid dikelompokkan B.
berdasarkan makanan yang disukai C.
dan tidak disukai. 20% murid tidak
suka makan sayuran dan buah. D.
40% murid suka sayuran. Jika
jumlah murid dalam taman E.
bermain tersebut adalah 45 dan
murid yang suka makan buah dan
sayuran ada 5 orang, maka jumlah 16. Jika sudut antara vector
murid yang suka makan buah dan
adalah … adalah 60 maka p = …

A. 9 A. atau
B. 13 B. 1 atau 1
C. 18 C. atau
D. 23 D. atau
E. 36 E. atau

C. 2
17. Matriks B adalah invers dari D. 2,5
matriks A. Matriks D adalah invers E. 4
dari matriks C dan ABC = D. Maka
yang merupakan matriks identitas 22. Jika dan log
(I) adalah … untuk , maka =…

A. A. 10 10

B. B. 10 2

C. C.
D. 210
E. 2 10 2

18. Fungsi terdefinisi 23. Diketahui dan

untuk x yang memenuhi … = Nilai
adalah …
B. atau A.
C. atau B.
19. Jika sebuah fungsi dinyatakan E.
sebagai maka
nilai adalah … 24. Jumlah dua bilangan adalah 67
A. dan selisihnya 13. Jika dua
bilangan tersebut dibuat suatu
pecahan dengan pembilangnya
C. bilangan yang kecil, maka
oenyebut pecahan tersebut adalah

20. =…

A. A. 67
B. 54
C. 40
C. D. 35
D. E. 27
25. Separuh peserta ujian PMB STIS
gagal karena tidak lulus pada
21. Jika kurva
berpotongan dengan sumbu y, tahap ujian pertama. 300 orang
peserta ujian lainnya gagal setelah
maka jarak kedua titik potongnya
adalah … es psikotest, sehingga tinggal
dari seluruh peserta ujian PMB
A. STIS. Jumlah peserta ujia PMB STIS
B. 1,5 seluruhnya adalah …

A. 1200 29. Jika
B. 1500 maka nilai adalah …
C. 2700
D. 3000
A. 3
E. 5000
B. 2
C. 1
26. Dengan persediaan kain batik 20 m
D. 1
dan kain polos 10 m, seorang
E. 3
penjahit akan membuat 2 model
pakaian jadi, model A dan model B.
30. Ditentukan , maka
Model A memerlukan 1 m kain
batik dan 1,5 m kain polos. Model
B memerlukan 2 m kain batik dan
0,5 m kain polos. Jika kedua model A.
harus dibuat, maka jumlah B.
maksimum pakaian yang bias C.
dibuat adalah … pakaian.
A. 8 E.
B. 10
C. 12 31. Jika tiga lingkaran berjari-jari 1
D. 16 disusun seperti dalam gambar,
E. 20 maka luas daerah yang diarsir pada
gambar di bawah ini adalah …
27. Jika
dibagi dengan
sisanya 2. Nilai a dan b
berturut-turut adalah …

A. dan 1
B. dan 1
C. dan
D. 1 dan
E. dan 1 B.
28. Jika suku banyak dibagi D.
sisa 3 dan jika dibagi
sisa -1. Sisa pembagian jika
dibagi adalah …
32. Segitiga ABC sama kaki, yaitu AB =
A. 3 AC. Segitiga tersebut memiliki
B. 2 keliling 32. Jika panjang garis
C. tinggi dari A adalah 8, maka
D. panjang AC adalah …

A. 10 E. 5:8
C. 36. ABCD adalah segi empat dengan O
D. adalah titik potong diagonal-
diagonalnya: Misalkan luas daerah
ABD adalah 1, luas daerah ABC
adalah 3, dan luas daerah ACD
33. Garis g dan h saling bersilangan.
adalah 2. Maka luas daerah BDC
Garis g terletak pada bidang V dan
dan ABO adalah …
bidang V sejajar dengan garis h.
garis h terletak pada bidang W dan
bidang W berpotongan dengan
bidang V pada garis k. Pernyataan
berikut yang benar adalah …

A. k sejajar g dan memotong h

A. 3 dan
B. k memotong g dan h
C. k dan h bersilangan B. 4 dan
D. k sejajar h dan memotong g C. 3 dan
E. k berimpit dengan g
D. 4 dan

34. jika AB sejajar CD, maka nilai y E. 4 dan

adalah …

A. 90 37. Pada kubus ABCD.EFGH yang

B. 95 mempunyai sisi 6 cm , jarak antara
C. 97 titik A ke garis HB adalah ..
D. 99
E. 103 A.
35. Perbandingan luas daerah yang C.
berwarna gelap terhadap luas D.
persegi dalam gabar ini adalah… E.

A. 1:3 38. Pada kubus ABCD. EFGH dengan

B. 2:5 panjang rusuk a satuan, terdapat
C. 3:5 bola di luar kubus yang dinyatakan
D. 3:8 dengan B1 dan bola di dalam

kubus yang dinyatakan dengan B2. C. 22 tahun
Perbandingan volume bola B1 dan D. 24 tahun
B2 adalah … E. 26 tahun

A. 42. Diketahui data tinggi badan 10

B. siswa SMA adalah sebagai berikut,
D. 3 : 1 165 160 170 158 163
E. 2 : 1
165 155 170 160 160
39. Koordinat titik pusat dan jari-jari
lingkaran Maka pernyataan yang memenuhi
adalah … adalah …

A. (1,3) dan 1 A. Rata-rata = Median

B. (-1,3) dan 1 B. Rata-rata < Median
C. dan 1 C. Rata-rata = Modus
D. Median = Modus
D. dan
E. Median > Modus
E. dan
43. Kuartil pertama dari data yang
40. Lingkaran dengan persamaan disajikan dalam histogram berikut
adalah …
dicerminkan terhadap garis x = -
10, kemudian digeser sejauh .
Maka persamaan lingkaran
hasilnya adalah …

D. A.
E. B.
41. Suatu keluarga mempunyai 5
orang anak. Anak termuda D.
berumur setengah dari anak tertua. E.
Tiga anak lainnya berturut-turut,
berumur lebih 2 tahun dari anak 44. Jika dari 200 siswa di sebuah
termuda, lebih 3 tahun dari anak tempat kursus dapat
termuda, dan kurang 5 tahun dari dikelompokkan sebagai berikut:
anak tertua. Bila rata-rata umur
mereka adalah 14 tahun, maka Tingkatan Jenis Kelamin
umur anak tertua … Kurus Laki-laki Perempuan
Level 1 38 45
A. 18 tahun Level 2 28 50
B. 20 tahun

Level 3 22 17 48.

Jika akan dipilih seorang siswa

A. 0
secara acak, maka peluang siswa
tersebut berjenis kelamin
perempuan dan berasal dari level 2 C.
adalah … D. 2
B. 49. Grafik merupakan fungsi
C. turunan pertama , jika grafik
ditunjukkan pada gambar
sebagai berikut, maka …

45. Jika menyatakan banyaknya

kombinasi r elemen dari n elemen
dan maka adalah …

A. 2n
D. 28
E. 56 A. Mencapai maksimum x=3
B. Mencapai maksimum x=1
46. Sebagai pemain catur C. Turun pada 1<x<3
internasional, dalam 9 kali D. Naik pada x>2
pertandingan biasanya Utut hanya E. Memotong sumbu XX di titik
kalah 1 kali. Jika dalam turnamen (1,0) dan (3,0)
utu harus bermain 3 kali, maka
peluang Utut kalah dalam salah 50. Sebuah apartemen mempunyai 6
satu pertandingan adalah … lantai. Salah satu lantai memiliki 3
unit. Lima lantai lainnya masing-
A. 64/243 masing mempunyai 4 unit. Jika A=
B. 64/81 tiga kali jumlah bangunan dan B=
C. 8/243 jumlah unit di dalam bangunan,
D. 64/729 maka …
E. 1/729
47. Nilai dari adalah … A. A lebih besar daripada B
B. A lebih kecil daripada B
C. A sama dengan B
A. 0
D. 2A sama dengan B
B. 3a
E. Hubungan antara A dan B tidak
C. B
dapat ditentukan
D. 3b
E. ~
51. Luas daerah antara kurva
garis , ,

dan garis dapat dinyatakan
sebagai … 54. Nilai yang menyebabkan
pernyataan “jika maka
A. ”, bernilai salah adalah
B. …

A. -2
B. -3
D. C. 2
D. 3
E. 6

Soal nomor 55-56 berdasarkan

bacaan berikut:
52. Hasil dari adalah … Pembelian mesin produksi
bagi sebuah perusahaan adalah
A. +C suatu usaha untuk etao menjaga
kualitas produknya. Perusahaan
B. +C
jamu Cap “Unyil” yang berdiri
C. +C tahun 1997, juga melakukan hal
D. +C tersebut. Perusahaan tersebut
membeli mesin produksi setiap
E. +C tahun, sebayak 2 untuk tahun
genap dan 3 untuk tahun ganjil.
53. Empat orang kakak beradik Setelah 4 tahun, semua mesin
mengajak sahabatnya yang baru produksi sudah tergantikan
dating dari luar kota menonton dengan yang baru, dan diketahui
film horror di Bioskop X. Akhmad fungsi jumlah produk cacat per
tidak mau duduk bersebelahan tahun adalah seperenam dari usia
dengan perempuan yang bukan mesin produksi.
saudaranya. Tetapi dia juga tidak
mau duduk di posisi paling pinggir. 55. Banyaknya mesin produksi pada
Aji hanya mau duduk bersebelahan saat perusahaan tersebut berdiri
dengan Bima. Silvi tidak mau adalah …
duduk bersebelahan dengan Bima
karena selalu mengganggu. Shinta A. 10
tidak mau duduk di samping Aji, B. 15
karena diam-diam Aji suka dengan C. 20
Shinta, AJi selalu menggodanya. D. 25
Posisi duduk di bioskop yang E. 30
paling tepat adalah …
56. Banyaknya produk cacat per tahun
A. Shinta, Akhmad, Aji, Bima, Silvi yang dihasilkan dari 4 mesin yang
B. Silvi, Akhmad, Aji, Bima, Shinta berusia pakai 12 tahun dan 15
C. Silvi, Aji, Akhmad, Bima, Shinta mesin yang berusia pakai 4 tahun
D. Silvi, Bima,Aji, Akhmad, Shinta adalah …
E. Silvi, Akhmad, Bima, Aji, Shinta

A. 4
B. 8 A. Rabu
C. 12 B. Senin
D. 18 C. Jum’at
E. 60 D. Minggu
E. Sabtu
Soal nomor 57-58 berdasarkan
bacaan berikut: Soal nomor 59-60 berdasarkan
Maira memilik kebiasaan bacaan berikut:
memaki baju berwarna berbeda
dalam jangka waktu satu minggu Setiap mahasiswa di perguruan
dengan aturan main sebagai tinggi ABC harus mengambil 8 mata
berikut : kuliah wajib, yaitu F, G, H, J, K, L, M,
- Salah satu hari ia memakai baju dan N. Seluruh mahasiswa mengambil
putih satu mata kuliah secara berurutan
- Baju ungu dipakai dua hari setiap semesternya, dan tidak ada
setelah baju hijau mata kuliah yang diulang. Jadwal
- Hari selasa Maira tidak pengambilan kedelapan mata kuliah
memakai baju biru tersebut dibatasi oleh syarat-syarat
- Maira memakai baju kuning sebagai berikut:
pada saat ia sedang senang - N selalu diambil di semester
- Pada hari di awal minggu ia pertama
mengenakan baju hijau - F harus diambil segera setelah
- Maira mendapatkan hadiah mengambil mata kuliah G
special dari kakanya pada hari - H harus diambil sebelum
kamis. mengambil mata kuliah F
- Baju pink dipakai dua hari - J dan M harus dipisahkan oleh
setelah baju kuning dua semester yang berurutan
- Pada hari sebelum Senin, Maira
memakai baju merah 59. Urutan jadwal berikut yang
memenuhi persyaratan-
57. Pada hari Jum’at, Maira persyaratan di atas untuk
mengenakan baju berwarna… mahasiswa semester dua hingga
semester delapan adalah …
A. Biru
B. Kuning A. J,H,G,F,M,K,L
C. Pink B. J,H,F,M,K,L,G
D. Merah C. G,J,F,H,M,K,L
E. Putih D. M,H,L,J,G,F,K
E. M,K,L,J,G,F,H
58. Maira mengenakan baju ngu pada
hari …
60. Semester tercepat yang dapat A. Dua
digunakan oleh mahasiswa untuk B. Tiga
mengambil mata kuliah F adalah C. Empat
semester … D. Lima
E. Enam

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2014

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Sebagaimana sejarah mengajarkan, masa depan bukan untuk

mereka yang malas-malasan

1. Banyaknya bilangan bulat dari 1 B. 8
samapai 47 yang habis dibagi oleh C. 10
3 atau 5 adalah … D. 12
E. 16
A. 6
B. 9 5. Himpunan penyelesaian
C. 15 adalah…
D. 21
E. 24 A. x< -5 atau x>-
B. x< - atau x>-5
2. Bentuk sederhana dari C. 12/5<x<5
adalah… D. -5<X<-
E. -5<x<12/5
B. 6. Diketahui himpunan A = {x | x
C. adalah bilangan prima <91} dan B
= {x |x adalah bilangan ganjil <10},
maka elemen A-B adalah…

A. 1
3. = B. 2
C. 37
A. 0 D. 53
B. 1 E. 91
C. 2
D. 3 7. Diketahui kejadian A dan B adalah
E. 4 dua kejadian saling bebas. Jika
P(A) =1/3 dan P(
4. Perbandingan usia Ani dan Budi maka P( adalah…
adalah 4:5. Perbandingan usia Ani
dan Cepi adalah 1:3. Perbandingan A. 2/9
usia Dudi dan Cepi 2:3. B. 4/9
Perbandingan usia Dudi dan Erni C. 5/9
adalah 1:2. Jika usia Erni 16 tahun D. 1/3
maka usia Ani adalah … tahun. E. 2/3

A. 4

8. Dari 500 siswa yang diterima di A. 5
STIS diketahui 297 siswa berminat B. 7
untuk masuk ke Jurusan Stastistik, C. 9
60 siswa berminat di Jurusan D. 10
Statistika dan Komputasi Statistik, E. 13
sedangkan 3 diantaranya tidak
berminta di kedua-duanya. Maka, 10. Tiga bilangan membentuk barisan
proporsi siswa yang tidak berminat aritmatika. Jika suku kedua
masuk Jurusan Komputasi Statistik dikurangi 2 maka terbentuk suatu
adalah… barisan geometri dengan hasil kali
ketiga bilangan tersebut adalah 27.
A. 5/2 Jumlah ketiga bilangan barisan
B. 7/25 aritmatika tersebut adalah…
C. 9/25
D. 10/25 A. 8
E. 12/25 B. 10
C. 12
9. Keluarga besar Kusumo Projo D. 15
terbentuk dari berbagai macam E. 18
daerah di antaranya Jawa, Sunda,
dan Padang. Hal ini ternyata 11. Jika A = dan det A
memengaruhi selera makan
= 27 maka jumlah semua nilai x
mereka di mana 18 orang
yang memenuhi adalah…
menyukai masakan Padang , 15
orang menyukai masakan Sunda,
A. -3
23 orang menyukai masakan Jawa.
B. -1
Empat orang menyukai semua
C. 1
masakan. Ada 1 orang yang hanya
D. 2
menyukai masakan Jawa dan
E. 4
Sunda, 2 orang hanya menyukai
masakan Padang dan Sunda. Jika
12. Jika A-1 = dan
jumlah keluarga besar Kusumo
Projo ada 40 orang dan setiap B= maka nilai dari det
orang menyukai salah satu dari
( adalah…
ketiga jenis tersebut, maka yang
A. -1
menyukai masakan Jawa dan
B. -
Padang adalah…
C. ½

D. 1 16. Diketahui fungsi f(x) =2x2-5x +2
E. 2 dan jika f(a+3) =27, maka ½ a2
+3a+3 =
13. Diketahui - =
A. -
- Maka nilai dari
B. -
p+2q+3r adalah …
C. 13/8
D. 11/8
A. 5
E. 22/8
B. 6
C. 8
17. Jika grafik fungsi f(x) =x2-px+5
D. 9
menyinggung garis 1-2x-y =0
E. 10
maka nilai p yang memnuhi
14. Jika diketahui matriks A =
dan D adalah , maka nilai 2D A. -2
adalah… B. -4
C. -6
A. 1/8 D. 2
B. ¼ E. 4
C. 1/2
D. 1 18. blog c
log . alog
E. 2
A. -6 log abc
15. Jika diketahui B. -1
C. -3
D. -6
19. Jika dan
C. A.
D. B. 2+
C. 2+
D. 2+
E. 2+

20. Harga tiket masuk ke ruangan adalah 14 jam per hari dan 15 jam
pameran buku untuk pelajar per hari. Keuntungan penjualan
Rp5.000,00 dan untuk umum produk model I sebesar
Rp10.000,00. Pada hari Minggu Rp50.000,00 per unit dan model II
terjual 600 tiket dengan hasil Rp40.000,00 per unit. Keuntungan
penjualan Rp4.250.000,00. maksimum per hari yang dapat
Banyaknyatiket masuk untuk diperoleh perusahaan tersebut
pelajar dan umu yang terjual adalah…
masing-masing adalah…
A. Rp150.000,00
A. 150 dan 450 B. Rp250.000,00
B. 250 dan 350 C. Rp300.000,00
C. 350 dan 450 D. Rp330.000,00
D. 450 dan 150 E. Rp360.000,00
E. 300 dan 300
23. Jika x3-4x2-11x+a habis dibagi (x-
21. Diketahui sebuah persamaan yang 5), maka juga habis dibagi…
dinyatakan sebagai x =a +bx+cy
dan diketahui masing-masing nilai A. x+1
(x,y,z) adalah (2,5,3), (7,8,12) dan B. x+2
(0,0,7) maka nilai a+b+c adalah… C. x+3
D. x-1
A. 2 E. x-3
B. 7
C. 8 24. Luas segienam beraturan yang
D. 9 kelilingnya 48 cm adalah…
E. 12
A. 16
22. Suatu perusahaan memproduksi B. 32
barang dengan 2 model yang C. 48
dikerjakan dengan 2 mesin yaitu D. 64
mesin A dan mesin B. Produk E. 96
model I dikerjakan oleh mesin A
selama 2 jam dan mesin B selama 25. Pada persegi ABCD, dibuat ¼
1 jam. Produk model II dikerjakan lingkaran dengan pusat titik C,
oleh mesin A selama 1 jam dan dengan busur EF. Besar sudut OFD
mesin B selama 5 jam. Waktu kerja adalah…
mesin A dan B berturut-turut

A. 60o C. 25%
B. 67.5 D. 30%
C. 75 E. 60%
D. 112.5
E. 135o 29. Jika jangkauan (range) dari data
terurut : x -1, 2x -1, 4x -1, 5x -3, 4x-
2 2
26. Diketahui lingkaran x + y + 8x + 3, 7x + 3 adalah 16 , maka
6py + 9 = 0 mempunyai jari-jari 4 mediannya adalah…
dan menyinggung sumbu Y. Maka
pusat lingkaran tersebut adalah… A. 6.5
B. 7
A. (4,-6) C. 7.5
B. (-4,6) D. 8
C. (-4,-6) E. 8.5
D. (-4,3)
E. (4,-3) 30. Rata-rata modal awal dari usaha di
sector informal pada Kabupaten LT
27. Siska telah mengikuti tes sebanyak dan Kabupaten LS adalah sebesar
n kali dan memperoleh nilai rata- 3.35 juit rupiah. Jika rata-rata
rata sebesar 80. Agar nilai rata- modal awal pada Kabupaten LS
ratanya menjadi 82, maka nilai yang terdiri dari 42 jenis usaha
yang harus diperoleh Siska pada adalah 3.5 juta rupiah dan
tes selanjutnya adalah… Kabupaten LTterdiri dari 38 jenis
usaha, maka rata-rata modal
A. n + 80 awalnya adalah…
B. n + 82
C. n + 84 A. 3 juta rupiah
D. 2n + 80 B. 3.12 juta rupiah
E. 2n + 82 C. 3.18 juta rupiah
D. 3.21 juta rupiah
28. Grafik dibawah ini menunjukkan E. 3.26 juta rupiah
hasil survey makanan favorit
terhadap remaja. Persentase 31. Data kategori upah (dalam ribuan
responden yang menyukai pizza rupiah) per minggu buruh di suatu
adalah… pabrik disajikan dalam diagram
lingkaran berikut ini:
A. 20%
B. 24%

D. tahun 2011 dan tahun 2010
E. tahun 2011 dan tahun 2012

33. Dalam suatu pertandingan

persahabatan seorang pemain
sepakbola memperoleh 3 kali
Jika ternyata rata-rata upah per kesempatan untuk melakukan
minggu adalah Rp100.000,00 maka tendangan pinalti yang dijaga oleh
bagian yang diarsir menyatakan penjaga gawang dari klub
banyaknya buruh yang menerima sepakbola ternama. Peluang
upah perhari sebesar… pemain sepakbola tersebut
membuat gol dalam sekali
A. Rp 80.000,00 tendangan adalah 0.6, maka
B. Rp145.000,00 persentase utuk membuat 2 gol
C. Rp 175.000,00 adalah…
D. Rp 220.000,00
E. Rp 270.000,00 A. 9.6%
B. 24%
32. Pada gambar berikut ini C. 36%
menyajikan presentase produksi D. 43.2%
jagung dna gandum di suatu E. 72%

34. x +y +z = 3 dan x, y, z adalah

bilangan cacah. Banyaknya
penyelesaian persamaan tersebut

A. 9
B. 10
C. 15
Pernyataan yang benar untuk D. 20
modus produksi jagung dan E. 32
median produksi gandum terdapat
pada… 35. Jika menyatakan kombinasi r
elemen dari n elemen dan = 2n ,
A. tahun 2010 dan tahun 2007 maka =
B. tahun 2010 dan tahun 2011
C. tahun 2011 dan tahun 2007 A. 336

B. 312 D. 3/5
C. 288 E. 1/3
D. 120
E. 56 38.

36. Pada ruang tunggu suatu Rumah

A. 1/24
Sakit Umum Daerah terdapat 40
B. tidak terdefinisi
kursi yang tersusun dalam 5 baris
C. 0
dengan setiap baris terdiri 8 kursi.
D. 1
Jika seorang ibu dan anaknya
E. 1/5
duduk di ruang tersebut, maka
banyaknya cara agar duduk dalam
39. Nilai dari
satu baris adalah…

A. 1/6
A. 80
B. 3/10
B. 100
C. 1
C. 140
D. 3
D. 160
E. 6
E. 280

37. Diketahui bahwa pengangguran 40.

terdidik tamatan S1 adlaah
separuh dari tamatan S1 yang A.
bekerja, dan 75% yang bekerja
tersebut adalah perempuan.
Sednagkan perbandingan tamatan
S1 yang berjenis kelamin D.
perempuan dengan laki-laki E. y
adalah 3:2. Jika jumlah tamatan S1
ada sebanyak 150 maka 41. Jika ,
kemungkinana bahwa diantara
maka f’(1) = …
tamatan S1 yang berjenis kelamin
perempuan ternyata menganggur
A. -24
B. -8
C. 0
A. 1/10
D. 3
B. 3/10
E. 19
C. 1/6

42. Jika diketahui 45. Jika R adalah daerah yang dibatasi
+ 2x + 5, maka oleh kurva , garis y =1, x = 0
adalah dan x = 2, maka luas daerah R

B. A. -2
C. B. 2
D. C. 5/2
E. D. 7/2
E. 11/2
43. Jia diketahui f(x) Selembar karton
berbentuk persegi panjang dengan 46. Jika
lebar 4 dm dan panjang 8 dm akan
dibuat kotak tanpa tup. Pada
keempat pojok karton dipotong
persegi dengan sisi n cm. Ukuran n A. -2k
tersebut agar volume maksimum B. –k/2
adalah… C. k/2
D. k
A. E. 2k

47. adalah

D. A.
E. B. ln 2
C. 2 ln 2
44. Luas daerah kuadran I yang D. ½ ln 3
dibatasi oleh y = 4 , y =3x dan E. ln 3
y =0 dapat dinyatakan sebagai…
48. Penarikan kesimpulan yang sah
A. dari argument berikut ini adalah :
B. ~p
E. A.

B. 51. Bilangan yang bila dibagi Sembilan
C. bersisa 2 adalah…
E. A. 983451
B. 124678
49. Ingkaran dari “Beberapa jenis ikan C. 345465
tidak bernafas dengan insang” D. 967734
adalah… E. 748154

A. Beberapa jenis ikan bernafas 52. Jika 10% dari s adalah 0.5p dan 5%
dengan insang dari s adalah q, maka
B. Semua jenis ikan tidak bernafas perbandingan nilai (p-q) dan s
dengan insang adalah…
C. Semua jenis ikan bernafas
dengan insang A. 5 :100
D. Ada jenis ikan yang tidak B. 12.5:100
bernafas dengan insang C. 15:100
E. Ada jenis ikan yang bernafas D. 17.5:100
dengan insang E. 20:100

50. Rina berbohong pada hari Senin, 53. Jika 0<ab<1 dan a>0, maka
Selasa, dan Rabu, selain itu tidak. unkapan berikut yang pasti benar
Tomi berbohong hanya pada hari adalah…
Kamis, Jumat, dan Sabtu. Pada
suatu hari Rina berkata: “Kemarin A. b<1
adalah hari dimana saya B. b<a
berbohong” dan Tomi menimpali C. 0<b<1/a
“Kemarin juga merupakan hari D. 1/a<b<1
saya berbohong.” Mereka berdua E. 0<b<1
dapat menyatakan hal itu pada
hari… 54. 1 dari 125 adalah …persen

A. Senin A. 0.8%
B. Selasa B. 1/125%
C. Rabu C. 8%
D. Kamis D. 7.5%
E. Jumat E. 8.5%

A. 1/15 C. TC, TA, TE
B. 1/3 D. TD, TF, TE
C. E. tidak ada pilihan jawaban yang
D. 1 benar
E. 3
58. Berdasarkan informasi soal no.57,
56. Diketahui jarak antara kota M bila Gisel turun di TE, maka Tora
dengan kota N sejauh 301 km dan mungkin turun di…
tingkat konsumsi avtur untuk
pesawat adalah 14 kg/km, maka A. TB
banyakavtur yang dibutuhkan B. TC
untuk menempuh perjalanan C. TD
tersebut adalah… D. TF
E. Pilihan jawaban A dan C benar
A. 18.5 kg
B. 19.5 kg 59. Jika 2p = 3q, q = 4r, 3r = 2s, dan 2s
C. 20.5 kg = t, maka…
D. 21.5 kg
E. 22.5 kg A. p = 2t
B. 2p = t
57. Gisel, Mora dan Tora naik bus yang C. p = 2s
berhenti di enam tempat berbeda D. 2p = s
yaitu TA, TB, TC, TD, TE, dan TF. E. q = 2t
Masing-msing orang turun di
tempat yang berbeda dan tidak 60. Berat badan Raihan 2 kali Irfan.
naik bus itu kembali. Informasi Berat badan Irfan adalah 60%
lainnya yang berkaitan dengan berat badan Naufal. Brian
aktivitas ini adalah sebagai berikut: mempunyai berat badan 50%
apabila ada yang turun di TB, maka berat badan Faiz. Berat badan Faiz
tidak ada yang turun di TD. Satu 190% berat badan Raihan. Jika
diantara mereka turun di TA. Mora berat badan Naufal 25 kg, maka
tidak turun di TF. Tora tidak turun berat badan Brian adalah…kg
di TB maupun TF. Baik Gisel, Mora,
maupun Tora masing-masing A. 28
turun di… B. 28.5

C. 29
D. 29.5

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2015

Waktu : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Cita-cita pada akhirnya harus diputuskan, bahkan terkadang

dipaksakan. Kemudian kerjakan, hai anak muda!

1. Jika 2 < x < 5 dan 3 < y < 7, C. 5 : 12
maka bilangan bulat terbesar D. 2 : 8
dari x + y adalah... E. 5 : 8

A. 8
B. 9
C. 10 5. Himpunan penyelesaian
D. 11 adalah...
E. 12
A. {x|-2 < x < -1}
2. Hasil dari B. {x|x ≤ -2} {x|x -1}
adalah ... C. {x|-2 < x < -1} {x|x 1}
D. {x|x < -2} {x|-1 ≤ x < 1}
A. 4 {x|x 1}
B. 8 E. {x|x < -2} {x|x -1} {x|x
C. 8,33 1}
D. 8,67
E. 9,33 6. Diketahui 25 siswa lulusan SMA
mengikuti ujian masuk
3. Jika . nilai d perguruan tinggi. Lima belas
dinyatakan dalam a, b, c adalah.. Orang mendaftar UI, 5 orang
mendaftar ITB, 10 orang
A. mendaftar STIS. Yang mendaftar
ITB juga mendaftar STIS, tapi
B. c – a – b
tidak mendaftar UI karena ujian
C. a + b – c
dilaksanakan pada waktu
D. c – ab
yang sama. Jika yang mendaftar
UI dan STIS sebanyak 4 orang,
maka banyaknya siswa
4. Segitiga siku-siku di A dan D
yang tidak mengikuti ujian
pertengahan BC. Titik F
ketiga perguruan tinggi
membagi dua sama panjang sisi
tersebut adalah...
AB, sedangkan titik E dan G
berturut-turut membagi AF dan
A. 1 orang
FB menjadi dua bagian yang
B. 2 orang
sama panjang. Garis AD
C. 3 orang
memotong garis-garis hubung
D. 4 orang
CE, CF, dan CG berturut-turut di
E. 5 orang
titik P, Q, dan R. Nilai PQ : PR
adalah ...
7. Jika A = {kelipatan 3 yang
kurang dari 25} dan B =
A. 7 : 12
{kelipatan 4 yang kurang dari
B. 5 : 7
25}. Dan semestanya adalah

himpunan bilangan bulat, maka 10. Diketahui A = , B =
,C= . Jika 2A –
A. {12} B = C , maka xy = ...
B. {12,24}
C. {4, 8, 16, 20} A. -1
D. {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24} B. 0
E. {3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, C. 1
20, 21, 24} D. 2
E. 4
8. Suatu segitiga siku-siku,
panjang masing-masing sisinya 11. Diketahui matriks A = .
membentuk barisan aritmatika.
Jika matriks (A – k I) adalah
Jika panjang sisi terpendek
matriks singular, maka nilai k
segitiga siku-siku adalah 24 cm,
yang memenuhi adalah...
maka panjang sisi miringnya
adalah ... cm
A. 2 atau 3
B. -2 atau 3
A. 28
C. 2 atau -3
B. 32
D. -2 atau -3
C. 36
E. -2 atau 0
D. 40
E. 44
12. Diketahui persegi panjang
ABCD dengan
9. Diketahui vektor-vektor
. Jika = dan
. = , maka =...

pernyataan berikut yang benar A. 25

adalah... B. 60
C. 65
A. dan membentuk sudut D. 144
tegak lurus
B. dan membentuk sudut 13. Matriks yang mempunyai
lancip determinan matriks yang sama
C. dan membentuk sudut dengan determinan matriks
tumpul adalah...
D. dan membentuk sudut
tegak lurus
E. dan membentuk sudut


17. Penyelesaian persamaan


D. A. 1-
B. -1 -
C. 1+
E. D. -1 -
E. 1+

14. Jika grafik fungsi 18. Diketahui Jika

diatas grafik fungsi
adalah invers dari fungsi
maka ...
f(x), maka = ...

A. m < 1
A. x+1
B. m <
B. x-1
C. C. x+1, x ≠ -1
D. D. x-1, x ≠ -1
E. m > 1 E. x+1, x ≠ 1

19. diketahui jika

15. jika
maka f(a+b) adalah... g(2 – x) adalah...

A. -3 A. 1 – 3x
B. 3 B. -1 + 3x
C. C. 1 + 3x
D. 11 + 3x
E. -11 + 3x
20. Dalam sebuah toko buah-
16. Jika diketahui x = log a , y = log buahan seorang pembeli
b dan z = log c. maka bentuk membayar parcel yang terdiri
sederhana dari log dari ½ kg anggur dan 1 kg jeruk
dalam x, y, dan z adalah ... dengan harga Rp. 100.000,-. Di
toko yang sama sebuah parcel
A. log yang berisi ¾ kg anggur dan ¾
kg jeruk dihargai Rp. 120.000,-.
B. log x – log + log
Harga sebuah parcel yang

terdiri dari kg anggur dan
kg jeruk adalah... A.
A. Rp. 60.000,- C.
B. Rp. 80.000,- D.
C. Rp. 100.000,- E.
D. Rp. 120.000,-
24. Diketahui dan
E. Rp. 140.000,-
adalah …
21. Diketahui
A. -1
, dan B. 1
. Nilai … D.
A. 18
25. Bujursangkar ABCD dan PQRS
B. 24
berukuran sama yaitu 8 cm x 8
C. 32
cm. P adalah pusat bujursangkar
D. 48
ABCD. Maka luas daerah yang
E. 64
diarsir adalah …

22. Daerah yang diarsir seperti pada

A. 16 cm2
gambar di bawah ini adalah
B. 18 cm2
himpunan penyelesaian suatu
C. 20 cm2
system persamaan linier (SPL).
D. 24 cm2
Nilai maksimum dari SPL ini
E. 32 cm2
dengan fungsi objektif
adalah …
26. Diketahui dan adalah dua
garis yang parallel seperti
A. 24
tampak pada gambar. Besar
B. 29
sudut adalah …
C. 35
D. 40
E. 42

23. Suku banyak bila dibagi

bersisa -12, bila dibagi
bersisa 18. Jika
dibagi , maka
sisanya adalah … B.
C. C. 60
D. D. 70
E. E. 75

27. Suatu prisma segitiga sama sisi 30. Sekumpulan data mempunyai
di dalamnya terdapat 3 tabung rata-rata 14 dan jangkauan 6.
tegak yang bersinggungan dan Jika setiap nilai data dikurangi
juga menyinggung sisi-sisi dengan p, kemudian hasilnya
prisma. Jika tinggi prisma 3 cm dibagi dengan q menghasilkan
dan volume sebuah tabung data baru dengan rata-rata 4
tegak adalah , maka dan jangkauan 2, maka nilai p
jumlah luas sisi tegak prisma dan 1 masing-masing adalah …
adalah …
A. 2 dan 3
A. B. 3 dan 3
B. C. 3 dan 4
C. D. 2 dan 4
D. E. 1 dan 4
31. Suatu keluarga memiliki 5 orang
28. Persamaan garis singgung anak. Anak termuda berumur ½
lingkaran dari umur anak yang tertua.
di titik (5,8) adalah … Sedangkan tiga anak yang lain
berturut-turut, berumur lebih 2
A. tahun dari yang termuda, lebih
B. 4 tahun dari yang termuda, dan
C. kurang tiga tahun dari yang
D. tertua. Bila rata-rata umur
E. mereka adalah 17,4 tahun, maka
umur anak ketiga adalah …
29. Jika nilai matematika 24 orang tahun
siswa kelas 3 SMA adalah
sebagai berikut, A. 13
5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 8 7 8 8 B. 14
0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 5 C. 15
7 6 7 7 8 5 5 7 7 8 6 9 D. 16
0 0 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 E. 17
Maka rata-rata nilai dari 25%
siswa dengan nilai terindah 32. Pada hari Kamis, 20 dari 25
adalah … orang siswa di kelas IPA
mengikuti ujian matematika,
A. 50 dan nilai rata-rata ke-20 siswa
B. 55 tersebut adalah 80. Lalu pada

hari Jum’at, 5 siswa lainnya
mengikuti ujian matematika A.
susulan, dan nilai rata-rata ke-5 B.
siswa tersebut adalah 90. Rata-
rata hitung untuk kelas tersebut
secara keseluruhan adalah … D.
A. 72
B. 82 35. Banyaknya bilangan yang terdiri
C. 85 dari 3 angka yang dapat
D. 88 dibentuk dari angka-angka
E. 92 1,2,3,4, dan 5 dengan tidak ada
angka yang berulang dan lebi
33. Maira berencana mengikuti les besar dari 300 adalah …
tambahan matematika, bahasa
inggris, dan melukis. Hari A. 24
minggu Maira gunakan khusus B. 32
untuk les berenang. Banyaknya C. 36
cara menyusun jadwal les D. 40
tambahan tersebut dalam E. 48
seminggu dengan syarat dalam
sehari tidak boleh lebih dari 36. Diketahui
satu kali les adalah … Pernyataan yang pasti salah
adalah …
A. 20
B. 35 A.
C. 120 B.
D. 210 C. x = a
E. 840 D. x < a
E. x > a
34. Dua anggota klub sains harus
dipilih untuk mewakili sekolah 37.
dalam suatu kompetisi. Empat
anggota mahasiswa tigkay IV, 3
A. -4
anggota mahasiswa tingkat III, 2
B. -2
anggota mahasiswa tingkat II,
C. 0
dan 5 anggota mahasiswa
D. 2
tingkat I. Jika dua wakil dipilih
E. 4
secara acak, maka peluang
bahwa pasangan akan terdiri
dari satu mahasiswa tingkat I
dan satu mahasiwa tingkat IV
A. 0
adalah …
B. 3

C. 11/2 E. Memotong sumbu-x di titik
D. 13/2 (1,0) dan (3,0)
42. Nilai adalah ...
39. Seorang pengrajin kayu
membuat sebuah kotak tanpa A. 0
tutup denga alas persegi. Luas B. π
permukaan kotak Agar C. 2π
diperoleh volume maksimum, D. 3π
maka tinggi kotak adalah … E. 4π

A. 43. Jika dimana f(x)

B. kontinu dari a sampai b, maka
C. = ...
A. 0
E. B. f(b) – f(a)
C. g(b) - g(a)

40. Diketahui . E.

jika adalah fungsi turunan 44. Diketahui grafik dari fungsi f(x)
kedua, maka adalah … dan g(x) adalah seperti gambar
dibawah ini. Jika
A. , maka L = ...
C. A.
D. B.
41. Grafik h(x) merupakan fungsi
turunan pertama f(x), jika grafik
h(x) ditunjukkan pada gambar
di bawah ini, maka f(x) ...

A. Mencapai maksimum di x =
B. Mencapai minimum di x = 1
C. Turun pada 1 < x < 3
D. Naik pada x > 2

45. Nilai x yang menyebabkan Adam, Boni, Citra, Dewi, dan
pernyataan “jika , Ema. Setiap siswa akan
maka ” bernilai salah presentasi satu kali dengan
adalah ... aturan sebagai berikut,
- Citra akan maju pada urutan
A. -3 ketiga atau keempat.
B. -2 - Dewi akan maju sebelum
C. 0 Citra.
D. 3 - Ema akan maju tepat setelah
E. 5 Dewi.
- Adam akan menjadi
46. Diberikan premis-premis pembicara ketiga setelah
sebagai berikut : Dewi.
Premis 1 : jika harga BBM naik
maka ongkos transportasi naik. 47. Dari urutan berikut yang
Premis 2 : jika ongkos memenuhi persyaratan adalah...
transportasi naik maka semua
harga bahan pokok naik. A. Dewi, Boni, Citra, Adam, Ema
Ingkaran dari kesimpulan diatas B. Dewi, Boni, Citra, Ema, Adam
adalah... C. Dewi, Ema, Citra, Adam, Boni
D. Dewi, Boni, Adam, Citra, Ema
A. Harga BBM naik dan ada E. Dewi, Ema, Adam, Citra, Boni
harga bahan pokok tidak
B. Jika semua harga bahan 48. Pernyataan berikut yang
pokok naik maka harga BBM mungkin benar adalah...
C. Ongkos transportasi naik A. Adam akan maju pada
atau ada harga bahan pokok urutan pertama
yang naik. B. Adam akan maju pada
D. Jika hargaa BBM naik maka urutan kelima
sebagian harga bahan pokok C. Boni akan maju pada urutan
naik. kedua
E. Harga BBM tidak naik dan D. Boni akan maju pada urutan
ada harga bahan pokok ketiga
yang tidak naik. E. Ema akan maju pada urutan
Soal berikut untuk pertanyaan
no 47-48 49. Dalam suatu barisan bilangan,
Setelah melakukan study tour, 5 dan suku ke-n
orang siswa SMA dimintauntuk adalah , maka
melakukan presentasi. Lima adalah ...
orang siswa tersebut adalah

A. 1 saku Maira. Jika Maira
B. 3 mendapatkan uang Rp. 10.000,-
C. 5 dari raihan, maka dia akan
D. 8 memepunyai uang saku 3 kali
E. 10 lebih banyak dari Raihan.

50. Sebuah persegi panjang dibagi 52. Besarnya uang sakuRaihan

menjadi 3 persegi panjang baru. adalah …
Kemudian salah satu dari 3
persegi panjang baru tersebut A. Rp.5.000,-
dibagi lagi menjadi 3 persegi B. Rp.7.500,-
panjang, dan seterusnya, C. Rp.10.000,-
sampai sebanyak n kali D. Rp.12.500,-
pembagian. Jikan n = 100, maka E. Rp.15.000,-
jumlah seluruh persegi panjang
adalah ... buah. 53. Besarnya uang saku yang
dikeluarkan ibu setiap hari
A. 191 adalah …
B. 201
C. 203 A. Rp. 12.500,-
D. 213 B. Rp. 15.000,-
E. 241 C. Rp. 17.500,-
51. Misalkan ABC dan CBA D. Rp. 20.000,-
menyatakan dua bilangan tiga E. Rp. 22.500,-
digit, dengan A, B, dan C dapat
bernilai 0, 1, …, 9 dan berbeda Soal berikut untuk pertanyaan
satu sama lain. Jika ABC – CBA = no. 54-55
198 dan A > C , maka banyak
pasangan angka yang Siang hari pak Budi dapat
memenuhi aturan itu adalah … membaca buku sebanyak 100
halaman dengan kecepatan 60
A. 8 halaman per jam. Sementara di
B. 9 sore hari, ketika kondisinya
C. 45 mulai letih Pak Budi membaca
D. 56 100 halaman buku dengan
E. 81 kecepatan 40 halaman per jam.

Soal berikut untuk pertanyaan 54. Rata –rata kecepatan pak Budi
no. 52 – 53 untuk membaca buku dalam
Raihan dan Maira setiap pergi sehari adalah …
ke sekolah diberikan uang saku
oleh ibunya. Uang saku Raihan A. 40 halaman per jam
3 kali lebih banyak dari uang B. 48 halaman per jam

C. 50 halaman per jam
D. 54 halaman per jam 58. Diketahui 3 sendok teh = 1
E. 60 halaman per jam sendok makan, 16 sendok
makan = 1 cangkir, 8 sendok
55. Waktu yang dihabiskan pak sayur = 1 cangkir. Jika 2 sendok
Budi untuk membaca dalam sayur = x sendok the, maka x=
sehari adalah … …

A. 200 menit A. 1,5

B. 220 menit B. 6
C. 225 menit C. 10
D. 240 menit D. 12
E. 250 menit E. 14

56. . Jumlah angka- 59. Seekor burung berkicau setiap

angka penyusun bilangan A 14 menit dan sebuah bel
adalah … bordering setiap 12 menit. Jika
burung dan bel berbunyi
A. 210 bersama-sama pada pukul 12
B. 219 siang, maka mereka berbunyi
C. 228 bersama-sama lagi pada pukul
D. 275 …
E. 282
A. 12.42
57. Jika n bilangan bulat positif, B. 13.24
maka hasil dari C. 13.54
13 14 15 1 adalah … D. 14.24
E. 14.48

60. Sisa dari adalah …

A. 0
B. 1
C. C. 2
D. D. 3
E. E. 4

Soal Matematika USM STIS 2016

Waktu Pengerjaan : 90 Menit

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

Selamat Mengerjakan

Yang kita tahu hanyalah setetes air,

Yang tidak kita ketahui sejumlah lautan

1. Banyaknya bilangan bulat yang E. Pilihan A s.d C belum pasti
memenuhi adalah … benar
A. 10 D. 13
B. 11 E. Lebih dari 6. Jika dan tidak sama
dengan 0, maka
C. 12

2. Bentuk pecahan dari A. C. E.
0,3846846846… adalah …
B. D.
A. C. E.

7. Himpunan yang jumlah anggota

B. D.
atau elemennya berhingga adalah
C. …
A. Himpunan bilangan genap
3. Jika , maka B. Himpunan bilangan riil kurang
dari 10
pernyataan berikut yang benar
C. Himpunan bilanga prima
adalah …
kurang dari 100
A. D.
D. Himpunan bilangan rasional
B. E.
yang lebih dari 0 dan kurang
dari 10
E. Himpunan bilangan riil yang
4. Suatu tanjakan yang dilalui pergi
lebih dari 0 dan kurang dari 10
(jalan menaik) dan pulang (jalan
menurun) dibutuhkan waktu 28
8. Tiga bilangan membentuk suatu
menit dengan kecepatan 55
deret geometric naik. Jika
m/menit dan pulang 85 m/menit.
jumlahnya 26 dan hasil kalinya 216
Maka panjang tanjakan tersebut
, maka suku ketiga dari deret
adalah …
tersebut adalah …
A. 770 C. 1190 E.
A. 2 C. 8 E. 18
B. 6 D. 12
B. 935 D. 1510

9. Diberikan beberapa pernyataan:

5. Diketahui pertidaksamaan
dinana dan
adalah anggota himpunan
bilangan riil. Pernyataan yang (iv)
paling tepat adalah … (v)
Dari kelima pernyataan diatas, yang
C. benar adalah …
D. Pilihan A s.d C benar semua
A. (i) dan (ii)

B. (i), (ii), dan (iii) Relasi R yang merupakan fungsi
C. (ii), (iii), dan (iv) adalah …
D. (iii), (iv), dan (v) A. R = {(2,1),(2,2),(3,4),(4,1)}
E. (iv) dan (v) B. R = {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)}
C. R = {(3,1),(4,2),(2,1),(1,2)}
10. Diketahui dan D. R = {(1,3),(2,2),(3,1),(4,4),(4,1)}
dengan E. R = {(2,3),(4,1)}
merupakan suku-suku yang
berurutan dari suatu barisan 14. Jika
aritmatika dengan selisih . maka
Maka nilai dan adalah …
A. D. A. D.

B. E.
B. E.
15. Di tiki buku “Keluarga”, Ahmad
11. Suatu matriks dengan ordo membeli 3 buku, 2 pulpen, dan 3
(umlah baris m dan kolom n) pensil dengan harga Rp47.000,-.
dikalikan dengan matriks lain yang Adnan membeli 2 buku, 3 pulpen,
berordo , kemudian hasilnya dan 1 pensil dengan harga
dikalikan lagi dengan matriks Rp34.000,-. Diah membeli 3 buku
berordo 4 x 5 sehingga hasil dan 1 pensil dengan harga
akhirnya merupakan matriks Rp39.000,-. Jika Asmuni membeli 4
persegi. Pernyataan yang pasti pulpen dan 2 pensil maka ia harus
salah adalah … membayar …
A. Matriks adalah matriks A. Rp5000,- D.
persegi Rp15.000,-
B. Matriks adalah matriks B. Rp11.000,- E.
persegi Rp17.500,-
C. C. Rp13.000,-
16. Jika dan
maka sama dengan …
12. Jika bilangan bulat, matriks
A. D.
tidak mempunyai
B. E.
invers untuk nilai … C.
A. -5/2 C. 0 E. 2
B. -2 D. 1
17. Pada suatu hari, Hana pergi
berbelanja buah papaya, melon
13. Himpunan A = {1,2,3,4}. Sedangkan dan durian. Harga per buah
R adalah suatu relasi dari papaya 11 ribu, melon 22 ribu dan
himpunan A ke himpunan A.

durian 23 ribu rupiah. Apabila total 22. Panjang diagonal sumbu mayor
yang harus dibayar adalah sebesar dari elips yang memiliki persamaan
515 ribu rupiah maka banyaknya adalah...
durian yang mungkin dibeli Hana
A. 6 C. 12 E. 36
adalah …
B. 9 D. 18
A. 8 C. 10 E. 12
B. 9 D. 11
23. Jika luas daerah yang diarsir adalah
(4-π) cm2, maka keliling lingkaran
18. Jika dua lingkaran besar
tersebut adalah...
mempunyai jari-jari yang sama
yaitu 4 cm, maka jari-jari lingkaran
yang kecil adalah …
A. 0,8 cm
B. 1 cm
C. 1,2 cm
D. 1,4 cm
E. 1,6 cm
A. D.
B. E.
19. Suku banyak C.
dibagi sisanya 1 dan jika
dibagi sisanya 10. Nilai dari
24. Diketahui data: x1, x2, x3,...x10. jika
tiap nilai data ditambah 10, maka :
A. -12 C. 11 E. 26
1. Rata-rata akan bertambah 10
B. -11 D. 19
2. jangkauan akan bertambah 10
3. jangkauan kuartil akan tetap
20. Segitiga ABC adalah segitiga siku-
4. median akan tetap
siku dengan panjang sisi dan
Pernyataan yang benar adalah...
seperti pada gambar di bawah. Jika
A. 1, 2 dan 3 D. 4 saja
sudut ADB adalah 90o maka panjan
B. 1 dan 3 E. 1,2,3, dan
garis BD adalah …
A. D.
C. 2 dan 4
B. E.
C. 25. Keluarga pak mardi mempunyai 5
orang anak. Anak termuda
21. Volume prisma segienam berumur ½ dari umur anak tertua.
beraturan yang panjang setiap Anak keempat dan ketiga berturut-
rusuknya 6 cm adalah ... cm3 turut berumur 3 dan 5 tahun lebih
A. D. tua dari yang termuda. Sedangkan
B. E. anak kedua berumur 3 tahun lebih
C. muda dari anak tertua. Bila rata-
rata umur mereka adalah 15, umur
anak tertua adalah...

A. 18 tahun C. 22 tahun E. 26 29. Banyaknya bilangan ganjil yang
tahun terdiri dari 3 angka berbeda yang
B. 20 tahun D. 24 tahun disusun dari 2,3,5,6,7 dan 8
26. Nilai rata-rata ulangan matematika A. 24 C. 40 E.
kelas A adalah dan kelas B 120
adalah . Setelah kedua kelas B. 28 D. 60
digabung, nilai rata-ratanya adalah
. jika = 10 : 9 dan 30. A, B, C, D, dan E akan berfoto
= 85 : 81 maka perbandingan bersama secara berdampingan.
banyaknya siswa di kelas A dan B Peluang A dan B tida
adalah... bersebelahan adalah ...
A. 3 : 5 C. 5 : 3 E. 8 : A. 1/5 C. 3/5 E.
9 2/3
B. 5 : 4 D. 4 : 5 B. 2/5 D. 1/3

31. Dalam sebuah keranjang A yang

27. Data berikut adalah berat badan berisi 5 buah mangga, 2 buah
sekelompok siswa dalam suatu mangga diantaranya busuk.
kelas. Dalam keranjang B yang berisi 6
Berat badan Frekuensi buah apel, 1 diantaranya busuk.
(KG) Ibu menghendaki 2 buah mangga
46-50 5 dan 2 buah apel yang baik.
51-55 20 Peluangnya adalah...
56-60 k A. 1/5 C. 3/5 E.
61-65 26 1/3
66-70 7 B. 1/10 D. 3/10

Jika median berat badan adalah

58,5 kg maka nilai k adalah...
A. 1/2 C. ¼ E.
A. 40 C. 44 E. 48
B. 42 D. 46
B. 1/3 D. 1/6

28. Dari angka-angka 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 , 7, 8,

dan 9 hendak dibuat bilangan yang 33.
terdiri atas tiga angka yang A. P C. 2q E. 3q
berbeda, yang lebih kecil dari 840 B. q D. 3p
tetapi lebih besar dari 630.
Banyaknya bilangan yang
memenuhi ketentuan tersebut
adalah... 34. Jika , maka
A. 105 C. 92 E. 84 turunan dari f(x) adalah...
B. 96 D. 90

39. Fungsi f(x) dapat diintegralkan
pada selang a ≤ x ≤ b , maka ...
C. A.

35. E.
, dengan
adalah anggota 40. Luas daerah di kuadran IV yang
himpunan bilangan riil dan dibatasi oleh kurva y2=x, sumbu x,
Jika P menyatakan permutasi dan C dan garis x – y – 2 = 0
menyatakan kombinasi, maka dinyatakan...
turunan ke-n dari f(x) adalah... A.
A. D. B.
B. E.
C. D.
36. Fungsi dalam
interval maka fungsi akan 41. Ingkaran pernyataan : “Jika semua
mencapai minimum pada nilai x = buruh berdemonstrasi, maka ada
... pabrik yang tutup” adalah ...
A. -2 D. 1 A. Semua buruh berdemonstrasi
B. -1 E. 2
dan semua pabrik beroperasi.
C. 0
B. Jika ada pabrik yang tutup,
maka semua buruh
37. Jika dan
memenuhi f(0) = 1 dan f’(0) = 2,
C. Ada buruh yang
maka f(x) = ...
berdemonstrasi namun tidak
ada pabrik yang tutup.
D. Jika tidak ada pabrik yang
C. tutup, maka ada buruh yang
D. tidak berdemonstrasi.
E. E. Semua buruh berdemonstrasi
namun semua pabrik tidak

38. tutup.

A. -4 C. 1 E. 5
B. 0 D. 3 42. Ada sebuah pulau yang hanya
dihuni oleh 2 jenis manusia, ksatria
dan penjahat. Ksatria selalu

mengatakan kebenaran dan pembangunan dapat berjalan
penjahat selalu mengatakan lancar” adalah ...
kebohongan. Suatu hari Anda A. Jika tidak semua warga negara
datang berkunjung dan bertemu membayar pajak maka
dengan 2 orang penduduk pulau pembangunan tidak berjalan
tersebut yaitu X dan Y. Si X berkata, lancar.
“Y adalah ksatria”, dan Y berkata, B. Jika pembangunan tidak
“X dan saya merupakan jenis yang berjalan lancar maka ada warga
berbeda”. negara yang tidak membayar
Pernyataan yang benar dibawah ini pajak.
adalah ... C. Jika semua warga negara
A. X dan Y penjahat Indonesia membayar pajak
B. X penjahat dan Y ksatria maka pembangunan tidak
C. X ksatria dan Y penjahat berjalan lancar.
D. X dan Y ksatria D. Jika pembangunan berjalan
E. Belum bisa ditentukan jenisnya lancar maka tidak semua warga
Indonesia membayar pajak.
43. Diberikan premis-premis sebagai E. Jika pembangunan tidak
berikut : berjalan lancar maka semua
Premis 1 : Jika hari hujan, warga negara tidak membayar
maka Ayah memakai jas hujan. pajak.
Premis 2 : Jika Ayah memakai
jas hujan, maka Ayah pergi ke 45. Diketahui barisan bilangan sebagai
kantor. berikut : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, ... . Suku-8 dari
Ingkaran dari kesimpulan diatas barisan bilangan tersebut adalah ...
adalah... A. 6 C. 10 E. 15
A. Jika hari hujan, maka Ayah B. 8 D. 13
pergi ke kantor.
B. Ayah memakai jas hujan atau 46. Tujuh orang anggota sebuah klub
Ayah tidak pergi ke kantor. diskusi bersepakat untuk berdiskusi
C. Jika hari hujan, maka Ayah setiap hari pada saat makan siang
tidak pergi ke kantor. di restoran dengan meja bundar.
D. Hari hujan dan Ayah tidak pergi Mereka memutuskan untuk duduk
ke kantor. sedemikian rupa sehingga setiap
E. Jika Ayah pergi ke kantor, maka anggota memiliki tetangga duduk
hari hujan. yang berbeda setiap makan siang.
Mereka dapat melakukan hal ini
44. Kontraposisi dari pernyataan “Jika selama ... hari berturut-turut.
semua warga negara Indonesia A. 3 C. 5 E. 7
membayar pajak maka B. 4 D. 6

47. Fais memiliki 3 buah bola tenis dan kelereng dikantong namun
3 kotak penyimpanan bola tenis meletakkan kembali 3 kelereng ke
yang masing-masing kotak dapat kantong tersebut. Josua
menyimpan 10 buah bola tenis, mengambil dua perlima dari
maka banyak cara menyimpan 3 kelereng yang masih tersisa dan
buah bola tenis dan 3 kotak mengambil lagi 2 kelereng. Jika
tersebut adalah ... cara. kelereng yang tersisa dikantong
A. 5 C. 12 E. 20 sebanyak 4 buah, maka banyaknya
B. 10 D. 15 kelereng mula-mula adalah...
A. 12 C. 24 E. 36
48. Jika setiap persegi dari gambar B. 48 D. 30
dibawah memiliki luas yang sama,
perbandingan luas area yang 51. Suatu tempat fotokopi mempunyai
diarsir, yaitu luas A : luas B adalah 2 buah mesin, masing-masing
... berkapasitas 4 rim/jam dan 2
rim/jam. Jika pada suatu hari total
waktu kerja kedua mesin tersebut
10 jam dan menghasilkan 34 rim,
A. 2 : 1 D. 5 : 2 maka selisih waktu kerja dari kedua
B. 3 : 1 E. 5 : 3 mesin tersebut adalah ... jam.
C. 3 : 2 A. 3 C. 5 E. 7
B. 4 D. 6
49. Disebuah perusahaan konveksi ada
pesanan membuat 12 lusin jaket. 52. Seorang pengembara menempuh
Jika Ade bekerja sendiri, maka dia jarak 96 km dalam 10 jam.
dapat menyelesaikannya dalam 18 Pertama-tama dia melakukan
hari, sedangkan Tenti dalam 24 perjalanan dengan bersepeda.
hari. Setelah mereka berdua Karena lelah dia melanjutkan
mengerjakan pesanan tersebut perjalanan dengan menumpang
seama 6 hari, maka banyak delman. Laju bersepeda 12
pesanan jaket yang belum km/jam, sedangkan laju delman
diselesaikan adalah ... potong. hanya setengah dari laju
A. 36 C. 60 E. 84 bersepeda. Selisih antara jarak
tempuh menggunakan sepeda
B. 48 D. 72 dengan jarak tempuh
menggunakan delman adalah ...
50. Sebuah kantong berisi sejumlah km.
kelereng, Gisel mengambil A. 24 C, 40 E. 60
sepertiganya, kemudian B. 36 D. 48
mengambil lagi 2 kelereng. Mora
mengambil lagi setengah dari sisa

53. Harga komputer dinaikkan dua mengelola 1/3 bagian tanah
puluh persen dari harga warisannya menjadi kolam lele dan
sebelumnya. Persentase penurunan ¼ bagian tanah warisannya
harga agar komputer kembali menjadi kebun jeruk. Sedangkan
seperti semula adalah... setengah bagian dari sisa tanahnya
A. 12,5 % D. 20 % dijadikan rumah tempat tinggal.
B. 14,28 % E. 25 % Jika luas tanah yang akan dijadikan
C. 16,67 % rumah tempat tinggal oleh anak
sulung Pak Agus adalah 150 m2
Untuk soal nomor 54 dan 55 maka luas tanah warisan Pak Agus
Enam mahasiswa STIS Doni, Dono, Dini, seluruhnya adalah ... m2.
Joni, Jono, Jeni sedang mengantri di A. 1500 C. 3000 E.
depan lift unutk menuju ruang kuliah. 4000
- Joni ada dibelakang Jeni. B. 1800 D. 3600
- Dono ada didepan Dini.
- Dono ada didepan joni, dan hanya 57. Tiga orang sahabat yaitu Adi, Beti,
dipisah oleh 2 mahasiswa lainnya. dan Candra memiliki usia yang
- Dini hanya bisa diurutan keempat sama. Ayah mereka mulai bekerja
atau yang paling belakang. pada usia 25 tahun diperusahaan
yang sama. Perusahaan tersebut
54. Mahasiswa STIS yang mungkin mengharuskan pagawai yang
antri dibelakang Dini adalah ... usianya 60 tahun untuk pensiun.
A. Joni, Jono, dan Jeni - Tahun ini usia ayah Adi tiga kali
B. Hanya Jono usia Adi.
C. Joni, Jono, dan Doni - Tahun ini usia ibu beti tiga kali
D. Hanya Joni usia Beti, tiga tahun lebih muda
E. Semua pilihan jawaban salah daripada ayah Beti.
- Tiga tahun lalu, perbandingan
55. Jika Doni ada diurutan kelima, antara usia Candra dan usia
maka pernyataan yang mungkin ayah Candra sama dengan
benar adalah ... perbandingan antara usia Adi
A. Dini antri urutan paling depan dan ayah Adi pada tahun ini.
B. Jono antri urutan ke-2 - Tahun ini ayah Adi memasuki
C. Dono antri urutan ke-3 masa pensiun.
D. Joni antri urutan ke-2
Urutan ketiga anak tersebut
E. Semua pilihan jawaban salah
berdasarkan usia ayahnya dari usia
termuda adalah ...
56. Pak Agus membagikan tanah
warisan kepada 5 orang anak laki- A. Adi, Beti, Candra
lakinya dengan bagian yang sama B. Beti, Candra, Adi
besar. Anak sulung Pak Agus C. Candra, Adi, Beti

D. Beti, Adi, Candra D. 16 jam
E. Candra, Beti, Adi E. 16 jam 10 menit

58. Alva yang tinggal di Jakarta dan 59. Nilai yang paling mendekati
Bryan yang tinggal di Surabaya bentuk pecahan berikut
bersama berkunjung ke Lombok adalah .......
tempat tinggal Chiara. Alva
A. 0,25 C. 0,50 E. 1,50
berangkat naik kereta api dari
B. 0,33 D. 1,33
Jakarta jam 5.40 WIB sampai
Surabaya jam 18.20 WIB untuk
60. Setiap NANG adalah NENG. Ada
bertemu Bryan. Mereka berdua
lima NENG yang juga NONG. Tidak
naik pesawat menuju Lombok
ada NANG yang NONG. Jika
berngkat jam 20.10 WIB dari
banyaknya NENG adalah 15 dan
Surabaya sampai Lombok jam
tiga diantaranya tidak NANG dan
22.40 WITA. Lama total perjalanan
tidak NONG, maka banyaknya
Alva adalah ...
NANG adalah ...
A. 13 jam
A. 3 C. 7 E. 12
B. 14 jam 10 menit
B. 5 D. 10
C. 15 jam 10 menit16 jam

Mata Uji Bahasa Inggris

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2007

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Tidak ada satupun kesia-siaan

Bagi manusia yang terus mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan

Direction : 4. “What did yo dou last night?”
The Prolem consist of four sections.
Four word phrases, marked A, B, C, A. The boy asked the girl what
dan D given beneath each sentence. she was doing the previous
You are to choose the one word or night
phrase. Section 1 : to complete each B. The boy asked the girl what
sentence( no : 1 -25) : Section 2 : To she did the previous night
Find each synonym of the C. The boy asked the girl what
underlined word ( no : 26-45). she has done the previous
Secstion 3 : To analyze each problem night
of the underlined word (no : 46 – D. The boy asked the girl what
50). Section 4 : To Answer each she had done the previous
question (no : 51 – 60). night

Section 1 : Structure and Written 5. The doctor has known the girl
Expression ……….. from breast cancer.
A. Suffer
1. If I ………….. a student at STIS, I B. To suffer
would finish my study on time. C. Suffering
D. Suffered
A. Am accepted
B. Were accepted 6. Did you meet the girl ……………
C. Was accepted was chosen in Indonesian Idols
D. Would accepted A. Who
B. Whom
2. Ita has kept her mother C. What
………………. outside for hours. D. Which

A. Wait 7. If you want to …………….. in

B. To Wait running your bussinee, you
C. Waiting must have full support of our
D. Waited employees.
A. Success
3. You’d better ………………… a job B. Succeed
now if you don’t want miss the C. Successful
opportunity D. Successfully

A. Get 8. Everybody knows that he has

B. To get shown great loyalty to the
C. Getting company. Therefore, he …………..
D. Got a big sum of money at the next
anniversary of the company.

D. To explain the origin of
A. Rewards alphabetic writing
B. Is rewarding
C. Will be rewarded 13. The girl desires ……………….. as
D. Will reward long as she is at her room.

9. Rudi : “ Why did you quit the A. Not be disturbed

job, Jack?” B. Not to be disturbed
Jack : “I …………………. If the pay C. Be not disturbed
had been better. D. To be not disturbed

A. Would stay 14. The man is very busy and lets

B. Would have stayed his mobile phone …………….. very
C. Had stayed often.
D. Would had stayed
A. Ring
10. ………………………….. debate and B. To ring
discussion, opposing ideas are C. Ringing
presented in attempt to D. Rung
persuade people.
A. Both 15. Next week is ……………………. That
B. Although both we can take a trip out of Jakarta.
C. That both
D. In both A. Such a beautiful holiday
B. Such a holiday beautiful
11. John Neter, …………………… , C. Beautiful such holiday
specialized in opinion polls an D. Such a beautiful holiday
business surveys.
A. Whose statistician 16. I am sure that she is not the girl
B. A statiscian who in charge of the slaes
C. A statiscian department. But now, she :
D. As a statiscian he
A. Acts as if she were the sales
12. Over centuries, various theories manager
have been advanced …………. B. Is acting as if she was the
sales manager
A. The origin of alphabetic C. Would act as if she was the
writing is explained slaes manager
B. Of explaining the origin of D. Acts if she is the slaes
alphabetic writing manager
C. The explanation of the origin
origin of alphabetic writing 17. …………………… a common belief,
fright or excitement causes the

flesh of young game fowl to A. But their wings are vibrated
turn different color. rapidly
B. The vibration of their wings
A. Is according to is rapid
B. Ahile according to C. By vibrating their wings
C. That is according to rapidly
D. According to D. And their wings rapidly
18. A planetarium is a special kind
of education facility ………………. 22. Pencils are available
The teaching astronomy. …………………………………

A. To devoted A. In many degrees of hardness

B. Devoted to B. Are many degrees of
C. Which devotes hardness
D. To devote to C. Hardness in many degrees
D. Many degrees have
19. …………………….. that modern hardness
corn may be a hybrid of
teosinte and other wild species 23. Sonic booms cannot hurt
that no longer exist. people, …………………………….. they
may damage buildings and
A. Now is thought breaks windows.
B. The tought
C. It is thougt A. As
D. Thinking B. But
C. Or
20. Public transportation in most of D. What
the nation is expanding ……………
the use of subways and busess 24. …………………………… are shaped
is declining in some like teardrops in untrue.
metropolitan areas.
A. That there are raindrop
A. Nevertheless B. That Raindrops
B. Despite C. Raindrops that
C. Concequently D. Raindrops
D. Although
25. The javelin used in competition
21. Some bees make the must be between 260 and 270
characteristic monotonous centimeters …….
noise known as buzzing.
…………………………………….. A. In length
B. Whose length

C. It is long A. Coral
D. Lengthily B. Volcanic
C. Hard
Section 2 : Vocabulary D. Huge

26. I am afraid that this border raid 31. We can overlook the foibles of
is prelude to more serious our friends, no one is perfect.
A. Strength
A. End B. Dumd
B. Introduction C. Weakness
C. Result D. Bravery
D. Influence
32. The country boy gawked at the
27. This area has been preserved in skyscrapes and neon lights of
all its pristine wildness. big city.

A. Modern A. Scared
B. Sophisticated B. Stared foolishly
C. Primitive C. Admired
D. Old D. Climbed

28. The Titanic lies buried its 33. His that was knocked askew by
aqueous tomb. the wind.

A. Watery A. Awry
B. Glorious B. Out of shape
C. Subterranean C. Off
D. Unknown D. On the ground

29. His explanation was lucid and to 34. Scientists measure the
the point. microscopic distances between
atoms in microns
A. Short
B. Believable A. Visible
C. Clear B. Tiny
D. Understandable C. Small
D. Short
30. Lava, purnice, and other
igneous rocks are founds in 35. Because of the gravitational pull
great abundance around Mount of the sun, the earth and the
Merapi near Magelang. other planet maintain an orbit
around the sun.

40. Boredom shortens life, and
A. Source bereaves the days of the light.
B. Force
C. Push A. Robs
D. Attractiveness B. Empowers
C. Takes
36. The meat must be chopped D. Delivers
before it can be used in that
recipe. 41. To be a favorite of an ignorant
multitude, a man must descend
A. Stewed to their level.
B. Cut
C. Bought A. Crowd
D. Cooked B. Youth
C. Student
37. Mendel’s formula explains the D. World
appearance of hybrids and pure
species in breeding. 42. Perseverance led to his success.

A. Origin A. Precaution
B. Natural B. Testimony
C. Mongrel C. Rectitude
D. Descent D. Persistence

38. To educate a child perfectly 43. A complex sentence must

requires profounder thought, contain a subordinate clause.
greater wisdom, than to govern
a state. A. Dependent
B. Nominative
A. Longer C. Main
B. Less D. Adverbial
C. Simpler
D. Deeper 44. Your chances of being elected
mayor are rather remote.
39. The head best leaves to the
heart what the heart alone A. Control
divines. B. Unlikely
C. Automatic
A. Describes D. Good
B. Analyze
C. Guesses 45. Most of the wounded
D. Develops passengers were quickly
removed from the aircraft.

A. Deceased A. 3%
B. Unconscious B. 4%
C. Injured C. 5%
D. Distress D. 6%

Section 3 : Analitycal reading 49. There are 220 questions on a 3-

hours examination. Among
46. If the length of rectangle is these questions are 50
increased by 20 %, and the mathematics problems. It is
width of the same rectangle is suggested that twice as much
decreased by 20 %, then the time be allowed for each
area of the rectangle ………………. mathematics problem as for
each of the other questions.
A. Decreased by 20 % How many minutes should be
B. Decreases by 4 % spent on the mathematics
C. Is unchanged problems.
D. Increased by 4 %
A. 60
47. In a survey of a town, it was B. 72
found that 65 % of the people C. 100
polled watched the news on D. 120
television, 40 % read a
newspaper, and 25 % read a 50. A sport jacket marked $48 is
newspaper and watched the offered at a discount of 25 %
news on television. What during a storewide. At this
percent of the people surveyed reduced price the dealer makes
neither watched the news on a profit of 20 % on the cost. The
television nor read a cost to the dealer is ………….
A. $30
A. 5% B. $32
B. 10 % C. $36
C. 15 % D. $40
D. 20 %
Section 4 : Reading Comprehension
48. A screwdriver and a hammer Question 51-52 refer to the
currently have the same price. If following passage
the price of a screwdriver by 5 The rattles with which a
% and the price of hammer rattlesnake warm of its presence
goes up by 3%, by what percent are formed by loosely
will the cost of 3 screwdriver interlooking hollow rings of
and 3 hammers rise? hard skins, which make a

buzzing sound when its tail
shaken. As a baby, the snake A. Humid
begins to form its rattles from B. Extremely cold
the button at the very tip of its C. Rainy
tail. Thereafter, each time it D. Generally climate
sheds it skin, a new ring is
formed. Popular belief holds 54. The Mediterranean area is
that a snake’s age can be told ………………….
by counting the rings, but this
idea is fallacious. In fact, a snake A. Good for raising all varieties
may lose its old skin as often as of animals
four times a year. Also, rattles B. Poor for raising animals
tend to wear of break off with C. Suitable for some animals,
time. but not for sheep and goats
D. Well suited to breeding
51. A rattlesnake’s rattles are made animals
of ………………
55. According to these sentences
A. Skin animal feeding grounds in
B. Bone Mediterranean are ……
C. Wood
D. Muscle A. Severely limited in size
B. Very step and rocky
52. How often does a rattlesnake C. Large, but not very good for
shade its skin? grazing
D. Large, but very swampy
A. Once every four years
B. Up to four years Question 56-57 refer to the following
C. Once every four month passage
D. Four times more often than An observer sitting on a beach
other snake can make at least an intelligent guess
whether the surf spilling out onto the
Question 53-55 refer to the sand before him has been produced by
following passage a gale close offshore or by a distant
The Mediterranean climate is storm.
little suited to stock-breeding;
only sheep and goats can make 56. Surf must be …………………….
use of the extensive feeding
grounds with their meager A. Distant storm
rainfall. B. Wave action near the shore
C. Wave action far out in the
53. The Mediterranean climate is ocean
described as ………………….. D. Small rocks and seashells

ears closely coiledto conserve
57. A gale is probably ………………….. body heat.

A. A very strong wind 58. Young female bats …………………

B. A breeze
C. A tidal wave A. Hide in crevices
D. An island B. Like to live in groups
C. Prefer the dry, dark rooms of
Question 58-60 refer to the buildings
following passage D. Hibernate until maturity
The normal daytime retreats of
bats are rooms of caves, but 59. When the weather turns cold
individuals commonly live in …………………
dry, dark room of buildings.
Males are usually solitary, but A. The bats move to the rooms
females, especially when they of buildings
are young, gather colonies. The B. The bats gather in colonies
bats do not hide in crevices but, C. The bats coil their ears
when not hibernating, hang D. The bats hide in creveces
from the open roof of caves or
buildings where they can see, 60. Bats often hang from the open
and escape from, any intruder. roof of caves and buildings
In the dormant condition, which ………….
the bats assume when the air
temperature is low, the body A. To keep warm
temperature is drops; andthey B. To see and escape from
cling with thumbs and toes to intrudes
some vertical walls, with their
C. To hibernate
D. To lower their body

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2008

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Kejujuran adalah pintu menuju kesuksesan

Section 1: Structure and Written
Expression 5. He told me a lot about the
Philippines. He there for
1. X: “Do you often go to the a long time before moving here.
Y: “No, it quite a long A. Must have lived
time since I went to the restaurant B. Might be living
with my friends.” C. Ought to have lived
D. Would have lived
A. Has been
B. Would be 6. The workers that their
C. Is wages were not missed, went on
D. Was strike.

2. X: “The hotel is suffering a great A. Knew

loss.” B. Were knowing
Y: “Yes, only ten percent of its C. Realizing
rooms “ D. Realized

A. Occupies 7. The Willliams have finally the

B. Occupied trip to the beach because of being
C. Is occupied too afraid of big waves.
D. Are occupied
A. Called up
3. The students are collecting money, B. Called off
food, and clothes for the people C. Called upon
houses were destroyed in the fire D. Called for
last week.
8. The more you practice speaking
A. Who English, you do it.
B. Whose
C. Whom A. The well
D. Which B. The best
C. The better
4. X: “Do you think I can wear my D. The good
Y: “I wouldn’t advise 9. That Tim was a bad
jewelry in difficult time like this.” driver, I wouldn’t have lent him my
A. Wear
B. To wear A. Had I realized
C. To be wearing B. If I realized
D. Wearing C. Would I realized

D. I had realized A. I do my homework
B. She always does her homework
10. John was very sorry he didn’t kniw C. She hasn’t done homework
the answer, but he really wished he D. I don’t do my homework
15. X: “This cake is delicious. Did yoy
A. Knows make it yourself?”
B. Knew
C. Has known Y: “No, I didn’t. “
D. Had known A. I baked it myself
B. Lucy asked me to bake it
11. He put out the light. Then, he C. It was I who baked it
locked the door. Those sentences D. I had Lucy baked it
can be joined as follows;
16. They have worked hard to prevent
A. When he locked the door, he excessive government spending,
put out the light protect environment, and
B. He had put out the light before .
he locked the door
C. He put out the light after he A. Provide quality education
locked the door B. The provision of quality
12. Didi Petet a good doctor is C. Providing quality education
his ability to play the role of D. For providing quality education
different characters so well.
17. She the shoes for five
A. That makes minutes when one of the
B. Whether heelscame off.
C. What makes
D. In order to make A. Was only wearing
B. Had been only wearing
13. Having completed all the C. Has only been wearing
assignments that teacher gave, I D. Only wore
decided here the next
vacation. 18. Hoping to get a better income,
A. staying
B. to stay A. Budi was offered a job in Macau
C. stay B. A new post in Medan was
D. I stay accepted by Budi
C. Budi accepted an offer to work
14. , and neither does she. in Medan

D. A company offered Budi a job in 23. There was so muh noise next door.
Medan Our neighbors from their
19. “Haryanto started learning to play
chess when he was only five years A. Should have returned
old and won his first national B. Would have returned
chess competition when he was C. Must have returned
ten.” D. Ought to be returned
This means that Haryanto
to play chess very well by the time 24. The Military Academy at West
he was 10 years old. Point on the west bank of the
Hudson River, north of New York
A. Had learned City.
B. Was learning
C. Would learn A. Located
D. Has learned B. Is located
C. Which is located
20. All the student have to come on D. Whose location is
time, and .
25. The definitions from ‘gram
A. The teacher has too calories’ or ‘calories’ are for
B. So has the teacher most engineering work.
C. The teacher does
D. So does the teacher A. Accurate as enough
B. Enough accurate
21. We always avoid to the zoo C. As accurate enough
on Sundays because it is too D. Accurate enough
26. He asked, “What do you intend to
A. Going do after you graduate?”ed
B. Go Two days ago he asked me .
C. to go
D. to be going A. What I intended to do after I
22. She is not interested in B. What I intended to do after I
classical music, she decided not to graduated
go to the concert. C. What did I intend to do after I
A. Therefore D. What do I intend to do after I
B. Since graduated
C. In spite of
D. However 27. I have lost the piece of paper

Scientists and doctors
A. I wrote Ida’s address on it. say that about 34 million
B. That I wrote Ida’s address on it. Americans are too fat. Why is this?
C. Ida’s address I wrote on it One cause is the kind of food
D. On which I wrote Ida’s address Americans like ‘fast food’. These
fast food (such as hamburger and
28. X: “The result of the English exam ice cream) often have fattening
is very good.” things in them. Another cause is
Y: “It is due to the newly the way Americans eat. They often
teaching method.” eat little snacks between regular
meals. These extra foods add extra
A. Implemented fat on the body. A third cause is
B. Implementing not enough exercise. Americans
C. Implement like driving anywhere, instead of
D. To be implemented walking. They often have machines
to do a lot of work. Some
29. Although one of his ships has Americans are also too heavy
succeeded in sailing all the way because of health problems. But
back to Spain past the Cape of for most of those 34 million
good Hope, Magellan never Americans, the problem is the
completed the first Americans lifestyle.
circumnavigation of the world, and
. 31. The passage tells us about .

A. Most of his crew didn’t A. What Americans eat

B. Neither most of his crew did B. Health problems in America
C. Neither did most of his crew C. The American lifestyle
D. Most of his crew didn’t also D. Why many Americans are too
30. X: “Are yousure th nuclear power is
our only hope for the future?” 32. From the passage we may
conclude that .
Y: “Oh, yes. .”
A. That woul be nice A. High tech machines are an
B. I can’t say for certain advantage to the health of
C. I can’t complain about it Americans
D. There is no doubt about it B. Snacks are included in the
regular meals of Americans
Section II. Reading C. Many Americans are fat because
Comprehension of the way they life
(Read this passage to answer no D. Eating little snacks is the cause
31-32) of major health problems

(Read this passage to answer no 33- (Read this passage to answer no 35-
34) 40)

Television is the most popular Application for admission to the

form of entertainment in any Graduate School at this university must
household. People of all ages use this be made on forms provided by the
medium to entertain themselves for an Director of Admissions. An applicant
average of four hours a day. Thus, whose undergraduate work was done
television has had tremendous at another institution should request
influence of its viewers, especially that two copies of undergraduate
children. Scientists now say that transcripts and degrees be sent
children can be adversely affected by directly to the Dean of Graduate
constant watching television. This is School. Both the application and the
due to fact that they participate less in transcripts must be on file at least one
physical activities, spend less time month prior to the registration date,
reading and studying, and see a word and must be accompanied by a
of a violence that can affect their own nonrefundable ten-dollar check or
feelings of security. money order to cover the cost of
processing the application.
33. The passage tells us about . An undergraduate student of
this university who has senior status
A. The bad effect of television on and is within ten credits hours of
children completing all requirements for
B. Television, the best entertainer graduation may register for graduate
in our lives work with the recommendation of the
C. Scientists’ research on the chairperson of the department and the
popularity of television approval of the Dean of the Graduate
D. Viewers’ tremendous influences School.
on television Students who have already
been admitted to the Graduate School
34. “…….that children can be adversely but were not enrolled during the
affected by constant watching previous semester should reapply for
television” means that . admission using a special short form
A. Children are not interested I available in the office of the Graduate
violent scene School. It is not necessary for student
B. Television makes children who have previously been denied
reluctant to study admission to resubmit transcripts.
C. Children are encouraged to read However, new application form must
a lot accompany all requests for
D. Television influences children to reconsideration.
do physical exercise
35. What is th author’s main point?

A. How to register for graduate 39. Which of the following documents
coursework must be on file thirty days before
B. How to obtain senior status the registration date?
C. How to apply to the Graduate
School A. Two copies of recommendations
D. How to make application for from former professors
graduation B. A written approval of the Dean
of the graduate School
36. Where hwould this passage most C. One set of transcripts and ad
probably be found? English proficiency score
D. Two copies of undergraduate
A. In a university catalog courses and grades, an application
B. In a travel folder form, and an application fee
C. In a newspaper
D. In a text book 40. Students who have already been
admitted to the Graduate School
37. According to this passage, where A. Must reapply if they have not
would a student secure application been registered at the university
forms for admission to the during the previous semester
university? B. Never need to apply for
A. From the chairperson of the C. Must reapply every semester
department D. Must reapply hours of
B. From the Dean of the Graduate graduation
C. From the institution where the (Read this passage to answer no 41-
undergraduate work was done 46)
D. From the Director of Admissions
Although most universities n the
38. What special rule applies to United States are on a semester sytem,
undergraduate students? which offers classes in th fall and
spring, some schools observe a quarter
A. They may not register for system comprised of fall, winter,
graduate work spring, and summer quarters. The
B. They may receive special academics year, September to June, is
permission to register for graduate divided into three quarters of eleven
work weeks each beginning in September,
C. They must pass an examination January, and March; the summer
in order to register for graduate quarter, June to August is composed
work of shorter sessions of varying length.
D. They may register for graduate Students may take advantage of the
work at any time opportunity to study year round by
enrolling in all four quarters. Most

students begin their programs in the
fall quarter, but they may enter at A. September
beginning of any of the other quarters. B. Summer semester only
C. At the beginning of any quarter
41. Which of the following would be D. At the beginning of the
the best title for this passage? academics year

A. Universities in the United States 46. Where would this passage most
B. The Academics System probably be found?
C. The quarter System
D. The semester System A. In a college catalog for a
university in the United States
42. How many terms are there in B. In a general guide to colleges
quarter system? and universities in the United
A. four regular terms and one C. In an American newspaper
summer terms D. In a dictionary published in the
B. three regular terms and one United States
summer terms
C. two regular terms and two (Read this passage to answer no 47-
summer terms 48)
D. one regular terms and four
summer terms Tornadoes accur throughout the
world, but for reasons that scientist are
43. When is the academic year? not fully able recognize, the great
majority occur in the United States.
A. September to June Approximately 700 tornadoes a year
B. June to August occur within the US, and this comprises
C. August to June three-quarters of the worldwide total.
D. September to August Most of the tornadoes take place in
the Midwest and the southern states
44. A semester system . that border the Gulf of Mexico. The
most devastating tornado on record
A. has eleven-week sessions occurred on March 18, 1925, in the
B. is not very popular in the united state of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana.
States Travelling ai an average speed of 60
C. gives students the opportunity miles per hour, the winds at the center
to study year round of the storm swirled around at
D. has two major sessions a year considerably more than 200 miles per
hour. A total of 689 people died, and
45. When may studnets begin countless more were injured, at the
studying in a school that uses a hands of this killer storm.
quarter system?

47. Which of the following is,
according to the passage, NOT A. True facts
well understood by scientist. B. Information about islands
C. A story which is unreal
A. Why tornadoes mostly occur in D. Only perfect things
the US
B. Why 700 tornadoes occur Section III. Vocabulary
C. Why the Gulf of Mexico is the 50. I want to buy a car, but I could not
source of tornadoes afford it. The underlined word
D. Why tornadoes average speed means:
is 60 miles per hour
A. Know
48. According to the passage, which of B. Listen to
the following statements is TRUE C. Pay for
about tornadoes. D. Find

A. The cause of great majority of 51. Most of your sentences are too
tornadoes is known long. You need to abbreviate them
B. Missouri, Illinois and Indiana are to make your idea clearer.
the states free from tornadoes
C. There are less than 700 A. Lengthen
tornadoes happening in the whole B. Shorten
world C. Extend
D. More than 689 people were D. Draw out
victims of tornadoes happening in
1925 52. To be effective, a sales letter must,
with every sentence, take into
(Read this passage to answer no 47- account the needs and desire of its
48) readers.

Libraries contain both fiction A. Consider

and nonfiction books. For example, Sir B. Weigh
Thomas More’s book “Utopia” a story C. Reflect
about an unreal island where D. Describe
everything is perfect, would be in the
fiction collection. On the other hand, a 53. The rumor has widely spread
book ehich gives facts about a real among the people in the city.
island would be in the nonfiction
collection. A. Permeated
B. Allotted
49. A book in the fiction collection of a C. Flown
library will contain . D. Extended

B. An organ
54. Your office is big and spacious. C. An equipment
D. A share
A. Vacant
B. Roomy 58. She believes that teaching is a
C. Lavish noble profession.
D. Modern
A. Promotion
55. Ms. Rini taught a class of B. Vocation
intractable children. C. Task
D. Appointment
A. Obedient
B. Uncontrollable 59. In the scale of preference, essential
C. Very ugly commodities come first.
D. Willing to work
A. Most important
56. OPEC correctly forecast that B. Elastic
cutbacks in quantity demanded C. Additional
would be small. D. Particular

A. Think 60. One of the goals of European

B. Produce community is to agree on a single
C. Anticipate currency by 1999.
D. Reduce
A. Arguments
57. Rupiah is used as a tool of B. Obstacles
exchange in our beloved country. C. Objectives
D. Complication
A. A means

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2009

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Di balik kesulitan, pasti terdapat kemudahan

Di balik kesusahan, pasti terdapat kebahagiaan

Direction : E. Despite

The problem consist of four section. 4. “Harry arrived home very late
Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C, last night, but he said he went
and D given beneath each sentence. straight home from work.”
You are to choose the one word or “He must _____ in a traffic jam.”
phrase. Section 1 : to complete each
sentence (no : 1-25); section 2 : to find A. Caught
each synonym of the underlined word B. Be catching
(no : 26-45); section 3 : to analyze each C. Have caught
problem of the underlined word (no: D. Be caught
46-50); section 4: to answer each E. Have been caught
question (no: 51-60).
5. The dishes we had for lunch
1. Indonesia _____ more than were all delicious,_____?
13.000 islands.
A. Did’nt they
A. Is B. Had’nt they
B. Have C. Were they
C. Although D. Were’nt they
D. Which E. Had they
E. Has
6. “________”
2. “Why don’t you ask your sister “Neither does she.”
to come along with us to the
movie?” A. I also sew my own clothes.
“I did, but she _____ stay at home.” B. I don’t sew my own clothes.
C. She can not sew her own
A. Used to clothes.
B. Would rather D. Nor do I sew my own
C. Can clothes.
D. Could E. Does she sew her own
E. Might clothes?

3. _____ three peoplehave died of 7. Statistics denotes a discipline,

cholera, the old people of the the art and the science of _____
village refused to get an from the particular to the
injection against it. general.

A. However A. Making inferencing

B. In spite of B. Makes inferencing
C. Since C. Making inference
D. Although D. Makes inference

E. Making description attention to the lesson. It means
that students _____
8. Do you know that the moment
some amazing experiments A. Had paid attention to the
_____ by the university research lesson
biologist? B. Doesn’t miss the lesson
C. Didn’t pay attention to the
A. Are being carried out lesson
B. Carried out D. Doesn’t pay attention to the
C. To carry out lesson
D. Be carry out E. Didn’t miss the lesson
E. To be carry out
12. “This English text on Biology is
9. The way professor Andi teaches too difficult to read.”
English not only keeps the “Well, You’d better _____.
students’ interest _____
A. Translate it
A. And also increases their B. Have it translated
motivation C. Be translating it
B. but also increasing their D. Have translated it
motivation E. To translate
C. And he also increases their
motivation 13. A ray of light _____ the center of
D. And also to increase their a thin lens keeps its original
motivation direction.
E. but also increases their
motivation A. Is passed through
B. Passes through
10. The student are collecting C. Passed through
money, food, and clothes for D. Has passed through
the people _____ house were E. Passing through
destroyed in the fire last week.
14. If he _____ more confident
A. Whose during in the interview, he
B. Who might have got the job he
C. Whom wanted.
D. That
E. Which A. Were
B. Would be
11. The student missed the lesson C. Could have been
because he was day dreaming. D. Had been
He wished he had paid E. Was being

15. My father said, “Don’t waste program yesterday, only after
your money on cigarettes.” they _____ doing their school
This means _____ assignment.

A. My father told me that he A. Were finishing

didn’t waste my money on B. Have finished
cigarettes. C. Had finished
B. My father asked me if I had D. Would finish
wasted my money on E. Would have finished
C. My father allowed me to 19. Having sent his letter of
waste my money on application, _____.
D. My father said that I didn’t A. The company was expected
waste my money on to send a quick reply
cigarettes. B. A quick reply was expected
E. My father advised me not to from the company
waste my money on C. They expected the company
cigarettes. to send a quick reply
D. Bimo expected to get a
16. Careless dumping of _____ waste quick reply
into ciliwung river has caused E. It was expected that the
serious water pollution. company would send a
quick reply
A. Industrial
B. Industry 20. He hasn’t got enough
C. Industrialist experience _____ principle of our
D. Industrialized school.
E. Industrialize
A. Promoted
17. Coding of data is a technique B. To be promoted
used to reduce the amount of C. To be promoting
work _____ in the calculation of D. Be promoted
statistics. E. Will be promoted

A. Requiring 21. The president director agreed

B. Is required that performance of the
C. To be required company has not been good for
D. To require the last few years. In fact, its
E. Required organization _____ now for
18. We allowed the children to
watch their favourite TV A. Is being restructured

B. To be restructured C. My niece has to lengthen
C. Is restructuring her old dresses
D. Is to restructure D. My niece has been told to
E. Being restructured lengthen her old dresses
E. My niece has been asked by
22. I couldn’t find the museum you someone to lengthen her
told me about. I _____ the wrong old dresses
26. “If the plane had taken off on
A. Should have taken time, we wouldn’t have been
B. Should take late for the opening of the
C. Would have taken seminar.”
D. Ought to take This means that we were late
E. Must have taken because the flight _____.

23. The articles on this newspaper, A. Has to be delayed

_____ are about educational B. Was delayed
system in Indonesia, are written C. Was going to be delayed
by a well_known linguist. D. Had not been delayed
E. Was not delayed
A. Which of most
B. In which 27. No single factor explains why
C. Of which _____ vary so greatly among
D. Most of which individuals.
E. That most
A. The affected aging
24. I asked Bob ___________. B. The effects of aging
C. Aging has an effect
A. Where did he come from? D. The aging effect
B. Where was he coming from E. Aging effects
C. Where he came from
D. Weather he came from 28. Andrea hirata is an author _____
E. Where was he from for his evocative and
memorable vision of frontier
25. “Now that she has grown up, prairie life.
my niece has her old dresses
lengthened.” A. Whom readers
This means that _________ B. The praise of readers
C. Whom readers praise
A. My niece asked somebody D. Whom praising
to lengthen her old dresses E. Whose readers are praised
B. My niece has lengthened her
old dresses

29. Researchers have long debated E. 2n + p
about _____ moon titan contains
hydrocarbon oceans or lakes. 33. A cab driver’s income consist of
his salary and tips. His salary is
A. Saturn’s $50 a week. During one week
B. Wheater it is Saturn’s his tips were of his salary.
C. Wheater Saturn is a What fraction of his income for
D. Wheater Saturn’s the week came from tips.
E. What Saturn’s
30. The president _____ the election
by a landslide.
A. Win D.
B. He win
C. Won
D. He won
E. Winner 34. A sports jacket marked $50 is
offered at a discount of 20
31. Eight percent of the people percent during a storewide sale.
eligible to vote are between 18 At this reduced price the dealer
and 21. In election, 85% of makes a profit of 25 percent on
those eligible to vote who were the cost. The cost to dealer is
between 18 and 21 actually
vote. In that election, people A. $30
between 18 and 21 who actually B. $31
voted were what percent of C. $32
those people eligible to vote? D. $38
E. $40
A. 6,4
B. 6,8 35. A bus uses one gallon of
C. 4,2 gasoline to travel 15 miles. After
D. 8 a tune-up, the bus travels, 15%
E. 8,5 father on one gallon. How many
gallon of gasoline (to nearest
32. If n and p are both odd tenth) will it take for the bus to
numbers, which of the following travel 150 miles after a tune-up?
numbers must be even number?
A. 8,5
A. n+p+1 B. 9,0
B. np C. 8,9
C. np + 2 D. 8,7
D. n+p E. 10,0

36. If the length of rectangle is D. 6%
increased by 10% and the width E. 36%
of the same rectangle is
decreased by 10%, then the 40. A screwdriver and a hammer
area of rectangle currently have the same price. If
the price of a screwdriver rises
A. Decreases by 1% by 5% and the price of a
B. Decreases by 20% hammer goes up by 5%, by
C. Is unchanged what percent will the cost of 2
D. Increases by 10% screwdrivers and 3 hammers
E. Increases by 5% rise?

37. A box contain 12 poles and 7 A. 5%

pieces of net. Each piece of net B. 10%
weighs 0,2 pounds; each pole C. 15%
weighs 1,1 pounds. The box D. 20%
contents weight 16,25 pounds. E. 25%
How does the empty box
weigh? Question 41-45 refer to the
following passage
A. 1,2 pounds
B. 6,15 pounds Professor Unyil visitedd
C. 2,75 pounds Mr. And Mrs. Ucrit who lived on
D. 1,65 pounds the other side of town. After a
E. 16 pounds good dinner and a play of chess
he said “I’m going to walk home
38. How much simple interest will now”. Mrs Ucrit looked out the
$2000 earn in 18 months at an window and said, “But it is
annual rate of 6%? raining outside. Please stay here
tonight”. She went and prepare
A. $120 d the guest room for him. After
B. $180 a few minutes, she came back to
C. $216 living room, but the professor
D. $1800 was not there.
E. $2160 Mr. And Mrs. Ucrit waited
for more than 30 minutes, and
39. If the radius of circle is then they started to go to bed.
increased by 6%, then the area But then somebody knocked at
of the circle is increased by the door of the house. It was
professor. He was very wet. Mr.
A. 0,36% And Mrs. Ucrit were very
B. 3,6% surprised to see him. They
C. 12,36% said,”You are here!”.”Yes” the

professor answered. “I went C. Complication
home to got my pajamas”. D. Orientation
E. Recommendation
41. The following statements are
true, except 45. The communication purpose of
the text is _____
A. Mrs. Ucrit asked Professor
Unyil to spend the night at A. To explain why something
her house occurs
B. Professor Unyil went home B. To describe the participants
to take his pajamas in the story
C. Professor Unyil lived next to C. To persuade the readers that
Mr. And Mrs. Ucrit house something is the case
D. Mr. And Mrs. Ucrit were D. To retell events for the
relived to see professor Unyil purpose of information
at the back door of the something
house E. To retell events with
E. Professor Unyil went home humorous twist
on foot
Answers the question:
42. After reading the text, we can
conclude that Professor Unyil a The invention of the phonograph
_____ a person, happened quite by accident.
Thomas Edison moved to Menlo
A. Foolish Park, New Jersey, in 1876, where
B. Humble he established an industrial
C. Generous research laboratory. There, Edison
D. Selfish was working on a carbon
E. Very smart telephone transmitter to improve
the existing Bell telephone
43. The type of the text is a _____ System. In that laboratory a year
later, Edison invented the
A. Procedure phonograph while he was trying
B. Recount to improve a telegraph repeater.
C. Narrative He attached a telephone
D. Report diaphragm to the needle
E. Spoof repeater; in this way, he was able
to reproduce a recording that
44. The last paragraph of the text is could be played back. After he
called the _____ made some improvements to the
machine, he tested it. He recited
A. Twist “Mary Had A Little Lamb” into the
B. Conclusion

machine and played his voice D. with attachment of a
back to a very surprised audience. telephone diaphragm
E. From a combination of
46. What is the best title for the telephone and telegraph parts
paragraph? 50. According to the passage, how
did Edison test his new invention?
A. Thomas Edison’s
Inventions A. He read a children’s rhyme.
B. A surprise Invention B. He made improvements to
C. Improvements in the the machine.
Telephone and Telegraph C. He used a carbon
D. The History of Menlo Park transmitter.
E. Mary had a little lamb D. He reproduced the
audience’s voice.
47. According to the passage, the E. he used a telegraph
invention of the phonograph transmitter.

A. Was edison’s principal 50. According to the passage , how

project did the people feel when they
B. Was surprising to no one heard Edison’s rendition of
C. Took many years “Mary Had a Little Lamb”?
D. Was quite unplanned
E. Was to astonished A. perplexed
audience B. amazed
C. aggravated
48. In what year did the invention D. detached
of the phonograph occur? E. Astonished

A. 1876 Question 52-55 refer to the

B. 1878 following passage
C. 1877
D. 1879 But the success of science,
E. the article doesn’t say both its intellectual excitement
and its practical application,
49. According to the passage, how depends upon the self-correcting
was the phonograph made? character of science. There must
be a way of testing any valid idea.
A. With a telephone needle It must be possible to reproduce
and a recorder any valid experiment. The
B. From a recording of a character or beliefs of the
telegraph scientists are irrelevant; all that
C. With only a telegraph matters is whether the evidence
repeater supports his contention.

Arguments from authority simply 54. According to the passage, if a
do not count; too many scientist repeats an experiment
authorities have been mistaken several times and does not
too often. I would like to see produce similar resulted each
these very effective scientific time, the experiment must be
modes of thought communicated
by the schools and the media; A. Extremely complex
and it would certainly be an B. Incorrectly recorded
astonishment and delight to see C. Scientific
them introduced into politics. D. Stopped
Scientists have been known to E. Invalid
change their minds completely
and publicly when presented with 55. According to the passage, which
new evidence or new arguments. of the following is the most
I cannot recall the last time a essential to scientist’ work?
politician displayed a similar
openness and willingness to A. Character
change. B. Beliefs
C. Evidence
52. What does the passage mainly D. Theory
discuss? E. Authority

A. The rewards of intellectual Question 56-60 refer to the

excitement following passage
B. Practical application of an
abstract theory The first synthetic plastic was a
C. Some similiarities between thermosetting resin called ebonite,
politics and science patented in 1843. Plastics are divided
D. An important characteristic into two broad categories, thermosets
of science and thermoplastics. The thermosets
E. Intellectual excitement of are material that, once heated, take on
the science a permanent form that can not be
changed by reheating, while
53. What did the paragraph thermoplastics repeatedly soften on
preceeding the passage most heating and harden on cooling.
probably discuss? Much of the early work on
plastics was on thermosets, and it may
A. Self-correction have been this limitation that
B. The achievements of science prevented them from becoming highly
C. The scientific community acceptable materials. Another reason is
D. Faulty information that they were looked upon as
E. The origin of science substitude for existing materials, rather
than as new materials requiring new

ideas in design and usage. Part of this A. Initial research was on
“substitude” outlook stil survives, with plastics with limited utility
people disparaging plastics are second B. A world war caused plastics
rate materials. However, with the major to be in short supply
advances in formulation and use of C. Existing plastics were not
plastics since the second world war, sufficiently heat resistant
this attitude is now passing out of D. Some researchers felt that
fashion. plastics were dangerous
E. During the second world
56. What does the passage mainly war, plastics were broadly
discuss? used

A. The importance of plastics in 59. Which of the following would

the second world war be least useful if it were made
B. Various uses for plastics from a thermoplastics?
C. The early history of synthetic
plastics A. A vase for flowers
D. People’s attitude toward B. A doorknob
new materials C. A table
E. The use of plastics in the D. A coffe cup
second world war E. A chair

57. According to the passage, 60. The paragraph following the

materials which can repeatedly passage most probably discuss
be softened and hardened are
called A. The characteristics of plastics
made in early 1800’s
A. Materials B. The greater acceptance of
B. Ebonites plastics since the second
C. Thermosets world war
D. Substitutes C. The reason some people
E. Thermoplastics consider plastics inferior to
other materials
58. According to the passage, why D. The absence of plastics from
may plastics not have been the world of fashion
widely accepted at first? E. The differences between
thermosets and

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2010

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Jangan senang bila dipuji

Jangan sakit hati bila dicela

Direction: A. A new way of feeding fish
B. Biological differences
The problem consist of four sections. between two animals
Five words or phrases, marked A, B, C, C. How to go deep-sea fishing
D, and E, are given beneath each D. A warning to deep-sea
sentence. You are to choose the one divers
word or phrase. Section 1: To answer E. How to squid getting food
each question (No: 1-10); Section 2: To
complete each sentence (No: 11-35); 3. According to the passage, which
Section 3: To find each synonym the of the following can describe
underlined words (No: 36-50); Section the octopus?
4: To analyze each problem (No:51-60)
A. Its brain is simpler than that
Section 1: Reading Comprehension of the squid
B. It can’t loo and touch at the
Question 1-3 refer to following passage same time
C. Its brain does not function
very well
When used for studies of learning D. The memory of what it has
and memory, the Octopus is more seen and touched is
interesting subject than the squid. contained in separate areas
Unlike the free-swimming squid, which E. Its brain used for visual
relies exclusively on its eyes to guide it memories only
to tasty fish or crab, the octopus often
feeds off the bottom of the sea. It use Question 4-6 refer to the following
not only its eyes but its tentacles to passage
identify a likely meal. The brain of the
octopus has two separate memory- Economic expansion continued
storage areas-one for visual memories in May. Government reports showed
and one for tactile memories. gains in industrial production, personal
income, and housing starts. Housing
1. How does the squid find its construction, however, remained
food? sluggish, mainly because the cost of
new homes has risen much faster than
A. Both by sight and by touch average incomes, but housing starts
B. By touch only did show a small increase over those of
C. By sight only April
D. By tentacles only
E. In onone of the ways 4. The author’s clais concerning
described above economic expansion seem to be
based on
2. The passage is mainly about

A. Government data in three Question 7-10 refer to the following
the areas passage
B. Government budgetary
reports When, during the first quarter of
C. The author’s own research the twentieth century echo sounding
D. The author’s personal insight was developed to allow ships while
E. Industrial reports under way to record the depth of the
bottom, probably no one suspected
5. According to the passage, that it would also provide a means of
housing construction is learning something about deep-sea
recovering slowly because life. But operators of the new
instruments soon discovered that the
A. The cost of a new home is sound waves, directed downward from
higher than the the ship like a beam of light, were
government’s price guide reflected back from any solid object
lines they met. Answering echoes were
B. New homes are being built returned from intermediate depths,
at a faster rate than needed presumably from school of fish,
C. New homes are selling faster whales, or submarines; then a second
than anticipated echo was received from the bottom.
D. Personal income are
growing faster than new 7. The author writes about
home prices something that happened
E. Prices of new homes have during which of the following
been going up faster than periods of time?
increases in people’s
incomes A. 1800-1850
B. 1850-1900
6. According to the passage, which C. 1900-1925
of the following is true of D. 1925-1950
housing starts? E. 1950-1975

A. They were slightly higher in 8. Had did operators send down

May than in April into the water?
B. They were the same as in
previous month A. Beams of flight
C. They were much lower in B. Small, solid object
May than in April C. New instruments
D. They were slightly lower in D. Solid objects
May than in April E. Sound waves
E. They were much higher in
May than in April 9. Which of the following
enterprise would most likely be

interested in using the
instruments mentioned? A. Where had you purchased
this raincoat?
A. Sports equipment B. Where did you purchase this
B. Sound-recording studios raincoat?
C. Sound instrument C. Where would you purchase
businesses this raincoat?
D. Commercial fishing D. Where are purchasing this
businesses raincoat?
E. Shipbuilding yards E. Where were you purchasing
this raincoat?
10. For what purpose was the
instrument originally designed? 14. He had died before his latest
A. Communicating with dives
B. Recording ocean depths A. has been published
C. Locating ddeep-sea life B. were published
D. Building schools for fish C. had been published
E. Detecting submarines D. would published
E. was published
11. The … are conducting research
on juvenile delinquency. 15. I overslept this morning. Thus, I
miss the quiz Prof. Hamid gave.
A. Statistic I wouldn’t have missed it …
B. Statistics
C. Statisticians A. had I not overslept
D. Statistician B. if I didn’t overslept
E. Statistical C. should I not overslept
D. if I overslept
12. “Several hotels in region are E. had overslept
closing down.” That’s because
tourism itself … since last year.” 16. Surabaya, … is more than three
and half million, is Indonesia’s
A. is declining second largest city situated in
B. had declining the eastern part of Java island.
C. was declining
D. has been declining A. whom the population
E. declined B. that the population
C. whether the population
13. He asked me where I had D. the population of it
purchased that raincoat. The E. whose population
directed speech of this
statement is…

17. Tommy: Terrible! This math B. will get
problem is so difficult that I C. have got
haven’t found the answer yet. D. will have got
Can you help me? E. got
Rendi: I wish I knew about math.
The underlined sentence means 21. Having sent his letter of inquiry,
that Rendi … about math. …

A. doesn’t know A. The company was expected

B. didn’t know to get a quick reply
C. hasn’t know B. Andika expected to get a
D. hadn’t know quick reply
E. wouldn’t know C. A quick reply was expected
from the company
18. “Harry arrived home very late D. They expected the company
last night, but he said he went to send a quick reply
straight home from work.” E. It was expected that the
He must … in traffic jam. You company would send a
know what Jakarta is like in quick reply
terms of traffic jam.
22. “Have you considered … to a
A. caught boarding house closer to tour
B. have been caught school?”
C. be caught
D. have caught A. being moved
E. being caught B. to move
C. moved
19. “At last, I finish typing this letter D. moving
and I wil get it copied soon E. move
before being mailed” means I’ll
… before being mailed. 23. He asked me … had I turned up
to the meeting the dat before.
A. copy the letter
B. will have to type it A. what did I talk about
C. ask someone to copy it B. if I am going to talk about
D. have typed it C. what I talked about
E. be typing it D. whether o have talked about
E. what I would have talked
20. You know, my father will retire about
within the next few years. I hope
that by time he retires, I … a job. 24. I had insufficient budget to
change my old car with the new
A. get

one and neither … he have extra 28. … three people have died of
money to lend me some. cholera, the old people of the
village refused to get an
A. does injection against it.
B. had
C. did A. however
D. has B. inspite of
E. will C. in as much as
D. since
25. Budi … part of the homework E. although
29. By the time I moved to Ujung
A. did only Pandang about three years ago,
B. only did I … in Jakarta for almost 10
C. only does years.
D. doing only
E. only doing A. had been living
B. have lived
26. Customer: Excuse me. Could C. lived
you show me where the fitting D. will have lived
room is? E. had lived
Shop assistant: Certaintly, it’s
over there. 30. The benefit … the study is that it
Customer: …? provides necessary information
to anyone who needs it.
A. Can I have this one, please?
B. Does this one suit me? A. which
C. Will you try this one on? B. of
D. Could I try this one? C. that
E. Could you tell me how much D. for
its costs? E. because

27. It’s often difficult for new 31. “Have you ever taken part in
university students … student exchange program?”
themselves to their new My teacher asked me … in
environment. student exchange program.

A. they adopt A. I have ever taken part

B. adopting B. whether I have ever taken
C. to adopt part
D. being adopted C. had I ever taken part
E. to be adopted D. if I have take part

E. whether I had ever taken 36. Neighboring states often sign
part trade agreement with one
32. Psychology is as … as statistics.
A. peacefull
A. interest B. friendly
B. interests C. developing
C. interesting D. adjacent
D. same interested E. faraway
E. interested
37. The company issues an annual
33. … variety of flowers in the show, report every March.
from simple carnations to the
most exquisite roses. A. a yearly
B. a comprehensive
A. there was a wide C. a financial
B. a wide D. a product
C. there were a wide E. a completely
D. many
E. was there 38. X-rays are basically a form of
34. There was never any talk of such
a thing … ? A. rarely
B. definitely
A. was it C. probably
B. was it not D. frequently
C. wasn’t there E. fundamentally
D. was there
E. there was not 39. Food must be moist in order to
have a taste.
35. Some students have finished
their papers … haven’t. A. delicious
B. damp
A. another C. nutritious
B. others D. appetizing
C. other E. chewed
D. the other
E. the others 40. Soaring rates of interest have
recently made it difficult for
Section 3 : vocabulary young couples to buy their own

A. slowly rising

B. very expensive C. an immediate
C. rapidly rising D. a hideous
D. extremely painful E. a fertile
E. very high
45. Blue-green algae grow
41. Formerly of interest to scientist abundantly in salt marshes.
in relation to its salivary glands,
the fruitflyhas more recently A. primarly
been important in studies of B. slowly
natural rhythms. C. on plants
D. in great number
A. previously E. quickly
B. originally
C. mainly 46. The ministers reiterated his
D. subsequently intention of resigning
E. primarily
A. refused
42. The author lived for years near B. repeated
one of the many creeks flowing C. described
into that part of Bengawa Solo D. reported
River. E. stated

A. lakes 47. The winners will be selected at

B. ponds random.
C. streams
D. swamps A. by chance
E. dams B. by interviewing
C. by competition
43. The ministers reiterated his D. by testing
intention of resigning. E. by purpose

A. refused 48. Pilfering by company costs

B. stated many businesses thousands of
C. described dollars each year.
D. reported
E. repeated A. absenteeism
B. tardiness
44. Experiment have shown that C. ignorance
exposure to acid rain can have a D. purchasing
lethal effect on plants. E. stealing

A. an explosive 49. The compact dictionaries

B. a deadly published in recent years are

not as unwieldy as some of the of those present went on a field
older editions trip. If the number of students
styinng in college that day 704,
A. complete how many students are enrolled
B. tiresome in STIS?
C. reliable
D. cumbersome A. 840
E. remarkable B. 960
C. 1080
50. When he finally emerged from D. 1600
the cave after the cave after E. 3520
thirsty days, Gatoto was
startlingly pale 54. If A=[1,2,3], B=[2,3,4], and C is
the set consisting of all the
A. extraordinarily fractions whose numerators are
B. frantically in A and whose denominators
C. astonishingly are in B, what is the product of
D. deceptively all of the number in C?
E. normally
A. 1/64
51. Santi is three times old as B. 1/48
Yanto, but 5 years ago, she was C. 1/24
5 times as old as he was. How D. 1/12
old is Santi now? E. ½

A. 10 55. The price of load bead was

B. 12 increased by 20%. How many
C. 24 loaves can be purchased for the
D. 30 amount of money that used to
E. 36 by 300 loaves?

52. If a + 2b = 14 and 5a + 4b = 16, A. 360

what is average (arithmetic B. 320
mean) of a and b? C. 250
D. 240
A. 1.5 E. 225
B. 2
C. 2.5 56. Lestari bought a Rp 60.000 t-
D. 3 shirt o sale at 10% off. How
E. 3.5 much did she pay, including
10% sales tax?
53. One day in STIS college, of
the students were absent, and A. Rp. 55.150

B. Rp. 57.000 B. 95%
C. Rp. 58.500 C. 90%
D. Rp. 59.400 D. 85%
E. Rp. 60.000 E. 80%

57. There are twice as many girls as 59. If 80% of the applicants to a
boys in English class. If 30% of program were rejected, what is
the girls and 45% of the boy the ratio of the number
have already handed in their accepted to the number
book reports, what percent of rejected?
the students have not yet
handed in their reports? A. ¼
B. 1/5
A. 25% C. 2/5
B. 35% D. 4/5
C. 50% E. 4/1
D. 60%
E. 65% 60. Let M be the median and m the
mode of the following set of
58. On a test consisting of 80% numbers: 10, 70, 20, 40, 70, 90.
questions, Nina answered 75% What is the average (arithmetic
of the first 60 questions mean) of M and m?
correctly. What percent of the
other questions does she need A. 50
to answer correctly for her B. 52.5
grade on the entire exam to be C. 57.5
80%? D. 60
E. 62.5
A. 100%

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2011

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Tulislah kebaikan orang lain kepadamu di atas batu,

Tulislah keburukan orang lain terhadapmu di atas air

Section I: A. completing
Structure and Written Expressions B. completed
C. to have complete
1. X: “When are you going to tell D. having completed
your sister the good news?” E. to have completed
Y: “When she ……. from her
business trip” 5. The increasing in the sales of
new cars …… not expected to
A. returns make traffic jams worse.
B. is going to return
C. will be returning A. be
D. was returning B. being
E. had returned C. is
D. are
2. Jupiter’s four moons …… E. to be
through a telescope by Galileo.
6. “Why is he so happy today?”
A. were being first viewed “………”
B. first viewed
C. had been first viewed A. He has been given an
D. were first viewed increasing just in salary
E. first being viewed B. Just he has been given an
increasing in salary
3. “What did your father say when C. He has been just given an
you told him you had lost all increasing in salary
your money?” D. He has been given just an
“He was so angry …… he increasing in salary
couldn’t say anything.” E. He has just been given an
increasing in salary
A. therefore
B. after 7. We are going on a long trip so
C. that we must ……
D. when
E. so A. to have the car checked
B. have had the car checked
4. After the students had C. have checked the car
completed the test, they D. have the car checked
handed in their paper and left E. had the car checked
the room.
We can also say …… the test, the 8. The foreman said: “Finish your
students handed in their paper task and do it well.”
and left the room. It means ……

A. the foreman ordered me to
finish my task and do it well 12. “Which dress shall I wear?”
B. the foreman asked to finish “I think the blue dress is …… the
his task and do it well green one.”
C. the foreman asked me to
finish my task and do it well A. very beautiful
D. the foreman told me to B. more beautiful from
finish his task and do it well C. more beautiful than
E. the foreman told me to D. much beautiful than
finish your task and do it E. more beautifully than
13. “He’s already read the letter,
9. Ander :” I like the film …….?”
very much"
Aziz :” ……… . I have A. hasn’t he
seen it three times.” B. isn’t he
C. doesn’t he
A. I am too D. is he
B. So am I E. has he
C. So do I
D. I don’t either 14. The children seemed to be ………
E. Neither do I in watching the program.

10. Father: “What are you doing, A. interesting

Ton?” B. interest
Anton: “I’m studying, Father.” C. interestingly
Father: “Oh, I see. You ……” D. interestedly
E. interested
A. should turn on the television
B. should turn off the television 15. “My car is broken. ……… me
C. would rather turn on the downtown on your way to work
television this morning?”
D. would rather put out the “Not at all.”
E. should break the television A. May you take
B. Do you mind talking
11. Miko preferred sandwich ……. C. Why don’t you take
D. Can’t you take
A. or rice better E. Do you think you can take
B. than rice
C. to having rice 16. “There’s letter stating that
D. rather than rice Darius has to leave for the U.S.
E. to rice next week.”

“Well, he …….. . The news right
away then.” 20. A few days after interview, I
receive a letter …….. me a job
A. should left
B. should be tell A. offered
C. should be telling B. has offered
D. should have told C. being offered
E. should be telling it D. offering
E. it was offering
17. Ferry: “Why don’t you try to a
find a job in factory?” 21. Smoking can be the cause of
“With the money you many illness and respiratory
earn, you can buy things disorders. ……., it may harm
you need.” non- smoker.
Aldi: “If I worked in a factory, I
wouldn’t have much time to study.” A. in addition
What does the underline B. however
sentence mean? C. consequently
D. nevertheless
A. Aldi works hard in factory E. otherwise
B. Ferry allows Aldi in a factory
C. Aldi doesn’t work in factory 22. I didn’t hear ……. because there
D. Aldi worked in factory was too much noise when I was
E. Aldi didn’t work in a factory sitting.

18. “Did you get a compensation A. what said

for your car?” B. what did he say
“No, I didn’t. If only …….. C. what he said
D. what was he saying
A. I had insured it E. what was saying
B. I should insure it
C. I have insured it 23. As soon as the news of the
D. I wouldn’t insure it killing of the innocent prisoner
E. I would insure it spread out, people run through
the street, breaking windows,
19. Linda is considered …. to the setting fire to cars, and …….
A. the destruction was on
A. not to go everything in their path
B. not go to B. destroying everything in
C. not go their path
D. not goes C. the destroying of everything
E. not going was in their path

D. everything in their path was C. we are becoming more
in destruction fluent
E. everything in their path was D. the more fluent we become
destroyed E. so we will become fluent

24. Teacher: “Why was Irene absent 27. Anti-nutrients appears to be

yesterday?” linked to such things as traffic
Indah: “What did the teacher pollution, antibiotics, deep field
want to know, Ayu?” food, processed meat and the
Ayu: “She wanted to know …… of plastic and other
……” chemicals in water.

A. if Irene was absent A. present

B. why Irene had been absent B. presence
C. why was Irene absent C. presentation
D. that Irene had been absent D. presently
E. why Irene was absent E. presentable

25. Sue: “I didn’t enjoy the movie 28. “We are running out of the
last night.” fruits, while Fifi needs some this
Bob: “Neither did I.” morning as she in on a diet.”
From the dialog we know that “You …… to the neighboring
……. fruit stall, then!”

A. Bob enjoyed the movie last A. could hurry

night but Sue didn’t B. would rather hurry
B. Not only Sue but also Bob C. may hurry
enjoyed the movie last night D. had better hurry
C. Both Sue and Bob didn’t E. might hurry
enjoy the movie last night
D. Bob enjoyed the movie last 29. “Can we postpone the class
night, and did Sue meeting until Friday?”
E. Either Sue and Bob enjoyed “I’m afraid not. I …… basketball
the movie last night. on Friday.”

26. My English teacher always says A. will have been playing

that the more we practice our B. would play
English ……. C. have been playing
D. always play
A. then we become more fluent E. played
B. of course we become more
fluent 30. Had he handed in the
application, he …… last week.

B. That Wijaya has been
A. was allowed to join the promoted to replace the
interview test Financial Manager
B. will have been allowed to C. I hear Wijaya has been
join me interview test promoted to replace to
C. would be allowed to join me retired Financial Manager
interview test D. Do you know Wijaya has
D. was being allowed to join been promoted to replace
the interview test the retired Financial
E. would have been allowed to Manager
join me interview test E. Why was Wijaya promoted
to replace the retired
31. She went to the blackboard as if Financial Manager
she knew how to solve the
problem. 34. Ever since the information
The underline words mean …… technology revolution of late
1980’s, ……. of personal
A. she ought to know how computer and the microchip,
solve the problem the company, from the
B. she actually couldn’t solve managing director down the
the problem man in the mailroom, has been
C. she definitely knew how to striving for a constant policy of
solve the problem excellence.
D. she should know how to
solve the problem A. occasional use
E. she succeeded in solving the B. occasional in the use
problem C. occasion, and the use of
D. occasioned by the use
32. Many people in Sidoarjo are E. occasionally used
looking forward to ……..
35. “Now that she has grown up,
A. witness my niece has her old dresses
B. witnessed lengthened.”
C. be witnessing This mean that …….
D. being witnessing
E. have witnessed A. My niece has lengthened her
old dresses
33. ……. is big surprise to his B. My niece has been asked by
colleagues. someone to lengthen her
old dresses
A. WIjaya has been promoted C. My niece has to lengthen
to replace the retired her old dresses
Financial Manager

D. My niece has been told to E. Joko prefers walking than
lengthen her old dresses running
E. My niece asks someone to
lengthen her old dresses 39. Shiren: “………….”
Saskia: “For almost five years.”
36. Julia asked me if I had come to
the party the day before. A. When did you study English?
In other word: Julia said “……” B. How many years will you
study English?
A. Did you come to the party C. How long have you studied
the day before? English?
B. Do you come to the party D. When will you study English?
this evening? E. When do you study English?
C. Did you come to the party
yesterday? 40. The bus came after I …… for
D. Do you come to the party about twenty minutes.
E. Do you come to the party A. have been waiting
yesterday? B. have waited
C. was waiting
37. “I called him several times D. had been waiting
yesterday but there was no E. am waiting
“He …… out of town.” Section 2: Vocabulary (41 – 50)
A. might have been
B. would rather so In question 41 – 50 each sentence has
C. should have been an underline word or phrase. Below
D. had better be each sentence word or phrase. Below
E. would rather been each sentence are five other word or
phrase, marked A,B,C,D,E. You are to
38. Simon: “What would you rather choose the one word or phrase that
do in the morning, walking or keeps the meaning of the original
running?” sentences if it substitutes for the
Joko: “I’d rather walk than run.” underlined word or phrase.
From the dialog above, we
know that……. 41. A democratic leader delegates
authority and responsibility to
A. Joko prefers to run other.
B. Joko hates running
C. Joko likes running better A. disputes
than walking B. concentrates
D. Joko doesn’t like walking C. directs

D. delivers 46. Volunteer firefighter valiantly
E. disseminates tried to extinguish the raging
forest fire.
42. Imagine the advertiser’s chagrin
when he realized that he had A. wretched
put the wrong date in the ad. B. sluggish
C. intense
A. humiliation D. riling
B. indifference E. moderate
C. surprise
D. anger 47. There is campaign against those
E. annoy hunter who mercilessly
slaughtered baby seals.
43. Prabu felt confident about his
grade on the test he had just A. net
taken. B. capture
C. kill
A. depressed D. skin
B. sure E. nurture
C. estatic
D. uncertain 48. The speaker walked confidently
E. timid and quickly to the podium.

44. When it comes to buying A. assuredly

clothes, Herman is impetuous. B. carefully
C. clumsily
A. illustrious D. thoughtfully
B. immune E. oddly
C. impolite
D. implicit 49. As we approached the
E. impulsive pyramids, a massive stone
sphinx greeted us at the
45. Mathematics is a compulsory entrance.
subject in Indonesian high
schools. A. terrifying
B. inspiring
A. difficult C. immense
B. easy D. magnificent
C. required E. tiny
D. despised
E. optional 50. The gas company detected a
leak in the main line an

evacuated all the tenants of the B. The games were held in
building. Greece every four years
C. Battles were interrupted in
A. discovered the games
B. smelled D. Poems glorified the winners
C. expected in song
D. predicated E. The games were conducted
E. suspected as games of friendship.

Section 3: 52. Why were the Olympic Games

Reading Comprehension held?
Question 51 – 55 refer to the
following passage: A. To stop wars
B. To honor Zeus
` In 776 B.C., the first Olympic C. The crown the best athletes
Games were held at the foot of Mount D. To sing songs about the
Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief athletes
god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized E. To educate young people
physical fitness and strength in their
education of youth. Therefore, contest 53. Approximately how many years
in running, jumping, discus and javelin ago did these games
throwing, boxing and horse and the originated?
chariot racing were held in individual
cities, and the winners competed every A. 776 years
four years at the Mount Olympus. B. 1235 years
Winners were greatly honored by C. 2277 years
having olive wreaths placed on their D. 2767 years
heads and having poems sung about E. 2787 years
their deeds. Originally these were held
at games of friendship, and any wars in 54. Which of the following contests
progress were halted to allow the was not mentioned?
games to take place.
The Greeks attached so much A. Discus throwing
importance to these games that they B. Boxing
calculated time in four years cycle C. Skating
called “Olympiads” dating from 776 D. Running
B.C. E. Horse racing

51. Which of the following is not 55. What conclusion can we draw
true? about the ancient Greeks?

A. Winner placed olive wreaths A. They liked to fight

on their own heads. B. They were very athletic

C. They liked a lot of ceremony The various petroleum product
D. They couldn’t count, so they are refined from the crude oil by
used “Olympiads” for dates heating and condensing the vapors.
E. They liked to be honored These products are the so – called light
oils, such as gasoline, kerosene, and
Question 56 – 60 refer to the distillate oil. The residue remaining
following passage: after the light oils are distilled is known
as heavy or residual fuel oils and is
Petroleum product, such as used mostly for burning under boilers.
gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, Additional complicated refining
residual fuel oil, and lubricating oils, processes rearrange the chemical
come from one source – crude oil structure of the hydrocarbon to
found below the Earth’s surface to as products, some of which are used to
deep as 25,000 feet into the Earth’s upgrade and increasing the octane
interior. Sometimes crude oils is rating various types of gasoline.
secured by drilling a hole through the
earth, but more dry hole are drilling 56. Which of the following is not
than those producing oil. Pressure at true?
the source or pumping forces crude oil
to the surface. A. Crude oil is found below
Crude oil wells flow at varying land and water
rates, from ten thousands of barrels B. Crude oils is always found a
per hour. Petroleum product are few hundred feet below the
always measured in 42 – gallons surface
barrels. C. Pumping and pressure force
Petroleum product vary greatly crude oil to the surface
in physical appearance: thin, thick, D. A variety of petroleum
transparent or opaque, but regardless, products is obtained from
their chemical composition is made up crude oil
of only two elements: carbon and E. A residual fuel oil is used
hydrogen, which from compounds mostly for burning under
called hydrocarbons. Other chemical boilers
elements found in union with the
hydrocarbons are few and are 57. Many thousands of
classified as impurities. Trace elements hydrocarbon compounds are
are also found out these are of such possible because ……’
minutes quantities that they are
disregarded. The combination of A. The petroleum products vary
carbon and hydrogen forms many greatly in physical
thousands of compounds which are appearance
possible because of the various B. Complicated refining
positions and joining of these two process rearrange the
atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule. chemical structure

C. The two atoms in the E. Chemical elements found in
molecule assume many union with the hydrocarbon
positions are abundant
D. The pressure needed to
force it to the surface causes 59. How is crude oil brought to the
molecular transformation surface?
E. Some of which are used to
increasing the octane of the A. Expansion of the
gasoline hydrocarbons
B. Pressure and pumping
58. Which of the following is true? C. Vacuum created in the
drilling pipe
A. The various petroleum D. Expansion and contractions
products are produced by of the Earth’s surface
filtration E. By drilling and flowing
B. Heating and condensation
produce the various product 60. Which of the following is not
C. Chemical separation is used listed as light oil?
to produce the various
product A. Distillate oil
D. Mechanical means such as B. Gasoline
the centrifuge are used to C. Lubricating oil
produce the various D. Kerosene
products E. Heating oil

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2012

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Kesombongan membuat buta mata hati

Sebab, kesombongan adalah awal mula kehinaan diri

SECTION 1: STRUCTURE (1-40) E. in the meantime he has
Direction : Choose the correct moved
4. I wish someone answered my
1. “He has to take a TOEFL test call. It’s been ringing for about
before leaving for the US” five minutes.
“No _____ have to; he already The underline sentence means
took it a few months ago.” _______.

A. he ins’t A. someone will answer the

B. he doesn’t phone
C. he hasn’t B. someone had answer my call
D. he mustn’t C. the phone has stopped
E. he can’t ringing
D. no body answers the phone
2. ‘Have they taken the injured to E. i would answer the phone
the hospital ?’
The passive voice form of the 5. Either the management or the
sentence is ‘____?’ education system of our
institute ______ to be reviwed to
A. will the injured boy be taken the increase the number of
to the hospital graduates next year.
B. the injured boy is being
taken by them to the A. that needs
hospital B. need
C. is the injured boy taken to C. needing
the hospital D. they need
D. the injured boy has been E. needs
taken to the hospital
E. has the injured boy been 6. Speech consist not merely of
taken to the hospital sound but ______ that follow
various structural patterns.
3. Now that he has moves to my
town, we can see each other A. that sound patterns are
regularly. organized
the underline words means B. organized sound patterns
_____ to my town, we can see C. of organized sound patterns
each other regularly. D. organizing sound patterns
E. in organizing sound patterns
A. because he has moved
B. before he has moved 7. When I was child, I didn’t like to
C. although he has moved do house work, but my mother
D. provided that he has moved

had my room _____ before I A. refuse to work for bps
could go out to play. B. was probably accepted
C. is not working for bps
A. cleaned D. is still unemployed
B. to clean E. was certain accepted
C. cleaning
D. to be cleaned 11. ‘Ali often stays at home. Ali
E. being cleaned sometimes takes a walk.’
We can also say ________.
8. “Don’t make noise children,” she
said. In other words we say A. Ali llikes staying home than
_____. take a walk
B. Ali would rather staying
A. she told the children don’t home than taking a walk
make noise C. Ali prefers staying home
B. she told the children not to than taking a walk
make noise D. Ali prefers to stay home to
C. she said the children didn’t take a walk
make noise E. Ali prefers staying home to
D. she didn’t say the children taking a walk
should make noise
E. She didn’t say the children 12. The director of my company
to make noise keeps telling us that the more
we can sell our products,
9. STIS students _________. _______.

A. are intelligent, active and are A. then we can obtain more

diligence profits
B. are intelligent, are active, B. of course we can obtain
and are diligent more profit
C. are intelligence, active, and C. the more profits we can
dilligent obtain
D. are intelligent, active, and D. we are getting more profit
dilligent E. so we will get more profits
E. are intelligence, active, and
dilligence 13. Neither the other facilities ______
ensure a comfortable stay for
10. “was austin accepted at BPS ?” the guests.
“He might have been; I haven’t
seen him round for some time.” A. and also its service
From the sentence, we may B. nor its services
conclude that he _______. C. and not its service
D. or its hotel services

E. both its services 17. ‘if I hadn’t booked in advance, I
would have had difficulties in
14. although the couple has been getting good accommodation
married for five years, they are at a reasonable price.’
still ______. The sentence means: __________.

A. childless A. It was difficult to get a room

B. childness although I had reservation
C. childhood B. I found a room in advance
D. childish but it wasn’t comfortable
E. childbirth C. The room I got was good
but rather expensive
15. tyron : “We are D. I was lucky to get a good
manufactures of environment room without reservation
friendly appliances.” E. I got a good room, and I
Yumna : didn’t have to pay much
Tyron : “Well, research 18. Uniqua : “Hy, why do you
has shown that our products do look so sad? something
not demage the ozon layer.” wrong?”
The most appropriate respone Andika : “yeah, I wish I
by Yumna is : had time to have a date with
A. Sorry, I don’t quite follow From the dialogue we know that
you ________.
B. Could you say that again
please ? A. Uniqua promises to meet
C. Did you say ‘environment- Tasya
friendly’? B. Andika lost his chance to
D. What exactly do you mean meet Tasya
by ‘environment-friendly’ ? C. Both Uniqua and Andika will
E. That’s fabulous. I just cant’t visit Tasya
believe it. D. Andika and Uniqua have no
time for date
16. Mother ______ the food by the E. Neither Uniqua or Andika
time the children come home. has a date with Tasya

A. cooks 19. His father insisted on ________

B. cooked medicine because he thinks it
C. will have cooked will enable his son to help many
D. will cook people.
E. has cooked
A. he is to study

B. having studied 22. Pablo said, “I was not the
C. his studying winner.”
D. that he studies It means _______.
E. he is studying
A. Pablo wished that he is the
20. interested in developing winner
tourism in Indonesia, B. Pablo wished that he could
____________. be the winner
C. Pablo wished that he had
A. there is cooperation been the winner
between the government D. Pablo wished if he were the
and related education winner
centers E. Pablo wished if he is the
B. the establishmet of winner
cooperation between
government and related 23. These are just a few of the many
education centers has been norms that every member of
realized this society _______ expected to
C. cooperation between follow.
government and related
education centers has been A. was
established B. are
D. the government cooperates C. were
with related education D. be
centers E. is
E. it is necessary to establish
cooperation between the 24. “Is Gerard coming to the party
government and related tonight?”
centers of education “Yes he asked me ________.”

21. he did not pass his oral A. can he go with us?

examination because he was B. if he could go with us
either nervous ________. C. he went with us
D. going with us
A. or not well prepared E. whether he goes with us
B. or he did nor prepare
himself well 25. the workers are demanding not
C. and did not prepare well only a raise in salary but also
D. but he was not well ____.
E. but he was not well A. they want a longer annual
prepared leave

B. to have a longer annual
leave A. Incapability
C. a longer annual leave they B. Dissatisfaction
asked C. Uncertainty
D. a longer annual leave D. Disagreement
E. in getting a longer annual E. Possibility
29. “Can you accompany me to go
26. my friend said, “I have never shopping this afternoon?”
seen such a good film.” “I guess so. Pick me up at 2 p.m
From the above statement, we and I _____ home from school.”
may conclude that _______.
A. have come
A. It is the first time he see a B. am coming
film C. will have come
B. This is the best film he has D. will be coming
ever seen E. will have been coming
C. He seldom went to good
movies 30. Had our lecturer informed us in
D. The film he saw was a bad previous days that he would
one hold a test that day, we wuld
E. He has never seen bad films have prepared all out fot it.
before From this sentence, we know
that the speaker ______.
27. Because of this knowledge and
experience, Dr. Mario Sandy is A. failed to take the test
recognized as an _______ in the B. didn’t get a satisfyingresult
field of linguistics. of the test
C. got a good score in the test
A. Authorize D. had known about the test
B. Authorized E. had not taken the course
C. Authoritarian tested
D. Authority
E. Author 31. ‘Problem of transportation have
caused donated food and
28. Olla : “I never see you so clothing for the tsunami victims
nervous like this. What is to be piled up to airport.’
happening to you?” ‘I wish ______.’
Raffi : “I have to do this
complicated task but I don’t A. there are more volunteers to
know where to start.” help
The underlie words express B. the victims shouls not have
_________. worried

C. the government can ask for
help A. someone is going to mail
D. there were more helicopters the letters if he finished
available B. if finished I am going to mail
E. the problem will be solved the letters
immediately C. someone is going to mail
the letters unless I have
32. they have considered ________ finished sorting them out
down the factory because of D. someone is going to mail
continuous losses. letters for me
E. before being mailed, the
A. closing letters need to be sorted out
B. to close
C. they close 36. mother : “do you want
D. in closing meatballs or fried chicken?”
E. closed mother asked me _________.

33. participants of the state A. Whether I want meatballs or

university entrance test, _____ fried chicken
are high-school graduated from B. that I wanted meatballs or
java, are competing for a limited fried chicken
number of seats. C. Whether I wanted meatballs
or fried chicken
A. which most of them D. that I want meatballs or fried
B. great number chicken
C. most of who E. if I want meatballs or fried
D. the majority chicken
E. lot of them
37. they left two hours ago, so they
34. proponents of solar energy should be here soon. The
wonder ______ funded so few statement that is similar in
research projects. meaning : ______.

A. why the government has A. They left two hours ago, so

B. has the government they must be here soon
C. why has the government B. They left two hours ago, so
D. about the government they’re likely to be here soon
E. why the government was C. They left two hours ago, so
they’re ever here soon
35. At last I could finish sorting all D. They left two hours ago,so
this letters out, and I am going they will be here soon
to get them mailed right away.
The sentence means _______.

E. They left two hours ago,so B. There is no future for the
they must have been here nuclear power industry
soon C. Government insist on using
nuclear power as alternative
38. Nikita : “This telegram is for my energy
husband. He is out on duty.” D. People still prefer various
“What do you traditional kkinds of energy
recommend me to do?” E. Nuclear energy has many
Milka : “Why don’t you ring disadvantages over
him and tell him that a telegram traditional ones
has arrived?”
In the dialogue above, Nikita is SECTION 2: VOCABULARY (41-50)
asking for Milka’s _____.
A. curiosity In question 41-50 each sentence has
B. agreement an underlined word or phrase. Below
C. permission each sentence are five other words or
D. information phrases, marked A,B,C,D, and E. You
E. advice are to choose one word or phrase that
keeps the meaning of the original
39. “Until now I haven’t found any sentences if it subsitutes for the
decent place to live in” underlined word or phrase.
“__________” Pilih jawaban yang maknanya sama
dengan kata atau frasa yang
A. I don’t mind sharing my flat digarisbawahi pada tiap soal berikut
with you (41-50).
B. Well, I’m very fortunate
C. You have to find a better 41. We decide to pay for the
one furniture on the installment
D. You shouldn’t stay in your plan.
old place
E. I guess you like the place A. Cash and carry
don’t you B. Piece by piece
C. Credit card
40. Many people on the world are D. Bank note
againts the construction of E. Monthly payment
nuclear plants in their
neighborhood for fear of 42. Picasso was a well-known cubist
accidents that many harm their painter.
lives, nevertheless, ________’
A. Artistic
A. Most recently established B. Celebrated
stations are closed C. Colorful

D. Knowledgeable 47. The spy used a fictitious name
E. Brilliant while dealing with the enemy.

43. The inquiry concerning the A. Funny

accident was handled by the B. Real
police in chief. C. Foreign
D. Extraneous
A. Gossip E. False
B. Inquisitiveness
C. Recording 48. Marvin’s doctor said thet he was
D. Investigation obese and had to take
E. Eagerness immediate measures to correct
the problem.
44. Nearly half of the town’s
inhabitants are descendants of A. Anemic
indigenous civilizations. B. Tired
C. Corpulent
A. Native D. Petulant
B. Backward E. Captious
C. Hard-working
D. Poor 49. Many new mwdicines today
E. Diligent eradicate diseases before they
became too widespread.
45. That area of the country is laced
with large and often dangerous A. Identify
river. B. Prolong
C. Suspend
A. Decorated D. Attach
B. Evolved E. Wipe out
C. Diluted
D. Elaborated 50. She didn’t say much but her
E. Crisscrossed tone or voice insinuated more.

46. The tornado caused irreparable A. Blamed

demage to the Florida citrus B. Demanded
crop. C. Intervened
D. Suggested
A. Irresolute E. Expected
B. Irrecoverable
C. Irresponsible SECTION 3: READING
D. Irregular COMPREHENSION (51-60)
E. Unsettled Direction:

Question 51 through 55 are based place in the powerful nation devoted
on following reading. half as much money and effort to do
these problems as they do the space
The space race is not simply the race. For the first time in this history,
objective search for knowledge. It is man has the overwhelming
often made out to be. It is just technological recources to combat
extension of the race for power on human suffering, yet he wasted them
earth. Only the wealthiest nations can on meaningless pursuits.
complete, and they do so in the name
of scientific research. But in reality, all 51. According to the writer, the
they are interested in is power and object of space race should be
prestige. They want to impress us, their _____.
spectators with, a magnificent show of
strength. Man has played the power A. The search for scientific
game ever since he appeared on earth. knowledge
Now they are playing it as it has never B. The competition for power
been played before. The space race it C. The search for objects in
just another aspect of the age old space
argument that “might is right”. D. The extension of powerful
We are often told that race
technological know-how, acquired in E. The race for technological
attempting to get us into the orbit, will knowhow
be utilized to make life better on earth.
But what has the space race done to 52. The passage says that the
relieve the suffering of the earth’s wealthiest nations join the
starving millions? In what way has it space race in order to __________.
raised the standard of living of any one
of us? As far as the layman is A. Impress us with their
concerned, the practical result of all knowledge
the expenditure of money and effort B. Make the world better place
are negligible. Thanks to space C. Express their interest in
research, we can now see television scientific research
pictures transmitted live half-way D. Complete in the power
across the globe, and housewife can game
use non-stick frying-pans in the E. Make the better life of the
kitchen. The whole thing becomes nations
utterly absurd when you think that no
matter what problems man overcomes, 53. We may conclude that the
it is unlikely that he will ever be able to other countries do not
travel even the nearest star. participate in the space race
Poverty, hunger, disease, and because _____.
war are man’s greatest enemies, and
the world would be infinitely better

A. They are afraid to lose the villagerfrom selling his own house. So
power game the canny village builds a house next
B. They lack necessary his own, made entirely of teak, then
recsources and manpower sells it to one of the merchants who
C. They are not interested in drive up from Chiang Mai. This dealer
power and prestige merely dismantles it and carts away
D. They dont receive any the timber.
benefit from the space race The villagers normally have
E. They are focusing on large families, and they explain their
poverty alleviation need for an extra house to authorities
by claiming that they need more room
54. The word “meaningless for growing children. When they build
pursuits” refers to _____. the extra dwelling, they knock the nails
in lightly so the planks can easilu be
A. Powerfull nation removed.
B. Technological resources You may call it a cottage industry.
C. Man’s greatest enemies
D. Impossible race 56. The villagers ___________.
E. Space research
A. are not allowed to sell teak
55. The main idea of the third trees to dealers but they are
pararaph is ________. allowed to build their houses
out ot teak
A. The space race is a waste of B. are not allowed to chop
time and money down teak trees but are
B. Poverty, hunger, disesae, allowed to sell their own
and war are our greatest houses
enemies C. are not permitted to sell
C. Great nations should help to anything to dealers expect
relieve human suffering their own houses
D. Powerful nations should D. who are canny are allowed
devote half their money to to build their houses out of
space race teak and sell them
E. The technological resources E. are not allowed to build
are important in space race their houses our of teak and
sell them
Question 56 through 60 are based
on the following reading. 57. the word “canny” means ______.

The village of Van Hai in A. able

Thailand is sorrounded by valuable B. selfish
teak trees, but the sell to dealers. The C. evil
law, however, does not prevent a D. shrewd

E. egoistic C. usually have such large
families that they have to
58. the word “dismantles” means sell their own houses
______. D. are not allowed to deal with
A. Constructs E. need houses to be sold
B. decorates
C. disassembles 60. The villagers build the extra
D. dismisses dwellig _______.
E. collects
A. so as to provide more room
59. the villagers who explain their for their growing children
need for an extra house ________. B. which is called a cottage
A. usually have many children C. for the authorities
B. need more room for D. made of teak in order to sell
growing children it to dealers
E. by building the dwelling out
of teak trees

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2013

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Manusia yang berjiwa yang unggul

Selalu membuat rencana sebelum melakukan sesuatu

1. “When are you going to tell your E. Offering
sister the good news?”
“When she _____________ from her 5. Mrs. Tamara’s way of teaching and
business trip.” dealing with student _________ her
the name of model teacher.
A. Will be returning
B. Is going to return A. To have earned
C. Returns B. Have been earning
D. Was returning C. Have earned
E. Had returned D. Has earned
E. Has to earn
2. “Last year I didn’t have to pay from
my brother’s tuition fee.” 6. According to the latest issue of
“That’s great. I heard he ________ a journal of Indonesia Medical
scholarship from foreign university” Association, _________ can reduce
the risk sudden cardiac death in
A. Had received men.
B. Received
C. Was received A. Fish being eaten every week
D. Would receiving B. If we eat fish once a week
E. Has received C. To eat weekly fish
D. Fish to be eaten weekly
3. “The last three football match E. Eating fish just once a week
performances of PSSI were
disappointing.” 7. The curtains are dirty; we _________
“You’re right. ________, its manager at the dry cleaner’s
has contacted Nil Maizar, a
professional coach in football A. Must have washed them
training for next competition.” B. Have washed them
C. Must have them washed
A. So that D. Are washing them
B. In addition E. Washing them
C. Therefore
D. In spite of that 8. Prabu: “Ratu, are you going to let
E. More over me go without you?”
It means ____________
4. A few days after the interview I
received a letter _______ me a job A. Prabu asked whether Ratu is
going to let him go without her
A. Has offered B. Prabu asked Ratu to let him go
B. Offered without me
C. Being offered C. Prabu told Ratu she was going
D. It was offeing to let him go without her

D. Prabu asked Ratu if she was E. Listening to the radio and
going to let him go without her reading newspaper are John’s
E. Prabu asked if she was going to hobbies
let Ratu go without him
12. Gina is beautiful like her mother is.
9. The water flooding the street and The same structure with the
_________ caused people to panic sentence above is
and leave their valuable behind.
A. Gina is not so beautiful as her
A. It was the heavy storm mother
damaging the houses B. Gina is more beautiful than her
B. Also the heavy storm damaged mother
the houses C. Gina is not beautifu as her
C. The heavy storm damaging the mother
houses D. Gina is the most beuautiful
D. Because the heavy storm E. Gina is as beautiful as her
damaged the houses mother
E. The houses were damaged the
houses 13. He did not pass the oral
examination because he was either
10. “My car broke down this morning.” nervous _________
“It’s your own fault, you ________
your brother for advice before you A. Or he did not prepare himself
bought that used car.” well
B. And did not prepare well
A. Should have asked C. Also the preparation was not
B. Might ask good
C. Could ask D. Or not well prepared
D. May have asked E. But he was not well prepared
E. Must have asked 14. As soon as he saw an
advertisement offering a job that
11. “John prefers listening to the radio he is interested in, he immediately
than reading newspaper.” sent in an ________ letter.
This sentence means that
___________ A. Apply
B. Applicant
A. John always reads newspaper C. Application
B. John seldom listens to radio D. Applicate
C. John likes listening to the radio E. Applying
very much
D. John likes reading newspaper 15. Yunus: Dedi, let’s spend this
very much weekend fishing together. I have
found a good spot.

Dedi: I am sorry, I hate fishing A. We are living in a peaceful
From the above sentence, Dedi world
shows his ________ for fishing. B. We were living in a peaceful
A. Disagreement C. We are not living in peaceful
B. Dislike world
C. Disappointment D. We were not living in peaceful
D. Dissatisfaction world
E. Discontentment E. We will live in a peaceful world

16. The amazon valley is extremely 19. Since my father and my mother are
important for the ecology of the both working, we usually go
earth. Forty percent of the world’s ________ on Sundays.
oxygen ________ there.
A. To shop
A. Are being produced B. Shopping
B. Are produced C. They shop
C. Is being produced D. For shopping
D. Is produced E. Shop
E. Are produced
20. Due to monetary crisis, the number
17. Had he handed in the application, of people without jobs _________ at
he ________ last week. the moment.

A. Would be allowed to join the A. Increase

interview test B. Increased
B. Was being allowed to join the C. Is increasing
interview test D. As increased
C. Would have been allowed to E. Will increase
join me the interview test
D. He will have been allowed to 21. The explanation for strange
join me interview test phenomenon is that the human
E. He was allowed to join the mind can create actual changes in
interview test the body-chemistry as the result in
believes. If, ________, a person
18. A: More and more people have believes that certain medication
died as the victims of war. contains a substance that can
B: That’s terrible. I wish we were accomplish a specific need the
living in a world with no war or body tends to move to that
dispute between countries. The direction.
underline sentence means?
A. such as
B. in addition

C. for example 25. “I don’t see any direction to get the
D. in conclusion waterfall.”
E. therefore “_________ to show us the way.”

22. Tari: Why do you admire Mother A. Also there are no guides
Teresa so much? B. We can also not have guides
Susi: Don’t you know that she was C. Nor are there any guides
the woman __________. D. There are no guides
E. So guides are not there
A. that she didn’t recognize me
B. who dedicated her life to the 26. Hanna goes to school at 06.30;
poor Dody goes to school at 07.00; and I
C. whom the governor met at the go to school the earliest of all.
D. of which house was very A. I go to school after Hanna does
expensive B. Hanna goes to school after
E. whose farmland is owned by Dody does
her father C. Hanna is the latest of all
D. Dody is earlier than I am
23. Either the kids or their mother E. Hanna is earlier than Dody
________ worried about the father’s
critical condition. 27. Separated from each other by great
distances and naturally influenced
A. was by the speech of local people, each
B. be area slowly developed its own
C. were ________ characteristics to the point
D. being where separate languages include
E. she was national languages: Italian, French,
Spanisn, Portuguese, and
24. The teacher asked Sita, “Why did Rumanian.
you make mistakes?”
The teacher wondered ___________. A. distinctive
B. distinctness
A. Why she made many mistakes? C. distinction
B. Why she had made many D. distinctively
mistakes E. distinctiveness
C. Why did she made many
mistakes 28. They should have got out of their
D. Why had she made many house when the fire was spreading
mistakes to their neighbor’s house. From the
E. Why has she made many previous we may conclude that
mistakes ________.

A. they got trapped in the fire D. he did not forget his promises
B. they got succeeded in escaping E. he tried not to, forget his
rom the fire promises
C. they got out their house on
time 32. “Has there been a new policy about
D. the fire did not reach the house sick leaves?”
E. their neighbor’s house was not “I don’t know, I don’t remember
on fire ________ about it.”

29. The “for sale” sign is not there now, A. was being told
but it _______ as recently as last B. being told
week, so the car must have been C. I was being told
sold. D. to be told
E. be told
A. just there
B. would be there 33. “Have you seen Pak Imam about
C. was there our proposal?”
D. did be there “Yes I have and I asked him
E. it is there __________.”

30. “John had withdrawn all his money A. was our proposed budget
because he needed it for his feasible?
father’s operation.” B. that our proposed budget was
“_________” if his father’s health feasible
hadn’t been in such bad condition.” C. whether our proposed budget
was feasible
A. He would not take all his money D. how feasible was our proposed
B. He should take all his money budget
C. He did not take all his money E. our proposed budget was
D. He must have taken all his feasible
E. He wouldn’t have taken all his 34. I could not afford to buy that TV
money set until the price went down,
‘means’ ___________.
31. “He wishes he hadn’t forgotten his
promise.” A. when the price went down, I
This means that ________. bought the TV set
B. I did not buy the TV set because
A. he could not forget her its price never going down
promises C. I had already bought the TV set
B. he would not forget his because the price went down
C. he forgot his promises

D. the price of the TV set went E. Rini was unwilling to learn
down; however, I could bot buy French
E. after I bought the TV set, the 38. Fast food restaurants have become
price went down popular in big cities because many
people prefer _______ quickly.
35. “Jane had her father contact his
lawyer.” A. served
This sentence means _________. B. being served
C. serving
A. Jane and her father are D. they are served
contacting his lawyer E. be serving
B. Jane asked her father to contact
his lawyer 39. Monica: “I haven’t read today’s
C. the lawyer contacted Jane’s newspaper. Would you lending me,
father Anto?”
D. Jane’s father was contacted by Anto: “Here you are”
the lawyer The closest meaning for the
E. Jane I contacting her father’s underlined expression is _________
A. Monica asks Anto for lending
36. “What are you doing?” her newspaper
He wanted to know what _________. B. Anto wishes Monica lent him a
A. you are doing now C. Monica wants Anto to lend her
B. you were doing at once a newspaper
C. I am doing now D. Anto plans to lend her a
D. I was doing at the time newspaper
E. I am doing at that time E. Moniva wants to read a
37. “Rini can speak French now.”
“She must have earned it from her 40. Which one is the correct sentence?
From the dialogue we can conclude A. Dion plans to go to a nice place
that __________. around a lake in a small town in
A. Rini went to French to learn B. Dion plans to go to a nice place
French in small town in Sumatra
B. Rini’s mother can speak French around a lake
C. Rini had to learn French C. Around a lake Dion plans to go
D. Rini’s mother forcet Rini to learn to a nice place in small town in
French Sumatra

D. Dion plans to go to a nice place these smartly dressed people are
around a lake in Sumatra in a living in a luxurious life and often
small town spending their time and money
E. Dion plans to go to a nice in abroad. Meanwhile, many of their
Sumatra in a small town around fellow countrymen live in an abject
a lake poverty. Don’t they feel
Reading I
(For question no. 41-44) 41. “It is a sad state of affairs when we
learn from the print and electronic
Bloating Children and Corruptors media that many skinny children in
It is a sad state of affairs when many places in Indonesia are lying
we learn from the print and helplessly…”
electronic media that many skinny This part of text is called the ….
children in many places in
Indonesia are lying helplessly with A. sequence of explanation
bloated bellies, in severely B. description
malnourished condition. Ironically, C. identification
we also have learned from the D. thesis
same print and electronic media E. event
reports about massive graft
involving huge amounts of money, 42. What is the purpose of the above
perpetrated by smartly dressed, text?
smug officials.
It will not be an odd thing if A. to tell the reader that there are
there are some people who many corruptors in Indonesia
question whether or not these B. to persuade the government
smartly dressed and smug officials to stop corruption
corruptors who hold office in C. to persuade corruptors to
government and legislative donate their money to the poor
agencies have ever learned of these D. to explain the process of the
cases of malnutrition, bloated corruption
bellies and poverty, which are E. to describe Indonesia
rampant in this country. It seems corruptors
that these people have lost fraction
of their conscience to take pity on 43. “Ironically, we also have learned
their fellow creatures that have from the same print and electronic
been beset by such misfortune. media…”
These people should have The word “we” refers to ….
realized that their disgusting
corruption has sent many of their A. the listeners and the readers
fellow countrymen to the abyss of B. the writer and the presenters
poverty. Unfortunately, in reality, C. the viewers and the writers

D. the readers and the writers else’s boring conversation. Another
E. the presenter and the readers disadvantage is that people can
contact you anywhere at any time,
44. “These people should have realized unless you switch off your phone
that their disgusting corruption has off!
sent many of their fellow In conclusion, there are both
countrymen to abyss of poverty …” advantages and disadvantages of
This part of the text is called the…. mobile phones. Personally, I feel
mobile phones are a good thing
A. coda because they give us more freedom
B. reiteration and make communication easier.
C. conclusion
D. re-orientation 45. What is the text about?
E. recommendation
A. Mobile phone at school
Reading 2 B. The use of mobile phones
(For question no. 45-50) C. The importance of
Mobile Phones: Good or Bad? communication
D. The good and bad sides of
Everywhere you go nowadays, mobile phones
you see people using mobile E. The vast development of
phones. From school children to communication technology
retired people, you see them
talking in a super market on the 46. What is the purpose of the text?
trains, in the street, everywhere! so
what are tha advantages of mobile A. to critic an art work
phones? B. to entertain the readers
First of all, they are very convenient C. to describe a particular thing
because you can phone nearly D. to explain a communicating
anywhere. Another advantage is process
that they are really useful in E. to discuss an issue from two
emergency situations. For example, different point of view
if you are alone in your car, and it
breaks down, you can get help 47. Why are mobile phones very
quickly. In addition, you can also convenient?
use your mobile to text or connect
to internet. A. We can phone from almost
However, there are every place
disadvantages such as the cost. B. They are expensive gadgets
Mobile phone calls cost more than C. We can send message quickly
normal calls. Furthermore, it can be D. We can bring them everywhere
annoying if you are in the train or a E. They are very useful
bus, and you have to listen to some

48. Why can mobile phones sometimes ticket stubs, and cigarette butts.
annoy us? Debris means ________.

A. They spend less money A. products

B. We can bring them everywhere B. packs
C. People can contact us C. papers
anywhere, at any time D. rubbish
D. We can send message quickly E. pieces
E. They are quite expensive
52. For his weak stomach, Mario ate a
49. Which of the following is NOT a bland diet of white bread, rice, and
disadvantage of mobile phones? mashed potatoes, Bland means
A. The mobile phones are most
costly A. spicy
B. The mobile phone can be B. varied
annoying C. mild
C. You are contactable everywhere D. stir
D. It saves your time in an E. health
emergency situation
E. None of the above 53. After the terrorist are arrested, the
FBI found in his apartment a large
50. What is the writer’s opinion about collection of lethal weapons,
mobile phones? including machine guns and
explosives. Lethal means ________.
A. They have the advantages and
disadvantages A. deadly
B. They make communication B. harmless
easier C. poisonous
C. They can be connected to the D. noisy
internet E. intrepid
D. They spend much money
E. They make us busy 54. My uncle often has embarrassing
mishaps, such as backing his car
For question no. 51-60: into the side of his boss’s Cadillac
Underline the examples that and hurting himself while trying to
suggest the meaning of italicized term. walk through a glass door. Mishap
Then choose the answer that means _______.
correspond to the letter of the answer
you have chosen. A. lever moves
B. accidents
51. The debris in the stadium stands C. fools
included numerous paper cups, D. projects

E. deliberation E. people who live inside their
55. The death of a child and the death
of a spouse are two of the life’s 58. A transaction, such as buying or
most traumatic experiences. selling a product, is the most basic
Traumatic means _______. part of an economy. Transaction
means _________.
A. rare
B. spoiling A. profit
C. painful B. loss
D. interesting C. business opponent
E. considerable D. business deal
E. balance
56. Many people take a dietary
supplements – for example, extra 59. For centuries, scientist have kept
calcium or large doses of vitamin C extensive records on Halley’s
– in the belief that they will cure or comet, including long, detailed list
prevent disease. exactly when and where the comet
Supplement means ________. was seen. Extensive means ________.

A. additions A. large in amount

B. losses B. done quickly
C. preservatives C. far away
D. addictives D. very deep
E. essence E. abundant

57. Some American artists and writers 60. There are hundreds of different
choose to become exiles after kinds of retailers, ranging from wig
World War I. These people moved shops and frozen yoghurt stands to
to Paris and never returned to the car dealerships and department
United States. Exiles means stores. Retailer means ______.
A. end-users
A. people who love their country B. business that sell directly to
B. people who live outside their users
country C. business that make products
C. people who criticize their D. manufactures
country E. business that sell in a big party
D. people who can’t stand their

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2014

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Kemasi tasmu, sekerat roti dan beberapa buku. Lalu pergilah,

bersama di barisan orang-orang yang berjuang.

1. The reading habit _______ D. he forgot his promise
nowadays: the students read E. he could not forget his
more from their gadget than promise
from books and other
printed materials. 5. The only solution is _________.

A. is changing A. lowering the standards

B. changes B. for lowering the
C. changed standards
D. have changed C. to lower the standards
E. has changed D. being lowered
E. by lower the standard
2. The Grand Canyon _______
thousands of tourists every 6. ‘Do you teach all the tourists
year. how to do batik painting?’
‘No, only those ________ in
A. views batik.’
B. was viewed by
C. viewed A. interested
D. view B. interest
E. is viewed by C. interesting
D. to be interested
3. A presidential candidate E. to be interesting
boasts in a campaign. “If I
_______ president, I ______ the 7. Joey lost a fortune in the
social security system.” stock market, __________ he
still seems able to live quite
A. become; will change comfortably.
B. became; will change
C. will become; will change A. though
D. would become; would B. and
change C. but
E. am; will change D. also
E. as well as
4. He wishes he hadn’t
forgotten his promise. This 8. He literally stitched mail
means that _______. sacks _________

A. he tried not to forget his A. when his finger bled

promise B. after his finger bled
B. he did not forget his C. before his finger bled
promise D. until his finger bled
C. he forgets his promise E. upon his finger bled

C. man-made
9. Producing fine paintings D. that is man-made
_________ skill and creativity. E. man-making

A. require 13. Anto: Excuse me, Tanti

B. requires Tanti: Yes?
C. is required Anto: I wonder if you could
D. it’s required lend me your algebra book. I
E. requiring am doing my homework.
Tanti: Oh sure. Here it is.
10. It is believe that ________ city
of Damascus will take a long The underlined expression is
time to rebuild. used to express
A. it is tremendously A. Giving permission
damage B. Certainly
B. the tremendously C. Pleasure
damaged D. Capability
C. the damage is E. Possiblity
D. the tremendously 14. I __________ English for seven
damaging years now.
E. it is the tremendously
damaged A. learn
B. have learned
11. We can rebuild. Enlarge the C. was learning
containment field. Make it D. learned
___________ than ever! But we E. have been learning
need money.
15. Before I ________ to London, I
A. big and strong ___________ learning English.
B. big and stronger
C. much more bigger and A. had gone; enjoyed
stronger B. went: did not enjoy
D. bigger and stronger C. went; had not enjoyed
E. much big and strong D. would have gone; have
not enjoyed
12. The first ____________ river E. would go; never enjoy
was Citamba located in
Kuningan West Java. 16. The metal beams ________
the saltwater.
A. made by man
B. making man A. eventually corrode

B. eventually corrodes health, before even diet or
C. has been eventually exercise.
corroded by
D. were eventually corroded A. contribute
by B. contribution
E. is eventually corroded by C. contributing
D. contributory
17. If we _______ this coming E. contributed
match, we _______ for the
semifinals. 21. That is not what I meant to
say, _________ should you
A. won; were qualified interpret my statement as an
B. had won; would have admission of guilt.
been qualified
C. would win; will be A. and
qualified B. but
D. win; will be qualified C. or
E. would have won; shall D. that
qualified E. nor

18. Suppose she __________ here. 22. Because of the accident, the
What would you say? car __________ has broken
A. is
B. was A. which your wife sold to
C. were me last week
D. is being B. since your wife sold to
E. will be me last week
C. as your wife sold to me
19. ________ in advance last week
somehow makes him D. while your wife sold to
smarter in almost all lessons me last week
in class. E. did your wife sell to me
last week
A. Preparing
B. To prepare 23. Each of delegates at the
C. By preparing International Conference for
D. Prepares women read a statement of
E. Prepared policy from __________
20. Scientists believe that sleep
is the single most important A. theirs
factor _______ to general B. their

C. hers 27. Change this indirect speech
D. her into the direct one!
E. his The teacher advised Joko
not to be lazy.
24. They own an ________________
cutting knife. A. The teacher said, “Not to
be lazy.”
A. enormous and long- B. The teacher said, “Do not
handled to be lazy.”
B. enormous also long- C. The teacher said, “Lazy
handled do not be.”
C. enormous but long- D. The teacher said, “You
handled not lazy.”
D. enormous with long- E. The teacher said, “Do not
handled be lazy.”
E. enormous, long-handled
28. The way Prof. Molenberghs
25. Rian: ‘Why did Ria fail in the teaches Mathematics not
oral test?’ only keeps the student’s
Eko: ‘It was because ______’ interest _____________

A. she answered nervously A. and also increasing their

the question motivation
B. she nervously answered B. but increase their
the question motivation as well
C. nervously the answered C. and also to increase their
the question motivation
D. she answered the D. and he also increasing
questioned nervously their motivation
E. the question she E. and also increasing their
answered nervously motivation

26. The school director had had 29. The water flooding the street
the students __________ their and ____ caused people to
lessons before the exam panic and leave their
begin. valuable behind. (M)

A. to review A. it was heavy storm

B. reviewing damaging houses
C. reviewed B. also the heavy storm
D. review getting the house
E. reviews damages

C. the heavy storm C. Childhood
damaging the house D. Childless
D. because the heavy storm E. Childness
damaged the houses
E. the houses were 34. Our new principal, who was not
damages by heavy storm used to _______ different
arguments, was quite skeptic
30. When we lived in Boston, we looking at the criticism about
_______ in the restaurant next him.
to our flat.
A. Having
A. often ate B. Have
B. often eat C. be having
C. were used to eat D. be had
D. would often eat E. being had
E. have often eaten
35. The craft was the first really
31. According to him, watchin a _________ airship.
football game is as interesting A. Success
as _________. B. Succeed
C. Succeeded
A. the playing of basketball D. Succeessful
B. when he plays basketball E. Successfully
C. when playing basketball
D. playin basketball 36. Rustam: “Why are you
E. played basketball sneezing?”
Effendi: “I am allergic to smoke.”
32. If we knew what we were doing, Rustam:”Oh, _________ for
it would not be called research, causing you such inconvenience.”
________ (Albert Einstein).
A. Would you mind
A. is it? B. May I be excused
B. isn’t it? C. I’m terribly sorry
C. wouldn’t it? D. I beg you to apologize
D. would we? E. Please excuse me
E. would it?
37. While at the moment I _________
33. Although the coupe has been English grammar, I ________ to
married for five years, they are read the texts in my English
still ________. textbooks again.

A. Childish A. am revising; have already

B. Childbirth begun

B. revise; begin A. the strong support from
C. have been revising; all the members of her
began family
D. revise; am beginning B. she is also supported by
E. am revising; am all the members of her
beginning family
C. all the members of the
38. People would not need to take family strongly support
time off work ___________. her to
D. she has the strong
A. if were they not sick support from all the
B. if they are not sick members of her family
C. should they not be sick E. there is strong support
D. Had they not been sick from all the members of
E. Were they not sick her family

39. He requested that the car park 42. Please tell me

__________ locked at night. ______________________.

A. should not be A. why does Hamid hope

B. not to be his international
C. did not experience will help him
D. is not being B. why is Hamid hope his
E. was not international experience
will help him
40. ‘He needs a visa because he is C. why Hamid hopes his
foreigner.’ We can also say,’ international experience
________ he needs a visa.’ will help him
D. why Hamid is hoped his
A. being a foreigner international experience
B. to be foreigner will help him
C. having been a foreigner E. why Hamid hopes his
D. in being a foreigner international experience
E. by being a foreigner helps him will

41. ‘I wondered how Azizah will 43. Neither the students nor their
ever manage the business after headmaster ________ at the
her father died in the tsunami in school meeting since 8 AM.
Aceh. She has both the
expertise in running the A. are
business and ______. B. have been
C. was
D. has been

E. will have been C. Hasan said, “I would give
you a pen.”
44. _______ is a beautiful island rich D. Hasan said, “He would
in culture has been confirmed give you a pen.”
by tourist from around the E. Hasan said, “I will give
world. him a pen.”

A. Bali 47. ‘I wonder why Fadelia has not

B. Whether Bali contacted me for so long’ ‘She
C. If Bali _________ busy looking after her
D. That Bali two year-old daughter as her
E. How Bali baby sitter has resigned.’

45. ‘Mother has an interior A. has to be

decorator design the living B. should have been
room’. It means that _______. C. might have been
D. must be
A. Mother has to design the E. must have been
living room
B. Mother has asked the 48. Father: ‘Which one do you want
interior decorator to for your birthday present,
design the living room Pahlevina, a pir of shoes or a
C. The living room has dress?’
already been designed Pahleviana: I’d rather have a
by an interior decorator dress than a pair of shoes.”
D. Mother has designed the From the dialogue above we
living room as the know that Pahleviana
interior decorator ___________.
E. The interior decorator A. prefers to have a dress
asked the mother rather than a pair of
whether she can design shoes
the living room B. prefers a dress than a
pair of shoes
46. Change this indirect speech into C. prefers a dress to a pair
the direct one! of shoes
Hasan said that he would give D. prefers have dress to a
me a pen pair of shoes
E. prefers having a dress
A. Hasan said, “I will give than a pair of shoes
you a pen.”
B. Hasan said, “He will give
you a pen.”

49. Dani: “Why are you here? You Expert have expressed their
are supposed to be at your concern that the country could lose its
statistics class, aren’t you? opportunity to reap benefits from the
Jacob: “I wish there were no so-called demographic dividend
statistics class today. I have to unless the government invested more
bring my parents to the in projects to improve human resource
hospital.” capital. While the other fast-growing
From the underlying sentence economics in the region, including
we may conclude that China and Japan, fast a graying
__________. population, Indonesia is blessed with
60 percent of its 240 million people
A. Jacob had no statistics being under 30 years age.
class today Indonesia is expected to reap
B. Jacob has no statistics the benefits of a young population
class today until 2025, after which the trend will
C. Dani had no statistics reverse and the population start to
class today age. “The government should really
D. Jacob has statistics class focus on improving the quality of our
today human resources to create high
E. Dani has statistics class employment and productivity during
today the peak period of this demographic
situation,” the Bandung Institute of
50. The excellence of gift a lies in Technology (ITB) researcher Haryo
how appropriate it is __________. Winarso said recently.
Public policy expert Sofian
A. more than how valuable Effendi said the demographic dividend
it is which should be reaped between 2020
B. rather than how valuable and 2030, would allow Indonesia to
it is have a massive, young, productive
C. how valuable it is labor force with a low dependency
D. over how valuable it is ratio of 44 percent. “However, the
E. than how valuable it is main problem is that Indonesia lacks
skilled and effective workers,” he said.
VOCABULARY and READING According to a 2012 survey
COMPREHENSION conducted by the Swiss-based
International Institute for Management
In this section you will read several Development in 59 countries around
articles. Please read them carefully and the world, Indonesia ranked as one of
choos the most correct answer on A, B, the lowest in terms of human resource
C, D, or E productivity. The survey also reported
that most Indonesian workers toiled
Reading 1. for long hours but only produced
small gains.

“The survey reveals that most C. the condition that there
workers in Indonesia are junior high are less young
school graduates with low levels of productive than other
efficiency and knowledge,” he said. age group
Anies Baswedan, the founder of D. a small youn potential
Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia group of workers
Teaches), a foundation that sends top E. population opportunity
university graduates to teach in the to reap with a long
country’s remote areas, said the precaution only
demographic dividend could also be a
curse due to problems in the country’s 53. The 2012 survey says that
educational system. Indonesia belongs to the group
*adapted from: The Jakarta Post, of countries with the lowest
Jakarta |Headlines| Mon, August 26 productivity due to ____________.
2013,- Headline News
A. short working hours and
51. To be able to reap from its producing so little
people, the article tells us that B. low level of education on
Indonesian government should the average
_________. C. massive young potential
but no low qualification
A. pay more attention to all D. low level of efficiency
people compared to that of
B. pay attention to the other countries
quality of the women E. low competitiveness as
C. invest more on its the result of educational
massive young potential system
human resources
D. see the opportunity to 54. It is said that the major problem
reap with precaution that could slow Indonesia to
E. benefit from its huge have demographic dividend is
number of population __________.

52. From the reading above we A. too many people in

learn that demographic remote areas
dividend is _________. B. the school facilities are
A. when Indonesia could C. the government should
benefit from its see the opportunity to
productive labor force reap with precaution
B. too many old people out D. that Indonesia should
of the total population learn from other

E. most workers are Junior
high school graduates or A. rapid economic growth
less B. fast-food economies
C. economically efficient
55. Choose the most appropriate D. beneficial economies
conclusion for the above articles E. free trade economies

A. Demographic dividend is 58. The expression “public policy”

only an expectation to means ________.
B. Indonesia is expected to A. general law
enjoy demographic B. policies for the benefit
bonus during 2020-2030 for all people
C. Demographic dividend if C. policies made by people
only the massive young D. public decision
potential is in a good E. public interest
D. Indonesia is left behind 59. The word “curse” in the final
compared to other paragraph means __________.
E. the big problem remains A. fortune
on the educational B. negative consequence
system C. magic
D. good luck
56. Most of Indonesian workers E. blessing
toiled for long hours but only
produced small gains. The bold 60. The closest meaning of the
term means __________. word “lacks” in the third
paragraph is __________.
A. working for long time
B. working hard A. enough
C. sweat too much B. sufficient
D. working enthusiastically C. proper
E. working only few hours D. inadequate
E. just right
57. The expression “fast-growing
economies” means ____________.

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2015

Waktu : 60 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Kesuksesan berawal dari ketekunan

Keberhasilan berawal dari keingintahuan

31. The reading habit _______ I. he forgot his promise
nowadays: the students read J. he could not forget his
more from their gadget than promise
from books and other
printed materials. 35. The only solution is _________.

F. is changing F. lowering the standards

G. changes G. for lowering the
H. changed standards
I. have changed H. to lower the standards
J. has changed I. being lowered
J. by lower the standard
32. The Grand Canyon _______
thousands of tourists every 36. ‘Do you teach all the tourists
year. how to do batik painting?’
‘No, only those ________ in
F. views batik.’
G. was viewed by
H. viewed F. interested
I. view G. interest
J. is viewed by H. interesting
I. to be interested
33. A presidential candidate J. to be interesting
boasts in a campaign. “If I
_______ president, I ______ the 37. Joey lost a fortune in the
social security system.” stock market, __________ he
still seems able to live quite
F. become; will change comfortably.
G. became; will change
H. will become; will change F. though
I. would become; would G. and
change H. but
J. am; will change I. also
J. as well as
34. He wishes he hadn’t
forgotten his promise. This 38. He literally stitched mail
means that _______. sacks _________

F. he tried not to forget his F. when his finger bled

promise G. after his finger bled
G. he did not forget his H. before his finger bled
promise I. until his finger bled
H. he forgets his promise J. upon his finger bled

H. man-made
39. Producing fine paintings I. that is man-made
_________ skill and creativity. J. man-making

F. require 43. Anto: Excuse me, Tanti

G. requires Tanti: Yes?
H. is required Anto: I wonder if you could
I. it’s required lend me your algebra book. I
J. requiring am doing my homework.
Tanti: Oh sure. Here it is.
40. It is believe that ________ city
of Damascus will take a long The underlined expression is
time to rebuild. used to express
F. it is tremendously F. Giving permission
damage G. Certainly
G. the tremendously H. Pleasure
damaged I. Capability
H. the damage is J. Possiblity
I. the tremendously 44. I __________ English for seven
damaging years now.
J. it is the tremendously
damaged F. learn
G. have learned
41. We can rebuild. Enlarge the H. was learning
containment field. Make it I. learned
___________ than ever! But we J. have been learning
need money.
45. Before I ________ to London, I
F. big and strong ___________ learning English.
G. big and stronger
H. much more bigger and F. had gone; enjoyed
stronger G. went: did not enjoy
I. bigger and stronger H. went; had not enjoyed
J. much big and strong I. would have gone; have
not enjoyed
42. The first ____________ river J. would go; never enjoy
was Citamba located in
Kuningan West Java. 46. The metal beams ________
the saltwater.
F. made by man
G. making man F. eventually corrode

G. eventually corrodes health, before even diet or
H. has been eventually exercise.
corroded by
I. were eventually corroded F. contribute
by G. contribution
J. is eventually corroded by H. contributing
I. contributory
47. If we _______ this coming J. contributed
match, we _______ for the
semifinals. 51. That is not what I meant to
say, _________ should you
F. won; were qualified interpret my statement as an
G. had won; would have admission of guilt.
been qualified
H. would win; will be F. and
qualified G. but
I. win; will be qualified H. or
J. would have won; shall I. that
qualified J. nor

48. Suppose she __________ here. 52. Because of the accident, the
What would you say? car __________ has broken
F. is
G. was F. which your wife sold to
H. were me last week
I. is being G. since your wife sold to
J. will be me last week
H. as your wife sold to me
49. ________ in advance last week
somehow makes him I. while your wife sold to
smarter in almost all lessons me last week
in class. J. did your wife sell to me
last week
F. Preparing
G. To prepare 53. Each of delegates at the
H. By preparing International Conference for
I. Prepares women read a statement of
J. Prepared policy from __________
50. Scientists believe that sleep
is the single most important F. theirs
factor _______ to general G. their

H. hers 57. Change this indirect speech
I. her into the direct one!
J. his The teacher advised Joko
not to be lazy.
54. They own an ________________
cutting knife. F. The teacher said, “Not to
be lazy.”
F. enormous and long- G. The teacher said, “Do not
handled to be lazy.”
G. enormous also long- H. The teacher said, “Lazy
handled do not be.”
H. enormous but long- I. The teacher said, “You
handled not lazy.”
I. enormous with long- J. The teacher said, “Do not
handled be lazy.”
J. enormous, long-handled
58. The way Prof. Molenberghs
55. Rian: ‘Why did Ria fail in the teaches Mathematics not
oral test?’ only keeps the student’s
Eko: ‘It was because ______’ interest _____________

F. she answered nervously F. and also increasing their

the question motivation
G. she nervously answered G. but increase their
the question motivation as well
H. nervously the answered H. and also to increase their
the question motivation
I. she answered the I. and he also increasing
questioned nervously their motivation
J. the question she J. and also increasing their
answered nervously motivation

56. The school director had had 59. The water flooding the street
the students __________ their and ____ caused people to
lessons before the exam panic and leave their
begin. valuable behind. (M)

F. to review F. it was heavy storm

G. reviewing damaging houses
H. reviewed G. also the heavy storm
I. review getting the house
J. reviews damages

H. the heavy storm H. Childhood
damaging the house I. Childless
I. because the heavy storm J. Childness
damaged the houses
J. the houses were 64. Our new principal, who was not
damages by heavy storm used to _______ different
arguments, was quite skeptic
60. When we lived in Boston, we looking at the criticism about
_______ in the restaurant next him.
to our flat.
F. Having
F. often ate G. Have
G. often eat H. be having
H. were used to eat I. be had
I. would often eat J. being had
J. have often eaten
65. The craft was the first really
61. According to him, watchin a _________ airship.
football game is as interesting F. Success
as _________. G. Succeed
H. Succeeded
F. the playing of basketball I. Succeessful
G. when he plays basketball J. Successfully
H. when playing basketball
I. playin basketball 66. Rustam: “Why are you
J. played basketball sneezing?”
Effendi: “I am allergic to smoke.”
62. If we knew what we were doing, Rustam:”Oh, _________ for
it would not be called research, causing you such inconvenience.”
________ (Albert Einstein).
F. Would you mind
F. is it? G. May I be excused
G. isn’t it? H. I’m terribly sorry
H. wouldn’t it? I. I beg you to apologize
I. would we? J. Please excuse me
J. would it?
67. While at the moment I _________
63. Although the coupe has been English grammar, I ________ to
married for five years, they are read the texts in my English
still ________. textbooks again.

F. Childish F. am revising; have already

G. Childbirth begun

G. revise; begin F. the strong support from
H. have been revising; all the members of her
began family
I. revise; am beginning G. she is also supported by
J. am revising; am all the members of her
beginning family
H. all the members of the
68. People would not need to take family strongly support
time off work ___________. her to
I. she has the strong
F. if were they not sick support from all the
G. if they are not sick members of her family
H. should they not be sick J. there is strong support
I. Had they not been sick from all the members of
J. Were they not sick her family

69. He requested that the car park 72. Please tell me

__________ locked at night. ______________________.

F. should not be F. why does Hamid hope

G. not to be his international
H. did not experience will help him
I. is not being G. why is Hamid hope his
J. was not international experience
will help him
70. ‘He needs a visa because he is H. why Hamid hopes his
foreigner.’ We can also say,’ international experience
________ he needs a visa.’ will help him
I. why Hamid is hoped his
F. being a foreigner international experience
G. to be foreigner will help him
H. having been a foreigner J. why Hamid hopes his
I. in being a foreigner international experience
J. by being a foreigner helps him will

71. ‘I wondered how Azizah will 73. Neither the students nor their
ever manage the business after headmaster ________ at the
her father died in the tsunami in school meeting since 8 AM.
Aceh. She has both the
expertise in running the F. are
business and ______. G. have been
H. was
I. has been

J. will have been H. Hasan said, “I would give
you a pen.”
74. _______ is a beautiful island rich I. Hasan said, “He would
in culture has been confirmed give you a pen.”
by tourist from around the J. Hasan said, “I will give
world. him a pen.”

F. Bali 77. ‘I wonder why Fadelia has not

G. Whether Bali contacted me for so long’ ‘She
H. If Bali _________ busy looking after her
I. That Bali two year-old daughter as her
J. How Bali baby sitter has resigned.’

75. ‘Mother has an interior F. has to be

decorator design the living G. should have been
room’. It means that _______. H. might have been
I. must be
F. Mother has to design the J. must have been
living room
G. Mother has asked the 78. Father: ‘Which one do you want
interior decorator to for your birthday present,
design the living room Pahlevina, a pir of shoes or a
H. The living room has dress?’
already been designed Pahleviana: I’d rather have a
by an interior decorator dress than a pair of shoes.”
I. Mother has designed the From the dialogue above we
living room as the know that Pahleviana
interior decorator ___________.
J. The interior decorator F. prefers to have a dress
asked the mother rather than a pair of
whether she can design shoes
the living room G. prefers a dress than a
pair of shoes
76. Change this indirect speech into H. prefers a dress to a pair
the direct one! of shoes
Hasan said that he would give I. prefers have dress to a
me a pen pair of shoes
J. prefers having a dress
F. Hasan said, “I will give than a pair of shoes
you a pen.”
G. Hasan said, “He will give
you a pen.”

79. Dani: “Why are you here? You opportunity to reap benefits from the
are supposed to be at your so-called demographic dividend
statistics class, aren’t you? unless the government invested more
Jacob: “I wish there were no in projects to improve human resource
statistics class today. I have to capital. While the other fast-growing
bring my parents to the economics in the region, including
hospital.” China and Japan, fast a graying
From the underlying sentence population, Indonesia is blessed with
we may conclude that 60 percent of its 240 million people
__________. being under 30 years age.
Indonesia is expected to reap
F. Jacob had no statistics the benefits of a young population
class today until 2025, after which the trend will
G. Jacob has no statistics reverse and the population start to
class today age. “The government should really
H. Dani had no statistics focus on improving the quality of our
class today human resources to create high
I. Jacob has statistics class employment and productivity during
today the peak period of this demographic
J. Dani has statistics class situation,” the Bandung Institute of
today Technology (ITB) researcher Haryo
Winarso said recently.
80. The excellence of gift a lies in Public policy expert Sofian
how appropriate it is __________. Effendi said the demographic dividend
which should be reaped between 2020
F. more than how valuable and 2030, would allow Indonesia to
it is have a massive, young, productive
G. rather than how valuable labor force with a low dependency
it is ratio of 44 percent. “However, the
H. how valuable it is main problem is that Indonesia lacks
I. over how valuable it is skilled and effective workers,” he said.
J. than how valuable it is According to a 2012 survey
conducted by the Swiss-based
VOCABULARY and READING International Institute for Management
COMPREHENSION Development in 59 countries around
In this section you will read several the world, Indonesia ranked as one of
articles. Please read them carefully and the lowest in terms of human resource
choos the most correct answer on A, B, productivity. The survey also reported
C, D, or E that most Indonesian workers toiled
for long hours but only produced
Reading 1. small gains.
Expert have expressed their “The survey reveals that most
concern that the country could lose its workers in Indonesia are junior high

school graduates with low levels of productive than other
efficiency and knowledge,” he said. age group
Anies Baswedan, the founder of I. a small youn potential
Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia group of workers
Teaches), a foundation that sends top J. population opportunity
university graduates to teach in the to reap with a long
country’s remote areas, said the precaution only
demographic dividend could also be a
curse due to problems in the country’s 83. The 2012 survey says that
educational system. Indonesia belongs to the group
*adapted from: The Jakarta Post, of countries with the lowest
Jakarta |Headlines| Mon, August 26 productivity due to ____________.
2013,- Headline News
F. short working hours and
81. To be able to reap from its producing so little
people, the article tells us that G. low level of education on
Indonesian government should the average
_________. H. massive young potential
but no low qualification
F. pay more attention to all I. low level of efficiency
people compared to that of
G. pay attention to the other countries
quality of the women J. low competitiveness as
H. invest more on its the result of educational
massive young potential system
human resources
I. see the opportunity to 84. It is said that the major problem
reap with precaution that could slow Indonesia to
J. benefit from its huge have demographic dividend is
number of population __________.

82. From the reading above we F. too many people in

learn that demographic remote areas
dividend is _________. G. the school facilities are
F. when Indonesia could H. the government should
benefit from its see the opportunity to
productive labor force reap with precaution
G. too many old people out I. that Indonesia should
of the total population learn from other
H. the condition that there countries
are less young

J. most workers are Junior
high school graduates or F. rapid economic growth
less G. fast-food economies
H. economically efficient
85. Choose the most appropriate I. beneficial economies
conclusion for the above articles J. free trade economies

F. Demographic dividend is 88. The expression “public policy”

only an expectation to means ________.
G. Indonesia is expected to F. general law
enjoy demographic G. policies for the benefit
bonus during 2020-2030 for all people
H. Demographic dividend if H. policies made by people
only the massive young I. public decision
potential is in a good J. public interest
I. Indonesia is left behind 89. The word “curse” in the final
compared to other paragraph means __________.
J. the big problem remains F. fortune
on the educational G. negative consequence
system H. magic
I. good luck
86. Most of Indonesian workers J. blessing
toiled for long hours but only
produced small gains. The bold 90. The closest meaning of the
term means __________. word “lacks” in the third
paragraph is __________.
F. working for long time
G. working hard F. enough
H. sweat too much G. sufficient
I. working enthusiastically H. proper
J. working only few hours I. inadequate
J. just right
87. The expression “fast-growing
economies” means ____________.

Soal Bahasa Inggris USM STIS 2016

Waktu Pengerjaan : 90 Menit


 Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban masing masing

diberi kode A, B, C, D atau E. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan
lingkaran yang berisi kode jawaban yang saudara anggap benar pada lembar
jawaban computer (LJK)

 Nilai Jawaban tiap soal adalah :

2 untuk jawaban benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban salah

 Mengganti jawaban dilakukan dengan cara melingkari kode jawaban baru

yang dipilih kemudian bubuhkan tanda silang di dalam lingkaran jawaban

 Lembar jawaban tidak boleh kotor dan terlipat

 Hanya lembar jawaban yang dikumpulkan, sedangkan soal bisa dibawa


Selamat Mengerjakan

Yang kita tahu hanyalah setetes air,

Yang tidak kita ketahui sejumlah lautan

1. Luc :” May I borrow your new succession _________ to illusion and
novel?” movement and continuity.
Geert:” Yes, but next Friday. I A. created
_______ reading it by then.” B. to create
A. would finish C. in the creation of
B. am finishing D. to be created by
C. have finished E. for creation
D. will be finishing
E. will have finished 6. Several individuals _________
different groups have become
2. “Have you delivered the package united in their effort to make
to the customers?” government cancel the increase of
“Not yet, some ________.” fuel prices.
A. are still being wrapped A. represent
B. have been wrapped B. to represent
C. would be wrapped C. they represent
D. will have wrapped D. representing
E. were wrapped E. represented

3. “If you had listened to me, you 7. _________ the earthquake had made
would have been able to study at the region unsafe for living, the
STIS”, means ________. villagers were willing to
A. You had listened to me and transmigrate.
you were able to study at STIS A. In order that D. so that
B. You did not listen to me, but B. Whereas E. since
you were able to study at STIS C. Until
C. You were not able to study at
STIS because you did not listen 8. I wish that I could send this letter
to me to her at once, but I have no idea
D. You listened to me, but you ____________.
were not able to study at STIS A. which road she should live
E. You were able to study at STIS B. when she lives there
because you listened to me C. where does she live
D. how long she lives there
4. If I knew that working hard and E. where she lives
pursuing higher education ______
to be a successful person, I would 9. Different interpretations on the
commit better to work at school to same event by various newspaper
survive longer. ________ readers confused and
A. Count C. counts E. angry.
being counted A. to make C. make
B. Counted D. counting E. makes
B. they make D. it makes
5. The motion picture originated
when a series of still photographs 10. “What is the most worrying effect
were spliced and viewed in rapid of the economic crisis?”

“________ children are deprived of D. should have known
nutritious food necessary for their E. must have known
physical and intellectual
development.” 15. “Would you like to see a
A. Why C. what E. documentary program on
when Discovery Channel?”
B. That D. which “__________ go to movie. How does
that sound?”
11. “I have difficulties in filling in these A. I want to C. I could E. I
tax forms.” wish to
“Well, you ________________________.” B. I might D. I’d rather
A. have done it with somebody’s
help 16. “Without his assistant, the
B. can do it for one of my professor could hardly finish his
assistants survey, ____ he?”
C. have to do it without A. Could C. did E.
difficulties can’t
D. can do it all by yourself B. couldn’t D. can
E. can have one of my assistants
do it 17. Aisya said “I have never seen such
a great movie.”
12. “Danish has decided to postpone From the above statement we may
his plan going to Europe.” conclude that _________.
“Has he? He told me that he _______ A. she seldom went to good
for a visa to Belgium.” movies
A. Applied D. had B. the film she saw was a terrible
applied one
B. has applied E. is C. she has never seen bad movies
applaying before
C. applies D. it is the first time she went to
see a movie
13. “She can hardly remember me.” E. this is the best movie she has
“__________________”. even seen
A. But her sister doesn’t
B. So is her sister 18. Children who believe in the value
C. Neither does her sister of hard work and responsibility and
D. Her sister can too who attach importance to
E. But her sister can education are likely to have higher
academic achievement and fewer
14. “I’ve heard that Joko was fined for _________ problems than those who
$120 for littering when he was in do not have these ideals.
Singapore.” A. discipline
“Really? He _______ that there is law B. disciplinal
against littering in public places.” C. disciplinarian
A. might have known D. disciplinable
B. ought to have known E. disciplinary
C. could have known
19. “The weather is good today, let’s D. had struggle
play golf.” E. struggled
A. That’s good idea 24. ____________ in advance somehow
B. Are you sure makes him smarter in almost all
C. Well, I like it lessons in class
D. Yes, it is good weather A. Preparing D. prepared
E. That’s sure
B. to prepare E. to be
20. Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of prepared
Facebook, __________ by Forbes as C. prepares
the 6th most affluent entrepreneur
of the World in 2016. 25. My teacher is usually late for the
A. identify class, but she has been in time this
B. has identified week. The head master
C. identified _______________ her some advice.
D. have identified A. has to give
E. was identified B. must have given
C. might give
21. Dinner that has been prepared for D. would have given
the family gathering E. ought to have give
________________ by mother using
the secret recipes
A. was cooked
B. is being cooked 26. He knew ____________________.
C. is cooking A. that between Puncak and Bogor
D. are cooked last night the accident
E. have cooked happened
B. between that Puncak and Bogor
22. If someone had told me when I the accident happened last
was at school about the night
importance of diplomatic skill in C. that the accident last night
pursuing a successful career, I happened between Puncak and
_____________ it. Bogor
A. will not believe D. the accident happened that last
B. would not believe night between Puncak and
C. do not believe Bogor
D. would not have believed E. that the accident happened
E. hadn’t believed between Puncak and Bogor last
23. For more than years, the students
__________ to get better marks for 27. Julian has never heard anything
getting through their favorite from Jenny since they last met, and
university. _____________.
A. have been struggling A. so have I D. so will I
B. are struggling B. neither did I E. so
C. struggle did I
C. I haven’t either E. books are cheaper than
28. I am having trouble with my
computer again. I have done 32. _______________ tsunami that could
everything I can but it doesn’t work have hit Mentawai, West Sumatra
properly. I think I am going to get was actually overestimated that
it _____________ at once. made people panic.
A. to fix D. being A. Don’t you think
fixed B. Will you think
B. fixing E. to be fixed C. Did you think of
C. fixed D. Can’t you think
E. Are you think
29. The chairman of meeting asked me
whether or not I had signed the 33. The directions he gave about the
proposal. way how to get to the station
The direct speech of the sentence seemed to have been so ___________
is: that I could finally get to the
A. “Had you signed the station without being lost
proposal?” A. Clearness D. clear
B. “Do you sign the B. Clearing E. clearance
proposal?” C. clearly
C. “Did you sign the
proposal?” 34. Talking excitedly to each other,
D. “Are you signing the they forgot to finish the
proposal?” assignment the Professor has
E. “Will you sign the assigned them to do and hand it
proposal?” by Friday.
The underlined words mean
30. Why don’t we have some Chinese _____________.
food? Well, ____________ eating A. although they talk excitedly
Italian. What do you think? B. in order that they could talk
A. I like C. I will be E. I excitedly
love C. because they were talking
B. I’d prefer D. I am excitedly
D. before they talked excitedly
31. “The students nowadays are more E. if they talked excitedly
interested in reading internet than
books. This implies that 35. _______________________________ hear
_____________.” about submitting their progress
A. books are read more report as part of a yearly
frequently than internet assessment by the firm they work
B. books are rarely on their for is the announcement released
reading list by the company.
C. students read book more A. Whether employees on
often than internet probation
D. students spend more time B. Are employees on
reading books probation
C. If employees on probation 40. It is impossible for parents to
D. What employees on shield their children from every
probation danger.
E. When employees on A. Protect D. free
probation B. Conserve E. spoil
C. relieve
36. Due to monetary crisis, the number
of people without jobs 41. Bambang is ________ in choosing
________________ from year to year. his friends, so his party was
A. Increase D. increase attended by vastly different and
B. is increasing E. will sometimes bizarre personalities.
increase A. Indispensable
C. increased B. Indiscriminate
C. Friendly
37. Maritza: “What about going to D. Indisputable
seafood restaurant, Dad?” E. Tolerable
Dad: _______________.
What will Daddy say to show he 42. The _______ weather patterns
doesn’t like seafood? during December-February in
A. I am afraid I like fish Indonesia meant tourists has to
B. I can’t stand eating seafood carry both umbrellas and
C. I am really fond of eating sunglasses.
fish A. Kaleidoscopic
D. I am sure I’ll enjoy it very B. Illustrative
much C. Unpredicted
E. Its menu doesn’t offer us D. Impertinent
many kinds of seafood E. Preeminent

38. The Governor’s impromptu 43. _________ is when you always buy a
remarks caused his political party particular item because you like it.
much embarrassment A. Red tape
A. Unrehearsed D. B. Hard sell
publish C. Capital asset
B. Forceful E. D. Brand loyalty
absurd E. Liability
C. unrestrained
44. The school will not _______ any
39. That student is discourteous; he form of cheating in all exams
grumbles no matter how one tries A. Condone
to please him. B. Endorse
A. Giggles D. C. Authorize
compains D. Stimulate
B. Yells E. wrinkle E. Discourage
C. scolds
45. The man walked briskly to keep
warm on the very cold night.
A. Quietly
B. Excitedly the preparedness of local residents.
C. Aimlessly “What’s important is how people respond
D. Steadily immediately by leaving houses and
E. Energetically buildings to seek higher ground. And all of
that was put into practice last night by the
Reading 1 (for questions 46-50) people in Mentawai Islands”. The risk of
When an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the tsunamis is still an endemic in the
Richter scale struck the west coast of archipelago, said the government officer.
Sumatra on Wednesday night, March Hence, to increase the budget for
2016, thousands of residents of Sikakap tsunami-mitigation efforts is urgent.
district, Mentawai Island, rushed to nearby 46. Reading through the text above,
hills. Everyone, including children and the what is the main message of the
elderly, had to stay there all night. Having first paragraph :
learned from a devastating tsunami in A. The Sikakap’s people are well
2010 and previous drills organized by the prepared
authorities, the residents took the B. The people are aware about
prepared paths to higher ground located a the earth quake
kilometer from North Pagai beach. C. There is no victims for the
Fortunately, the tremblor, slightly more current earth quake
intense but further from the islands than D. The fear of an earth quake
that of 2010, caused no damage or loss of remains strong within the
life. However, fear remained after the residents
residents arrived at the hill as no shelter or E. The people run to higher areas
telecommunication facilities to call for for a safe place
assistance were available. Further, the
shelters that had been readied after the 47. Where is the place to which the
2010 tsunami were unusable. resident head to after the news
Mentawai islands Disaster Management that the Tsunami struck
Agent lamented the lack of A. To the district of Sikakap,
communication facilities. She said when Mentawai – West Sumatra
the earthquake occurred, she was on a B. The hilly and higher areas
boat heading to Padang, and her phone around them
was functioning but she couldn’t reach C. To the save places apart from
anyone on site. Several other facilities, their own houses
including tsunami-warning sirens were D. To North Pagai Beach areas
also out. Given the fact that Indonesia is E. Away from the hills
the world’s largest archipelago, it is prone
to seismic upheaval because of its location 48. What is the biggest fear that
on the Pacific as the “Ring of Fire”, an arc people have to face as soon as
of volcanoes and fault lines circling the they arrive at the hilly areas?
Pacific Basin. A. They are well prepared to save
A local rights activist with the Alliance of their own life by themselves
Indigenous People (AMAN) said the B. There were no tools for the
earthquake should be a wake-up call for residents to stay in contact
the central government and local C. The awareness of the local
authorities to better equip tsunami-prone authorities in sufficient
areas. Meanwhile, the government praised
D. Some of the censors for earth Previously the Economic Census was
quake are working well conducted for 1986, 1996 and 2006. It was
E. That they will have facilities for a primary source of statistical data based
a while on various economic sectors excluding the
agriculture sector. The main objective is to
49. The meaning of “Ring of Fire”, for obtain the population of business in
the final sentence of the second Indonesia by economic sector, activities,
paragraph implies that: business skill and region. Further, it also
A. Indonesia lays out on the updates the directory of business register,
dangerous areas master sampling frame of economic
B. The mountain areas around activities, develops as well as creates a
them map of economic activities distribution. At
C. Provinces are at highest risks last, the result of this EC is to collect detail
for information on the structure of all
D. There will be dangerous economic activities. The coverage of EC is
coming all the time mainly for all non-agricultural businesses
E. An areas with lots number of or establishment in Indonesia.
volcanic and earthquakes This EC has been planned since 2014 for
occur its preparation phase while the field survey
will be conducted in 2016. The information
50. The important message suggested and data gathered will then be processed
for the people on the areas with and analyzed “from 2017 to 2018 to
more earthquakes is: businesses from the micro to macro scale.
A. Indonesian should aware on This survey will also cover all economic
dangerous areas activities including haberdasher and street
B. How good people support vendors. The business sectors that will be
their family surveyed include the fields of
C. Provinces of Indonesia are at manufacturing, housing, mining,
best areas excavation, domestic, and overseas
D. How people practice to trading, as well as services. The agricultural
respond quickly business sector will not be covered as the
E. How each family members BPS surveyed the field in 2013.
understand the earthquake 51. What is the Census Economy that
is conducted this year covers items
Reading 2 (for questions 51-55) on :
BPS-Statistics Indonesia will soon conduct A. People activities in urban and
Economic Census (EC) 2016 to obtain new rural areas
data related to the business sector in B. All activities of each sectors of
Indonesia. The EC is conducted for every the economy
ten years, and aimed at obtaining data on C. Characteristics, types, and
the total number of business sectors in distributions of all businesses
Indonesia. As stated by the head of BPS, excluding agricultural sector
the Economic Census will cover D. Those nonfood sectors
characteristics, types, and distributions of activities
all business sectors in Indonesia, from E. Particularly activities runs by
cities to remote areas. the street vendors
52. In second paragraph, the first 55. What is the main idea of the final
target 2016 Economic Census paragraph:
aimed to obtain A. Type of works that in line with
A. Details on all sectors activities the informal sectors
B. Mapping the data for the B. All activities or income earning
economic activities C. Kinds of economic activities
C. Identification on numbers of for youngster
activities around areas D. Interesting places that need
D. Information on the economic specialized skills
sector, activities, business skill E. Those seller that provides food
and region and beverages
E. Information on agricultural
Reading 3 (for questions 56-60)
53. How long does it take for Before we smoke, it is better to look at the
Economic Census before the final fact of smoking effects, not only for
outcomes will be available for smokers but also for non-smokers. About
general use: 50 thousand people die every year in
A. It needs two years to ruin Britain as a direct result of smoking. This is
the economic census seven times as many as deaths in road
B. It needs 2 years to prepare accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die
and another 1 to 2 years to because of diseases caused by smoking.
analyze Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused
C. It depends on how well the by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a
preparation on each region day, we are six times more likely to die of
can be done lung cancer than a non-smoker. If we
D. It needs number of years as smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is
Indonesia consists of nineteen times greater. Ninety five percent
thousand islands of people who suffer from bronchitis are
E. It needs more than a year people who smoke. Smokers are two and
after all the data can be half times more likely to die of heart
collected disease than non-smokers.
Additionally, children of smokers are more
54. The underline word “haberdasher” likely to develop bronchitis and
and street vendors that stated in pneumonia. In one hour in a smoky room,
sentences of the second paragraph a non-smoker breaths as much as
represents: substance causing cancer as if he had
A. Type of works that in line with smoked fifteen cigarettes.
the informal sectors Smoking is really good for tobacco
B. All activities or income earning companies because they do make much
C. Kinds of economic activities money from smoking habit. Smoking,
for youngster however, is not good for everybody else.
D. Interesting places that need 56. What is the text about?
specialized skills A. A report of deaths caused by
E. Those seller that provides food smoking
and beverages B. The effects of smoking for
C. A calculation of how many C. It risks non-smokers health
cigarettes that may cause D. It causes so much fun
cancer E. It results in a better lung
D. Information of the effect of function
smoking to non-smokers
E. The result of smoking habit for 59. What is the communicative
tobacco companies purpose of writing the text?
A. To make people realize the
57. Which of the statements below is risk of smoking
TRUE? B. To make non-smokers stay
A. Smoking only does a good away from smokers
impact for the tobacco C. To make the government stop
company tobacco production
B. Non-smokers don’t have any D. To make people in Britain stop
threat of getting pneumonia smoking
C. Fifteen cigarettes a day is all E. To make the doctors find the
right for smokers cure of lung cancer
D. Smoking can risk ninety five
percent of the people in a 60. “This is seven times as many as
country deaths in road accidents.”
E. The risk caused by smoking for (Paragraph 1).
non-smokers is low The underlined word refers to ……..
A. The smoker
58. What is the effect of smoking to B. The non-smokers
non-smokers? C. The data
A. It makes non-smokers healthy D. The accident
B. It makes non-smokers a good E. The company

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