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Brittany Bissa

Writing for Digital Media

To Be Seen Script

Act One Scene One

A crowded courtroom. Victoria and Martha sit near the front of the courtroom.

Judge: Does the prosecution have anything further to add?

John: Yes Your Honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the court, I ask you to please deeply consider the

implications we as a community shall face if Elizabeth Carol is allowed to roam among us. Who of us but

God can predict the absolute mayhem that will surely ensue if the defendant is let loose on our good

wholesome society. Is it not enough the mysterious injuries or rashes the three witness have suffered on

her property? Or even frequent sightings of the defendant entering the woods for long periods of time? I

ask thee to think not only of yourselves, but of your children, and most importantly, your God! Oh, what a

stain it shall leave on this community if we were to tolerate such a presence!

The audience begins to cheer, shouts of “Hang the witch!” emerge. The judge bangs his gavel.

Judge: Order! I will have order in the court! Does the defendant have anything further to add?

Elizabeth: Please, find it in your hearts to know I am not a witch! For years I have given my all to this

community, and everthying I do I do in the name of God! I am no lawyer, and while Mr. Glenwood’s

words may be more convincing, but I ask of you to not listen with your mind, but instead to listen with

your heart!

Crowd begins their outbursts again.

Judge: Order! Order! Or by God’s grace I shall charge this whole forsaken court with contempt! Now the

jurors shall make their decision while we adjure for a recess.

The crowd begins mumbling and shifting around. The jury leaves for the jury room. People leave the

courtroom for fresh air. John walks towards Martha and Victoria.

Martha: Well done John!

John: Martha, have you not been attentive? Nothing is decided yet.

Martha: Yes I know dear, however it is quite clear the people favor you!

John: What the people sitting in this court favor matters not. It is in the jury’s hands now. May God help

them make the right choice. Victoria, what is the matter? You appear distraught.

Victoria: Nothing father.

John: Liars shall be condemned to Hell, Victoria.

Victoria: Yes father, it is just…bewildering to me.

John: (chuckles) Well my dear, the court system is quite complex, especially for a woman I suppose.

Victoria: No father, I just mean… We all used to have so much respect and praise for Mrs. Carol.

John: Yes, that was before the truth was discovered. Remember, Lucifer was once The Lord’s favorite


Victoria is about to speak again when the judge reenters the court. People flock back to their seats as the

judge bangs his gavel.

Judge: Settle down. Court is in session. The jury has made their decision upon the fate of Elizabeth


Victoria: (whispering) That was fast mother!

Martha: (whispering) Yes! I sure hope that is a good sign.

Judge: Jurors, what is your verdict?

Juror: We have found the defendant Elizabeth Carol…guilty of all charges including with craft, heresy –

The juror continues but is drowned out by cheers of the people. Mrs. Carol weeps and looks pleadingly at

the jury.

Act One Scene Two

The family is in a 1600’s style kitchen. The family is clearly wealthy. Martha, the mother, is busy in the

kitchen while John sits at the head of the dining room table in the room adjacent to the kitchen. He is

reading the Bible. Victoria is at the kitchen sink washing her hands.

Martha: Supper is ready!

She brings a ham and diced potatoes to the table and sits. Victoria dries her hands and joins them. They

join hands to begin a prayer.

John: Thank you Lord for this blessed day. I am grateful for another day of spreading your word by

demanding justice for those who reject it. We are grateful as a community that you have helped me to

punish the blasphemers with another successful trial. May you bless this food we are about to eat my

Lord. In your name we pray, Amen.

Martha & Victoria: Amen.

John slices the ham and food is passed around. There is nothing but the sound of scraping silverware for

a slightly uncomfortable period of time.

Victoria: Father, may I ask a question?

John: Yes dear, what is it?

Victoria: Why must the witches be put to death?

John: (chuckling) Well Victoria, they are heathens. Truly evil individuals. (sternly) They have spit in the

face of God, Victoria!

Victoria: Well, are they really evil? Mrs. Carol was a very sweet lady. I once saw her help a baby bird

who had fallen out of a nest. And when it rains she would give the little ones blankets -
John: Victoria, these are mere deceptions! She has danced with the devil! She hasn’t been to church since

you were an infant!

Victoria: But she has a bad knee, all the kneeling is surely -

John: A poor excuse! I say, if she attended church and repented the Lord would have healed her by now.

Victoria: But the Bible says to love one another, despite our differences. Is there any proof she hurt


John: She has hurt God! She has turned her back upon The Creator! Victoria please do not tell me you

are truly this foolish! If I were you, I’d say an extra long prayer tonight.

Victoria: But father I was merely -

John: (yelling) I said enough!

There is a long uncomfortable silence as no one moves. John begins to eat again and Martha follows suit.

Victoria hesitantly begins to eat as well, picking at and nibbling at her food.

Martha: I hear they’re going to burn all of Miss Helen’s land. It’s a shame! Her vegetable garden was

truly the best in town!

John: It’s evil land, Martha. It must be destroyed.

Martha: I know, I just think -

John: What you think means little to what shall restore honor to God.

There is a long pause.

Martha: Yes, I suppose you’re right.

They finish their dinner in silence. John finishes his meal and stands up abruptly.

John: I will be in my study. I expect no disturbances.

There is nothing but the sound of footsteps as John walks upstairs to his study. The sound of keys rattling

as the door is unlocked and relocked are heard. The door shuts hard, causing both Martha and Victoria

to jump.
Victoria: Mother, I did not mean to make him upset. I simply just don’t understand why they must be put

to death if they haven’t hurt anyone.

Martha: I know darling. I think your father’s just had a long day is all.

Victoria: Maybe later he will answer my question then?

Martha: Oh, Victoria. I wouldn’t count on that. Your father isn’t one to question things, and most

certainly not one to admit he was wrong.

The two begin cleaning up from dinner.

Victoria: Well, what about you mother?

Martha: Pardon?

Victoria: What do you think? It seems cruel to punish someone for different views.

Martha: Oh, Victoria. My sweet naive child. (chuckles) You shall understand when you are older I’m

sure. Some things are too complex for you yet.

Victoria: I am no child though mother, I’m fifteen! I believe I have the right to know why these things


Martha: See, this just proves your naivety Victoria! You have no rights in this world. When you are

married you may pester your husband with these silly questions but I advise against it! Now drop this

childish game at once!

Victoria: Yes mother.

Victoria begins to wash the dishes in silence.

Act One Scene Three

The scene is outside on an overcast day. A wooden platform with two nooses towers above a large crowd

in 16th century attire. The crowd shouts and jeers at two women at the bottom of the steps leading up to

the platform. Two men stand by the women, making sure they do not run off. A lawyer, John, stands with

his wife and daughter Victoria near the edge of the crowd, about to watch the hanging of these two

women John found guilty of being witches.

The crowd begins to chant “Kill the witch!” as the guards begin to lead the two women up the stairs.

Cheering and hollering begin as the women are getting closer to the nooses. Just before they can step up

to the nooses, an elderly woman, Helena, runs from the crowd toward the podium. Her hair and face are

dirty and messy, and she has obviously been crying.

Helena: Let my daughters go! They have done no wrong!

The crowd’s shouting of “Kill the witch!” grows louder.

Helena: Where is your humanity?! They are daughters and mothers! THey are not criminals!! You people

are the criminals!

The crowd shouts insults and “Kill her too! Kill the whole family!” and begins to throw rocks towards

Helena and her daughters up on the podium.

John: Enough!!

The crowd turns around to look at John and his family towards the back.

John: These women have been found guilty in a court of law! It is the law of God to condemn these

witches, and no man shall undermine the law of God! No more interruptions, carry on with the execution


The guards have the two women step up to the nooses and begin to tighten them around their necks.

Helena screams and sobs as more guards run and grab her, preventing her from running up the podium.

Helena: Please!! No! My baby girls!!! Take me instead! NO!!

The guards kick the stands out from under the two women and Helena screams as her daughters are

hung. The crowd cheers and applauds.

Helena: You are the criminals! Especially the fraud lawyer who dares stand smugly with his own family

while mine is cruelly ripped from my grasp! How dare you! Damn you all to Hell! May the pain you feel

be greater than my own John! May your own daughter be cruelly stolen from you as you watch

helplessly! I place this curse upon your daughter, John! May she live for all eternity, never to be seen or

heard by another living being until a child of mine shall grant her mercy!
Victoria slowly begins to vanish in front of everyone as screams from the crowd are heard. A gun is fired

and Helena falls down, clutching her chest. John tries to grasp for his daughter, but there is nothing left.

He can still feel her, but she is invisible and her screams go unnoticed. The camera shows from her point

of view where only she can see herself. She inspects her hands and grabs at her father. The camera

switches angles to show she is not there, but wrinkles in John’s clothing like someone grabbing him are

seen. The camera returns to the POV shot.

Victoria: Father!! Father? Please answer me! Help me!! Please…

The camera goes back to a wide shot where John and his wife fall to the ground, sobbing and


Act One Scene Four

Victoria sits in her bedroom, on her bed. Both John and Martha enter the room.

John: Victoria, are you here? If you hear us please something, dear.

Victoria moves the Bible on her nightstand slightly.

John: I know this situation seems treacherous, but I know by God’s grace we shall overcome this


Martha: (weeping) We should have never brought you to the execution! It is our fault!

John: Martha, be silenced. The only one to blame is the Devil. There is nothing we could have done


Victoria: (knowing she cannot be heard) Father, just be quiet for once!

Martha: You are loved my dear. We are still a family and shall figure this out together.

John: Goodnight Victoria. Forget not to say your prayers, you are still visible and heard by God.

John exists the room.

Martha: I too, shall pray for you darling.

Martha exits.

Several scenes are shown in a time lapse. The family dinner is shown overtime with Martha and John

visibly aging while Victoria remains the same. Soon it is just Martha and Victoria with John’s seat empty.
Then it is just Victoria. The next scene is her walking through a cemetery sitting at her parent’s graves.

Scenes show her watching children play and laugh, weddings, and funerals. She sits in a traveler’s horse

and buggy and hitches along without their knowledge. Time is changing all around her but she remains

the same.

Act Two Scene 1

This scene takes place at a large high school. Three male friends are walking down the hallway. They are

all seniors in high school.

Logan: I mean, it’s clearly the ghost again dude.

Jaspar: You’re seriously saying that (overdramatic air quotes) “the ghost” took my last piece of gum?

Logan: Definitely.

Jaspar: It’s not more likely you just took it out my bag when I went to the bathroom?

Logan: (fake hurt) I am shocked at this accusation!

Mark: Wow, pretty harsh Jaspar.

Jaspar: Both of you are so dumb.

Mark: But it was the ghooOOoooOOOoost!!!

Jaspar: Shut up dude, that’s a myth. There ain’t no ghost. Maybe all the freshman Logan hangs out with

buy your bullshit, but c’mon.

Logan: Whaddaya mean “all the freshman I hang out with”?!

Mark: Well there ain’t no other seniors that’d hang out with ya. (Jaspar and Mark laugh)

Jaspar: Yeah but hey, you and your boyfr-

Logan: Ohhh my God he’s not my boyfriend! I went on one date with the kid. How was I supposed to

know he was a damn freshman? He had a full ass beard!! (Jaspar and Mark laugh) Ah, fuck off. Bullying

me aside, ya gotta admit there’s definitely a ghost.

Jaspar: For fucks sake dude.

Logan: Jasp, are you for real right now?

Jaspar: Mark please tell him there’s no such thing as ghosts.

Mark: Man, I dunno. Ya gotta admit weird shit happens all the time here.

Jaspar: Not you too…

Mark: Like I’m not saying it’s ghosts and shit but it’s definitely freaky shit!

Logan: Well if it’s not ghosts what is it Mark?

Mark: I dunno, could be like elves or-

Logan: ELVES? You think we got elves?? Where’s the gold then?

Jaspar: First off, that’s leprechauns, second off, you think elves is ridiculous and ghosts aren’t?

Logan: You saying you believe in elves now??

Jaspar: No I’m saying you’re both stupid.

Mark: Alright, alright. But it is weird. Light bulbs jus’ shattering and shit flying across the room, I mean

people fall down the stairs all the damn time.

Logan: Yeah, I swear I got pushed just last week down ‘em. I mean I caught myself but still.

Jaspar: That’s ‘cause you’re too stupid to walk right. (Mark and Jaspar laugh)

Logan: Whatever, c’ya man.

Jaspar: Later guys. (Logan and Mark enter a classroom and exit)

Jaspar keeps walking. He walks for a little while until he is near a staircase. He sees Victoria still in her

1600’s attire at the top of the stairs. He stares at her.

Jaspar: (under breath) Fuckin’ theatre kids.

Victoria grabs a girl and pushes her down the stairs, causing the girl to scream and fall all the way down.

Jaspar: Hey man, what the fuck?

People stare at the girl and some look at Jaspar. A few people help the girl up. Victoria smirks.

Jaspar: Hey thesfag! [a combination of thespian and fag] I’m talking to you!

People look around in confusion, not knowing who he’s referring to, Victoria is one of the people looking


Jaspar: Pilgrim ass motherfucker!

People stare as mumbles of “who is he talking to” emerge. Jaspar points in confusion but he realizes no

one else seems to see this girl. He slowly puts his arm down and walks down the steps with his head

down, confused as to what’s happening. He gets down the stairs as the bell rings and the halls are almost

empty. His class is far away and Jaspar accepts the fact that he’s going to be late. He makes no effort to

speed up.

Victoria: Wait! Wait!! (Victoria runs after him, grabbing his shoulder to spin him around.) You can see


Jaspar: Of course I can.

Victoria: But no one can see me…

Jaspar: Dial it back John Cena ya stick out like a sore thumb.

Victoria: No, you don’t understand. I’m under a curse, no one’s been able to see me for centuries!

John: I must be so unbelievably high right now.

Victoria: You’re the only person who...Oh my gosh! You can break this curse!

John: Maybe I should go home. Take a nap. Make a few appointments.

Victoria: I-I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the truth! Why do you think those other kids couldn’t see me?

Jaspar: Because I’m either high or suffering from a mental disorder apparently.

Victoria: Please! You have to help me! I can explain everything! Are you busy right now?

Jaspar: Well if I’m this high I probably shouldn’t go to chemistry anyways so I guess not.

Victoria: Great! We must go somewhere with access to historical documents.

Jaspar: To my couch it is I guess.

He begins to walk toward an exit door. Victoria stares for a second, confused, and rushes to catch up and

follow him. They exit the school.

Act Two Scene Two

Jaspar and Victoria sit on his couch in his cluttered bedroom. The laptop is on his lap.

Jaspar: Alright, here, look up whatever it is ya need. (hands laptop to Victoria)

Victoria: Ohh my. I have witnessed the birth and death of so many technologies and indeed I have

witnessed the usage but I must admit, never have I used this…what did you call it. Labtap?

Jaspar: Laptop. And it’s easy. Just move the cursor to the search ba— (Victoria has made several

strange popups and messages occur) oh God what did you do? Give it back!

Victoria: My apologies.

Jaspar: It’s whatever. Jus’ tell me what ya wanted me to find, alright?

Victoria: Well maybe we should start by finding information on the witch who cursed me.

Helena Churchill.

Jaspar types in ‘helena churchill witch’ and a suggested search is ‘helena churchill witch trials’

Jaspar: Witch trials, huh? When everyone else gets high they see like dragons and shit. But not

me! Oh boy, I get the ghost of Salem past.

A victim called victims of witch trials pops up. It gives a brief description of the trials and

includes a list of names. When the names are clicked it gives information about charges and

trials. Some have court transcripts. Two women with the name Churchill are grouped together.

Jaspar: Well, I’ll be damned.

Victoria: You see! I have not told a lie!

Jaspar: We’ll see, this says Amelia and Mary Churchill, not even close to Helena. (He searches

through the trial and transcripts.) I don’t see nothing here about a Helena and a ghost.

Victoria: Surely there must be an execution section. There! ‘On September 8th, 1641, mary and

Amelia were hanged publicly. Their mother, Helena Churchill begged for their release. John

Glenwood’--That’s my father, Jaspar! ‘shouted from the crowd to carry on with the execution.

Becoming further enraged, Helena is claimed by witnesses to have cursed John’s only child, a

daughter named Victoria’ that’s me Jaspar! ‘to live forever, but invisible. Records of the time
claim that she vanished right there, and historians have still not offered up an explanation.’ See

Jaspar, I am speaking the truth!

Jaspar: So where’s Kutcher? Where’s the cam crew? Hello punk’d, nice to be here for the


Victoria: I haven’t a clue what you are talking about.

Jaspar: This has gotta be a prank. There’s no way any of this is real. I mean okay obviously it’s

real, but you’re not. You can’t really be who you say you are.

Victoria: What further proof do you require?

Jaspar: How the hell am I supposed to believe you’re like 400 years old? That’s bullshit.

Victoria: Come with me, I shall prove my immortality to you.

Jaspar: This trip is bullshit! I don’t even remember how I got high. I’m quitting. Going to


Victoria and Jaspar walk outside to the busy street in front of his house. Victoria begins to walk

towards the speeding cars.

Jaspar: (grabbing Victoria)Yo, hold up! What the fuck are you doing?

Victoria: Proving my immortality. It seems boys of any century cannot listen.

Jaspar: Alright, with ya there. Been on a whole lot of shit dates with ain’t shit guys.

Victoria: Guys?

Jaspar: I forgot you’re from the olden days, supposedly. Sorry if I’m too much of a heathen for

this prank to carry on. (Mockingly) May God have mercy on me!

Victoria: No, I – I do not mind. I just am ignorant I suppose. It matters not. You ae the one who

can lift this curse.

Jaspar: I think I’d rather have you beat me up than continue with this prank.
Victoria runs full speed into traffic. Jaspar runs after but stops at the curb. Victoria stands in the

midle of the street and is hit full speed by a semi driving past.

Jaspar: Victoria!! Fuck! What the fuck!

Vicoria stands up and walks back to Jaspar, beng hit a few more times. She stands next to him on

the curb, unharmed.

Jaspar: This…what? You’re okay?! (he hugs her) Jesus Christ Victoria, don’t pull that shit!

What the fuck!

Victoria: Do you believe me now?

Jaspar: I believe you’re outta your fucking mind! And I must be too. (He sits and pulls his phone

out. He googles ‘schizophrenia symptoms’)

Victoria: You think you are mad? If you were mad, only you could see me interacting with

objects. Take me somewhere public. A market! Anywhere. (Just then Jaspar’s mom’s car pulls

in the driveway.)

Mom: Jaspar? What are you doing? Why the hell are you home? (She leaves the car and Jaspar

and her meet halfway in the front yard)

Jaspar: I felt kinda sick, needed some fresh air.

Mom: You think you’re allowed fresh air with your grades?

Jaspar: Mom, I swear I didn’t feel well! I only left a little bit ago, I’m just missing two classes.

Mom: I swear to God Jaspar. I’m going to put a GPS on you. Or drive you and pick you up


Victoria has opened every door and the trunk and hood of Jaspar’s mom’s car.

Jaspar: It won’t happen again, I swear!

Mom: Oh sure, I’m supposed to – (she sees her car out of the corner of her eye and spins around

and stares) What the fuck… Who did that!? I didn’t see anybody – (Victoria slams a door shut.

Jaspar’s mom jumps.) Jesus! What the fuck? It’s not even windy! Did you see that?

Jaspar: Yeah…that’s strange as fuck…

Mom: Don’t swear in my house. Now, shut the demon car and bring in the groceries. (She enters

the house. Jaspar walks over to the car, stunned at his lack of punishment.)

Victoria: Well?

Jaspar: Alright…ya sold me.

Act Two Scene Three

Inside Jaspar’s house. Victoria is sitting on the counter. He’s in the kitchen waiting for water to

boil for mac n cheese for his younger siblings. Kylie is nine and Bradyn is six. They’re in the

living room loudly watching cartoons, occasionally running in the kitchen.

Kylie: What’s for dinner?

Jaspar: Mac n cheese.

Kylie: But I want chicken nuggets!

Jaspar: You can have nuggets when you get a job and buy them yourself. I’m making you mac n


Kylie: But Jas!! I want them now!!!

Jaspar: Sounds like a personal problem

Kylie: I’m telling mom! (Jaspar rolls his eyes. Kylie stomps out of the room.)

Victoria: She’s cute.

Jaspar: Yeah, some people think that about spiders. Anyway, what were you saying about this

curse? What am I supposed to do?

Victoria: Undo it.

Jaspar: Okay, but how?

Victoria: I….I’m not sure…

Braydn: What’s for dinner?

Jaspar: You’re having mac n cheese.

Bradyn: I don’t like that!

Jaspar: Yes you do, you eat it all the time!

Bradyn: Nuh-uh! It’s messy and I don’t like tomatoes.

Jaspar: You’re thinking of spaghetti. Look at the box.

Bradyn: Oh I love that stuff!!!

Jaspar: I know. Leave or I’ll burn it. (Bradyn leaves) Look Victoria, I know that ancestry thing

you made me buy, way overpriced by the way, said that I’m some witches long lost great

grandchild or some shit, but I don’t know shit about curses or witches.

Victoria: Surely you do though!

Jaspar: I don’t though. A lost family heirloom I guess. (He pours the noodles in the pan)

Victoria: Maybe you just need to be reminded of it. Maybe deep within you is the knowledge

you need.

Jaspar: Okay, and? You gonna dissect me to get it out? (Kylie stomps in)

Kylie: Mom says you have to make chicken nuggets!

Jaspar: No she didn’t Kylie.

Kylie: Yuh huh!

Jaspar: Mom’s asleep she had a twelve hour shift.

Kylie: No, she said –

Jaspar: Don’t bug her, she works at two am Kylie. If you won’t eat your mac n cheese I’m sure

Bradyn will. (she stomps out again)

Victoria: Maybe if you were to just see Helena’s home…

Jaspar: How would I go about that? I don’t know where the hell it is.

Victoria: But I do.

Jaspar: You want me to drive to Massachusetts?

Victoria: Yes.

Jaspar: That’s insane! That’s like six hours!

Victoria: Jaspar please!

Jaspar: Look Vic, I know this is important, I’ll…. I’ll figure something out.

Victoria: Vic?

Jaspar: Oh, sorry. It’s a nickname. If you hate it I’ll –

Victoria: No! I mean, I like it. I’ve never had a nickname before.

Jaspar: Well, now ya do. (He smiles and finishes making the mac n cheese)

Victoria: I’ve never had…this.

Jaspar: Here I’ll get you a plate. Eat it before the monsters rush in.

Victoria: (shoveling mac n cheese in)This is delicious! The best thing I’ve ever eaten!

Jaspar: (laughing) Yeah, I’m a real chef. What do ya normally eat?

Victoria: Fruits and veggies. Restaurant leftovers. I guess I’ve not tried a lot of food.

Jaspar: Good ole processed America.

Bradyn and Kylie run in and see the empty but dirty plate on the counter.

Kylie: You started without us!

Bradyn: No fair!
Jaspar: I was tasting it to make sure it’s done brats. Eat up.

Act Two Scene Four

Jaspar and Victoria sit in the kitchen with only a dim lamp on. The microwave clock reads 1:22am.

Jaspar’s mom comes down the stairs in scrubs and enters the kitchen.

Mom: Jaspar! What are you doing up?

Jaspar: I needed to ask you something.

Mom: Alright, shoot.

Jaspar: So uh, in my history class we’re learning about the witch trials, and we gotta do this big

research project. But the catch is we can’t use online sources. And I thought since you’re off this

weekend and the kids won’t need babysitting, I could drive up to Massachusetts.

Mom: What!? By yourself? Is this some joke?

Jaspar: No mom I swear!

Mom: What’s his name? Is he hot?

Jaspar: What??

Mom: Well he’s gotta be a pretty hot dude for you to wanna drive six hours.

Jaspar: There’s no guy mom, it’s for school! You’re always saying we need to get cultured.

Mom: I meant read a damn book.

Jaspar: I could get so much better sources if I was able to go there and sort through old newspapers

and stuff!

Mom: My son is really tryna convince me to let him drive to Massachusetts. At one in the damn

morning. It’s not gonna happen.

Jaspar: Why not?

Mom: Are you serious right now?

Jaspar: You said I need to get my grade up! She’s offering extra credit for people who go above

and beyond. Please? I’ll be safe, I promise. I’ll call you the whole ride.

Mom: I don’t wanna listen to your voice that long.

Jaspar: Mom, c’mon. You always say it’s good to travel, why not do it now in my prime ya’know?

When I’m young?

Mom: Honey if this is your prime I’ve got some bad news.

Jaspar: Will you please consider it? C’mon you work in a hospital, I could get hit by a bus next


Mom: (chuckling) Alright, I’ll think about it. Don’t get your hopes up though.

Jaspar: Thank you! (hugs her)

Mom: I didn’t say yes! Now go the fuck to bed, your ass better be teacher’s pet today. And you

have to take Kylie and Bradyn to the park after school.

Jaspar: Deal!

Mom: And you’re getting the kids dinner with ya own money.

Jaspar: Okay, I will!

Mom: You really do wanna go, huh? If it’s that important….I’ll consider. Wear a condom.

Jaspar: I already told you it’s for school!

Mom: Mhm. Goodbye. (hugs him and kisses his forehead)

Jaspar: Bye mom, have a good day at work.

Mom: I work in the ER, there’s no such thing as a good day.

Jaspar: Right. Love you.

Mom: Love you too.

Act Three Scene One

It is Saturday Morning. Jaspar brings a suitcase out to his car.

Kylie: I wanna come!

Jaspar: No you don’t. I’m conjuring up children eating ghosts.

Mom: Hush.

Bradyn: I wanna go!

Jaspar: Don’t you listen?

Mom: Stop.

Jaspar: You wouldn’t have fun anyway. I’m gonna be in the car and the library the whole time.

Mom: Yeah you kids would be bored outta your mind. Or a third wheel.

Jaspar: Mom!! Anyway, it’s a long drive and I should get going. (Kylie and Bradyn each cling to

a leg)

Kylie and Bradyn: Noo!

Mom: Drive safe honey. I love you.

Jaspar: I love you too. Now hop off! (He shakes his siblings off his legs. He opens the drivers

side door and lets Victoria crawl over to the passenger’s side. After she settles he gets in and

drives off. His family waves.) Alright, Vic. Ya know the address to this place?

Victoria: Well…no. But once we’re in town I’ll know where to go.

Jaspar: Ya sure? I mean, a lot can change in a couple of centuries.

Victoria: I have never been so sure/ The difficult part is over with. Finding you.

Jaspar: Yeah, 12 hours roundtrip, a few hundred out my bank account, and preparing my speech

to my mom about why my history grade still sucks ass is smooth sailing.

Victoria: It’ll be worth it. I promise!

Jaspar: Alright Vic, I believe ya.

Victoria: When I left, I hitchhiked my way out. I just hopped into stranger’s horse and buggies.

Jaspar: Well, I hope this is a little faster.

Victoria: (laughing) It is. Can I drive?

Jaspar: Drive? Are you kidding?

Victoria: No! I wanna!

Jaspar: You fucked my computer up, God knows what you’ll do to my car.

Victoria: Pleeeaassseee.

Jaspar: Alright, I’ll think about it.

Victoria: Yay!

Jaspar: I didn’t say yes! It’ll have to be an empty ass road.

Act Three Scene Two

Jaspar has arrived in the town and pulls into a parking lot to GPS a hotel.

Victoria: Are we here?

Jaspar: Well we’re in the town, yeah. Gotta check into the hotel and we’ll be on our way,


Victoria: I’ve just waited so long, it’s so exciting!

Jaspar: Well, just keep your pants on.

Victoria: (confused)I am not wearing pants. (Jaspar laughs)

They pull into the hotel parking lot and get checked in. They take the slow elevator in silence as

there are other people on it. When they get into the room Jaspar plops into the bed.

Victoria: Come on, we gotta go! No naps!

Jaspar: (groaning) I just want to lay here for a moment is all.

Victoria: I’ve had an infinite amount of moments, Jaspar. I’m not sure I could bear another!
Jaspar: (sitting up slowly) Hey, Vic?

Victoria: Yes?

Jaspar: When I… y’kno life the curse or whatever, what’s gonna happen?

Victoria: Well hopefully you’re not some fluke and it’ll work to lift the curse. (laughs)

Jaspar: No I mean…to you? What’s going to happen to you?

Victoria: I’m not sure what you mean.

Jaspar: Like where will you go?

Victoria: Well, I like to think I’ll see my parents again. And I even think Helena will be there, I

really do.

Jaspar: So this is a suicide mission? I’m just here to kill you off?

Victoria: Well, no. I mean –

Jaspar: I’m just supposed to let you die?

Victoria: (quietly) Yes.

Jaspar: That’s bullshit!

Victoria: Everything must die Jaspar. It is God’s way. It is past my time. It has been a blessed time

and I treasure all the things I’ve observed, but dear God it has been a lonely existance! I cannot

fathom another moment!

Jaspar: But, you’re…I know but…

Victoria: I know it’s hard to say goodbye. It’s hard to understand. But it must be done Jaspar.

Jaspar: (tearing up) I’m going to miss you.

Victoria: (she sits next to Jaspar and hugs him) It will be okay. I promise. I think I shall see you


Jaspar: C’mon. You’re going to drive a car.

Victoria: Really?

Jaspar: Yeah! I mean it’s your last day, it’s a requirement.

They exit the hotel and Jaspar drives until he finds an abandoned road outside of town. There is

no dialogue but Jaspar explains how to drive. She’s terrible, but begins to almost get the hang of


Act Three Scene Three

Victoria and Jaspar are in the woods. Both are sweaty and Jaspar is covered in scratches.

Jaspar: Look, are you sure you know where it is?

Victoria: Yes. Positive.

Jaspar: I’m jus’ sayin’, a lot can change in a century or three.

Victoria: Wait, look!

Jaspar: The house? (Victoria runs ahead and stops and stares. Jaspar walks over to her.) If this

breaking the curse thing involves running you found the wrong guy.

Jaspar looks up and sees an old cemetary. Victoria looks solemnly around, touching many of the

headstones. She sits down in front of her parents grave. There is a grave for her, and it includes

a birth date but no death date. It reads ‘May She Come Here Too’. She begins to cry. Jaspar

hugs her and sits next to her.

Jaspar: Don’t worry Vic. You’re on your way. You’re almost home.

They sit in silence for awhile. Victoria slowly stands up.

Victoria: I know the way from here. It’s not much farther.

They walk for awhile before coming to an old house that’s falling apart.

Victoria: (gasping) This is it!

As she runs in the house, the rotten door falls off completely. Jaspar follows inside.
Jaspar: Alright, time to look for clues. Regular ole Scooby Doo crew up in here.

They begin looking through the dusty books and furniture, papers are scattered everywehere.

After awhile Victoria holds up a crumpled page that says “To Undo Thy Curse”.

Victoria: I think this is it! (Jaspar runs over and they read the paper, and begin gathering the

materials they need, which include candles, chalk, and a drop of Jaspar’s blood. Everything is

all set up)

Jaspar: Victoria?

Victoria: Yes?

Jaspar: I’m gonna miss you.

Victoria: I will miss you too, Jaspar.

Jaspar: I’m really glad I met you.

Victoria: I’m glad too.

Jaspar: Yeah, ‘cause your suicidal and I’m gonna kill ya off (half-hearted laugh)

Victoria: Not just that! I could have gotten stuck with someone cruel or terrifying or…I don’t

know. Someone bad. But I didn’t.

Jaspar: (laughing) Yeah, you got stuck with my sad gay ass. (Victoria laughs a little too.)

Victoria: I’ve treasured every minute with you, Jaspar. You are a good friend. (They hug one last


Jaspar begins to read the spell which is in Latin. As he speaks Victoria begins to visibly age.

Jaspar cries while reciting the spell and soon Victoria turns to dust. As he finishes the spell even

her dust disappears. All that remains are her clothes and a small cross necklace, which Jaspar

takes with him and holds crying. He wipes his eyes and exits the house, starting his walk back.

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