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Meet Calin  

May 29, 2018 

Dear Mrs. Szentesi: 
Before his second birthday, Calin had already undergone 4 
surgeries to remove tumors on his body. He was diagnosed 
with a rare genetic disorder called Tuberous Sclerosis 
Complex before birth when he was only 36 weeks in utero. 
The disorder caused tumors to grow on various organs, 
primarily Calin’s brain, heart and kidneys. The diseases 
exhausted Calin’s family, as they traveled across the 
country from hospital to hospital to find care for their 
brave little son. They were on the brink of financial collapse 
before ​Jack’s Helping Hand stepped in to financially 
But Jack’s Helping Hand isn’t the only one dedicated to 
helping little Cailin fight his disease. Calin’s father’s 
employer, A.M. Sun Solar, heard about Calin’s situation and 
pledged to help. They are currently donating an extra $600 
for each person that mentions Jack’s Helping Hand when 
signing up for solar. Jack’s helping Hand is grateful to 
support such a wonderful family. 
Mrs. Szentesi, you can help families just like Calin’s support 
their sick children in times of need. You can be the 
difference between a family’s total collapse, or help them 
through a dark time. I implore you to think about helping 
support Jack’s Helping Hand with a donation of any size. 
Jack’s Helping Hand wouldn’t be nearly as effective today 
without the generous donations from community members like you. Even a small donation can be the 
difference between providing the assistance and resources a child needs. Your donation provides 
children struggling with diseases, the financial security and help they need to keep their families strong 
and unified.  
We would like to thank our donors for their continued loyalty and support, because without you 
children like Calin would not have the help they need to live their lives to the fullest. With your 
donations we have been able to provide support to ​250 kids every month​ in San Luis Obispo County. 
Calin thanks you for your donation! 
​Zachary Donnenfield 
Communications Director at Jack’s Helping Hand 
P.S. Save the date! On ​July 7, 2018​ we will be hosting our annual BBQ & auction at Santa Margarita Ranch. 
All proceeds go to Jack’s Helping Hand. We hope to see you there! 

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