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7p5R0%18 Pytnon Fle Concatenation- Stack Overtow Python File Concatenation Ihave a data folder, with subfolders for each subject that ran through a program. So, for example, in the data folder, there are folders for Bob, Fred, and Tom. Each one of those folders contains a variety of fles and subfolders. However, | am only interested in the ‘summary.og’ fle contained in each subject's folder. Iwant to concatenate the ‘summary.log' file from Bob, Fred, and ‘Tom into a single log fie in the data folder. In addition, I want to add a column to each log file that will ist the subject number. Is this possible to do in Python? Or is there an easier way to do it? | have tried a number of different batches of code, but none of them get the job done, For example, #l/usr/bin/python import sys, string, glob, os fis = glob.glob(e*/Users/slevclab/Desktop/Acceptability Judgenent Task/data/**); outfile = open(*suemary. 10g", "w'); for x in fis: File-open(x,‘r'):; File.close(); outfile.write(data); ourfile.close(); Gives me the error, Traceback (sost recent call last) File “", line 8, in Fleropen(x,"r"); YoError: [Ereno 21] Is 2 directory acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Term: 1ck Overflow Network, is subject to these policies and terms f Stack Overfiow's Products and Services, including th hitpsstackovortow.comiquestions/6831780!pythan-fle-concatenaton 7p5R0%18 Pytnon Fle Concatenation- Stack Overtow fron glob inport igiob import shutil import os PATH = r'/Users/slevelab/Desktop/Acceptability Judgement Task/data/*" destination = open("sunmary..og', ‘xo") for filenane in igleb(os.path.join(PATH, "*.10g")) shut iL.copyfileobj(open(filenane, ‘rb'), destination) destination.close() This gives me an “invalid syntax" error at the "for filename’ line, but I'm not sure what to change. python file lagging concatenation ‘asked Jul 26°11 at 14:38 534] Ryan Simmons fib 416 2 14 25 4 Answers The syntax is not related to the use of glob. You forget the "* at the end of the for statement: for filenane in iglob(os.path. join(PAY But the following pattern works : PATH « r'/Users/slevelab/Desktop/Accey destination = open('sunmary..og', "xo for filenane in iglob(PATH): shut L-copyileobj (open(filenane, destination.close() ‘answered Jul 2 B vce Bazs1 10 16 attaet 1 relevant ads and job listings, By using our sit acknowledge that you have read and understand our and our Your use f Stack Overfiow's Products and Services, including the 1ck Overflow Network, is subject to these policies and terms htpsstackovertow.comiquestions/6831780!pyihan-fle-concatenaton 2a 7p5R0%18 Pytnon Fle Concatenation- Stack Overtow you are not using sys, string of os , 80 there is no need to import those fis = glob.glob(r'/Users/slevclab/Dest here, you are selecting the subject folders. Since you are interested in sunnary.t0¢. files within these folders, you may change the pattern as, follows: is = glob. glob('/users/slevelab/beskt Task/data/*/suemary 10g") In Python, there is no need to end lines with semicolons. utile = open(susmary. 10g", "w') for x in fis: file = open(x, 'r") data = file.reac() file. close() outfile.write(data) ourfile.close() answered Jul 26 "1% at 1447 Ferdinand Beyer Mok 12 108 124 ‘The colon ( : )is missing in the for line. Besides you should use with because it handles closing the file (your code is not exception safe) ‘from glob import iglob import shutil import os pan P'/Users/slevclab/desktop/Accey with open(sunmary.1og", "wo") as dest for filenase in iglob(os.path.joir vith open(filenane, ro") as 5 shutil .copyfileoby(in_, de answered Jul 26""% at 1447 GH Michael Markert ete 370 2 14 18 acknowledge that you have read and understand our verllow’s Products and S htpsstackovertow.comiquestions/6831780!pythan-fle-concatenaton 1 relevant ads and job listings. By using our site, y 1ck Overflow Netw and our bie to these policies and a6

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