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Arabella Steinbacher appears with major orchestras such as the Boston Symphony,
Bavarian Radio Symphony, Orchestre de Paris, Cleveland, New York, NHK and
performs with conductors such as the late Lorin Maazel, Christoph von Dohnányi,
Riccardo Chailly, Herbert Blomstedt, Christoph Eschenbach, Charles Dutoit, Marek
Janowski, Yannick Nézet-Séguin and Thomas Hengelbrock. Her debuts at the
Salzburger Festspiele 2013, the “BBC-Proms” 2009 and at the New York Carnegie
Hall in 2011 have been praised by international press.

Her latest CD release is an album with Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra and
Vladimir Jurowski. Among many international music prizes and nominations, she was
awarded the ECHO Klassik twice. Arabella Steinbacher has been recording
exclusively for Pentatone Classics since 2009.

As CARE ambassador Arabella Steinbacher continually supports people in need.

Arabella Steinbacher plays the violin since the age of three and studied with Ana
Chumachenco at the Munich Academy of Music. Arabella Steinbacher currently plays
the 1716 "Booth" Stradivari, generously loaned by the Nippon Music Foundation.


NHK 等大型交響樂團一起演出,並與馬捷爾、多南伊、夏伊、布隆斯泰特、


她在 2009 年的 BBC 逍遙音樂節、2011 年在紐約卡內基音樂廳,以及 2013


她最新的 CD 是由弗拉基米爾.尤若夫斯基指揮柏林廣播交響電台的專輯。她

曾獲許多國際音樂獎項和提名,當中更是兩次榮獲 ECHO Klassik 大獎。自

2009 年以來,史坦巴赫爾一直為 Pentatone Classics 獨家錄音。

身為 CARE 她不斷支持有需要的人。她從三歲開始學習小提琴,並在慕尼黑

音樂院師事安娜.丘瑪謙科 (Ana Chumachenco)。史坦巴赫爾目前演奏的是

由日本音樂基金會慷慨借出的 1716 年「布斯」史特拉第瓦里琴。

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