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There are several factors can lead to construction disputes.

Projects are usually long term transactions

with high uncertainty and complexity.

In our disputes, one of the reason why our construction company did not deliver the materials on the
agreed time it is because our regular supplier of our construction materials was located in the U.S.

That there is conflict arises between the Republic of the Philippines and U.S. government which therefor
causes the delay.

That the U.S. is against on the policy of President Rodrigo Duterte due to his war on drugs that causes
several killings for violation of the Human Rights.

In return, U.S. impliedly blocked any transactions between the 2 states which started in disallowing the
sale of arms by the U.S. government to the Philippines. In response, President Duterte criticized U.S. for
entering with Philippine Sovereignty, thus, the conflicting relationship between the 2 states affects the
delivery of our construction materials.

Based on the situation we are not in the position to determine whether or not the dispute between 2
governments would be resolve earlier.

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