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Justin Zhuo

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Learning Unlimited

Preparatory School

Dear Ms. Laird,

Recently, my fourth grade teacher, Ms. Yvette, read us the book, Welcome to Nowhere.
It was very interesting, it was realistic fiction.

In the book, Welcome to Nowhere, Omar and his family traveled a lot. He starts off at
Basra, then goes to Daraa, then went to the country side, and ends up in Jordon in a refugee
camp. He left Basra because there were no more tourists coming, he left Daraa because there
was a war, he left the country side because the war was going closer to the country side.

My name is Justin, live in St. Maarten. You might have not heard of St.Maarten because
it is a small island. I have lived through something like a war. It was a hurricane, Hurricane Irma.
It broke records and records. If there was a category 6 Irma would be category 6. Most house
got destroyed on the island and some people had no houses (I think).

I think you should make a part two of Welcome to Nowhere. I think that because, I think
a lot of people who read your book is curious if Omar and his Family made it to London. You
left it as a cliffhanger so people would want a part two. I hope you will make a part two.

Well, now you know stuff about me and my request (part 2 W.T.N). I hope you will
except my request. Do you know anybody that lives in St. Maarten? I’m asking that because I
live in St. Maarten and I want to know if you know anybody that lives there.

A student,


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