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Advise Doctors generally advised doing exercise

Allow The European Union doesn’t allow smoking in bars

Anticipate I anticipated getting stuck in traffic

Appreciate I appreciated Danny hellping me

Avoid He avoid talking to her

Begin I began learning english

Can’t bear He can’t bear being late

Can’t help He can’t help drinking so much

Can’t see I can’t see being in London

Can’t stand He can’t stand her smoking in the Street

Cease The government ceased providing free healthcare

Complete He completed renovating the house

Consider She considered moving to Amsterdam

Continue He continued talking

Defend The lawyer defended her making such statements

Delay He delayed replying the letter

Deny He dennied committing the crime

Despise She despise waking up early

Discuss We discussed working at the Company

Dislike She dislike being ignored

Don’t mind I don’t mind helping you

Dread I dread being near to being death

Encourage He encourage eating eating healthy foods

Enojoy We enjoy swimming

Finish He finished doing his homework

Forget I forgot giving you my book

Hate I hate doing the ironing

Imagine He imagines working there one day

Involve The job involves travelling to Japan one day

Keep She kept interrupting me

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