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The qualifications of English conversation teacher are:

1. Having qualification for the English teacher

2. Having ability to use different kinds of medium of teaching
3. Ability to arrange the main idea of chapter in every sentence
4. Ability to make students speaking and expressing their mind

The steps in teaching English conversation

A. Introduction
1. Greeting (teacher says ‘Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” when enters
the class).
2. Controlling the class (teacher orders students to arrange their seats and their learning
instruments of those have not been arranged well).
3. Asking or informing the lesson and writing it on the blackboard, then writing the date
with the student’s participation.
4. Declaring his position in teaching as a teacher for teaching practice.
B. Preface (asking question leading to the new chapter, then writing the chapter on the blackboard.
C. Explanation
1. Mentioning new vocabulary and writing it then explaining its meaning.
2. After explanation, the teacher talks about the first pointof the subject discussed
together with students.
3. The teacher writes the first point of the subject discussed together with

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