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Name: Cody Wilkerson Class Section/ Meeting Time: HUMA 1100, MW – 8:00 AM


For my Humanities 1100 class’s final project assignment we must tell a story in a creative way about someone in our
family and how they relate to one of the four themes in class, “Happiness and the Good Life”, “Identity, Privilege, and
Inequalities”, “The Experience of War”, and “Human Rights and Global Justice”. I decided to choose my great-
grandfather Orburn K. Flowers, as the person who I will do my final project about. Orburn died serving in WWII, which
goes with “The Experience of War” theme we covered in class. What makes my great-grandfathers story very interesting
is that he was the great nephew to the Wright Brothers. Being their nephew inspired him to want to be a pilot, which
lead to him joining the Army Air Corps. I found that very interesting that not only am I directly related to people who
changed history, but also that my great-grandfather was killed flying the very thing his great-uncles invented. Another
reason why I chose to do this is because I am also a veteran. I served in Iraq and Afghanistan as an Infantryman and
knowing that my family (between both sides) has served in every major conflict since the Revolutionary War, it inspired
me to carry on the tradition and serve my country. It wasn’t the only factor in my decision, but it was something that I
thought about leading up to my decision. Being a veteran gave me a great perspective into my great-grandfathers most
likely thoughts and perceptions about the war and serving his country. I wrote three poems about my great-grandfather
and his service. I also wrote a poem about my experiences being a veteran. For my final project, I also made a poster
board that includes portrait drawings of Orville and Wilbur Wright that I did with graphite pencil and smooth-tooth
sketching paper. I glued some copies of some photos of my great-grandfather and glued the poems on them as well as
shown below.

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