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ADVERSE effect: Efecto adverso.

ACRID smoke. Humo irritante (unpleasant, bitter, sharp)

ADAPTING scarce resources..

Anthrax is an AILMENT

AUSTERE musical criticism. Estricto, distante, frío.

ARDUOUS sport. Difícil, extenuante.

Turtles ABANDON their eggs. Abandonan, dejan.

AFFLUENT families. Rich, wealthy, prosperous.

Jewelers are asked to APPRAISE jewelry. Evaluar, estimar.

Acrobats must be AGILE.

ARID climate. Clima árido.

Claustrophobia is an AVERSION to confined spaces. Miedo, desagrado, hostilidad.

The most ASTONISHING evolutionary development. Sorpresivo, espectacular, increíble.

APT quotations. Relevante, apropiado, correcto; (2) Probable.

Some lakes are natural, but others are ARTIFICIAL. Hecho por el hombre, imitación,

I found the librarians here quite ACCOMMODATING. Helpful, welcoming, cooperative.

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