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Test Bahasa Inggris Klas 2 semester 2

I. Fill in the blank with the correct word

1. There is a ……..( meja ) in the classroom
2. There is a ……..( papan tulis )
3. The ………..( penggaris ) in the box
4. There is a ……..( jam dinding ) on the wall
5. The ………..( pintu ) is in the corner of the class

II. Complete the missing letters

1. Win _ o _w ( jendela )
2. C _ air ( kursi )
3. Fla _ ( bendera )
4. Eras _ r ( penghapus )
5. Pi _ ture ( gambar )
KLAS 2 ( Dua )
TH. PELAJARAN 2008 – 2009

Hari : Kamis, 11 Juni 2009 Nama :

Klas :

I. Answer the question with the correct words!

( Jawablah dengan kata – kata yang tepat ! )

1. What is Mr. Ali ? He is a ………………….

2.What is Nurlita? She is a ………………….

3. What is Mrs. Anita ? She is a ………………….

4. What is Handoko ? He is a ………………….

5.What is Miss Sarah ? She is a ………………….

6.What is it ? …………………………………….

7.What is it ? …………………………………….
8.What is it ? …………………………………….

9.What is it ? …………………………………….

10.What is it ? …………………………………….

II. Fill in the blanks with “ to be” ( is – am – are )

( Isilah yang kosong dengan “ to be “ is – am – are )

6. You ……………………. Studying English

7. Mr. Ardy ………………………… a teacher

8. I ……………………. A student

9. We ……………………. Classmates

10. She ……………………. Miss Tina

Good luck – tyas

TH. PELAJARAN 2009 – 2010

Hari : Kamis,14 Januari 2010 Nama :……………………………

Klas/ No :……………………………
I. Choose the correct answers ! ( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar )

1. It is 12
a. Eleven b. twelve c. thirteen

2. It is 17
b. Sixteen b. fifteen c. seventeen

3.ten plus four is ………………………….

a. Fourteen b. fifteen c. eighteen

4.eleven plus eight is …………………….

a. fifteen b. seventeen c. nineteen

5. three plus eight is ………………………….

a. Eleven b. thirteen c. nineteen

6. What animal is it ? It is…….

a. Cat b. duck c. hen

7. What animal is it ? It is …….

a. rabbit b. cock c. bird

8. What animal is it ? It is …….

a. dog b. bird c. hen

9. This is …………………………

a. Soup b. cake c. noodle

10. This is …………………………

a. tea b. orange juice c. coffee

II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words !

( Isilah yang kosong dengan kata- kata yang tepat )

11. I love …………………………………………. ( ibu )

12. You love ……………………………………… ( ayah )

13. I like …………………………….

14. My grandfather likes ……………………………

15. Diana eats ……………………………………

Good luck - tyas

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