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Dr. G. E. Schuitemaker1

Introduction Syndrome. The stressor is continuous poor

"Spasmophilia is a condition in which the nutrition and a constant deficiency state of the
motor nerves show abnormal sensitivity to body, to which the body will adapt in the course
mechanical or electric stimulation, and the of the time. However, when it continues too long,
patient shows a tendency to spasm, tetany, and symptoms show up: next to tiredness and
convulsions." This is the definition given in the exhaustion, sweating, yawning, tachycardias,
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (26th irritability, depression, phobias, etc.
edition), which might seem a bit cryptic, not
something which is seen daily in the practice of a Characteristics of spasmophilia
physician. However, in France "spasmophilic" is The General Adaptation Syndrome is also the
diagnosed frequently. Every French medical basis for spasmophilia. With this syndrome, the
doctor knows the disease and is alert not to miss neuromuscular over-excitability of the striped
it. Their knowledge of the disease is also more and smooth muscles plays a central role. It can be
comprehensive than the definition given by said that hyperventilation is a part of this
Dorland's. syndrome. The hyperventilation phenomenon is
There might be an analogy with hypo- not something on its own, but is part of a larger
glycemia. This syndrome is recognized now by picture. Other symptoms include tiredness,
many Orthomolecular MD s, but not properly stiffness and twinges, muscle cramps, stomach
described in many medical handbooks. and intestine complaints and allergies. A
Nevertheless, many people in the western psychosomatic component is very usual. These
countries suffer from this disease, while proper symptoms seem to be quite general, but they can
nutritional intervention might help a lot among be specified. Dr. Van der Vlies in Amsterdam
them. There is also an underlying mechanism introduced spasmophilia in the Netherlands by
common to spasmophilia and hypoglycemia. writing an excellent review in the Journal
This has been very well described by Selye with Orthomolecular (nr.l, 1988). He gave a picture of
his General Adaptation Syndrome. The body is the spasmophilia patient.
reacting in a general way to so called stressors, Patients with spasmophilia are difficult
like sudden changes in temperature, poisoning, "starters" in the morning, and in the evening they
etc. In the beginning, the body reacts as in a are overactive. In their hands and feet they feel
shock. Uncomfortable feelings show up, like needle and pin pricks (like the complaints after
those when smoking a first cigarette. When the pinching off arterial circulation). Ticks (eyelids)
action of stressors continues, the body will adapt and tiny muscle twitches are typical symptoms.
to it. The person gets used to this and encounters The extremities feel heavy and stiff. Cramps
problems when attempting to discontinue the show up when at rest and ameliorate during
stress. In other words, addiction develops. In the exercise. Also there may be cramps in the belly
final stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome, and back musculature, which initiate back and
the body will succumb under the continuous neck pain. In many cases these symptoms are
strain laid upon it and Selye called this the connected with psychological factors. The
exhaustion phase. Finally, the person will die. spasmophilic woman has a submissive, victim-
Actually the hypoglycemia syndrome like attitude, keeping back her emotions. The
man reacts in another way. He is supercritical
1. European Institute for Orthomolecular Science, Post-bus and rationalizes continuously,
420, 3743 JA Baarn, The Netherlands.
can be superimposed on this General Adaptation

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 3, No. 3, 1988

hiding in this way his emotions. Introversion is a L-tryptophane (3 grams daily) is indicated in case
general characteristic. of acute stress. A proper diet is of course
Constriction of the chest, accompanied by necessary. Next to this nutritional program,
fear, is a common complaint of the spasmophilic physical exercise, massage to relax the muscles
patient. These attacks can be very annoying for and some kind of psychotherapy is very helpful.
him and are caused by spasms of the smooth This discussion of the spasmophilia syndrome
musculature of the upper gastro-intestinal tract. may give the practicing physician new clues in
Lower in the system spasms in the gall ducts treating diseases which are connected to the
result in nausea and tendency to vomit. In the General Adaptation Syndrome, like
lower intestinal region, spasmophilia gives hypoglycemia, allergies and also Candida
constipation, alternated with diarrhea. Women albicans. Interesting is that very recently in
may have functional menstruation complaints, Germany a book has been published with the title
like haemorrhagia, fluor and pain. Finally, as part Das Magne-siummangel Syndrom (Prof. dr. H. J.
of the spasmophilic syndrome, there must be Holtmeier, Hippocrates Verlag, 1988) — the
mentioned allergies, asthma, and exzema. Here magnesium deficiency syndrome. In this book the
might be the connection with hypoglycemia, author discusses the same disease, which French
which is also accompanied by allergic reactions. doctors have been diagnosing and treating for
years: spasmophilic
Therapeutical approach to spasmophilia
Over-excitability of the musculature is the Literature
main point in spasmophilia. Underlying it is an 1. Lefevre P: La Spasmophilic, le mal de vivre. Encre
imbalance in the mineral reserve especially of Rives, 1986.
2. Kraus F: Algemeine und speziel le Pa thologie der
magnesium and calcium. Also potassium is
Person. Klinische Syzilogie. Teil 1: Tiefenperson.
involved in this imbalance. This can of course be Thieme Verlag, 1926.
checked by hair analysis. Thus magnesium sup- 3. Vlies R. van der: Spasmofilie. Orthomole-culair
plementation is a major part of the therapy, along nr.l, 1988, p. 33. (Dutch language) and
with calcium and potassium. Vitamin B6 (100 Orthomolekular nr.2, 1988, p. 71 (German
mg) supports serotonin metabolism, and the language).
absorption and the cellular uptake of magnesium.


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