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The magnetic bearing of a line AB is 134degrees

and 45 minutes. Find its true bearing, if the magnetic

declination is 10 degrees and 15 minutes W

02. The magnetic beaing of a line AB is S32 degrees E.
And the magnetic declination is 8degrees 16 minutes E.
What is the true bearing of th

e line?
03. The true bearing of a line is 225 degrees 38 minutes
and the magnetic declination is 12 degrees and 14 minutes.
Find the magnetic bearing of the line.
04. A line was drawn to a magnetic bearing of 234 degrees
40 minues on an old map when the magnetic decliation was
4 degrees 16 minutes E. To what bearing should it be set
now, if the present magentic declination is 2 degrees 20
minutes W.

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