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A Shadow’s Lullaby

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Panel Description Dialog

1.1 A mechanical and organic bird

in the finger of the armored
glove of Antonius, his right
hand covered with blood and

1.2 The bird flies into a red

sky where it seems to be more
covered by fog than any clear
cloud. It is very easy to
see that it is someplace in
a street alley. Some sorts of
a city limit. There is a brick
wall filled with tubes and
rare crumbling sculptures all
around it.

1.3 Antonius stands looking SALMOS

up watching how the bird So you were waiting for me here.
disappears inside the red I’m glad you kept your promise.
sky. A voice is heard from You wanted to get rid of me. You
the back. He is wearing some wanted to change, huh?!
kind of a powered suit.

1.4 In the right side of Antonius

is possible to see an
underground river filled with
bodies and parts of garbage,
parts of cars, robots, etc.
Antonius is silent.

1.5 We can see the back of Salmos

(also wearing a power suit)
and Antonius is still giving
his back to Salmos. We can
see a wider scenario, the
horizon is somehow clear, a
city very far, a wide river
at both of their right sides,
tunnels on their left sides,
sculptures even a couple of
bodies lying on the ground.
They don’t look alike at all.
Salmos and Antonius, I mean.
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Panel Description Dialog

2.1 Salmos is touching the ground.

2.2 We see that Salmos is touching


2.3 Salmos is painting something

with the blood.

2.4 There are three faces, one

happy, another serious and
another sad face.

2.5 Salmos looks up. A shadow

reflects on him.

2.6 Salmos looks surprised but


2.7 Antonius has delivered a

massive punch that destroyed
the ground. Salmos dodges the

2.8 Salmos is jumping and moving SALMOS

backwards. Of us, who is the shadow? Should
we change? Should we create a new
one? What are we?

2.9 There is fog surrounding

Antonius, we see part of his
chest up to his face, the
other parts of his body are
clearly unwatchable because
of the fog obviously caused
by the attack he did against
Salmos. Antonius is serious
with hate and somehow horror
in his eyes after hearing what
Salmos just said.
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Panel Description Dialog

3.1 Antonius stands up from the


3.2 Salmos is carelessly seated on

the ground, his mouth smiles
but his eyes are seriously
looking at Antonius.

3.3 Antonius looks at the sky. ANTONIUS

We are the only ones that remain
of our team. We are nothing but
mere clones of a once good man
brought back to life in the form
of us. We are nothing but viruses,
going from place to place killing,
exterminating everything.

3.4 Salmos is standing up with one SALMOS

hand on the ground impulsing You make me wanna cry! Sure you
himself getting up. do.

3.5 Salmos is completely stand up SALMOS

seriously looking at Antonius. We both know that we don’t know
where we come from. But saying
that we are clones of somebody
else that died long ago is a very
poor thing to say. Not to mention
that you begun attacking me.

3.6 Antonius looks like he

realizes about something.

3.7 Antonius is sweating. Looking

calm and serious.

3.8 Salmos starts walking.

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Panel Description Dialog

4.1 Perspective view from the back

of Antonius we can see how
Salmos is getting close by

4.2 Viewing from the chest to the SALMOS

whole of his head Salmos is We are no clones nor even related
walking, talking and seeing at by nothing except of what we do.
Antonius. If guessing in this circumstances
we are, then, I guess, we are
survivors but we can’t remember
being survivors of what. Or simply
we erased something from our
memories to keep things safe
because of what we do. I’m not
even sure if fighting to the death
is the real answer.

4.3 Antonius smiles. ANTONIUS

For some reason, I know that if
any of us survives this fight we
will get to know why we know each
other and why we can’t remember
anything up to this point. So the
answer is totally pointless.

4.4 Salmos looks serious, his face SALMOS

even shows a sad looking grin. I know what it is. Either way, you
will never know.

4.5 With a smile on his face, ANTONIUS

showing fury in his eyes This is the reality of life,
there is Antonius preparing right? Yes, it is.
to attack.

4.6 We see the shadow of Antonius

reflecting on the wall in his
right side.
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Panel Description Dialog

5.1 A close up into the shadow of

Antonius, something strange
shows out of the shadow,
like several tiny little eyes
around a tiny brown and green

5.2 We see Salmos and his shadow

reflecting itself and also
something weird coming out of
it too.

5.3 Salmos runs to confront


5.4 Antonius is running directly

to Salmos in an offensive
position of brutal attack.

5.5 Antonius and Salmos appears

in this same Panel getting
close to each other. Antonius
is jumping, while Salmos is
running from below. We can
clearly see the other side
of the river and all those
stacked things of a pyramid of

5.6 From the above part of that

pile of things in the river
something is coming up from
the insides of a part where
the light doesn’t reach.
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Panel Description Dialog

6.1 The thing that is coming up BROWN-GREEN HEAD

is nothing but that strange Is coming to an end. We should
Brown-Green Head with several better kill them now. No, we can’t
eyes around it. This thing do that, we don’t know if there
talks. The balloons come from are more of them. We better be
different directions around careful and patiently absorb all
it. their energies until one of them
dies or them both. This is what we
have learned.

6.2 Antonius is kicking at Salmos

in the stomach, it is hurting
him, Salmos even spits blood
like vomiting.

6.3 Almost instantly Salmos takes

some kind of a sword out of
some part of his back.

6.4 Salmos attacks Antonius left

side with the sword doing a
very fast move.

6.5 Antonius tries to evade the

attack but his left arm is
easily cut off.

6.6 Antonius looks furious but

equally scared.

6.7 Antonius with a sudden move

and clearly losing balance of
his body stretches his right

6.8 With his right hand, Antonius

grabs Salmos head.
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Panel Description Dialog

7.1 Salmos is preparing another SALMOS

attack but is surprised by Grrrr!!!
Antonius’ move which makes him
desperately angry.

7.2 They both are falling to the


7.3 Antonius kicks with his left

foot the right arm of Salmos.

7.4 Some kind of energy is coming

out of Antonius right arm.

7.5 Salmos moves his arm with the

sword in another direction to
blow Antonius chest.

7.6 Salmos head explodes.

7.7 Salmos makes a cut in the

chest of Antonius, but it
causes superficial damage

7.8 Both bodies are in the ground.

7.9 Antonius is lying there on the ANTONIUS

ground looking at the sky. He You were wrong, Salmos. I can’t
thinks for himself. remember nothing. No signs, no
memories. I see, you were right.

7.10 His arm, through his powered ANTONIUS

suit is regenerating. Only remains the feeling that we
were hurting each other forced to
do it by something else.
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Panel Description Dialog

8.1 We see the headless body of ANTONIUS

Salmos. We got it all wrong. We lost sight
of things. Just plane and simple

8.2 Antonius faints.

8.3 From the bulk of garbage BROWN-GREEN HEAD

and other things inside the He can’t see us. But he survived.
river. The Brown-Green Head We got to find a way and get
is growing like a tree with inside of him again, fight their
several arms, but here are will which we can’t control. We
several heads instead and each should get better and stronger and
one of them saying different powerful. Those words. Yes.
things to each other.

8.4 From a more wide open view of

that part of the river where
the several Brown-Green Heads
are, something is appearing
from above.

8.5 It looks like a spaceship

materializing out of the

8.6 The shadow of the spaceship is BROWN-GREEN HEAD

covering the Brown-Green Head, It was a trap. We got careless.
it realizes about it, probably
too late.

8.7 A mechanical arm is out of the

below part of the ship and it
deploys some kind of energy
light pointing and covering
the whole of that Brown-Green
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Panel Description Dialog

9.1 A view from above looking down VOICE

at where Antonius is inside Negative, no signs of life on any
the spaceship looking at the of them. But in one of them the
pilot looking down. His voice arm is regenerating though.
is heard.

9.2 At the top of the garbage ANOTHER VOICE

where the Brown-Green Head No. The machines inside the suits
was, there is nothing but sometimes makes mistakes. We can’t
smoke. afford to lose another person.

9.3 The spaceship flies across the


9.4 The spaceship is looking more

like a shooting star.

9.5 We are getting a closer look

from above looking at the
bodies of Antonius and Salmos.
But this time not inside the
spaceship which is very far
now but still visible from
where is Antonius.

9.6 Antonius arm is almost

completely regenerated.

9.7 We are getting a closer look

at Antonius face, from his
chest, looks like he is trying
to open his eyes.

9.8 A close-up to Antonius face

opening his eyes.

9.9 A close-up from another

perspective but from the same
range of circumference around
Antonius. Or it could be from
the same perspective anyways.
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Panel Description Dialog

9.10 The left arm of Antonius is

completely regenerated.

9.11 Antonius moving his head and ANTONIUS

eyes to his left side, looking Nice. A shooting star.
at the sky, he is smiling.

9.12 We see the sky from the

right side of Antonius on
the ground. Very far is the
spaceship moving fast, a ray
of light closely behind it.

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