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The Art Of War For Dating

How To Conquer Any Woman, Anytime, Anywhere

By Spencer Michaels
©2007, All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

Part 1: How Women Work

Chapter 1: How Women Think ………….......................................... 07
Chapter 2: It’s In Her Genes! …………........................................... 11

Part 2: How To Be The Guy You Need To Be To

Attract Women
Chapter 3: Confidence …………...................................................... 17
Chapter 4: Be Intriguing ………….................................................... 32
Chapter 5: No More Mr. Nice Guy! ……………………..................... 38
Chapter 6: Cockiness Done Right …………..................................... 58

Part 3: The Approach and The Art Of

Chapter 7: Mentally Preparing For The Approach …………............ 63
Chapter 8: The Actual Approach …………....................................... 68
Chapter 9: The Art Of Conversation ………….................................. 76

Part 4: Unstoppable Techniques For Attracting

Chapter 10: Specific Techniques To Be Used In Battle ………........ 92
Chapter 11: Mistakes Guys Make With Women ………................ 110

Part 5: Body Language and Voice

Chapter 12: Secrets Of Body Language ……………….................. 122
Chapter 13: Voice …………………………………………................ 132

Part 6: Romance and Style

Chapter 14: Romance Done Right ………………………................ 138
Chapter 15: Style …….................................................................... 140

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In his famous book, The Art of War, Sun Tzu spoke about using

resourcefulness, momentum, cunning, flexibility, integrity, secrecy,

speed, positioning, surprise, deception and manipulation to defeat an

opponent. He used phrases like, “Lure them in with the prospect of

gain, take them by confusion" and "Invincibility is in oneself,

vulnerability is in the opponent." In this book I will teach you to take

on a totally new, almost war-like mindset in order to show you how to

meet and attract any woman, anywhere, at any time. By the time you

finish reading this book you will immediately be able to utilize an

arsenal of proven methods and techniques for “conquering” beautiful


The past does not equal the future. Take this statement and embed it

in your mind. The record of what has been has nothing to do with

what you can accomplish in the future. At this very moment you can

decide to be the person you want to be and design and entirely new

life for yourself. While we need to leave the past in the past, we need

to learn from it so that we don’t keep making the same mistakes.

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Meeting and attracting beautiful women is an art. It’s not random at

all. There are rules and proven methods – which I’ll teach you in this

book. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over

again and expecting different results. That’s right – If you are trying to

meet women the same way you’ve always been and expect that

sooner or later they will start responding to these same methods –


Why Listen To Me?

Here’s a little background on me and some reasons why you should

take my advice. I wasn’t the dorky guy who never got girls and then

all of a sudden read a bunch of stuff and started getting tons of

women. I was always pretty good with women but still made tons of

mistakes that most guys make with them. I got my degree in

Psychology from a major university which taught me a lot about

human desires, but that was nothing compared to the education I got

while promoting and managing nightclubs in New York City for 8

years. For years, I spent at least 5 nights a week at the hottest

nightclubs in New York City surrounded by the hottest and most

attitude infused women in the world. In my early twenties I developed

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an extreme desire to really understand the dynamics between men

and women and became infatuated with learning about what makes

women tick. So for years, I’ve researched and read every book and

studied every program there is about relationships and attracting

women. I’ve read literally thousands of books on the topic. Since

then I’ve spent my years coaching guys around the country on how to

attract and meet women. I’ve taken what I’ve learned from the books

and research and combined it with my first hand experience in the

nightclubs of New York City to bring you the best, no-nonsense

information on the topic.

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Part 1: How Women Work

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Chapter 1: How Women Think

Women Don’t Know What They Want

Do you find yourself listening to the advice of female friends about

how to attract women and often find that it doesn’t work? I did for

years. I even made the ultimate mistake of asking girls I was dating

how I should act. Many guys have the mentality that if they want to

learn about what women want, they should ask women. It seems

logical enough but it doesn’t work for one major reason – Women

don’t know what they want! It’s a sad reality that very few women will

actually admit to you. A woman’s emotions are all over the place

because of hormones and thousands of years of genetic coding. She

is constantly battling whether to follow primal urges or to listen to

advice from women’s magazines or friends, or her conscience. One

day she might be in the mood for a sensitive guy, the next a funny

guy, then a week later she’s in the mood for a musician type. One

day she wants a guy who’s domineering and the next a sweet

sensitive guy who gives her all the space in the world.

To prove this, all we need to do is look at the book "Blink" written by

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Malcolm Gladwell. In the book he examines what he calls "The power

of thinking without thinking". The concept is that the reasons that we

SAY we do things are often very different than the reasons we

actually do them. Gladwell talks about a study done by two Columbia

University professors who set up speed dating events in New York

City. The men at the events were given 6 minutes to talk to eight

different women to see if there was an attraction there. After meeting

everyone in the room, the men and women were given a secret ballot

to check off which people they were interested in. If both people

checked off each other, they were given each others' email

addresses. The professors asked all of the women to fill out a

questionnaire before each speed dating event, after the event, one

month later and six months later. The questionnaire asked the

women to rate what they were looking for in a mate on a scale of 1 to

10. The categories are: Attractiveness, shared Interests, sense of

humor, sincerity, intelligence and ambition. After each 6 minute date,

they were also asked to rate the person they just dated on the same

scale. After repeating this "experiment" an innumerous amount of

times what the professors found was astounding. The questionnaire

that the women filled out about what they were looking for in a mate

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and the guys that they actually selected had absolutely no correlation.

In fact, what they said they wanted in a man and the men they

choose were often completely opposite. Another amazing observation

made by the professors was that the women's ranking order of what

they were looking for often changed the day after the event. They

found that if a woman met a few guys that she liked who were more

"attractive and funny" than "sincere and intelligent", the next day

when she filled out the same questionnaire, her preference order

would completely change. She'd all of a sudden rank attractive and

funny higher than sincere and intelligent. After doing this experiment

with thousands of women, this pattern held true in almost all cases!

Another thing that happened in almost all of these cases was that

when filling out the same questionnaire one month later they'd go

back to the original answers they had chosen the first day they filled

the questionnaire out.

This doesn't necessarily mean that women have no idea what they

want, it's just incomplete. This is where you step in with your

confidence and technique to "complete" it. The description that she

starts with of her ideal mate is her conscious ideal. But much of this

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goes out the window when subconscious thought, feelings and

genetic programming kick in. This is why you need to take what a

woman says about what she wants in a man with a grain of salt.

Never assume that you're not her type, even if she says it. YOU can

easily become the type of man she wants.

Throw Logic Out the Window

I'm about to tell about a mistake that 99% of guys (who haven't read

this book) make when trying to get a woman to like them. They try to

use logic to appeal to women. They try to reason their way into to her

pants. This will NEVER work. Why? Because women work very

differently then men. The sooner you understand and accept that the

better off you’ll be. Women are not creatures of logic - they are

creatures of FEELING. They don't use their brains to feel attraction

and most men spend the majority of their time trying to appeal to her

brain instead of making her feel. You can never convince a woman to

have feelings for you if she doesn't. Watching a guy try to convince a

girl to like him can be fun to watch. It’ll never work because women

are genetically programmed to use feeling, not logic, as their primary

gauge of attraction.

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Chapter 2: It’s In Her Genes!

Genetic Programming

Whether we want to admit it or not, human beings are to a large

degree victims of our genetic programming. No matter what a woman

says or how civilized, cultured or progressive she tries to be, she has

very specific evolutionary characteristics that she’s attracted to. This

is great news for us because all we have to do is embrace those

characteristics and we’ll have women falling all over us. A major

character trait that females of all species are programmed to be

attracted to is status. In the animal kingdom females are told by

Mother Nature to mate with the dominant males of her species. It is

no different for human beings. When female animals go into heat,

they search out the strongest males to mate with in order to preserve

the race and create strong offspring. When a woman feels excited

and wild over a guy she’s feeling the same genetically programmed

response that an animal feels when it goes into heat. She can’t help

these feelings. The female animal in nature goes for the seemingly

unattainable, powerful, untamable male. No matter what she says or

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how much she tries to fight these instincts it’s simply factual that they

exist inside her. All of this information is encoded in her genetic


Women need to feel this wild, uncontrollable attraction. They don’t

logically choose it – they feel it or not. You can buy her flowers for the

next ten years and it won’t matter unless you make her FEEL this

attraction to you. Women don’t care how things work; they care how

things make them feel. In all of the romance novels and soap operas

women have been devouring since they were kids, the leading males

are always untamable, strong men who sweep women off their feet.

This is the quality that many “jerks” have. Women don’t like the fact

that the guy is actually a jerk – it’s just that jerks have a tendency to

have more of this primal, uncontrollable dominance that the weaker,

“nice” guys don’t have. They can’t help it fellas. They are simply

responding to Mother Nature. Estrogen is a drug that induces feeling.

It makes women want and need to feel everything. Testosterone is a

hormone of aggression/achievement and dominance. The sooner we

realize and accept these facts, the easier time we’ll have

understanding the dating world.

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So what exactly are some of these traits that she’s genetically

programmed to desire?

Physical Strength

Women are genetically programmed to desire a physically strong

man. Now don’t go running off to buy steroids because this doesn’t

necessarily mean that she wants a guy like the incredible Hulk. In fact

when a guy gets too huge muscularly many women see that as a

compensation for other weaknesses. What they do desire is a fit man,

who walks with his head up high, with his shoulders back, showing

complete confidence. I will teach you many techniques in the book

that will make women see you as a physically strong creature.


Ambition is a great attribute to have because it helps women

rationalize why they’d be with a “weaker” man. Major ambition is

usually enough to tell a woman that at some point soon, you’ll be the

dominant male she’s looking for and as long as she has the patience

to wait, she’ll give you a chance. I remember watching Jerry Maguire

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listening to Renee Zellweger say, “I love him for the man he almost

is” and thinking “What a bitch. What’s wrong with the man he is right

now”. Then I realized that she couldn’t help it. It was her genetic

programming that wanted him to be the strongest man he could be.

Yes I know it’s just a movie but it’s a perfect example of how women

think. His ambition to be the strong male was enough to keep her

interested. Another reason that ambition is so attractive is because

women are programmed to look for the instinct in you that wants to

be dominant. Most men assume that they need to have lots of money

and power to get women when in fact; you don’t need to be rich or

“powerful” right now to attract women. Women are equally as

attracted to the trait in you that desires to get rich, powerful and



Never be blatantly boastful. Once you develop a real self-confidence

it will shine through in your actions. Any man that feels the need to

talk about how great he is in bed or what a great athlete he is will

seem weak. Women have a built in radar that let’s them spot the

difference between real and fake confidence. Instead show with your

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actions what an amazing person you are and always be humble

about it. I will teach you in this book how to always appear humble

while secretly sneaking in brags in a way that women can’t detect


These are just a few of the characteristics that women are genetically

programmed to desire. Let me stop the list here and move on the

next chapter where I’ll begin to tell you how to start making these

qualities a part of your very being.

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Part 2: How To Be The

Guy You Need To Be To
Attract Women!

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Chapter 3: Confidence
People feel good about themselves when they are around confident

people. When you exude confidence and feel great about yourself,

people (and most importantly females) will want to be around you.

You create a glow around you that women want to be a part of. They

can tell that you feel good about yourself and they want to feel that

way about themselves. They will draw close to you, hoping it will rub

off on them.

When I was younger, I wasn’t always confident around women. I

sometimes felt inadequate and unsure of myself. Instead of letting

this lack of confidence eat me alive, I went out and learned all I could

about how to increase my confidence. I went to the library and bought

every book imaginable about confidence. I started applying

everything I learned in my real life and eventually I became the

strong, confident guy I always dreamed of being. I’m about to share

with you the most important things I learned and the confidence

building techniques that made me who I am today.

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Why you are actually just as good looking as Brad Pitt

Before I get into specific techniques about how to become confident

let me break down the myth that you must be the quintessential “good

looking” guy to get women.

What if I was to tell you that you are equally as good looking as Brad

Pitt? I bet you’d think I’m crazy. Well actually it’s true. The

expression, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is 100% accurate.

What is it about slight variations in facial and body structure that

make one person better than the next? It’s the way the viewer

perceives them. In fact, modern science is beginning to show us that

we don’t actually see anything with our eyes. What actually happens

is that we gather information from our eyes and create an image in

our brain based on millions of variables stemming from social

conditioning and pre-conceived notions. I want you to picture

someone who you’ve known for several years. How do you look at

them? Would you say they are attractive overall? Now think about the

first day you met them. Really try to picture how you viewed them the

first day you saw them. I bet it’s at least somewhat different than how

you view them now.

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More proof that you are really no different than Brad Pitt comes when

we examine the historical perception of beauty. In Ancient Egypt, fat

men were considered extremely attractive, as it indicated that the

person was rich enough to afford a lot of food and avoid physical

labor. While we spend time on the beach working on our tan, in the

early Mediterranean societies women were seeking out pale men.

This was an indication that a man was wealthy and didn’t have to

work outside. In fact, people used to cover their entire bodies when

going outside to avoid getting tan.

If a woman of today sees you having yellow teeth she’ll assume you

have bad breath and you don’t take care of yourself. In Japan and

Europe there was a time when men would dye their teeth black

because women found it attractive. Sugar at the time was very

expensive. Once they became aware of sugar's ability to rot teeth,

many rich, fashion-conscious people blackened their teeth to prove

how much sugar they could afford.

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For centuries men used to purposely scar their face because it

showed that they were brave and didn’t back down from battle.

Women found grotesque and numerous scars on a man attractive.

Fast forwarding to modern times - I remember seeing a special on TV

about the supermodel Giselle and Leonardo DiCaprio recently. They

were doing some kind of missionary work on an island in the middle

of nowhere. Based on our American standards, the people on the

island were hideously ugly. An interviewer asked one of the natives if

they’d like Leonardo and Giselle to stay on the island with them. Not

knowing that Giselle and Leo were dating, the guy answered that he’d

love them to stay but they’d probably never find mates because they

are so ugly. This guy actually thought that these two American icons

of beauty were the ugly ones! So back to my original point and the

really good news; YES - you are as good looking as Brad Pitt. That’s

the good news. The bad news is that women of our time and culture

are socially conditioned by everything around them to find him more

attractive than “us mere mortals”. While it’s certainly an uphill battle

to try to convince a woman that you are better looking than Brad Pitt

off the bat, with proper technique you can shift her perception of

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beauty. Think about it this way. For every feature on him, there is

some specific socially or genetically programmed reason why she

finds it attractive. Let’s examine a couple of Brad’s features and show

how eventually she can find your features equally as attractive.

Let’s look at his prominent cheek bones and strong jaw line and chin.

In Western societies, men and women of all races often agree that a

face with pronounced cheekbones and often a heavily-set jaw is

physically attractive. These are currently viewed as indicative of a

masculine, confident personality. Now, let’s say you have no

cheekbone structure and an extremely tiny chin but you are incredible

confident and masculine. In fact, you are the most confident man

she’s ever met. You have just set a new precedent for what confident

means to her. I agree that for the first meeting or two she’ll probably

still say that Brad is more attractive than you, but after a while those

old cultural views that she had associated with a strong chin can be

replaced by even more powerful associations about having hardly

any chin at all. A “chinless” guy will actually become her new symbol

of confidence and masculinity. If you were to break up with her, she’d

actually go out and search for a guy with a tiny chin because she now

assumes that it’s somehow associated with confidence.

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So what’s the lesson to be learned about all this? If you don’t look like

Brad Pitt, don’t worry about it. With extreme confidence and the right

techniques you will actually become her new standard for beauty and

masculinity. Keep this in mind when you are out meeting women. You

need to know that her view of beauty is so paper-thin and penetrable

that you have no reason to ever feel insecure. Be confident that with

the right attitude you can actually become the vision for what beauty

is in her eyes.

The Soprano Factor

Here’s an example that proves that a strong, confident personality

can blind a woman to the fact that you aren’t classically handsome. I

was hanging out with a group of girls I know watching Sopranos a few

of years ago. To my complete shock one of the girls bursted out

almost as if she couldn’t help but say it ,“Mmmmmmmm… he is

sooooo hot!”. On the screen all I see are Tony and Carmela Soprano.

I immediately think she couldn’t be talking about anyone on the

screen because obviously Tony Soprano is a fat, balding guy. So I

start looking around the room and see some photos on a table next to

the TV. In one of the photos I see a picture of one of the girls with her

arm around some guy. I assumed that must have been who she was

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saying mmmmmmm about. I didn’t really give it much thought and

kept watching the show. A little while later, one of the other girls says,

“Yeah, he really is hot”. I finally realize that they are talking about

Tony Soprano. How could this possibly be? I was so confused. These

girls were drooling over Tony Soprano like he was a piece of steak. I

asked the other three girls in the room if they thought he was

attractive as well. To my astonishment, all but one of them thought he

was hot. They said, “There’s just something about him. I don’t know

what it is”. I couldn’t believe my ears. This was the ultimate proof to

me that with the right attitude, ANY man can be considered attractive

to women. Now after years of studying the psychology of attraction, I

understand what it is they were talking about. Tony Soprano displays

a huge amount of confidence and strength. He speaks in a

commanding, authoritative tone. He’s the kind of guy that will put a

woman in her place if she gets out of line with him. He will call her out

on any silly games she plays. He is always in control of the situation.

So no matter how ugly you are, if you can get women to think that

you are strong, in control and confident – they will find you attractive!

This is great news for all of us that look more like Tony Soprano than

Brad Pitt.

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Become The “Cool”, Confident Guy

Okay, so know that we realize the importance of confidence, let’s look

at some ways we can begin to develop it. I often have guys ask me

how to how to become a “cool”, confident guy. The first step to

becoming the guy you’ve always wanted to be is to close your eyes

and imagine every aspect of his character. Don’t rush through this.

Without a very vivid picture of who you want to become, you’ll never

become him. I want you to take a moment to ponder each one of

these questions: How does he walk? How does he move? What does

his voice sound like? Does he hold his head high? How does he

dress? I want you to go through every aspect of his character. Get an

extremely clear vision in your head of this fictional character. Now I

want you to say to yourself, “If I can see him, I can be him”. Now take

your face and put it on this character. I want you to brand this image

into your subconscious. In your mind, get used to walking around like

this guy. Get used to talking like him. Just as you wouldn’t expect to

be the best piano player in the world without practicing, you shouldn’t

expect to be a “cool”, confident guy without practicing. Become

comfortable with the new guy you’ve created. I want you to really

embrace the concept that you can be anyone you want. No guy was

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born a “ladies’ man”. Practice this visualization for at least 5 minutes

a day and you’ll become more and more comfortable being this


Another similar drill I want you to try is called “Acting as if”. Right now

I want you to stand up and try something. Come on, get up and really

do this! I want you to stand how you’d stand if you had 100 times

more confidence. Imagine that you were unstoppable. Stand how you

would if you were the most powerful, confident guy on the planet.

How does it feel? Get your chin up and your shoulders back. Now

step away from this book for a minute and walk how you’d walk if you

were 100 times more confident. Walk like you’re a lion marking his

territory. Walk with long deliberate strides. Take each step with total

self assuredness. Now I have to ask you – Why don’t you walk

around like this all the time? What are you afraid of? I’m sure you’re

thinking things like, “People might think I’m arrogant” or “It’s just not

me”. It’s these thoughts of fear that women can smell on you. You

need to erase these concepts immediately. Women respect a man

who’s not afraid to let the world know he’s confident. You have

nothing to be afraid of. Let everyone around you know that you’re

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someone important. What you’ll find is that they’ll start to treat you

differently. By “Acting as if” you’re someone confident and important;

you’ll start to actually become that way! For the next few weeks I

want you to take 5 minutes a day to practice standing and walking as

if you had 100 times more confident. After a while you’ll notice that it

will begin to reflect in your own natural stance and walk.

She’s Already Bought You

Companies across the country teach sales teams a very key rule that

helps them sell. They are taught to assume that the buyer already

wants what they are selling. In the same way, in order to be

successful with women you need to assume that she wants you.

Assume that she is interested in you and your body language will

follow along.

In the documentary “Pumping Iron” Arnold Swarzenneger says that

he called his mother before the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contest

took place to tell her that he already won. It’s no coincidence that he

was the 7 time champion. By the way, go out and buy “Pumping Iron”

as soon as you can even if you’re not into bodybuilding. The

confidence that Arnold exhibits in that documentary is incredible and

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inspirational. You can see that Arnold would have been irresistible to

women because he not only displays an amazing amount of

confidence but he’s really enjoying life. People just flock to him.

Everyone wants to be around him. Watch Pumping Iron once and

you’ll see why he has become so successful today.

Become The Ultimate Movie Character

Pick 3 movie characters that you feel exude confidence. Go rent or

buy the movies they are in and carefully observe every move the

characters make. Take notes on the characters. Listen to the lines

they say and the way they say them. Skip to scenes where they are

speaking to a woman and pause the movie after they say lines that

you find well delivered. Rewind and listen to the line several times.

Then practice saying the line out loud in the exact way they said it

and model their posture and stance. Get out a pen and write down all

of the details you possibly can. Where are his eyes looking? How

much distance is there between him and her? Is he using touch at

all? Do this drill with a least 3 movie characters and try to find

similarities between them. What is it that makes them seem

confident? If you can pin point EXACTLY what it is they are doing,

you can do these exact same things and seem confident as well.

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Be A Master Of Your Domain

When you’re out with a woman, use deliberate, powerful movements

any chance you get. When reaching for a beer at the bar, grab it

tightly and pull it in to you. When you put seasonings on your food

use a couple of good hard shakes and then put the shaker down 20%

harder than you normally would. This shows you are in control of the

situation and that you’re decisive. You may not realize it, but she

processes all of this information. 99% of guys don’t realize that

something that seems as trivial as slow, wimpy, indecisive seasoning

shaking can turn a woman off. On a date you are being judged on the

hundreds of little, seemingly insignificant things you do.

Strong animals in nature make every move with power and authority.

You also need to learn mark your territory. An easy way to start doing

this is to take up more space. When you’re on a date, spread out and

enjoy being a man. Be the master of your domain. Literally tell

yourself, “I am the master of my domain and I enjoy it”. This thought

process will reflect in all of your actions from the way you open a door

to the way you sit in your chair and she’ll notice.

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Another way to establish and maintain dominance is to walk 2 steps

ahead of her (on the side closest to the street if you are walking near

one). This creates the illusion of leadership and protection. She

probably won’t realize what you’re doing consciously but she will feel

safe following your lead.

Make It Look Easy

Look at the quintessential cool guy - the kind of guy who gets all the

girls and is smooth as can be. Look at any actor playing a heartthrob

role. What is it that separates these guys from the rest of the pack?

They make it LOOK like they are getting tons of women. Even if you

put them in a room by themselves and watched them you'd see by

the look on their face and the way they carry themselves that they are

getting women. You see it all the time at nightclubs. You see those

guys who carry themselves with confidence and have that grin on

their face that says, "I get tons of women and I do it easily". They

might not really be getting tons of women but they sure have us

fooled. Not only are they fooling you but they are fooling the rest of

the women in the place into believing that they are a desirable male.

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So half the battle of attracting women is looking like the kind of guy

that gets tons of women. It doesn't take handsome looks or a

thousand dollar outfit to be the cool guy. What’s much more important

is that look in the eye and sway of carrying yourself that says, "I get

tons of women, it's easy and it's really no big deal to me". When you

are out around a group of women, tell yourself that a few times. Think

of how you'd be standing if that really was the reality. How would the

look on your face be? Always look like you're there to have a good

time but you may have somewhere better to go at any time.

Make Decisions

In order to make a woman see you as a confident man, you need to

develop fast, authoritative decision making ability.

Here's a great example of a conversation that demonstrates a

complete lack of decision making power (does any of this look


Her: "What do you want to do tonight?"

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Him: "I don't know. What do you want to do tonight?"

Her: "I don't really care, it's up to you"

Him: "I'm up for whatever"

Her: "You want to go out to eat?"

Him: "Yeah I guess. I ate something before but we could go eat if you


Her: "Well it’s stupid to go eat if you're not hungry"

Him "Yeah, I guess your right."

Her: "Well, were you in the mood to go to the movies?"

Him: Okay, what's playing?

Her: "Not sure"

Now what she's really trying to say is, "Be a man damnit!!!! Make a

decision - ANY decision. Just make one!” You need to make

decisions quickly and stick to them. Even if you make the WRONG

decision it's better than making NO decision. The great thing about

decisions is that they get easier to make, the more you make them. If

you have a hard time making decisions, it's because you have wimpy

decision making muscles. The more you make decisions, the bigger

and stronger these muscles get. Go out and practice making

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decisions. Start with small ones. You'll see what an empowering

feeling it is to make decisions with authority and stick to them. We live

in a free country. You have the right to make decisions about

everything. This is a beautiful thing! Women search for guys who can

make decisions quickly and easily. They love it. They love to be

guided. I don't care if it's not politically correct to say - it's the truth.

Women love when a man makes decisions for them.

Chapter 4: Be Intriguing

Don’t Be Yourself!

How many times have you heard this ridiculous advice? Just be

yourself. This is the biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever heard and fastest

way not to attract women. So if you’re a drooling, slouching,

mumbling dork should you just go out there and “be yourself”? NO!!!

Instead, you should create a new self. After all, what is this thing we

call “self”? It’s something we’ve made up by creating patterns and

habits in our brain. In the same way we created them, we can and

should change them to improve ourselves all the time, thereby

creating a new self. We all have strong points of self and weak points

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of self. When someone says “just be yourself”, what they should

really be saying is, “let the strong, amazing traits that you’ve

developed through your life shine through and work on changing the

weaker parts of your self”. Eventually you will get used to the new

patterns and behaviors and a new, better, more attractive self should

emerge. Too often we get comfortable with our unattractive mindset

and habits and are afraid to break them. Now I’m saying you should

change yourself for women. You should change yourself for YOU!

The traits that a woman would find attractive and intriguing in you are

the same traits that will make your life outside of the dating world

more rewarding.

Read, Read, Read!!

In order to be intriguing to women you need to have interesting things

to talk about. One way to make sure you always seem interesting is

to read. Read as much interesting stuff as you can. Read magazines

that will keep you up on what’s hip and current, like “Details”. Also

read stuff that will keep you up on basic pop-culture like “People”. I

personally could care less about who the hell Tom Cruise is dating

but I try to keep up on stuff like this because it’s great date

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conversation. Women love to talk about this kind of crap.

You should try to at least skim through a newspaper every day.

Women like a man who knows what’s going on in the world. It makes

you appear educated and worldly. This may sound really basic but I

know a ton of guys that have no idea what the hell is going on around

the world and they tend to get very quiet when the conversation shifts

to politics or world affairs. Women like a man who appears

knowledgeable about world events. If you think Condoleezza Rice is

a side dish to chicken then go get yourself a newspaper subscription


Stay Busy

Stay busy and get hobbies. Keep yourself busy in life and find your

passion and/or hobbies you enjoy. This will reflect in your personality.

Women will notice that your overall nature is positive, happy and at

peace. People who are genuinely enjoying life outside of the dating

world will not be single for long (unless they choose to be). Women

find men who are genuinely interested in unique or exciting hobbies

intriguing. Women pick up on the kind of happy, positive aura you

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give off when you are enjoying your life they’re attracted to it.

The Video Game Theory™

Right off the bat you need to let women know that you are a

mysterious and interesting being so that you don't end up in the friend

zone. You need to be somewhat challenging to but at the same time

let them know that you're interested enough.

At this point you might be thinking, “How can let a woman know I'm

interested enough while still being mysterious and evasive?” The

answer lies in a concept I’ve created called “The Video Game

Theory” When trying to attract a woman you need to be like your

favorite video game. You don’t want to be too easy to win, but you

don’t want to be impossible. The perfect video game (and perfect

man) is fun, challenging enough and has surprises around every

corner. If you were playing a video game that consisted of one level

and could be figured out in 5 minutes would you keep playing it? Of

course not. What if the game was too difficult right from the

beginning? What if your character walked 2 feet and fell off a cliff

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every time no matter what you did? Chances are you’d give up on it

after a little while. The perfect video game allows you to play a little…

shoots you down a little bit but always gives you hope that there is

more to conquer, more to accomplish. New, exciting challenges come

at you at each turn. In the same way you need to become an exciting

challenge to women. Another thing that a great video game does is

ups the challenge just enough once you think you have it figured out.

Why is it that we rarely go back to level one in video game once we’re

on level 9? Because there is no challenge there - no mystery. Also

consider this; Very attractive women have dated some very

interesting, mysterious guys that are at a 9 challenge level. Why

would they want to “play” with you when you’re on a 1 or 2 challenge

level? They’ve played and conquered that level before with many

men and it’s really not fun for them anymore.

No MO!

The Latin phrase Modus operandi (often used in the abbreviated form

MO) refers to a person’s way of doing something. The dictionary

definition is; An unvarying or habitual method of procedure. Never let

women catch on to your modus operandi. This is a key facet in the art

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of war and it works very well at keeping a beautiful woman intrigued

with you. Once a woman figures out your thinking habits and patterns

she will assume she has you all figured out. As she figures out your

MO she will begin to grow bored and complacent. Don't let her know

why you're doing things. Let her think one thing and then do

something totally opposite. Another problem with letting a woman in

on your MO is that they can develop contempt for the way think and

do things. When someone thinks they have your MO all figured out

they can become condescending and begin to get annoyed with your

habits. They will feel contempt and purposely try to play psychological

games attempting to fracture or change your MO. It's very hard to

change your MO. You've developed it by processing trillions of bits of

information over a very long period of time (your whole life). This is

why it's important to do things against your own instincts sometimes.

Try to pay attentions to little thing you do and say all the time and

change them up. Keep her on her toes.

Now I'm not saying that you should do this with the woman you finally

decide to settle down with. That's one of the beauties of marriage,

and growing old together. You let the other person in on all the

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intricacies of your mind. This is a bond that you need to save for that

one special person after years of knowing them. Never reveal this

stuff during the early months of dating. It's not that she'll intentionally

be mean to you once she has you figured out; it's just a natural

human tendency to get annoyed with the patterns of a person that

you have all figured out.

Make Her Heart Grow Fonder

Let her miss you. At the beginning of a relationship you need to give

her enough time between calls and visits to miss you. Absence

makes the heart grow fonder. It will also give her time to think about

you and create all kinds of mystery in her mind. Don't stay away for

ridiculous amounts of time, but enough to build up a true desire in her

to see you again.

Chapter 5: No More Mr. Nice Guy!

Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

If there’s one thing I’ve heard more than anything from guys

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regarding women, it’s this - Why do girls go for jerks? Why does the

nice guy always finish last? I’m about to clear up this long pondered

mystery for you once and for all. There is absolutely nothing wrong

with being a good guy. In fact, most women want a good guy. They

want a guy with a huge heart. They want a guy who’s caring, sweet

and sensitive. So why doesn’t every “nice” guy have a supermodel on

his arm? There are many reasons for this and I’m about to explain all

of them to you.

Women See The Nice Guy Act As A Sham

We are all sexual creatures and hot women know that most men want

to get in their pants. They understand that men want sex from them

and they are going to employ all kinds of tactics to get them in the

sack. Attractive women are so used to guys trying to be nice to them

just to get some ass that they develop a repulsion to the tactic. Guys

assume that being extra nice to a woman will make women trust them

and feel comfortable around them when if fact it usually has quite the

opposite effect. Deep in their gut something tells them that this just

isn’t natural. They see that you weren’t being so nice to Juan the bus

boy or Joe the cab driver and they think, “So why is he being so nice

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to me? He must want something from me”. Now there’s nothing

wrong with letting a woman know you “want something” from her.

Actually if she’s a good-looking woman she already knows that you

want something from her. By you pretending that you are such a nice,

sweet guy you are offending her sensibilities. When you play the nice

buddy role to get involved with a woman sexually or romantically you

are actually lying to her and you’re only fooling yourself. Women have

a sixth sense that helps them pick up on this instantly. You’re

thinking, “This is going great. She really thinks I’m a nice guy. I’ll have

her convinced I’m safe and I’ll be able to get past her defenses in no

time”. Meanwhile her subconscious mind is telling her, “Oh God, I

know he’s doing all this just so he can bang me”. She may even

seem responsive to your nice guy act because it’s not easy to be

mean to someone when they are being nice to you. She’ll probably

be pretty responsive up until the point where you try to make a move

and then she’ll politely shoot you down.

Let me give you this example to make this concept more clear. You

walk into a used car lot and here comes a bright eyed fellow with his

hair neatly parted to the side and a smile from ear to ear. He offers

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you a cup of coffee. You say no and he says, “are you sure? We

have some great Colombian roast my friend.” Then he looks down at

your watch and says, “ahhh... great watch. A Movado huh - fine piece

of machinery”. You politely say thank you. He then asks you what

you’re looking for and you say, “I was thinking something sporty but

affordable. Something fast in maybe a red.” He says, “ahaaa, you’re

my kind of guy! I knew you were a red guy. I love red too. Ya know,

they’ve done studies that say guys who prefer red tend to have higher

IQs?” Now let’s look at what’s happening here. You are thinking that

this guy is a really nice guy. He’s throwing out all of these

compliments at me - I like this guy. Meanwhile your inner

subconscious voice is yelling at you saying, “Hey you idiot!! Of course

this guy is being nice you. He’s trying to sell you the damn car! He’ll

tell you anything you want to hear.” Women experience this feeling

times ten every time a guy starts being overly nice.

What You Call Niceness Is Really Weakness

Guys who describe themselves as the nice guy are always saying

things like, “Why do nice guys finish last?” The answer is - they

don’t… Weak guys finish last. Very often behaviors that you call nice

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are perceived by women as weak. And they are usually right. So Mr.

Nice Guy, get ready for a rude awakening - You are really Mr. Weak

Guy. The gauge you are using to qualify your “niceness” is way off.

Be a Good Guy – Not A Nice Guy

You need to think in terms of being a GOOD guy, not a NICE guy.

Women really don’t want jerks. They want many of the qualities that a

jerk portrays but they don’t want you to really be a mean jerk. Take a

look at the classic hero in most action movies. Let’s look at Indiana

Jones for a minute. You’ll notice that for the most part he isn’t a nice

guy. He has no time for silly games, he tends to be rather abrupt with

people who can’t keep up with him, and he doesn’t kiss anyone’s ass.

To the amateur eye he may even come across as a jerk. But, here’s

what makes him the hero. When it comes down to it he really is a

good guy. He really wants to help people. He has a big heart and

even sacrifices his own life to help others around him. This is what

women want. It’s okay to have a big heart and to be a really good

guy. In fact, women LOVE that. It’s one of the main qualities they look

for in a man. You need to learn to separate the concept of what

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you’ve been calling the “nice guy” from the “good guy”. The nice

guy tells everyone what they want to hear. The nice guy doesn’t

stand his ground or voice his opinion when people offer adversity.

The good guy isn’t concerned with catering to everyone around him

and isn’t interested in telling people what they want to hear. He is

however very caring and really wants to help people when it comes to

serious issues. The good guy is the one who sacrifices himself when

it really counts. He has a genuine love for people. You can and

should be a good guy without being a weak “nice guy”.

People Don’t Respect People Who Kiss Their Ass

Another reason that women don’t go for the nice guy is because they

see it as kissing ass. Let’s face it - being Mr. nice guy is basically ass

kissing. I can tell you for a fact that nobody respects someone who

kisses their ass. They may like the feeling that it brings about, but

they still resent the fact that they are having their ass kissed. For

instance - Phil from accounting who always tells the boss that he

looks like he’s losing weight and “yeses” him to death and laughs at

all his jokes will probably make the boss feel great. In the same way,

when guys kiss a girl’s ass the girl will usually respond positively.

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Hey, why not - Getting compliments feels good. Unfortunately when

trying to get a woman to like you the idea is not get her to feel good

about herself - it’s about trying to her to feel good about you. After a

day of ass kissing the boss goes home to his mansion feeling

important, confident and special. Do you think he’s thinking about Phil

from accounting? NO!! He’s thinking about how much weight he lost

and how funny and smart he is - and I guarantee he does not respect

Phil for kissing his ass all day. In fact I bet he thinks of Phil as weak.

He knows what Phil’s ploy is. He knows that Phil is just trying to

connive his way up the corporate ladder. In the same way, women

know when you are conning your way up their ladder with your nice

guy routine. Now this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hold doors and

do some basic traditional chivalrous things. Just don’t play up the

nice, sweet, sensitive guy thing.

How To Show Her That You’re A Nice Guy Without Kissing Ass

Now that we realize that this persona that you’ve been calling “nice

guy” for all these years is a total sham, let’s discuss ways you show

her that you are a “good guy” without kissing any ass or being a


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Hold the door for others

Go out of your way to hold the door for other people. By holding the

door and doing other courteous things for others, she’ll believe that

you’re genuinely a good guy.

Make conversation with waiters, cab drivers, clerks, etc.

Be extremely nice to waiters. Throw some money in a homeless

person’s cup. Make other people around you laugh. This will get her

yearning for your attention. This is a great way to let her know that

you are a great guy without kissing her ass like every other guy she

goes out with. She’ll subconsciously be thinking, “This guy is such a

sweetheart and everyone likes him… what can I do to get and keep

his attention and energy focused on me?”

Don't Walk On Eggshells

Guys spend a lot of time trying to feel out a woman to see what type

of behavior she'll approve of. Then most guys act accordingly. They

think that women will like them because they stayed within her

boundaries and catered to what she wants. It's almost like they wait

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for cues of permission before attempting or saying anything. You

need to learn to stop seeking her approval. Women hate this. They

won't tell you that they don't like this, but keep this stuff up and by the

end of the night you’ll be sure to hear, “You're such a nice guy. I think

me and you can be great friends". You are a strong, confident and

powerful man! You don't need a woman's approval or permission to

act how you want to act and do what you want to do. You'll see that

she'll respect you for it.

Never ask her repeatedly if she's having a good time. This is HUGE

mistake that so many guys make. Act like you’re on the date to enjoy

yourself. Don't be overly concerned with making sure she's having a

good time. The more you ask if she's enjoying herself, the more you'll

seem unsure of yourself. You need to convince yourself that you are

a great date. You don't need her to tell you that the date is going well

to confirm this fact. Convince yourself that you are a fun, great guy

and any woman that doesn't see it, doesn't deserve you.


Don't agree with everything she says. Make sure you stick strong to

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your beliefs and don’t lose touch of who you are to cater to her. When

she says things that are out of line or incorrect in your eyes, you have

to call her out on it. This demonstrates that you are a strong,

independent man who will not put up with her nonsense and she'll

respect you for that. This doesn't mean you should go out of your way

to start arguments or disagree with everything she says, but from

time to time you should tell her that you think she's wrong and try to

explain why. Make sure you let her know when she's being bitchy or

a pain in the ass. Don't call her a bitch, but instead let her know

politely that she's out of line. This is one of the reasons that women

love "make up" sex. After a disagreement a women has all kinds of

emotion built up and she wants to release it. An even more powerful

reason that they want sex after an intense argument is because the

man just displayed his strong, dominant, powerful side and it turned

her on. In the same way, she'll be turned on by the strength that it

took to stand your ground when you disagree with her from time to


Get Thick Skin

Part of being a real man and not falling into the nice guy “friend zone”

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is not letting her hurt your feelings easily. Never let her think she hurt

your feelings or struck a nerve with you even when she actually does.

Just like the age old saying goes, "Never let em see you sweat".

When she knows she can hurt your feelings with her words she'll see

that as insecurity. And when you really examine it, it is insecurity.

Women can make some really belittling comments without realizing it

and sometimes purposely to strike a nerve and test you. That's right;

women will actually use these belittling comments to see if you can

take it. It's a test to see how much of a man you are. They usually

don't even realize they are doing this kind of thing to test us, but

make no mistake about it - IT'S A TEST. If you are secure enough in

yourself, there's nothing to feel hurt about. You are sure of yourself

and nothing she can say or do can bring you down. I remember back

in my more inexperienced days, I had a girlfriend who used to tell me

I had small hands. It used to get me so frustrated when she'd say this

and she knew it. She used to bring it up once in a while because she

knew it got to me. At the time I had no idea that it was really a way to

keep testing me. If I had just acted relaxed about it and acted like it

didn't bother me, I would have passed the test and she wouldn't have

brought it up again.

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So the next time a woman says or does anything that hurts your

feelings, remember to BE A MAN and let it roll off your shoulders.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn't express yourself when she does

or says something disrespectful. If she goes out and kisses another

guy, you have every right to let her know that it was wrong and you

should call her out on it. You can call her out without letting her know

it hurt your feelings. When my ex-girlfriend used to make those hand

comments I could have said straight out, "I know you're saying that to

try to belittle me and I don't appreciate it", and then forgotten about it.


Neediness can be a guy’s worst enemy in a relationship. Being needy

and clingy can turn a girl off really quickly. Needy guys are weak and

women know it. Do you call her a million times a day? Tell her you

miss her every minute? Let her slide when she's being a bitch just

because you want to stay around her? These are tell-tale signs of

neediness. If you do any of these things now, you must stop

immediately. I have friends who I've watched do this over and over

again and sure enough they all got dumped eventually. I had one

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particular friend who used to do this all the time. We'd be out on guys’

night out and he'd call her 3 or 4 times throughout the night. He'd say,

"baby I miss you... I love you". I remember telling him repeatedly that

he shouldn't do this. He'd reply to me, "I was just checking in. She

thinks it's cute”. I knew he was wrong, but he was so thick headed

that he never listened to me. Sure enough - a few months later, she

dumped him. She was actually a friend of mine as well and after they

broke up she told me that she was going to search for a real man, not

a needy, clingy guy like him. She actually said, "I think I'm going to

start dating jerks". She said it somewhat jokingly but I knew that she

basically meant it. Here are some tips that will help you avoid looking


Don't hang all over her when you're out.

If you're out with a crowd of people and her, make sure you give her

space. Talk to the rest of the group. Engage others in conversation

and give equal eye contact to everyone. Let her talk with the others

without interjecting too much. Give her attention but not too much.

The best way to do it is in spurts. Give some attention for a few

minutes and then withdraw a little bit. Try this out and watch what

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happens. You'll find that after a while she'll start coming and latching

on to you!

Don't fish for compliments or brag

This kind of behavior screams, "I'm needy! Please give me attention!"

If you're confident enough and you do something "compliment

worthy", she'll notice and give you your due respect.

Don't call too much

I know this can be tough when you're really into a beautiful girl.

Sometimes you need to force yourself not to call to tell her how much

you are thinking about her. By calling all the time you will smother

her. She'll start to think of you as a needy wimp. Be somewhat

evasive and then once in a while call and say something like,” Good

night sexy... I'll be dreaming about you". The phone call and the

compliment will mean so much more to her because you don't do it

too often. She'll actually be craving the attention by that point.

Don't play the husband role early in the relationship

When you really, really like a girl, you might start acting like a

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husband way too early in the relationship. Women can get scared off

by you in the beginning if you act like you're planning a long term

relationship. Some guys start acting this way after only a few dates.

Very beautiful women get this all the time. Guys start to talk long term

and act as if they've been married for 10 years and this scares the

hell out of them. They start to think like this, "If he's so into me this

early on, he must be really needy and desperate to latch on to



A major tendency of Mr. Nice Guy is to point out his major insecurities

when talking to a woman. Down the road once she knows you better

you can let her in on some of your insecurities and she may think

they are cute, but at the beginning you need to avoid saying things

that make you seem weak. Remember, women have thousands of

years of programming telling them to seek out the strongest male

they can find whether they’re aware of it or not. By revealing your

insecurities too soon you are basically saying “I’m weak”. Many men

say these kinds of things hoping that it will arouse some sympathy or

that it will show their more “human side” but trust me - all it says is

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“I’m such a damn wimp”. A woman may even respond positively with

something like, “wow - it’s great that you can admit that. So many

guys try to act so macho”. Don’t listen to them! That’s what they think

they’re supposed to say but their primal instincts are saying, “I don’t

think this guy could be a strong conqueror and provider”. As soon as

she’s done with the date with you she’ll be out looking for the Mr.

Macho she was just denouncing.

This concept can be hard for men to understand because a lot of

times we hear women say that they want a sensitive man, who’s not

too macho to admit his insecurities. Actually, they do want a man

who’s not afraid to point out his insecurities, but not before they’ve

already established that you are a strong, powerful man. On a first or

second date you have not yet established yourself as the dominant

male she has been programmed to desire. Therefore, by bringing up

your insecurities too early you never give her a chance to see you

this way. Once you establish yourself as a dominant male, you can

begin to introduce your insecurities and she may even find them cute

and humanizing.

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The quintessential “nice guy” feels the need to put everything on the

table right away and tell a woman all of his inner feelings because he

thinks the woman will somehow instantly relate to his human side and

it will create a bond. It really seems logical that a woman, who is an

insecure, emotional creature, would automatically relate to you

because you reveal your insecurities. However it just doesn’t work

that way. Women need to know that a man is emotionally stable and

strong enough to support her when she’s feeling emotionally weak.

When you start showing her all of your emotions and insecurities

immediately she begins to think you aren’t capable of this.

Don’t be the bitter jerk

So we’ve learned that it’s okay to be a “good guy” but not a “nice

guy”. Now you can confidently be the good guy without trying to play

up the jerk role to get women, which is something that a lot of former

nice guys try to do in their desperate attempt to get women. Their

logic is, F@#K this! I’ve been stepped on too long! I’m going to be a

jerk. Women will probably like me more if I act like a jerk. They use

this role because they have been dissed and/or dumped by women in

the past and they see this as a way of avoiding future vulnerability.

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Women see through this routine immediately. You see these kinds of

guys saying abrasive things like, “you women are all the same” and

being generally mean because they think it’ll make them seem tough

or challenging. Ya know what women really see when you do this.

They see a weak puppy dog who’s been hurt in the past and is trying

to cover all of that up with this fake jerk exterior. Women have great

radar for bitterness and it’s an instant turn-off to them. To women,

bitterness equals weakness. It means that you let your past love-life

defeat you and turn you into this jerk character. If you’ve been hurt by

a woman or women in the past and you try to cover it up with any

technique, women will notice this. You need to really forget the past

and think of every date as a fresh start.

Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Mr. Nice Guy gets shot down again and again and inevitably resorts

to feeling sorry for himself. First of all let me say that just by reading

this book you are telling me that you are a guy who isn’t willing to sit

back and feel sorry for himself. It tells me you’re ready to take

positive action toward being the guy you want to be. It’s a big step

toward taking control of your dating situation and your life in general.

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Let’s face it; we’ve all felt bad for ourselves at times in our life when

our dating life hasn’t gone the way we wanted. Whether it was in the

12th grade when Suzie didn’t want to go to the prom with us or

whether it’s just an overall feeling of despair or inferiority – we’ve all

felt it. It’s okay to feel these feelings once in a while but the problem

is when we wallow in them. There is no bigger waste of time in life

than time spent feeling bad for yourself. So your love life hasn’t been

all you’ve wanted it to be. So what you’ve been shot down time after

time by women. We all know these things hurt and it’s okay to feel the

sting, but you need to feel it quickly and then let it go.

When you get the urge to feel sorry for yourself about these kinds of

things I want you to tell yourself – The past does not equal the future.

The record of what has been is nothing compared to the great

possibilities that lie ahead. Let the past be the past. A beautiful part of

life is that every day you wake up you have a blank slate. You can

create your day any way you want it to be. Starting today, you can be

anyone you want to be!

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Another way you can conquer the “sin” of feeling sorry for yourself is

to realize that nobody is listening. Once you “kill” this imaginary

listener you’ve created, you’ll see just how unproductive this behavior

is. When a baby is crying for his mother and the mother leaves him in

a room by himself, eventually the baby stops crying. The reason is

because once the baby comes to accept that nobody is listening, he

understands that his crying is futile. In the same way, once you know

that nobody is listening to your “cries” of self pity you’ll realize that

they are a big waste of time.

I’m sure a few of you are thinking, “It’s not some imaginary listener

that I’m crying to – It’s God”. Okay, so I’ll give you the benefit of the

doubt and assume that God is listening to you feel bad for yourself. I

have a feeling that God would tell you to stop feeling sorry for

yourself and get out there and do something about it. He’s given you

all the resources to work with; Clothes, the gym, humor, this book,


You especially don’t want to feel bad for yourself in front of a woman.

Never, ever go for the sympathy vote - a woman might go for it if

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she’s already decided that she likes you but for the most part it just

makes you look weak and pathetic.

Chapter 6: Cockiness Done Right

Balancing arrogance and humility

You need to learn to be a little bit arrogant in order to appeal to a

woman. I know this may seem contradictory to everything you've ever

heard or what any female friend's advice would be, but trust me,

arrogance used in the right way will work for you. Arrogance has

become such a dirty word in today's world. When asking a woman

what she doesn't want in a man, arrogance is one of the first on the

list. That is the answer that she thinks she should give. She probably

even believes it herself. There is some validity to the statement.

When women say that they don’t like arrogant men, they really mean

one of a few things:

- They don’t like arrogant men who can’t back up their talk

- They don’t like arrogant men who act that way as an obvious

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cover-up for insecurities

- They don’t like arrogant men who never show humility or a

softer side

- They don’t like arrogant men who are just plain mean

Women like arrogance when it's disguised and bundled with "false

humility". You need to always act humble but also maintain an

arrogant undertone. The key is to have the right mix of arrogance and


The Simon Cowell Experiment

When you are slightly arrogant, people want to find a redeeming

softer side to you. If you're too arrogant or rude you will blow your

chances. The amount of arrogance you want to portray should be

directly proportionate with the amount of time you'll have to show

your nice side. In other words, if you are in a situation where you

know you'll see the person for a period of weeks or months, like while

taking a class, you can play up the arrogance a little more and let

them search for redeeming qualities in you. Let's look at Simon

Cowell for a minute. When we first saw Simon on American Idol our

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first instinct was to hate the guy. We all said, "What an arrogant

bastard". Now us guys thought that and probably never gave it a

second thought, but women around the world starting digging deeper.

They thought, "There's got to be something more to this guy". Then

as the season went on Simon began to give credit where credit was

do. What began to happen was incredible. Whenever Simon gave a

compliment, the audience and all of America (particularly women)

began to cheer like crazy. Why did this happen? The reason is

because people were so excited to see that redeeming quality they

were searching for shine through. They knew there was some good in

this guy. They found themselves wanting to like him. Randy Jackson

who never played the mysterious, arrogant role at all didn't get nearly

the same response when he gave kudos to a contestant. The key is

to balance this confident arrogance with a sweet, vulnerable side.

You can actually create a pattern with women where they'll start

being nice to you and doing all kinds of favors for you just to see that

redeeming side of you peek through. It's an amazing thing to watch

when it's done right. Personally I don't like to play up the arrogant role

much because I'm genuinely a nice, humble guy but it really works so

I do it anyway. It even annoys me that women react well to this kind

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of attitude but unfortunately it's a fact of life.

Remember not to be mean for the sake of being mean. I wouldn't go

as far as Simon, who actually crossed the line sometimes and

became cruel. You don't have months and months on a TV show to

redeem yourself like he does so you can't afford to go as far with it as

he has. But done properly, arrogance can really work for you. A

simple way you can begin to create the kind of dynamic that Simon

does is to start calling girls out on things. Start "breaking her chops"

in a playful way. When they are being lazy, call them lazy. If they are

gaining a little weight, don't be afraid to say, "You're putting on some

weight" (I know I'm going to get hate mail from women everywhere

about that one). If you don't like her outfit, say, "I'm not really feeling

that. You should wear something else". Please don't take this as a

cue to go out and be MEAN to women. Instead it's a cue to go out

and be HONEST with women. They will begin to respect you for it. If

you do things like this, the next time you tell her she looks like she's

losing weight, she'll explode with joy inside. Her behavior will actually

begin to cater to making you happy and trying to bring the

complimentary side out of you. The key is to make sure you properly

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balance the arrogant side with well-timed hints of "sweetness". If you

are too mean or just mean for the sake of being mean women will just

assume you're a jackass. The key is to make her feel like you are

completely honest and discerning, not cruel for no reason.

Part 3: The Approach and

The Art Of Conversation

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Chapter 7: Mentally Preparing For

The Approach

The First step when mentally preparing for the “task” of actually going

out and meeting women is to think of the absolute worst that can

happen. The absolute worst thing that will happen is she says

something like “get lost loser”. Now the chances of her saying this are

very slim. If she’s not interested she’ll be more likely to say something

like, “I have a boyfriend” or she’ll just try to ignore you and turn to talk

to her friends. So - now that you have a clear vision of the worst thing

that can happen, say to yourself, “If that does happen, I can handle it.

I can walk away with my pride intact. I know that if she disses me, it’s

some problem with her, not me. She probably has some rule about

not meeting guys in bars or she really does have a boyfriend, or she

just came out of a bad relationship and isn’t in the mood to meet

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someone - but either way, I’m a man and I can handle anything she

will say to me!”

Right before you approach a woman you need to get any thought that

she might reject you out of your mind. Tell yourself that you are the

best thing that will happen to this girl all day. Literally say to yourself,

“I am an attractive, amazing guy and this girl should be honored to

meet me”. You need to picture that she already likes you. Get rid of

any doubt in your mind that she might not like you. Start to think of

people in your life that really like and appreciate you. Think about

how likable you know you are deep down inside. The more you think

about it, the more these characteristics will begin to manifest


1 Week To Live

One incredible strategy that I use to get myself motivated to pick up

women is called the Zero Hour Technique™. I tell myself that I just

got a call from my doctor and he tells me I only have one week to live.

I only have one week to have as much fun as I possibly can and to

meet as many women as I possibly can. Imagine how you'd live if you

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really only had 1 week to live? I want you to really visualize it. How

easy would it become to approach every woman that passed you by?

After all, why the hell not? You have nothing to lose and you have to

make the week as fun as possible.

Conquering Fear Of Meeting Women

Okay, so now that you’ve gotten mentally prepared, you’re all set to

approach her, right? Well, this is the time that fear may start to show

its ugly head. What fear stands for is - False Evidence Appearing

Real. Fear is basically an illusion that we create when we anticipate

a situation will be worse than it actually will be. The subconscious

mind has created all sorts of illusions that have compounded

throughout the years thereby creating this concept called fear. For

example - when we thought about the worst thing that could happen

when approaching a woman our rational mind realized that her

saying, “Get lost loser” was about the worst that could happen.

However much of what is stopping you from making the approach is

the false built up scenario you’ve created in your subconscious. Your

mind may have created some ridiculous picture of you going to

approach the girl and having your pants fall to your ankles as you trip

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and fall on your face. As you look up you see the girl and her friends

pointing and laughing at you while you lay there. That’s why you

need to make it very clear to yourself that this kind of thing has no

chance of actually happening and that the absolute worst that will

happen is the cold shoulder or a rude comment that you can just

laugh off.

To make sure that you follow through on your mission and actually

make the approach I want you to tell yourself 10 times “I have nothing

to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain”. Make sure you

do this. You’ll notice that after reciting this you’ll be 10 times more

likely to go over and approach her.

Another way to make sure you don’t chicken out is to vividly imagine

yourself at home, lonely later that evening regretting the fact that you

didn’t go talk to her. Really feel the pain that you will feel knowing that

you were too scared to do something as simple as saying hi to

another human being who breathes the same air as you.

Now I want to share you my secret weapon for getting over the fear of

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the approach. It’s called the “Death Bed Technique”. I want you to

envision yourself on your laying on your death bed thinking back on

your life. I want you to picture all the regrets you had while looking at

your life. Did you live every minute to the fullest? Did you go for it

when you had the chance? Looking at life from this perspective helps

you realize that there’s no time to be afraid. You can’t let life pass you


The Scared Bug Theory

If you really have a problem with fear, I have developed a theory that

I call “The Scared Bug Theory™” that can help you get over this

pretty rapidly. Remember when you were a kid and you saw a scary

looking bug and you were afraid to touch it. Then some wise adult

told you that the bug is more scared of you than you are of it and it

somehow made the bug look less scary and more approachable. I’m

about to let you on a little secret. All women, including the most

beautiful are insecure, vulnerable and scared. No matter how out of

your league she appears, she is secretly very insecure and

vulnerable on the inside. I’ve seen this time after time with the most

beautiful women I’ve dated. I’ve seen them trying on 30 outfits before

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going out because they think every one makes them look fat. I’ve

seen them crying over things like not being beautiful enough. I’ve

seen them brushing their teeth repeatedly and downing mouthwash

and worrying like crazy about possible bad breath. I’ve seen them

ask me questions repeatedly like, “Do you think she’s prettier than

me?” How can you be nervous or stumbling around a creature who’s

own insecurities are probably ten times what yours are when you get

down past the surface? The next time you begin to feel nervous

around a beautiful woman I want you to realize that her confident

exterior is all a front. She is just a human being like us all with tons of

insecurity. She is more “scared” of what you and others think than

you are of her. Once you really harness this concept it’ll put you in

the driver seat.

Chapter 8: The Actual Approach

A Detailed Approach Scenario

Okay so you're feeling confident and you're ready to actually make

the approach. When trying to get a girls' phone number, most guys

feel like they need to get involved in some long conversation with her

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first. This will waste lots of unnecessary time. Get in there quick and

then get out with the digits. Now remember that the goal is to make

something happen besides just a nice little conversation. You do not

want to leave the situation without a phone number. You should

always have an opening "defuser" ready to break down the barriers

that many women put up upon first being approached. You want to

start the conversation off very naturally, as if you're having a

conversation with a friend. Keep it light and just point out something

that's going on around you. ALWAYS KEEP IT POSITIVE! Never say

something like, "You look tired, Monday mornings suck huh?" Keep it

positive. You want to say something either positive or neutral (if you

can't think of anything positive on the spot). The best opening "line" is

something that makes her laugh. Be very relaxed and casual but then

use a concept that I call "Escalation". Once you have her feeling

somewhat comfortable (don't spend more than 2 minutes making her

comfortable), gradually escalate the intensity of the conversation. For

example, let's say you're on line at a deli or fast food place (I want

you to use this every time you are on line and you have an attractive

woman next to you). When you're in a situation like this is the perfect

opportunity to do something I call "Prepping the Deal". "Prepping The

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Deal" is about doing something in front of her that she sees or hears

that makes you look good right before you start the conversation with

her. There won't always be time to prep the deal in many situations

but whenever it's possible - DO IT! Here is one example of prepping

the deal that you can use at bars all the time. Let her hear you give

the bartender a big, strong thank you like, "I don’t know how you do it,

but you serve up those drinks really fast. Thanks a lot buddy". Then if

she happens to be looking you can throw down a good sized tip.

Don't use this one if it's a female bartender because she may mistake

it for flirting. Now when you approach her, she'll already assume that

you're a good guy and be more receptive to your approach. You have

successfully "Prepped the Deal".

This is a great way to prep the deal when you’re on line a

supermarket or at a nightclub (anywhere you might be waiting on a

line). If you have a few minutes a good way to prep the deal in this

situation is to pretend you got a call from your mom on your cell

phone. Make sure your cell phone ringer is off so you don't get a call

in the middle of your fake conversation. Just make it a very brief

conversation because you don't have much time. Act like she just

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gave you some good news and say, "ahh.. that's great mom. Okay

cool." - Then throw in a few "yeahs" and "uh huhs" like she's telling

you stuff. Now for the important part - Right before hanging up say,

"okay, love you mom... bye". That was it – SIMPLE but EFFECTIVE.

Women often look at the way a man treats his mom as the way he'll

treat them. With this "deal prepper" you just made her ten times more

receptive to your approach. Now is time to make your first "move".

Start out by turning to her and saying, "I feel like I spend my whole

life waiting on lines." She'll usually respond with a smile or a little

chuckle and say something like, "I know what you mean". Ahhh.. well

done my friend. You see how painless that was? You just diffused

any defense that she could have prepared. You just broke the ice. It

was as simple as that. Now bring in the humor. If you're on line for

food you can say,” I’m starving; I think I'm going to order 1 of

everything". Now this isn't the funniest line ever but it's all you need.

It's enough to get a little smile out of her and keep the conversation

flowing. Now you throw in a little more small talk to keep the

conversation moving along. Remember everything else that I've been

teaching you throughout this book and don't forget to start using the

techniques while you're talking to her. You might want to read this

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book several times so the techniques become a natural part of your

repertoire. Start looking at her body language. Are her pupils dilated?

Is she primping? If she seems to be responding positively then keep it

up - you'll have her number in no time. If you're not getting good body

language signals - don't worry about it! She may just be nervous. I

suggest using body language to tell when a woman is into you, but

not really to take the signs to heart when they seem negative. While

talking to her, try to step outside yourself. By stepping outside of

yourself you will become less self conscious and will connect with her

better. While talking to her, repeat this to yourself several times, "We

are now completely connecting". This is a trick I learned from spiritual

guru Deepak Chopra. I was skeptical about it at first but I started

trying it and believe it or not it works. It will make your body give off

subtle signals of connection which she'll pick up on. Okay so some

"innocent" small talk has been established and it's now time to turn

up the heat. Here's the time to throw in a compliment. Read the

section about compliments in this book to learn the right and wrong

ways to give them. The ideal compliment is flattering and followed

with something slightly cocky and humorous. Here are a couple of

examples you can use:

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"You have really cute dimples. Not as cute as mine, but still cute"

"I like your shoes", pause and wait for response. Then say,” Are you

like 5'2" without them on?" - Girls tend to wear big heels these days

to make themselves taller. If she has big ones on, this is a great

compliment because it tells her you appreciate her style (girls spend

half their damn salary on shoes), and it's also good to get a laugh out

of her. If she laughs you can follow this up with, "What's with women

wearing these huge heels these days?" Also, make sure you’re

specific with compliments - don’t say “You’re beautiful”. Tell her what

is beautiful about her. Never compliment the obvious either. If she

has beautiful eyes, don’t compliment her on her eyes. Chances are

that every other guy her entire life has complimented her on her eyes.

Instead, find something unique to compliment her on - something that

she’s never heard before. This will make her think that you really

appreciate beauty and particularly her beauty.

Getting The Digits

Now's the time to get her phone number. You should only spend

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about 3 minutes on all of the above actions. You don't want to spend

lots of time on this. It's just not necessary. Now, here is exactly what

you say to get her number. "You seem like a really cool girl, give me

your number and let's continue this conversation over dinner some

time". As you are saying this, take out your cell phone and assume

that she's going to give it to you. After years of practicing and reading

about every technique in the world people use to get a girl's number,

I've found this method the most effective. The only one that works

better is if you can elicit a similar interest from her and use it to get

her number. For example, if you found out you like a similar band,

you'd say, "Ya know what, give me your number and let's go check

out a show some time". If you found out she wants to see a certain

movie, you say, "Give me your number and I'll take you out to see it".

It's not always easy to establish this interest in a few sentences so if

you can't do it, just go with the first example I gave you.

Many times when you ask for a woman's number she'll say

something like, "Give me yours and I'll call you". Don't fall for this!

First of all it's very rare that she'll actually call you. Even if you think

she seems really interested, she still probably won't call mainly just

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because women are programmed not to call men first. She'll either

get too nervous to call or her inner voice will tell her that it's not okay

to call a guy first. I know this may seem ironic because she's the one

who asked for your number, but remember that women aren't logical

creatures. Much of what they do is illogical. If she says she’ll take

your number, just pretend that she didn't even say it and respond by

taking out your cell phone as if you're getting ready to type in her

number into your phone book. Now say, "C'mon, cough up the

number. I promise I'm not too much of a stalker" - and then laugh.

Really expect to get the number. Show no hesitance in your voice. If

she keeps up with her routine and still doesn't give it to you, let her

know that you know this game. Just be like, "Hey, I really enjoyed

talking to you tonight. I definitely want to see you again but I'm not

really into the whole game of me giving you my number. That never

works out. Just give me your number and I'll call you". Don’t give in to

her. She'll appreciate that you stood your ground. If she still keeps

this up you can "give in without giving in". Just say, "Okay, ya know

what, if you’re that scared of me calling you for some silly reason,

give me your email address". If she says no to this - SHE'S NOT

WORTH YOUR TIME! Just say, "Okay well, I'm not giving you my

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number so maybe I’ll see you around some time and we can talk

more". If you live in a small town or a place where you might actually

see her again this is a great move. The next time she sees you, she'll

be all over you!

Chapter 9: The Art Of Conversation

The thought of trying to stop a hot woman on the street and getting

her number can be very scary or even seemingly impossible for some

guys. I used to think that but now the number 1 place I go to pick up

women is on the city streets. If you live in a rural area – get your lazy

ass to the city! The main reason I choose the city streets is because

there are a plethora of women there. Now because I know this can be

really petrifying for some guys I have a simple exercise to loosen you

up. If you do nothing else in this book, I want you to try at least this. I

want you to walk up to ten different women and just ask them for the

time. Put your watch in your pocket before doing one. Work on asking

with a big smile and make eye contact. That’s it. It’s nothing to be

nervous about – you simply want the time. Then once you do that 10

times, I want you to do this 5 more times, but now try to keep the

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conversation going for an extra few sentences. Remember, there’s no

pressure here. It’s just a simple exercise to help you learn to develop

rapport. Don’t worry about getting her number yet. Okay so once they

give you the time, say, “thanks a lot... my watch stopped working. I

just bought the thing last month and it already stopped working. What

a waste of 400 bucks.” Then let out a little laugh. This will get you

used to developing conversation with women. I actually secretly

combined two tactics in that one comment. Not only did you learn to

get a conversation started, but you also used a tactic I call Sibing

(Sneaking In Brags). You threw in the fact that you spent $400 dollars

on your watch. This insinuates that you have money or at least care

about yourself and appreciate quality - If you didn’t, you wouldn’t

have spent $400 on a watch. Sibs are great because they allow you

to brag about yourself while appearing humble. You don’t want to

come right and say, “Hey I’m rich, athletic and all around amazing”.

Instead you need to use a combination of actually demonstrating

these facts and throwing in Sibs here and there. Okay so now that

you’ve gotten used to going up and starting a conversation with

women, we’ll go into some specific conversation techniques.

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When we were kids we used presuppositions all the time to get our

parents to give us what we wanted without even realizing we were

using them. Presuppositions are an inborn tactic of manipulation that

we have used in our lives sometimes slightly and sometimes

blatantly. A presupposition is a way of wording a question or

statement in a way that presupposes the recipient already agrees

with some part of what you are saying by trivializing it. Let’s say

you’ve met a girl at bar and you want to get her to go out with you.

Instead of saying, “Do you want to go out to dinner with me on

Friday?” - Say something like this, “We should go out to dinner this

weekend. I know an amazing Indian restaurant downtown - or there’s

a really nice Italian place I know that makes the best Chicken Marsala

you’ll ever taste. What do you like better – Indian or Italian?” By

presupposing that she has already agreed to go out with her you’ve

made it difficult for her to say no to you. She’ll probably answer with

something like, “well I really like Italian food”. Now you say, “Okay

cool – so Friday at 8 works for me”. There you go again. You made

another presupposition – you presupposed that her answer of “I really

like Italian food” meant yes. Now just take out your cell phone or a

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piece of paper and pen and tell her to give you her number. You

basically just set up dinner plans with her, without her even having a

chance to say no. At this point her subconscious mind will begin

rationalizing all of the reasons why she should go to dinner with you.

She won’t even be 100% sure about what exactly was said in the

conversation but she too will begin to assume that she said yes to

you. Will this work every single time? No – but it will increase your

success rate dramatically. Try it out for yourself. You may even want

to prepare some other ways you can use presuppositions in your

repertoire ahead of time. Have fun with it! Remember – this whole

dating thing is a game and you’re supposed to have a great time with


The Confident Listener

Always listen! Being a good listener is actually more important than

being a good talker. People love to talk about themselves. Ask

questions about her and then listen attentively. Now remember that

you’re not kissing ass here. Show a genuine interest but don’t seem

overly impressed. I don’t care if she tells you she’s a Playboy

playmate – don’t seem overly impressed! If she tells you she was a

Dallas Cowboys cheerleader - don’t seem overly impressed! You

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need to stay in the mindset that you are the impressive one. She

should be impressed with your confidence and general presence. Sit

back, relaxed and poised but then ask questions like, “that must have

been exciting – were you a cheerleader in high school?” That shows

that you care about what she is saying but doesn’t tip her off to what

you are really thinking which is probably, “Oh my God!!! I’m out with a

Dallas Cowboys’ Cheerleader!”

Open ended Questions

Ask open-ended questions. Try to avoid asking yes or no questions

but instead phrase your questions so that the response will be more

elaborate. For example, if you’re at dinner, instead of asking, “Do you

like your food?” say, “I love this place. What was the best part of your

meal?”, followed by, “What are some of your favorite restaurants

around here?”.

Avoiding the uncomfortable silence

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting at dinner; your hands start to get

sweaty and she looks bored. The conversation is barely moving and

then all of a sudden it hits - BAM! Absolutely nothing! A painful, awful

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silence. She looks at you like you are the most boring human being

on the planet. You feel like a total loser and rapidly start to search

your seemingly empty brain for anything to say. You feel like you’d

rather be dead. How do we avoid situations like this? The first way

seems way too simple but it works. Have 5 emergency topics to talk

about as soon as the awkward silence hits. Before the date, look at

the front page of the newspaper and/or go online and find some

current pop culture news and come up with 5 specific things to talk

about. Write them down and loosely memorize them before your date

and save them for emergencies. Don’t waste these unless you have

absolutely nothing else to talk about. If you use these early in the

date then you won’t have any safeties to latch on to when you need


Another technique for avoiding the awkward silence is to embrace it.

When it gets quiet - sit back - take big, deep breath. Stretch out and

say, “Ahhhh… I feel so relaxed… I’m having a good time - I think it’s

great when two people can be around each other and not have to talk

continuously. It’s cool when you can just enjoy each other’s presence,

good food, nice atmosphere”. She will instantly feel at ease. The thing

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that puts the awkward in awkward silence is the fact that you don’t

seem comfortable. Now you’ve let her know that what your feeling is

completely opposite of uncomfortable. You are actually so

comfortable that you’re fine with the fact that it’s quiet. In fact - you’re

enjoying the silence. Whatever you do - never admit that you feel the

uncomfortable silence or that you have run out of things to say. This

is an instant signal that you are not sure of yourself and you’re not

even man enough to carry the conversation. This is how a woman’s

mind works. She will think, “If this guy can’t even lead this

conversation, how is he going to lead a family some day? How is he

going to be able to protect me?”

What’s In A Name?

Try to use her name here and there during conversation. Instead of

saying, “tell me more about you”, say, “So Lisa, tell me more about

yourself”. Women love to hear their own name. The more you use her

name in conversation, the more she’ll feel comfortable with you.


One way to instantly strike a chord with a woman and begin creating

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a sexual mood is to whisper in her ear. If you are a loud bar or club

you have a perfect excuse to lean in for a few whispers. If she seems

to be comfortable with it, you should keep talking in this manner and

try to keep this entire conversation in this tone. Try to get very close

to her ear. If you are not somewhere loud you can pull her over and

whisper a comment in her ear about someone in the near vicinity.

Don't say something too mean about anyone, but something that you

wouldn't want the whole place to hear. By the way - Never belittle

others. When you do so, you appear weak.

Lip Watching

This is a great technique to help prepare her for a potential kiss at the

end of the night. When she is talking, hold good eye contact with her

and then glance down at her lips and watch them for about 3

seconds. Do this periodically throughout the date. This will project the

concept of you kissing her into her mind and thereby make it easy for

her to accept your kiss at the end of the night. It's a way of letting her

know that you find her attractive and you want to kiss her without

coming out and saying, "I want to kiss you later".

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Effectively Using Humor

Ask any woman what they are looking for in a man and you're sure to

hear that they want someone who can make them laugh. Humor is

one of the most powerful tools you can use to attract women. Women

assume that if someone makes them laugh, they must like them. This

is the reason that 65% of commercials use humor to sell their

products. Humor sells - it's that simple. Laughing makes you feel

good. Humor breaks down barriers and defense mechanisms

creating instant rapport. The assumption is that if a commercial

makes you laugh then you'll have good feelings about the product.

The same is true with women. The key is to be funny in a playful, fun

way. You don't want to be goofy in an annoying little brother kind of

way. When you make a woman laugh often, she'll associate you with

good times and feeling good.

A prominent reason that women love to laugh is because laughter

arouses feeling. Keep in mind that women are not creatures of logic.

They are creatures of feeling. Laughter is a profound process that

involves every major system in the body. It's spiritual, physiological,

and emotional. Laughter is unreasonable, illogical, and irrational.

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Laughter exists for its own sake. Infants laugh strictly because it feels

good. They learn to laugh first and later on develop a sense of humor,

which is a playfully intellectual way of relating to the world. Yes

laughter can be intellectual, but its roots are in pure feeling.

By making a woman laugh, you make her feel. When you make a

woman laugh, you make her heart rate and blood pressure go way

up, and then drop down way below the norm. When a woman laughs

her diaphragm convulses and her internal organs get massaged. As

she takes in the massive amounts of air, her blood becomes

oxygenated. She also loses muscle control, which relaxes her

skeletal system. Laughter causes her brain to produce hormones

called beta endorphins. What do all of these effects have in common?

They are the same biological processes that occur during sexual

arousal. By making her laugh you are actually putting her in a more

sexual state.

Become an Authority Figure

It’s embedded in us since we were kids to respect and listen to

authority figures. Therefore it only makes sense that a woman will

respect and “obey” us if we become an authority figure in her eyes.

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This is one reason that tall guys tend to do better with women. When

a girl looks up at a tall guy her subconscious mind puts her into a

state of obedience. She starts to respect the guy just because she

has to look up to speak to him. Now this doesn’t mean that you need

to be tall to project this kind of authority (although I do recommend

wearing shoes with good sized heels if you are less than 6’ tall). A

great way to make her look at you in this way is to become a guru.

Tell her things she doesn’t know about. Keep a few rare facts in your

repertoire and you’ll be sure to be looked at as a teacher. This is so

easy to do and so many guys don’t do it. Go out and read some

interesting books. Take a seminar about something intriguing that not

many people know about. Once you have this knowledge, all you

have to do is keep it in mind and use it on a date. It sounds simple

doesn’t it? So why doesn’t every guy do it. They are too lazy to learn

anything interesting and to prepare their “lecture” about it.

Sneaking in Sex Talk

Never start talking about sex on a date or with a girl you’ve just met

until you’ve already established a mental connection and she feels

really comfortable with you. There’s no better way to shoot down your

chances of actually having sex with her than to start talking about sex

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early on in the conversation with a woman. Once you’ve established

a kinesthetic connection by breaking the touch barrier (which I

discuss elsewhere in this book), and have a comfortable conversation

going, you can start to gradually bring sex into the conversation. You

should start talking about sex using a third party example to see how

she reacts and whether she gets involved in the topic or rapidly

changes the conversation. It’s especially effective if you use a female

friend of yours as the third party. The first thing you want to do is to

create a lead in. You want to get on an unassuming topic that will

lead perfectly into your sexual story. Let’s say you’ve just finished

eating dinner and it’s time for desert. Start looking through the desert

menu and start talking with her about the choices. Point out

something like the apple pie and say, “mmmmm…That sounds good,

I could go for apple pie with some whip cream on top – lots of

whipped cream. Actually that might get all messy.” Then let out a little

chuckle like you just thought of a story. She may even ask what

you’re chuckling about. Either way, the next thing you say is, “My

friend Diana was telling me the other day that for her boyfriend’s

birthday she put whipped cream all over herself, and put cherries

over both of her nipples. She made him lick it all off”. Now see how

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she responds. If she laughs and goes with it, it’s an open door to start

talking about sex. Try out this exact dialogue on your next day. It’s

okay to quote what I wrote word for word. That’s why I’m writing this –

to help you out as much as possible. Once the subject is on sex,

don’t veer off the subject. Keep talking about it. The more she talks

about it with you the more she’ll comfortable with the idea of actually

having sex with you.


Pay attention to details. You'll be amazed at how much women really

appreciate it when you notice small details or changes in them. Pay

attention to her hair, nails, clothes, weight, etc. Here's a tip that will

prove to her that you pay attention to details. On a first date,

remember what color her finger nails are. Then on the second date

look at her nails (assuming they are a different color now) and say,

"That’s a nice color. The pink was nice last time, but I think I like this

color on you even more". She will be amazed that you noticed and

remembered what color her nails were last time. Also, she'll be

excited to stay looking pretty for you in the future. She'll start to think

about you the next time she goes to get her hair and nails done.

She'll get excited to look hot for you and she'll look forward to

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impressing you further.

The Triple R Technique™

So, you’ve gone on a date with a girl and you really like her. Now you

want to make sure that she wants to continue dating you. One way to

assure a second date is to be very attentive on the first date to one

specific topic that SHE brought up. The first step to The Triple R

Technique™ is Remembering. Remember as much as possible about

a specific topic that she spoke about. Try to pick a topic that she

seemed very interested in. To demonstrate this technique I’ll use a

specific situation where I used it recently. I was out a restaurant on a

first date with an extremely beautiful woman. She was really into

cooking. She was telling me about all he different recipes that she

loved to prepare. I could tell that she was really passionate about it.

So what did I do after the date? I moved on to the second R and did

some simple Research. I went to the food networks website and

found some upcoming shows that looked interesting. You can just as

easily go to and do a search for anything she might have

been talking about. For example, if she was really into tennis, you can

search for upcoming shows or tennis or search elsewhere online for

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upcoming tennis events. The next thing I did was called her a few

days after our date and I got her voicemail. So I took this opportunity

to perform the third R of the triple R Technique. I Recited the new

information that I gathered. I remembered she spoke about how she

loved making all different kinds of pasta sauces. In my message I

included, “Oh, by the way, Emeril is making his Penne Vodka sauce

on his show tomorrow night on the Food Network. I doubt it’s as good

as yours but I figured I’d let you know if you wanted to pick up a few

tips.” Always have this prepared before your phone call after the first

date. This way, if she was semi-interested in you and let’s her phone

go to voicemail, you have just increased your chances substantially of

her calling you back. She will love the fact that you actually listened to

what she was saying and took an active interest in it. She’ll be

amazed because I highly doubt any other guys have ever done this,

thereby making you different and interesting.

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Part 4: Unstoppable
Techniques For Attracting

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Chapter 10: Specific Techniques To

Be Used In Battle


First of all, before you use any of the techniques taught in this book,

you must learn to seem relaxed. Never be methodical. Now I know

this may sound funny because basically the things I'm teaching you in

this course are part of a method for attracting women. The key is to

never make it look like you are using a method or using pre-planned

techniques for picking them up. You have to make it all seem natural

and nonchalant. When a boxer throws a punch that the opponent

sees coming, it's called telegraphing. No matter how good a boxer’s

technique is, if he telegraphs his punches they are not effective.

Many times a boxer doesn't even know that he's telegraphing his

punches. It's his old habits that he isn’t aware of that give away what

he is doing. In the same way, if a woman senses that you are

telegraphing your seduction techniques they will not be effective. A

good way to avoid telegraphing the techniques I am teaching you is

to relax. Do some deep breathing before you go out. Before you go

out to meet women or before a date, go to a quiet place and take in

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20 good deep breaths. Breathe in very deeply and hold it for at least

ten seconds. Then breathe out for even longer than you breathed in.

Repeat this process 20 times. This will release toxins and help

stimulate your lymph system which will relax you. When you are

relaxed, you will be able to use these techniques with much less

effort. They won't look contrived at all.

Cross The Comfort Line

I remember a few years back I had a gorgeous woman come up and

ask me the time. She was incredible. She had a body to die for, long

flowing hair and the face of a supermodel. She then proceeded to

walk along side me and started talking about how humid it was out. I

simply agreed and said something insignificant like, "yeah - it is". She

walked at my pace for a few more seconds and then proceeded to

cross the street and she was out of my life - FOREVER! I thought

about this for days after. Why didn't I say anything? Why did I just

walk along and pretend that we were just a couple of buddies chatting

about the weather. The opportunity was right there and I blew it. Why

didn't I ask for her number? After a lot of thought I realized what the

problem was. The friendly groove we fell into felt so natural that I

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didn't want to make any waves or to appear creepy by asking for her

number. I didn't want to take the chance of crossing her comfort line.

It's a natural tendency to think it might be inappropriate to take the

friendly conversation to the next level. There is a fear that this will

somehow cross a line and you'll destroy the friendly moment. So

what!!!! Is it better to let her walk out of your life forever? These are

opportunities we can't let pass us by. Always make sure you ask for a

phone number after talking a woman that you have interest in.

Look Like You’re Enjoying Yourself

If there is one thing you can do at a bar or club that will increase your

chances with women tenfold is to look like your having a great time.

Remember the Cindy Lauper song “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?”.

This is probably the truest statement every made about women. Guys

go out to get laid. Girls go out to have fun. So if you’re not in the fun

mindset don’t even bother going out. I was always a pretty popular

guy and had lots of different groups of guy friends I would go out with.

There was one particular “crew” that I used to go out with and every

single time I’d go out with them I’d meet tons of hot women. At the

time I thought it was just the places we were going to. They used to

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love these 2 or 3 particular places. I used to rave to people about

these places telling them that you are guaranteed to pick up if they

went there. Then I’d get phone calls from these other guys telling me

that they didn’t think the places were anything special. This got me

thinking, “If these places weren’t anything special, how the hell were

we doing so well with women there?” Then I realized what it was.

What was different about these guys and most guys I had been

hanging out with is that they were actually fun. We all laughed and

had conversation with each other flowing. We all hit the dance floor.

We were always smiling and making jokes. Women completely

gravitated to us. They wanted to be around us because they too

wanted to have fun.

The Forced Favor Technique

Several years back when starting my own business I sat down for a

consultation with a friend of my family who was the head of Fortune

500 Company. I don't want to mention his name here but let's just say

that he is very intelligent and extremely business savvy. He said that

the single most important piece of business advice he could give me

was to get people to do you favors. When he told me this I just stared

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at him blankly thinking, "That's it? I get to sit down with a business

man of his caliber and that's his big advice for me?” Then he

continued on to tell me that when people do a favor for you, they

automatically assume that they like you. The psychology behind it is

that the person subconsciously tells him/herself, "I just did a favor for

this person - I must like him. I don't do favors for people that I don't

like". I instantly applied this technique in business and in the art of

meeting women and I've coined it my "Forced Favor Technique™".

The logic applies perfectly to meeting women. If you can get a

woman to do a favor for you, no matter how small, you instantly begin

to crumble her defenses. She will immediately begin to assume that

she likes you. Let's look at a few specific and very practical ways you

can apply this technique.

At The Gym

The next time you're at the gym, ask an attractive woman for a spot.

This is a non-threatening way to get a conversation going and at the

same time gets her to do a favor for you. This technique is especially

good because it also lets her know that you respect her and are

confident enough in your masculinity to ask a woman for a spot. Once

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she does this favor for you, she'll automatically assume on a

subconscious level that she must like you. Her subconscious would

have a hard time rationalizing the fact she just spotted someone that

she doesn't like. This is the perfect time to go in for the kill and get

the digits.

At The Beach

Situate yourself near one or more women that you interest in. Pick

out one woman that you like and when it's time to go for a swim in the

ocean, ask her if she'll watch your towel and clothes for you. She

won't have too much of choice but to say yes. Go for your swim,

come back and then use the rest of your tools to seal the deal.

These are just a couple of examples of how to get a woman to do

favors for you but I'm sure you can think of more in all kinds of

situations. Get creative and have fun with it!

The Walk Away

This is great to use when picking up a woman at a bar or club.

Approach a woman and start a conversation with her. After a few

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minutes, once you have her attention, tell you that you’ll be back.

Then go back and hang out with your friends. This will get her

thinking several things. First of all, it will tell her that you’re there to

have a good time with your friends and that you’re not desperately

trying to meet someone. It will also get her hoping that you’ll come

back. She’ll be wondering if she was interesting or good looking

enough. She’ll be hoping and praying that you come back so that she

knows she’s “good enough” for you. Also, this instantly puts you in

control of the situation. You are now in the driver seat. BAM!!! With

one move you accomplished all this! Now walk back over after a

while and finish what you started!

Playing on her insecurities

Here’s a technique that is extremely effective for breaking though the

facade of a woman who is acting like she’s too good for you. Let her

know that you’re aware of her secret insecurities and you aren’t afraid

to point them out. Now wait a second!! This is not an invitation to

insult her. Instead I will show you crafty methods for pointing out her

insecurities in ways that will make you seem confident (because no

wimp would have the nerve to call her out) and discerning. Here is an

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example of what I’m talking about. During conversation, casually say,

“I’m trying to picture what you’d look like with longer hair. You should

grow your hair out. It would work better with your symmetrical facial

structure”. With this one comment, you actually gave a compliment

and at the same time played on a major insecurity. Women spend

tons of time and money on their hair and for you to say that just

showed tremendous guts. You just proved that you’re not some wimp

and got her thinking, “Wow, this guy just might be in my league. I

thought he was drooling all over me but apparently I’m going to have

to work at getting and keeping his interest”. You’ve just made yourself

ten times more challenging and at the same time given her a

compliment and an insult that she can’t even get mad at you about.

You have just put yourself on the level of a strong, discerning guy

who’s not just going to fall for any hot chick that comes his way. If

you just said, “Your hair looks terrible”, you would have alarmed her

instant defense mechanisms and just made yourself look like a jerk.

Another one that works well is, “You should wear a little less makeup.

Your face is so beautiful. I’d love to see you with a more natural look”.

These are quick ways to shift the momentum of the conversation. If

you can tell that she feels superior to you and that she’s starting to

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feel that she’s above your league, this technique is great for leveling

the playing field. Instantly you will trigger tons of inner insecurities

and keep her on her toes for the rest of the date. The key here is not

to come across as a jerk when saying these things. Keep it light,

playful and smile a lot. The last thing you want to seem is mean and


Pretend She’s Ugly

Are you Mr. Suave when it comes to talking to ugly women but you

become a nervous idiot when the girl is really hot? You’re not alone.

Many guys that I’ve coached have expressed this same thing. What

you need to do when confronted with this situation is - pretend that

she’s the ugly girl that you know wants you. I know it may be hard to

do but just keep telling yourself that she’s not really hot and that she

wants you badly. A major reason that guys are smoother around less

attractive women is because they assume that the woman wants

them. You need to really “fool yourself” into believing that this girl isn’t

that special and she really wants you. Try to envision, “what would I

be saying right now if this girl was ugly and extremely interested in


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Think of a time when a girl liked you but you had no interest in her.

It's likely that you were flattered but you still didn't really care that she

existed. The more you ignored her and the more indifferent you acted

toward her advances the more she seemed to want you. What was it

about this indifferent attitude that drew her closer to you? There are

two major reasons for this. The first one is that people want what they

can't have. Think about when you were a kid and your parents told

you that you couldn't have something. This made you want it ten

times more. This is one reason why women often find themselves

attracted to men who are already in a relationship. Also, this

indifference shows that you are an independent man who's in control

of his situation. You don't NEED anything. Women love a man who is

not needy.

So now let's look at what you do with a woman who you are really

into - The kind of woman who you can't get off your mind - The one

who gives you the butterflies in your stomach. Every instinct in you

tells you to be anything but indifferent. This instinct is the number 1

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reason why men fail with women. This is the single most important

lesson in this book. Your instincts will lead you to want to tell her how

much you like her and shower her with attention. This puts an

awkward pressure on a woman - A pressure that she’ll do anything

to avoid. You have to start treating this woman exactly like girl who

you had no interest in. This doesn't mean you should be as hard as a

rock. You need to show just enough interest to keep her attention.

You also need to use strategic vulnerability. Take a look at James

Bond. He always seems cool, calm and collected. He has beautiful

women around him but always seems indifferent to them. He's not

mean to them nor does he make it look obvious that he's trying to

appear indifferent. He does however allow moments of vulnerability

that make women draw close to him.

One key way you can harness this power of indifference is to always

keep meeting other women. Even though you've found the one

woman that makes your heart go pitter-patter, still actively seek other

women. This will keep you busy and in a state where you're more

likely to exhibit a natural indifference. The amazing part about it is

that these new women will like you too because they'll sense that

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you're indifferent to them too. Before you know it you'll have a web of

women in your life and guess what? You'll genuinely be indifferent to

all of them because you have so much going on, you won't be able to

do all the silly things like calling all the time, or gift buying or ass

kissing - and they'll all keep wanting you more and more because of

it. It's at this point that you can choose whichever one you want and

actually get her with ease.

Mixed Signals

If you talk to unhappily married women you'll find that one of their

biggest complaints about their husbands is that he is so predictable.

Women HATE predictability. They thrive on spontaneity on every

level. Now I'm not here to teach you to be Mr. Spontaneous for the

next 50 years, but you can definitely learn to seem unpredictable at

the beginning of a relationship with no problem. Sending mixed

signals will show that you are anything but boring and predictable. I

firmly believe that a woman would prefer a toothless 400 pound guy

who is fun and spontaneous over a boring, predictable guy with good

looks. I am not even exaggerating. That is how strongly I feel that you

cannot afford to be predictable with a beautiful woman. Let's face it -

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Beautiful women have plenty of choices when it comes to dating.

They can probably get almost any man they want. So once you have

her slightly interested in you, you NEED to keep her interest. It's not

the time to sit back and say, "I got her. I can relax and be myself

now". That attitude is the quickest way to make sure that she loses

interest. You need to be difficult to figure out. This is what women are

talking about when they say that they want a mysterious guy. Think

about a puzzle. It's lots of fun when you're trying to figure out how to

put the pieces together, but once you have it all figured out it loses all

of it's intrigue. It doesn't excite you anymore. You've conquered it - it's

finished. Well I hate to break it too you but if you don't keep a woman

guessing and trying to figure you out, they'll get bored and look for a

new "puzzle" to solve. Now, once you really, really have a woman

(and this doesn't usually fully happen until about a year) you don't

have to be such a mystery to keep her. Other hormonal instincts will

kick in that will make her want to settle down with you and she'll feel

good just being comfortable with you. Although it's still a good idea to

too always stay somewhat mysterious and spontaneous to keep her

on her toes. But at the beginning it's not a choice. You need to send

all kinds of mixed signals. Be tough and macho, but be soft and

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sensitive. Sometimes answer the phone and act excited to hear from

her. Other times act like you’re too busy to talk. Show interest in her,

but be elusive. Give her tons of attention and then take it away. Make

her yearn for it. Tell her she's a sweet girl and then call her a brat

later on. Now I know some people are reading this and saying, "Do I

really have to play all of these games? Can't I just act natural?" The

answer is YES, you do need to play all of the games and YES you

should act natural. Be natural and relaxed but have fun with these

little games. Make them a natural part of your repertoire. I know it can

be annoying that you have to play these kinds of games but when it

comes to keeping a beautiful woman interested in you at the

beginning, you really have to do this stuff. In a perfect world, this

dating game would be simple but keeping an attractive woman

interested requires tact and effort.

Get Your Props

A great prop can make the process of picking up women much

easier. A prop becomes an instant topic of conversation. Also, many

times a girl will find you attractive and not know exactly how to

approach you. That's right - girls get tongue tied, and nervous about

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the approach too! One way to make it easy for her to approach you is

by giving her a prop to talk about.

One of the greatest props a guy can get is a dog. Whether it's at a

dog walking park or just on the street, a dog is a perfect prop to get

conversations going with women. How can a woman resist a guy

walking a cute, bright eyed fur-ball? Dogs work especially well with

women who also have dogs. You don't even have to have your own

dog to make this work for you. After all, dogs can also be a pain in the

ass. You have to walk them, clean up their crap and clean dog hair

off your clothes all the time. Here's a perfect solution. Ask a friend if

you can take their dog for a walk once in a while. They'll be happy to

let you do it because it gives them a break from having to walk it. If

you have a dog walking park or an area where lots of people walk

dogs, go there. Find a woman who you find attractive and walk your

dog near her. Your dog will probably start playing with and sniffing

away at her dog in no time. Do I need to say more? It's really that

simple. Now you have an excuse to start talking to her and the best

part is that you immediately have something in common. Don't make

brain surgery out of it. Just start talking about the dogs.

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Another great prop that I use all the time is a funny t-shirt. I don't

really wear these out to bars and clubs much but they're perfect for

the gym or during the day on the street. Why wear a plain Hanes t-

shirt when you can wear a shirt with something catchy on it that will

get women laughing and talking to you? It's pretty much a no-brainer.

I have met more women because THEY came up and talked to ME

about my t-shirts. Some of the best ones that I have say:

"I'm What Willis Was Talking About"

"I Taught Your Boyfriend That Thing You Like"

"BEARDS – They Grow On You”

These ALWAYS get laughs out of girls and actually get women

approaching me all the time about them. To find shirts like these just

do a search for funny t-shirts in Google. There are a bunch of good

sites out there that have some hilarious shirts. One site that always

has a bunch of new stuff is Some of the shirts are

really offensive or just plain corny so make sure you choose carefully.

If you're unsure if a shirt is a good choice or not, ask a female friend if

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she thinks it's funny, corny or just plain offensive.

Buy Her A Drink?

Never buy a woman a drink. It’s logical to assume that if you buy a

woman a drink at the bar that she’ll like you. After all, aren’t we

supposed to like people who buy things for us? Yes, this seems

logical enough, but remember – women are not logical creatures!

Want to know what you’re really saying when you buy a woman

drink? I’m a sucker. I’m weak and I’m trying to buy your attention

because I have nothing else better to offer. Never offer to buy a

woman a drink. Many times a woman will accept the drink and stand

with you for a little while, but it’s most likely out of pity. A lot of guys

have the idea that if they order her a drink and get her to stay around

them for a while and drink it, then it’ll allow them enough time to

charm her. This does make some sense and if you employ some of

my strategies from this book once you have her in your vicinity, you

do have a chance of getting her. The problem is that you have set up

an uphill battle for yourself because she already thinks you are weak

and a sucker. There are many better ways to get her attention and

get her to have her stay around you so don’t bother with the drink

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buying thing. Also, don’t buy her a drink if she asks you to. Women

love free drinks and they’re usually not very shy about asking for

them. Now I don’t mean that when you’re out on a date you shouldn’t

buy her drinks but when first picking her up, DON’T DO IT! I know it’s

hard to say no. She knows it’s hard to say no too – that’s why she’s

asking you. This is also a way for her to test how much of a man you

are. By giving in right away and getting her the drink, she’ll assume

that you’ll give in all the time about other things too. Another reason

that you shouldn’t offer to buy a woman a drink is because it’s

overdone. Every other idiot at the bar has tried this approach on her

for years and you don’t want to be like every other guy. If she asks

you to buy her a drink, simply respond with a cocky but humorous

response like, “I’m not in the habit of buying drinks for girls I’m not

dating. If you play your cards right with me, maybe I’ll take you on a

date and buy you some”.

Chapter 11: Technique Gone Wrong

- Mistakes Guys Make With Women

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Mistake 1: Modeling The Wrong Guys

One major mistake that I see average joes make time after time is

assuming that they can use the same approach as very good looking

guys. They see a good looking guy breaking all of the rules that I’ve

been teaching you and they think that the same rules apply to them. I

hate to tell you this, but the cold reality is that very good looking guys

can say almost anything and women will take to them like a magnet. I

know it sucks, but it’s a fact of life. These guys can be oblivious and

break almost every rule in the book and women will often look past all

of their mistakes and still be with them. You CAN’T do the same

things these guys do and expect the same results they get.

Mistake 2: Using Desperate Measures To Save a Date

On a date, guys will attempt all kinds of things when he feels a

woman's interest level in him is dwindling. I'm about to tell you some

desperate methods guys use on dates when they sense that she's

not into him. If you use any of them, STOP immediately!

Acting Too Cool

When sensing a woman isn't really feeling him, some guys turn into

Mr. Too Cool for the situation. They try to brag about all the women

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they get. They start to get really cocky and arrogant. They hope that

by being this cool guy, the girl will say, "wow, I thought he was a dud.

He's so cool. He gets all kinds of girls and he must be a stud. I'm

starting to find this bad boy hot!". WRONG, WRONG, WRONG,

WRONG. Do you want to know what they are really thinking? "Oh my

God this is pathetic. He saw that I was finding him dull and now he's

switched up his whole persona to try and get me to like him. What a

loser". Women know exactly what you are trying to do when you pull

this act, so don't do it!

Searching For Pity

Sometimes a guy will just blatantly bring up the fact that the girl

doesn't seem interested in him. He'll start putting his head down and

looking down and acting like a sick puppy dog. Let me give a huge

piece of advice - She's not going to sleep with you because she feels

bad for you. Never use the pity approach. By admitting that you

notice she's not interested in you before she says it, you'll seem

extremely self conscious and destroy any slight chance you have left.

Acting Totally Disinterested

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Another mechanism that guys employ when are girl has lost interest

in him is to pretend that they are not interested in her either. Guess

what, she's not fooled. She hasn't forgotten that a few minutes ago

you were all over her.

Getting Wild

This is one that always makes me laugh. A guy who turns into Mr.

Wild when hoping to gain back her attention. He assumes that if he

gets totally crazy, she'll start to see him as a fun, wild guy and be

attracted to it. He starts doing all kinds of show-off acts like slamming

shots, dancing like a maniac and all kinds of other stupid things. Do

you know what she sees? A total sucker. She knows exactly what

has happened. She remembers that you were Mr. Dud for the first

half of the date. She realizes that you must have sensed her

disinterest and now you've gone to extreme, ridiculous measures to

get her attention back. Either that or she'll think you just got really

drunk and sloppy. Either way - you're not getting laid!

Don't bother with any of the attempts I've mentioned above. They

don't work! If you watch reality dating shows you see pathetic guys

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resorting to these methods all the time. Actually, it’s a good idea to

study reality dating shows. If watch these shows enough you start to

pick up on things that guys do wrong on dates. I remember a while

back when they used to air the dating shows Elimidate, The 5th

wheel, Shipmates and Blind Date in a row every night. I used to

watch all of them whenever I could to study exactly what guys did

wrong in different dating situations.

Mistake 3: Growing Complacent

Most guys think that once they get past the second date or so that

their job is done. They think they got the girl and they already begin to

grow complacent. What they don't realize is that it's at this point that

women start to experience something known as cognitive

dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a term often used in advertising

to describe the feeling of discomfort that a buyer feels after making a

substantial purchase. The discomfort arises when the buyer has

chosen one product over another. The more expensive the product is,

the more the feeling of discomfort. After buying a Mercedes Benz, the

purchaser will usually feel cognitive dissonance soon after purchase.

Thoughts like these fill the buyers mind:

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"Did I make the right choice?"

"Should I have gone with the BMW?"

"Was my cousin really right about the Audi having a smoother ride?"

To women, the man she chooses in her life is the biggest "purchase"

she'll ever make. While you think you got the girl already, she's going

through extreme feelings of cognitive dissonance. She begins to

think, "Did I choose the right guy? Is he as good a kisser as Joey

was? Does my family really like him? Could I feel even stronger

feelings for another guy?" In the advertising world, it is thought that

the more choices the consumer has, the more cognitive dissonance

they will feel. In the Benz example, the purchaser only has a few

choices to worry about. A beautiful girl has millions of choices. She

can have almost any guy she wants. This creates extreme cognitive

dissonance in her. A funny phenomenon that advertisers have

noticed is that purchaser will actually try to convince or even fool

themselves into believing that they made the right decision by

seeking out reasons why they made the right purchase. The new

owner of the Benz would go out of their way to read many more ads

about Mercedes Benz than about other cars they didn't choose. They

would tend to avoid reading ads about cars they considered but did

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not purchase. They'll reread the attractive brochure that sold them on

the purchase to make sure the car stays appealing in their mind.

Women do these exact same things in a relationship. They WANT to

find reasons to support their decision of "purchasing" you. All you

have to do is give her some reasons and most guys have grown

complacent enough at this point to stop giving any reasons. They

think that the purchasing process is over. These guys wouldn’t last 5

minutes in the advertising world. She's dying to rationalize to herself

why she chose you over the millions of guys out there in the world.

Give her reasons not to experience this dissonance. Stay

spontaneous, throw surprises into the mix and stay exciting!

Mistake 4: Looking Desperate

Have you ever noticed that when you are already in a relationship

you meet more women than you ever did when you were single?

Every time I get myself involved in a relationship and go out with the

guys, I can’t keep women away from me. I find myself thinking,

“Where the hell were all of these women when I was single!!?? Why

are they all over me now?” The main reason is because I don’t need

them. I am not desperate at all, and women can smell desperation

like three year old cheese. Of course there are degrees of

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desperation and you may only be exhibiting signs of slight

desperation. I want to teach you to be aware of these signs and to

make sure you’re showing no signs of desperation. Here are some

dead giveaways that you are desperate and how to avoid displaying

them in the future:

Eyeing Too Many Women

At a club or bar are you eyeing every girl in the place? This is a dead

giveaway that you are desperate. Lots of guys think that women don’t

notice when you stare at every girl that walks by like a hawk. When a

hot girl passes you by, do you have to check out her ass as she

walks by? Even if you do this subtly, if you do it enough times, other

women in the place will notice and instantly begin to perceive this as

desperation. Now I know it’s hard not to stare, especially with the way

women dress these days, but you have to resist the urge! Is staring at

that one girl worth lowering your chance of meeting the rest of the

women in the place?

Paying Too Much Attention To Her

When you meet a girl at a bar or club, are you hanging all over her?

Stop this immediately! You need to make it clear that you don’t need

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her. If you show too much interest or attention you risk the chance of

looking desperate. It’s okay to let a woman know that you have some

interest, but when you give her too much attention you will look

desperate. Let her know that you have some interest and then play it

cool. If you play it cool enough and use my other pick up techniques

you should be able to get her number. Once you have her number

the battle isn’t over. Do not start paying too much attention to her

over the phone either. You don’t want to signal her desperation alert.

Are you calling too much? When you get a woman’s number you

shouldn’t call her much between the first call and the first date. In

fact, if you do it right, you only call her once, chat for a little bit

thereby reestablishing the rapport that you developed when you first

met her, and then plan a date. You need to sound interested, and

enthusiastic about the date, but also very busy. Make sure that you

are the one to end the call. The key is to sound like you have a lot

going on in your life. Here’s a trick to make this easier: Actually have

a lot going on in your life! Get hobbies, hang with your guy friends,

read books, etc.

Mistake 5: Low Energy

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Projecting a low energy level is a huge mistake that guys make on

dates. As soon as a woman perceives you as having low energy,

she'll immediately begin to lose interest. Right away she begins to

think, "If he has this little energy now, imagine how he'll be if we we’re

married for five years. He'll be the guy on the couch all day with his

hand down his pants and his beer belly sticking out". This is how

women think. They rapidly make extreme judgments and create vivid

pictures in their minds about you based on every little thing you do

when you are first dating. No woman wants a man who they see as

having low energy. Here are some things you might do unknowingly

that make you seem low energy.

Speaking in a monotone voice

a monotone voice screams, "I'm boring". Work on animating your

voice. I go into more detail about this in the voice section of this


Having lazy eyes

This can be a lifelong habit that you might not even know you do.

Your eyes say so much about you. All of those songs and sayings

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about eyes, didn't come about for no reason. Girls think of the eyes

as the windows to the soul. You can use your eyes to say a lot about

yourself. Do you let your eyelids droop without realizing it. Stop

reading this for a minute and go look at yourself in the mirror.

Envision yourself on a first date. Picture yourself in her presence.

How are your eyes? Are they less than halfway open? Are you

looking down a lot? Now open them wider and look straight ahead

with your chin up. See how much more alive you look. Now I'm not

saying that you should have your eyes blaringly wide open, but you

need to open them up more than usual. You can go back to your

relaxed "droopy" eyes here and there but you need to be expressive

and keep they open wider at least some of the time. Use your

eyebrows a lot to express yourself. You can practice this kind of stuff

in the mirror. There is a time to keep you eyes more squinted to

create mystery and intrigue but at first you need to at least show them

that you have passion and enthusiasm in your eyes.

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Part 5: Body Language and


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Chapter 12: Secrets Of Body


It's not enough to assume you're going to brush your hair, throw

together a nice outfit and women are just going to be attracted you.

You need to learn to create a sexual dynamic between you and the

woman. You need to make a woman feel chemistry for you. You hear

women saying all the time that they just didn't have that chemistry

with their date. Well, I'm here to let you know that you can actually

create this chemistry in her. This feeling of chemistry cannot be left

up to chance. You have so many tools and techniques to make her

begin feeling this chemistry with you.

Most guys just assume that if a woman seems disinterested in them,

they must just not be her type. They go on date after date and arouse

very little interest in the woman assuming she must like only rich guys

or that she only dates guys with Tom Cruise looks or something.

They really believe that they are there to just lay their cards on the

table and see if she finds them attractive. This couldn't be further

from the truth. The problem is that they are doing nothing to MAKE

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HER feel sexual attraction to them. Unlike men who can get in the

mood when a stiff breeze passes, women don't fall easily into the

mood. It takes finesse and technique. Also, many men make the

mistake of assuming they can wait until they get a woman back to

their place to start getting her in the mood. You need to begin

sexually stimulating her from the beginning of the date.

Using and understanding body language is one of the best weapons

you can use to attract women and to understand when they are

attracted to you. If you want to begin creating a sexual dynamic with a

woman you need to understand body language thoroughly.


Kinesthetics (Kino) is the association of a particular moment with a

touch or feeling. Establishing touch with a woman upon first meeting

is very important. Women will remember your meeting much more

clearly and for a longer period of time if you establish touch with her.

If I’m being introduced to a woman I always greet her with hand

shake accompanied by a kiss on the cheek (don’t do this in a

business situation). Kissing her on the cheek along with a firm hand

shake held longer than normal immediately accomplishes so many

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things. It establishes a kino connection that will help her remember

you. It also shows that you are bold and not afraid of taking action.

Another thing it does is immediately takes away the chance of you

falling into the friend zone. With that kiss you secure your spot as an

affectionate, sexual being.

Another great way to begin the kino process is to lean in when she

asks you something and gently touch her arm or back. Begin to pay

attention to how she reacts. Does she stiffen up and pull away? Does

she go with it? Does she lean in closer to you? Does she touch you

back? Pay close attention to these clues because they’ll help you

gauge how she’ll respond to your kiss attempt later on. So many guys

are oblivious to how she’ll react at the time of going in for the kiss. By

that point I can usually tell exactly how she’ll respond.

If the opportunity for establishing kino doesn’t seem to be happening

you need to create it. Reach over and brush something out of her hair

and then act as though it fell on the back of her shoulder and gently

brush it to the floor. There doesn’t need to really be anything in her

hair. Just brush it off first and then say, “you had something in your

hair”. Trust me – she’s not going to search around on the floor until

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she finds the thing that was in her hair. She’ll take your word for it.

This is also a great technique because it makes her feel at ease with

you. Her subconscious will make her feel like you’ve known each

other for a while because only someone that she’s really close with

would be concerned and comfortable enough to take something out

of her hair.

A perfect opportunity to keep kino going is to occasionally bump your

feet against hers under the table. You can even take it a step further

and make a little joke saying, “Are you trying to play footsie with me?

I knew you liked me”. See how she responds to the little game you’ve

started. If she is very receptive you can move on to more intense


The Protector

Women have a very strong internal desire to feel safe and protected.

When a woman is hugging or resting her head on the chest of a man

she’s into, you’ll often here her say, “You make me feel so safe”. I

always thought this was kind of funny. I remember when girlfriends

used to say this to me, I’d always think, “Safe from what? Are we

under attack or something?” After doing years of research about the

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genetic make-up of women, it now makes perfect sense to me.

Women are genetically programmed to look for a provider and

protector. All of the women’s lib activism in the world can’t change

this fact. There are several ways you can use touch to make a

woman feel safe and protected. Here’s one that you should use on

every first date if you are driving in you car. When pulling up to a

stoplight, pretend that you don’t see that there is a red light ahead.

Then at the last minute look up and act like you just saw that it is red

and hit the brakes. Don’t slam the brakes too hard. Just hit them hard

enough so that she will go forward a few inches. As she’s going

forward, reach across her as if you’re trying to stop her from going out

the windshield. Most of us remember this from when mom used to do

it to us when we were a kid. With this one move you’ve instantly

satisfied her internal need to find a protector.

Another way to portray yourself as a strong protector is to use your

arm as a barrier between her and other people. This works very well

in a crowded bar or restaurant. When you’re walking though a crowd,

put your arm behind her back creating a shield to prevent people from

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pushing or bumping into her. This is a perfect way to let her know

that you’re a protector. She will recognize and respect you for this.

The “Cheek Attack”

A technique I like to use to initiate kino is the “Cheek Attack”. This is

will establish body contact and open the door for a kiss on the lips

later on. Wait for a moment when everything seems to be going right.

A great time to use the Cheek Attack is after you just told a funny joke

and she’s laughing. Wait until she turns sideways or is glancing away.

You want to get a clear look at her cheek first. Then just slide in and

give her kiss on the cheek. Don’t dart in and ram your face into hers.

Make your approach quickly and then as soon as you get within an

inch, slow down and make it nice and soft. Then tell her, “I couldn’t

resist. You just looked too cute laughing”.

Tease and touch

Remember when you were a kid and you used to play silly games

with girls like pulling their hair, play-fighting, and throwing dirt on

them? The reason you did this stuff was because it was sure to get

their attention. Fast forward to today and they still love this kind of

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playful teasing that borders on being mean. Now, you have to be sure

not to do this in a truly mean way. It should be done in a fun and

playful way. Here’s one example of how to use this playful teasing to

establish kino. I like to actually start a play fight with a girl. This is not

good at the initial pick-up point but works well after you’ve been

around a girl for at least an hour. Look for a good way to start the play

fight – don’t just start out of nowhere. For example – if she mentions

she’s been working out, this is a perfect time to initiate the fight. Say

something like, “oh yeah? So ya gettin buff? I think I can take ya”.

Then square off and start giving her very, very light jabs toward her

stomach. When she blocks low, go high and vice versa. Just barely

make contact with her. This makes you seem fun and it also breaks

the “touch barrier”. This is a great way to initiate contact with a

woman. Once you do this it’ll make the transition to touching of a

more sexual nature easy. She will subconsciously think, “I let him

touch me already…. I must like him…. A little more touching can’t


Mirroring and Manipulation

One way to establish rapport with a woman and to begin the process

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of developing chemistry is mirroring. Pay attention to how she is

positioned. Which way is she leaning? Which way are her legs

crossed? Is she leaning forward or backward? Carefully begin to start

putting your body in a similar position she is in. Try to mimic her body

positioning as closely as possible (without looking like a woman).

Don't make this too obvious. As you try it you'll see that it's not very

hard to do. Then pay attention to shifts in her body movement. As she

shifts position, you shift position. This will subconsciously begin to

develop a bond with you and stimulate her level of attraction to you.

Now start to change your position here and there. See if she follows.

If she starts to follow your positioning changes, keep making them.

Just casually shift positions. If you try it for a little while and she’s not

following you, go back to mirroring her positioning again. Keep that

going for a while and then try to get her to change along with you

again. This will begin to establish you as a leader. While she

unknowingly follows your body positioning she'll subconsciously

begin to see you as the leader of the situation. If you can't get her to

follow your positioning - don't worry about it. Just go back to mirroring

her. This will be effective enough and will make her believe that you

two are on the same wave length.

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Understanding Her Body Language

Understanding a woman's body language can be a great way to tell if

she is attracted to you. Time after time I hear guys saying that they're

not sure whether or not a woman is interested. I've even heard this

many times from really good looking guys who have women throwing

signs at them left and right. It's amazing to me how oblivious most

guys are to a woman's body language signals. The great thing about

body language is that even when a woman tries to hide her interest -

she usually can't. Her body language is a dead giveaway for what

she's really thinking. However there are some exceptions to this.

While body language is very important I don't want you to get

discouraged if you aren't seeing any signs. First of all, beautiful

woman who are used to getting approached all the time can

sometimes turn off most body language by convincing themselves

that they aren't interested in you. Some women won't give you a

chance off the bat because they have built up an inner dialogue that

totally consumes them as soon as they see a guy approaching. This

is one reason why standard pick-up lines don’t work. When you try a

standard pick-up line, you are telling a woman, “I’m here to pick you

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up”, and very often they’ll instinctively turn off body language. Even if

she's giving you no signs of interest at the beginning, have no fear -

Use the techniques I’ve been teaching you in this book and you’ll get

her body language to change from negative to positive in no time. But

for now let's assume she isn't being a complete cold fish and she's at

least acknowledged your presence. There are many facets of body

language that one can observe when judging a woman's level of

attraction. Actually at any given time during a conversation there are

over a thousand different signals you can look for! Imagine that -

once you begin to understand these signals you can never be in the

dark again about whether a woman is interested in you. Let's start by

breaking down each facet of language.

Eye Contact and Movement

The first facet we will look at is eye contact and movement. This can

tell us a lot about what she's thinking.

Prolonged Eye Contact

One of the most obvious signs of interest is prolonged eye contact.

Does she hold eye contact with you even slightly more than what

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seems normal? If so, you are doing great.

Pupil Dilation

Look at her pupils. Are they dilated? Dilated pupils are a sign of

arousal. When a human being sees something of great interest, their

pupils dilate significantly. In a dark place it can be hard to tell if they

are dilated so in some cases you may have to look to other forms of

body language to detect interest.


Pay attention to her blink rate. Rapid blinking can also be a dead

giveaway that she's interested. When some has nervous attraction

energy, one way they diffuse it is by blinking rapidly.

Eyebrow Raising

A woman will often show interest by raising her eyes browse for an

extended period of time accompanied by a smile and then lowering


Leg Crossing

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If a woman’s legs are crossed in your direction (top knee pointing

toward you) this may be an indication that she’s attracted to you.

Chapter 13: Voice

Your voice is the vehicle which will help create a first impression and

therefore is extremely important. Guys will spend lots of time trying to

dress and act right to get women but they often completely neglect

working on their voice, which can be much more important than the

other things.

A good voice can penetrate her outer shell and resonate deep within

her, arousing passion and excitement. A dull, wimpy voice can put

her inner desires to sleep, even if what you’re saying is interesting. I

have worked on my voice so much that I can keep any woman on the

edge of her seat while conversing with her.

The first thing that you need to work on is tone. Women respond well

to a deep, bass filled voice. A deep voice literally resonates inside her

and arouses all kinds of feelings. A deep, powerful voice speaks

directly to a woman’s subconscious mind.

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You need to immediately begin working on your voice. My voice was

pretty high and weak before I starting working on it. I want you to

begin recording yourself having a fake conversation with a woman.

Please do this. Too often we read books and skip right through the

part where there is work involved but I’m begging you to do this. It’s a

worthwhile investment for the rest of your dating life. Go out and get a

tape recorder or some other recording device. With a microphone you

can record yourself right on your computer. Just say things like, “Hi,

how are you? It’s nice to meet you”. Now play back the recording and

listen to your voice. Hate what you hear? I thought so. This is what

women hear when you are talking to them. Now work on saying the

same things in a deeper tone. Feel the words vibrate and resonate in

your chest.

Here are some methods that will help you develop a strong, deep

voice. Practice these every day:

Work on Diaphragmatic breathing

This is breathing from your belly. It fuels your voice and releases

tension from your upper body. Place one hand over your belly button.

Inhale slowly one long breath through your mouth while silently

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counting to ten. Your stomach should expand, pushing your hand

forward while your shoulders and chest should not move. Feel your

hand move out as you pull the breath deep into your lungs. Now, hold

that breath and count to ten. Next, exhale the breath through your

mouth while counting to ten. Practice this for a little while until it

becomes comfortable. Now work on adding sound. Start by making

the "Haaa" sound, using up an entire breath on just that one sound.

Take in a full belly breath, and as you exhale say a very gentle and

quiet sustained “Haaaaaa…” until you run out of air. Do it again and

make sure you really open your mouth as you softly sustain the Ha.

Once you've done this a few times, start to release tension from your

neck and shoulders. Lift your shoulders up toward your ears, hold

them for a count of five, and then let them drop, completely releasing

them. Next, combine the shoulder bounce with the Ha. With your

hands relaxed by your sides, take a full belly breath, and then exhale

a gentle sustained Haaaa, running out of air as you did before. Only

this time, while you are doing the Ha, simultaneously do the shoulder

bounce for the entire time you are making sound.

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- Take a deep diaphramic breathe and say the "AH" sound for as long

as you can. Write down how long you can hold it for so you can

gauge your improvement

- Glide from the lowest note to the highest note while saying

"OOOOO". Try to keep it slow and steady even if your voice breaks

keep going. Glide from the highest note to the lowest note while

saying it. Try not to have breaks in your voice but if you do, don’t


- Say, “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” for about 30 seconds. Do

this 10 times in a row. Pay close attention to how the vibrations feel.

Do this every day and eventually you’ll start to become more aware of

the vibrations in your everyday speech. The humming will also help

strengthen and deepen your voice.

Try to be very conscious of using this new deeper voice tone in every

day conversation. Make it a part of your every day routine and it will

slowly become your new real voice.

Animate Your Voice

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You also need to work on animating your voice. Change the pace and

pitch throughout the conversation. Work on pronouncing all syllables

of words and speaking more clearly.

Enjoy the feeling of keeping someone interested in listening to you -

It’s empowering. Remember, you are an important person and you’re

worth listening to!

Part 6: Romance and Style

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Chapter 14: Romance Done Right

Once you get a woman back to your place the battle is not completely

over. You can really mess things up at this point if you’re not careful.

First of all you have to make sure your place is clean. Pay attention to

details here guys. Soap scum on the shower floor, hair from shaving

in the sink, tons of tissues in the trash can, laundry on the floor -

these things are major turn-offs.

Setting the mood

When you invite a girl in for the first time be a gentlemen to put her at

ease. This is not the time to play Mr. Cocky guy. Take her coat if she

is wearing one and tell her to sit down and make herself at home. If

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it’s early enough in the night you can point out that you have a movie

collection and invite her to look through it while you go make yourself

a drink. If it’s after 1:00 a movie is really not that practical so just

throw some TV on and give her the remote and tell her to flip around.

As your making yourself a drink, tell her that you’re making yourself

one and ask if she wants one. Don’t be pushy about the drink thing.

You don’t want her to think you’re trying to get her drunk. Then come

back, sit beside her and keep the conversation flow going just like it

was before she came in to your place. So many guys try to turn into

Mr. Smooth all of a sudden when they get a girl back to their place.

Don’t suddenly change the type of conversation or break up the flow

of things at this point. It’ll take her at least 15 minutes to get


Player Alarms

A major mistake that many guys make is dimming the lights as soon

as they get the girl onto the couch. This is one of several “Player

Alarms” that men often do that make women think, “Oh God, he’s

about to make a move”. Another thing that a lot of guys do is turn on

some romantic music right away. This is another major alarm that

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screams, “I ‘m a player and I’m about to try to get into your pants”. A

really smooth guy doesn’t set off these alarms in women. A smooth

guy let’s her flip through the TV channels for a while, keeps the

conversation going for a little bit and then casually strolls over to the

CD player and asks her if she wants to listen to some music. Also -

don’t turn the TV off and fiddle around with your music collection for a

long time in silence. Have some music nearby so you can get it

playing fairly quickly. Don’t have it already cued up because then it

looks like you had it all set up. Remember - women love spontaneity.

If any of this looks contrived it’s an instant turn-off. Choice of music is

not to be underestimated. Now I know that when many guys think

romantic music they have visions of Barry White and other standard

love song singing pop artists but I have to say many women find this

stuff cheesy. I know a lot of you are reading this saying, “c’mon -

chicks love that stuff”, and I agree that lots do love that kind of music

but it also screams “cheesy!!!”. It also shows a lack of originality.

Here’s your chance to keep some intrigue going. Come up with

something more original. A few artists that are great for this are Portis

Head, Bjork and Massive Attack to name a few. They are sexy,

different, mysterious and they don’t yell, “I learned my romantic

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musical taste from American Idol”.

Chapter 15: Style

If you want to make the battle of attracting women easier for yourself,

you need to sharpen your weapons. If you went into a battle would

you be content with rusty tanks and outdated guns? Of course not. In

the same way, you shouldn’t go out to meet women with a sub par


All you need are 3 great pairs of pants/jeans and 3 great shirts -

spend the big money on them. Don’t but 50 cheap $10 shirts. Until

you get a serious girlfriend. Then you’ll have to get more variety

because she’ll start to notice that you only wear the same shirts. But

in all practicality you only need a couple of good outfits. A great belt is

very key too. Remember - women notice details!!!! Always match

your shoes to your belt. If you have a red shirt - go the extra mile and

get red shaded sun glasses to match. Your friend Joey won’t notice

that you matched them but women will - Trust me! Think about how

much time women spend shopping and reading fashion magazines.

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This should be a big red flag that lets you know that they really, really

care about this stuff and if we as men don’t start worrying about

fashion then we’ll be dropped like a bad habit.

Don’t wear pants or button down shirts that are over 2 years old.

Yeah they might be your favorite pair of jeans or it might be a shirt

that your favorite Aunt Tessie bought you but you have to throw them

away or give them to charity. YOU may not notice what’s wrong with

them, but WOMEN will. Fashion designers use a technique called

planned obscelesence. They change the fit on clothes slightly every

year or sometimes every few months to make older clothes look out

of style so you have to spend money buying new ones. Women are

well aware of this concept; hence they spend half of their paycheck

trying to keep up with the latest fashions. You might not notice the

variations in the size of your shirt collar or the taper of your jeans but

women have eyes like hawks for this kind of stuff.

Get in shape!

Get to a gym right away. I’m not going to into too much detail here,

but you have to get yourself on some kind of training regimen. If

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you’re too lazy to workout and get in shape then just stop reading

here because you really don’t want to meet women that badly. You

don’t have to be Arnold, but there’s really no excuse to at least get

your waist lean and have a little bit of muscle tone. Clean up your diet

and do at least an hour of some kind of weight training and cardio 4

or more days a week.

I hope you enjoyed the ebook portion of The Art Of War For Dating

System. I strongly suggest reading this several times until the

material becomes second nature. Remember – repetition is the

mother of success. Keep a look out for my advanced CD and DVD

series where I will get even more specific and delve into extremely

advanced techniques. You can stay updated on the newest Art Of

War For Dating products by periodically checking on this webpage:

This is a secret page that is only available to people who have read

this ebook course. I will keep that page updated with my newest stuff

so you can get it before I even release it to the public.

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I’d like to sincerely thank you for reading this and I look further to
coaching you even further in the future!

- Spencer Michaels

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