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Learning Objectives

By the end of the training session, you should be able to:

1. Explain how to lead an effective meeting.
2. Explain how to diffuse conflict in meetings.
3. Create examples of ways to keep communication going after a meeting.
4. Implement strategies for building consensus.

Scenarios related to issues in meetings:
1. One employee dominates the conversation during the meeting. They are known
to be a bully, so no one speaks up in the meetings to try and get a word in.
2. People (including facilitator) spend the entire time discussing things other than
topic(s) on the meeting agenda. Nothing gets accomplished, questions don’t get
answered and tasks don’t get addressed.
3. Decisions that are made during meetings are rarely acted upon. Meeting
facilitator might say “do this task” or “do that task”, but no further actions are
taken once the meeting is adjourned.
4. Co-worker arrives late to the meeting (as always). Lack of respect for other
employees’ time.
5. Meeting facilitator not open to suggestions/comments from staff. Makes
employees feel rejected and staff have low self-esteem.
6. An employee always interrupts during meetings.
7. One employee always disagrees just to disagree. No one really believes that
they always just “happen” to not agree. Most co-workers feel they do it
intentionally just to be different (block consensus).

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