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ESP is when English language used for specific subjects, such as English that used in
medical and mathematics subject.
2. Secretary is from word ‘secretarius’ that has meaning of a person who believe with friends
in some problems to tell. The team worker have to sharing with the secretary. Secretary has
to keep the problems in secret, so that it won’t be gossip in office. The often secretary
corporate each other, the more good things could happen in team work.
3. I think we should know about how about how they do greeting, what they can’t eat, their
habit, and their culture. So, we can do relation with manners and we can introduce ours, too.
4. In my opinion, the characteristics are ; we can think under pressure, patient, talks about fact
that happened in field, and find the best result for everybody.
5. -At the beginning of meeting
 Do the greeting
 Introduce the presenter
 Tell what are going to present

-During the meeting

 Give opinions
 Asking for opinions
 Asking for questions
 Keep the meeting run in good way

-At the end of meeting

 Give summary
 Give conclusion
 Close the meeting with greeting.

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