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Regina Wesseh

Jenel Cope

History 1700

August 1, 2018

My Reflection

I really enjoyed doing the primary source papers because it helped me understand more about the

topic I decided to chose which was the Martin Luther King letter he wrote from birmingham jail.

Instead of me just reading the long letters not even paying that much attention to the importance

of what he wrote it was important for me to understand the kind of audience he was directing too

was very interesting. Through the time I had researching more about the letter I didn’t just

learned how important the letter was and the strong meaning it had in it but his personal reason

for why he felt like actually writing the letter in the first place. If the clergyman didn't say all the

things they did to get the attention of having Mr King respond we wouldn't have had the

opportunities to hear such a letter from King that still matters today and being heard in school. I

definitely had a great experience learning more about the letter because it helped me noticed how

big of an audience he was directing his letter not just the experiences a black person feel or just

his own thoughts but was very broad.

Throughout this class the skills I could see myself taking through the future from this

history 1700 course would be slowing down on some readings. I say that because when I take my

time reading from things it makes me have a better understanding of what i'm reading. Another

skill would be being patient because with finding better sources its very important to have the

patience to find good researchers because not things we find aren't always from a credible source
so its important to take time when finding informations that are beneficial for the kind of

research that's needed.

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