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Guided questions on pragmatics.

Week 1. Introduction on Pragmatics.

1. Find at least 5 definitions of Pragmatics. Explain briefly each one of them. What is the
common definition you can get from those definitions.
2. Is pragmatics the same as semantics? Explain your answer with clear example.
3. What is contextual meaning?
4. Can someone say something but with different meanings? Explain with clear examples!
5. What is context? Find at least 2 definitions!
6. What does it mean by contextual sense and contextual reference?
7. What is the meaning of force in pragmatics? Explain clearly!
8. Explain about utterance meaning and force!

Week 2. Speech Act I

1. What is Speech Acts?

2. Who first laid the foundation of it?
3. Austin proposed the term performatives and constatives. What are they? Explain with
4. Explain about explicit and implicit performatives.
5. Explain clearly about felicity condition. Provide examples!
6. Austin says there are three basic senses in which in saying something we perform three acts.
Explain what they are clearly with examples.
7. What does it mean by IFID? Explain with examples!

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