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The GoSun Stove

The GoSun Stove is a revolutionary new solar cooker with vacuum tube technology.
A new generation of solar cookers totally different from those that have existed up
to now. Its components exterior are:

The GoSun consists of a cylinder with a design of materials. The cylinder is made of
borosilicate glass that allows sudden changes in temperature. Inside we find a
vacuum layer, to isolate the interior and other layers of copper, aluminum nitrate and
stainless steel used for better absorption of sunlight.

To work, you have align it with the sun and unfold the two parabolic mirrors that
concentrate the sunlight in the cylinder. Inside the GoSun Stove we find an elongated
and semicircular tray in which we will put the food thar we will then introduce in this
unconventional oven. According to its designers, the GoSun Stove needs 10 preheat
and reaches temperatures of up to 370°C, although for optimum performance it’s
best to concentrate on temperatures between 90°C and 290°C. It also works despite
the fact that the day is cloudy and keeps the food hot for hours, but best of all, it
doesn’t burn to the touch.

It is very easy to transport and does not take up much space. Its price is around
$700.00. Much of the United States, Germany and England use this new technology,
which is ideal for outdoor cooking when camping, without having to make fire and
especially with totally clean energy.

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