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MAY I SPEAK WITH ----------

this is Sebastian, calling from ello and this is with regards

to your phone account (phone nmber)
and we're calling all residence in your LOCAL AREA
'coz you are illegible for the new CHEAPEST RATE and that
includes line rental and GST/TAX
BUT for now we're JUST sending you first the
information in writing so you can
understand carefully for your better
understanding, ok?

to make sure that i give you the best plan

according to your requirements
may i know what sort of phone calls do you normally make,
do you make a lot of local calls,
very few only or this line is only for incoming calls?

(i offer agad....29.95)

for now i will provide u only 29.95 which includes

already the line rental and gst BUT again, you will
receive this first within the next 3-5 days for you to
review everything first, ok?

verify info....

BIRTHDAY: just to make sure im talking to the account holder,

can u verify to me your birthday please?


LOCAL - 07/11/1924


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