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A14 | Saturday, August 4, 2018 | Nevada Appeal

New family
leave credit
for businesses
s an employer,
don’t you just
grind your teeth Kelly
when an employ- Bullis
ee calls in sick and you sus- Tax Tips (And
pect they’re just out skiing Other Stuff)
or doing something fun
while using being sick as an
excuse to get out of work? You should be
Are you one of those many
generous employers who having your
actually pay “sick leave,” bookkeeper keep
even to the “hooky-from-
work” folks? track of all the
Well, in the last Trump
tax law, there was a hidden
qualified family and

provision you’re going to medical leave you
love. It’s a new tax credit
for employers who give em- paid. At the end of
ployees time off for family the year, tell your
and medical leave. (Now at
least you might even get a tax preparer that
credit for paying sick leave

to an employee who’s just
playing hooky from work,
as long as you only suspect 4) The employee’s serious
the hooky and can’t prove health condition that makes
it). them unable to perform the
Here are the specifics to functions of their position
be able to take this credit: (if they’re dealing with the
1) You must have a debilitating symptoms of
written plan that has been a flu virus, they obviously
distributed to all employees are unable to perform their
stating the “rules” you offer job);
Apple becomes first (i.e. pay, number of days off 5) Any qualifying exi-
per year, types of events, gency due to an employee’s
trillion-dollar company etc.); spouse, child, or parent be-
2) Your “plan” must offer ing on covered active duty
By Michael Liedtke at least two weeks of paid in the armed forces.
Associated Press leave annually; Please note, as of this
3) Qualified work- date, this credit is only
SAN FRANCISCO — Apple has ers must earn less than available for 2018 and 2019.
become the world’s first publicly $72,000 a year; Hopefully, Congress will ex-
traded company to be valued at $1 4) Qualified workers tend it (like they’ve done in
trillion, the financial fruit of stylish must have been employed other cases in the past), but
technology that has redefined what by you for at least one year; there’s no guarantee.
we expect from our gadgets. 5) Payment for leave must You should be having
The milestone reached Thurs- be at least 50 percent of your bookkeeper keep track
day marks the latest triumph of a regular pay; of all the qualified fami-
trend-setting company that two 6) Credit starts at 12.5 ly and medical leave you
mavericks named Steve started in a percent of actual leave paid paid. At the end of the year,
Silicon Valley garage 42 years ago. for 50 percent of regular tell your tax preparer that
The achievement seemed unimag- pay and goes up to a max- amount.
inable in 1997 when Apple teetered imum of 25 percent credit Hey! If you were already
on the edge of bankruptcy, with its PHOTOS: AP for 100 percent of regular a generous employer, this
stock trading for less than $1, on a ABOVE: An electronic screen displays Apple stock at the Nasdaq MarketSite, pay; is found money! If you’ve
split-adjusted basis., and its market Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018, in New York. Apple has become the world’s first 7) Maximum time leave been on the fence about
value dropping below $2 billion. publicly traded company to be valued at $1 trillion. The milestone marks pay qualifies is 12 weeks. starting a family and med-
To survive, Apple brought back the triumph of stylish technology that has redefined what we expect from Kinds of events that qual- ical leave pay arrangement,
its once-exiled co-founder, Steve our gadgets ever since two mavericks named Steve started the company 42 ify for the credit on pay- maybe this credit is enough
Jobs, as interim CEO and turned years ago. ment of family and medical to get you started.
to its archrival Microsoft for a $150 leave are: Did you hear? Psalms
million cash infusion to help pay its week as anticipation mounts for the Another company, Saudi Arabian 1) Birth of the employee’s 94:19 says, “When the cares
bills. next generation of iPhone, expected Oil Co. could eclipse Apple if it goes child and the care of such of my heart are many, your
If someone had dared to buy to be released in September. through with plans for an initial child; consolations cheer my soul.”
$10,000 worth of stock at that point Apple hit the $1 trillion mark public offering. Saudi officials have 2) Placement of a child
of desperation, the investment would when its shares reached $207.04 said the IPO would value Saudi Ar- with the employee for Kelly Bullis is a Certified
now be worth about $2.6 million. around midday in New York. They amco, as the company is often called, adoption or foster care; Public Accountant in
Jobs eventually introduced popu- rose to an all-time high of $208.32 at about $2 trillion. But until the 3) Care for the employ- Carson City. Contact him
lar products such as the iPod and iP- before falling back slightly. The IPO is completed, Saudi Aramco’s ee’s spouse, child, or parent at 882-4459. He’s also on
hone that subsequently drove Apple’s shares are up around 23 percent so who has a serious health the web at
rise. The stock has been surging this far this year. APPLE, A15 condition; and on Facebook.

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