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2017 NCAA Football Rule Changes

(In rule book order)

1. Knee Pads (Rule 1-4-4-d) FR-21 Additional Language:

Adding the sentence: “Furthermore, the pants and knee pads must cover the knees.”

Comments: This language is being added back into the NCAA rule. The change does not impact
MIAA rules which require knee pads to cover the knees and be covered by pants.

2. Leaping and Hurdling (Rule 9-1-11-b) FR-91 Change noted in Bold

“No defensive player who runs forward from beyond the neutral zone may leap or hurdle in an
obvious attempt to block a field goal or try. It is not a foul if the player was aligned in a
stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage when the ball was snapped.”

Comments: This new language prevents ALL players who are not positioned within one yard of
the line of scrimmage at the snap from leaping in any manner.

3. Horse Collar Tackle (Rule 9-1-15) FR-92 Change noted in Bold

“All players are prohibited from grabbing the inside back collar of the shoulder pads or jersey,
the nameplate area, or the inside collar of the side of the shoulder pads or jersey, and
immediately pulling the ball carrier down.”

Comments: This added language makes it an illegal tackle to grab the jersey in the nameplate
area and immediately pull the ball carrier down.

There was a rule change discussed last year regarding the use of technology in the press box
and locker room for coaching purposes that was postponed until 2017 at the request of NCAA
Conferences. Subsequently it was decided to not move forward with this rule.

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