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“Of Plymouth Plantation”

Chronicle by William Bradford

2 Who Is William Bradford?

In 1620, William Bradford joined other Separatists and non-Separatists who set sail on the
Mayflower to start a new colony.

3 Historical Significance
Bradford probably helped write the Mayflower Compact, the agreement that set up the
colony.Elected governor; under his thirty year leadership the colony grew into a thriving community.

4 Who Were the Separatists?

Puritanism started in the sixteenth century as a movement to reform the Church of England.
Puritanism accepted the interpretations of John Calvin ( ) on the nature of man, free will and
predestination, and other basic concepts.

5 These “separatists” are known today as Pilgrims

These “separatists” are known today as Pilgrims. They fled from persecution to Holland. Fearing
their children forgetting their cultural roots, they migrated to America. Blown off course, they reached
the tip of Cape Cod in what is now Massachusetts.The ship was marooned in Provincetown Harbor,
so some of the group get out in a smaller boat to begin a settlement. A month later, it was created in

6 What is “Of Plymouth Plantation”?

Of Plymouth Plantation is William Bradford’s chronicle of the early years of the Pilgrims and the
settlement they created.Bradford wrote the first ten chapters in 1930, beginning with their
persecution in England and concluding with their landing in North America in 1620.He continued
writing for seventeen years; but the work wasn’t published until 1856.

7 Literary Considerations
It is written in third, rather than first person, for Bradford probably thought of this as a history of all,
rather than a personal account.It is filled with Biblical allusions, for it reflects the belief that people
can overcome obstacles with faith in God.

8 Vocabulary- “Of Plymouth Plantation”

NOUNSCommodity- something usefulSolace – Comfort or sorrow in distressHue – appearance,
colorProvidence- an instance of divine care or guidanceSentinel – a guard

9 ADJECTIVES Desolate- without inhabitants; barren Aloof – distant

Feigned- pretended; not realVERBProcure- to obtain; to get by special effort

10 As you read…What can you conclude about the Pilgrims’ way of looking at the world?Their
attitude toward natureTheir attitude toward GodTheir attitude toward Native Americans

11 Question One- Unique Diction and Syntax – Page 82

“ …after long beating at sea they fell with that land which they call Cape Cod”“Being thus
arrived…”“earth…their proper element”Syntax“…for which they were not a little joyful”“But here I
cannot but stay and make a pause…”
12 Two :Adjectives About the New Habitants and Continent
weather beatenSharpViolentDesolateWildSavageCruel fierceTONENegativeFear-

13 Three: Allusions God of Heaven Recorded in Scripture Top of Pisgah

ProvidenceThe LordProvidence of GodWhat is the religious perspective of Bradford and the
inhabitants?Bradford and the inhabitants believed that God was supporting their venture.

14 4. Emotional Appeals (Pathos)

Section beginning - “Being thus passed the vast ocean…”In this section, Bradford provides the
future reader with a vivid picture of the hardships each new inhabitant had to face.No friends/No
houses /No kindnessNo town to seek succorLittle solace (save upward to the heavens)Mighty ocean
separating them from the civil parts of the world.

15 Question 6: Modes of Discourse

Narration – tells a storyDescription – details and imageryExposition – explaining
somethingPersuasion – making an argument; trying to convince his audience to think a certain way.

16 DescriptionSection beginning with “Being thus passed the vast ocean…” (83).In this portion of
the text, Bradford uses vivid imagery and details to describe the harsh environment the new settlers
were facing.(Recall the adjectives you found for question two.)

17 Exposition “The month of November….” (84).

This portion explains the way the barricade was built and why it was needed.It contains details to
support the explanation.

18 Narration “So they rested…” (85) This portion features…

Action…dramatic build up….dialogue…Sequence of events (chronological

19 Persuasion Begin with…” So as there died…”(85)

Bradford praises specific individuals, in order convincing the reader of their great contributions to
their fellow inhabitants.“ fetched wood, made them fire, dressed them meat, made their beds,
washed their loathsome clothes”

20 7. What was Bradford’s main purpose in writing this chronicle?

To explain what life was like for the Plymouth settlers with the use of description in a narrative
style.To convince the reader that the settlers relied on faith and perseverance to survive.To convince
the reader that God’s providence assisted the settlers through all their difficulties.

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